Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 14 - [It takes a few steps to black my father]

Not dead.

Qiao Sha squatted down to confirm that Fu Ya, who was lying in the curtain of the bed, was bleeding from the back of her head.

Hill didn’t dare to hit his father with that shot. The shot might have hit the bed frame, crashing the bed frame, hitting the back of Fu Ya’s head heavily, and knocking him unconscious.


Qiao Sha looked at Hill, who had lost his blood in the wheelchair. He held a gun like a corpse, his forehead was soaked in cold sweat, as if his soul had been frightened away, staring at Fu on the ground. Ya.

Probably this is the most rebellious thing he has done in his life.

101 was also shocked, and only then said: “You…Earl Fu Ya is not yet dead, you can’t kill him now.”

Oh, it turned out to be destiny.

Qiao Sha stood up.

The gunshot shocked Luna who was guarding outside the door. She rushed in and saw Fu Ya on the ground, her face pale in fright, and she couldn’t help whispering: “God…God…” She rushed to Qiao Sha’s side and helped. She asked: “You, how are you?”

Very good.

“Go and lock the door, no one is allowed to come in.” Qiao Sha told Luna. Fortunately, Fu Ya would usually shoot in the dark room to scare the original owner, even if the servants outside heard it, they would not be suspicious.

Luna’s mind was blank, and she tremblingly obeyed the instructions, and went to lock the bedroom door and the dark room door. She didn’t know what was happening, and she had nothing but: Madam must be terrified, she must not panic, she must Help Mrs. escape to escape…

She ran back to the dark room again. In the silent room, the lady poured a glass of wine and handed it to Master Hill, who couldn’t get her soul back, and gently said to him: “Drinking some wine may make you feel better.”

The wife stood there and took away the gun from Hill’s hand, and then loaded it with a click.

The lady pointed at the Lord Earl, turned her head to look at her, and said to her, “Cover your ears Luna.”

What will the madam do?

Luna stunned and covered her ears, and heard a “bang–” shot. Her heart and body trembled together. She saw the lady under the light and shot the Lord Earl through the right leg.

The wife covered one ear with one hand, and the hem of the white skirt was stained with red blood. There was no trace of fear or panic on her face.

Luna looked at such a lady, unable to remove her eyes.

“You…” The wine glass in Hill’s hand was shaken, and he looked at Qiao Sha in horror, “You, what are you doing?!”

Qiao Sha didn’t shoot any more. She threw the gun in Fu Ya’s pool of blood and turned to look at Hill, “I’m saving you, Hill.”

Poor Hill looked like a corpse, and he looked at Qiao Sha incredulously.

“Hill, you almost killed your father.” Qiao Sha walked to his side and gently supported his face, “If he wakes up, do you think he will let you go? Hill, he will do nothing. Kill you without hesitation.”

“No…I, I didn’t want to kill my father…” Hill trembled like wine in his hand, he looked at Qiao Sha, not knowing why he was crying, “I just…”

“I know, I know the Hill.” Qiao Sha held his face, fingers soft and warm, “Why would you want to kill your father? You just wanted to save me, and accidentally wiped out the gun.”

Hill looked at her, as if being wrapped in her gentleness, as if his mother unconditionally tolerated him after making a mistake, and told him it was okay…

She said to him: “Of course I believe you Hill, but your father will not believe you. He will only think that you are going to shoot him for me.”

Yes, she is right… Father will not listen to his explanation, it is impossible to forgive him, father will kill him, will kill him…

“Poor Hill, don’t be afraid.” Qiao Sha held up his trembling hand holding the wine glass, told him to drink the wine in the glass and calm down, “I will save you, I won’t let you face it alone. , I will always be with you.”

The wine was too strong, and it stings when it rolled into his throat, and it burned on his chest like a fire, like a ball of courage and desire.

She said she would stay with him forever.

He looked at her, tears falling a little bit, he threw down the wine glass and reached out to hug her, she just hugged him tenderly and stroked his trembling back.

Her arms are hot, and her body is soft and sweet, like a piece of cheese.

He was trapped in her tenderness, and in her body, he suddenly no longer regretted the shot he fired. He let his tears soak his face, “What should I do…”

Very easy to handle.

Qiao Sha stroked his slightly curly hair, feeling like petting a puppy, “It’s okay Hill, interrupted his leg, even if he wakes up, he won’t be able to deal with you for the time being.”

First weaken his combat effectiveness, at least let him lie in bed for a few months, and there is no way to torture her.

“But he will wake up sooner or later…” Hill looked up at her, “He doesn’t need to do it himself, he can kill me and you…”

“Then find a way to keep him from waking up.” Qiao Sha looked down at him, his puzzled eyes clearly did not understand what she meant.

101 didn’t understand what she meant. It became increasingly unable to see through the host, “Host, what do you want? Earl Fu Ya still has an important plot to be completed. He can’t be offline for the time being. How are you going to end it now?”

She knows, she doesn’t know if 101 has ever seen a news that the man was poisoned and fed with small doses every day. The wife got sicker and sicker, and died a few months later.

101: “…”

“Find a way to make him groggy every day.” Qiao Sha made an analogy: “It’s like being drunk, maybe he would think that you shot him, it’s just a dream.”

“How could it…” Hill couldn’t understand even more.

Luna, who was standing at the door, understood. She stepped forward excitedly: “Yes! There is such a way, ma’am!”

Qiao Sha let go of Hill, looked at Luna in surprise, and stretched out her hand to her.

Luna was still scared, but she did not hesitate to hold Qiao Sha’s hand and held it tightly, “There is a kind of grass called Crow Crow Grass. Eating it will make people hallucinate and forget the pain, like being drunk. Similarly, in the past, the women in the slave house used this herb to relieve pain and assist in childbirth… But it has a slight toxin and can be addictive, so your Majesty banned this herb a few years ago. Now it is difficult. turn up.”

Isn’t this morphine?

“I can help Madam to find it.” Luna clenched Qiao Sha’s fingers with both hands. In the dirty and poor slave house, as long as there is money, everything can be obtained for you. The poor are struggling to make money.

“Thank you Luna.” Qiao Sha felt her fingers tremble, “Are you afraid?”

Luna trembled and shook her head, “Madam is not afraid, and I am not afraid.”

Qiao Sha stretched out her hand to hug her, put her head lightly on her shoulders, and leaned on her sister, “There is nothing to be afraid of, Luna, I have suffered enough.”

Luna’s eyes heated up, and she gently stroked Qiao Sha’s hair as if she had seen hope. As slaves, they had been trying to survive all their lives.


Near noon, more than an hour after leaving Surya away, the manor was in chaos.

It was David that Master Hill came to find himself. Master Hill was panicked, with tears on his face, and told him that there was something wrong with the master.

When David followed Master Hill to the dark room, he was stunned. The master fell in a pool of blood, and the lady shrank on the sofa, crying and trembling. The master was holding a gun in his hand and the other. Wearing a brooch, a rose brooch.

Relics from the ground were scattered on the ground next to it.

Those are the relics of the deceased eldest lady, Surya’s biological mother. After the elder lady’s death, the master blocked all her belongings and locked them in this dark room.

The wine on the wine rack was all broken to the ground.

David didn’t have time to ask more, so he immediately invited a doctor.

While waiting for the doctor to treat the master, David had time to figure out what happened. Only Master Hill, Mrs. Qiao Sha and Luna were present.

Master Hill said that Luna came to him in a panic, saying that her father was crazy, and said in the dark room that she had seen the lady.

When he rushed over, he saw his father holding a gun and knocking down all of the old lady’s belongings, calling the big lady’s name into the air, telling her not to come over, and then his father fired a shot. He went forward because he was afraid that his father would injure himself. In the process of grabbing the gun and snatching, his father accidentally got fired and hit his right leg. When he fell down, he was smashed by the bed frame and passed out.

Luna said the same. She said that the master drank a lot of alcohol and was unstable in walking.

As for Mrs. Qiao Sha, she was so frightened that she was crying blankly.

David didn’t think about anything else at all. As far as he knew, Mrs. Qiaosha couldn’t even fire a gun, and Master Hill had regarded the master as his idol since he was a child.

What happened, I will know when the master wakes up.

David only prayed that the master would be okay and wake up quickly. Master Surya was not there. Master Hill was seriously injured and could not walk. If the master had another accident, the manor would be completely messed up.

Fortunately, with the blessing of the Holy Spirit of Light, although the master’s leg was serious, the head injury did not hurt his life. The doctor was busy late at night and finally let the master escape safely.

The doctor said that as long as the master wakes up tomorrow morning, the injury to the back of the brain is not serious, but the leg that has been penetrated may be left with disabilities.

David left the doctor in the manor, and waited until the master woke up before sending the doctor away. He hurriedly settled the doctor, and then returned to the master’s bedroom. He saw Mrs. Qiao Sha kneeling on the bedside in the dim bedroom. Holding the master’s hand, he closed his eyes and prayed with tears.

Poor lady, I must pray that the master will wake up soon.

David walked gently, Mrs. Qiaosha raised her head in surprise, her face full of tears, like a scared rabbit, “I’m sorry, Madam, I’m scared, I will let Master Hill and I guard the master tonight. Well, you must be terrified, and you should have a good rest.”

“No.” She shook her head slightly, and begged to say to David in general: “Please let me guard him. I won’t feel relieved until he wakes up. I want him to be the first to see me when he wakes up… …”

David couldn’t bear to refuse her, and handed her the medicine prescribed by the doctor, “Well, this is the master’s medicine. Take it every six hours. Madam must remember.”

Qiao Sha took the medicine and nodded seriously.

“I will guard outside the door. If the master has anything to do, the lady will call my name.” David bowed to her and left the room.


Hill is still in the room. He needs to wait until his father wakes up before leaving. This is his filial piety as a son.

He looked at Qiao Sha by the bed, her face with crystal tears hanging down, looked fragile and moving, and made people want to reach out and touch her cheek, but he couldn’t…at least not at the moment in his father’s bed. Do it before.

Luna closed the door and walked over nervously, and took out the glass bottle with the size of her thumb from her arms. The glass bottle was filled with green liquid. She attached it to Qiao Sha’s ear and said, “The juice of the crow and crow grass can only be used at a time. One drop is enough, don’t add more.” It will be poisoned to death.

Qiao Sha took the bottle, what a beautiful color, like absinthe.

“Just now, what were you praying for?” Luna asked her in a low voice.

Qiao Sha smiled, “I’m telling my godfather, I have learned to shoot.” She looked out the window.

There seemed to be thunder, and white light flashed through the glass windows.

Luna stared at her in a daze, could it be…is the madam shooting for the first time tonight? She thought that the lady might have learned to shoot from the earl…

“The godfather of the gods?” Hill asked her curiously, who is that? Holy Spirit of Light?

Qiao Sha didn’t answer him, she was still looking out the window, white light flashed across the window sill, is he here? Is he looking at her?

A muffled thunder rang and thundered.

She gave the medicine and the bottle to Luna, and told her to mix the medicine with the crow crow juice and feed it to Fu Ya, and said: “I’ll go to the bathroom to clean up, my skirt.”

The hem of the skirt was full of blood.

Luna nodded.

Hill watched her walk into the bathroom, closed the door, blushed, and he thought of her smell, even if there is blood, her body smells good.


The bathroom door was locked.

Qiao Sha opened the only window, and the damp night wind blew into her arms. She squinted her eyes and whispered, “Are you coming to see me? Yves.”

The light fell on her hand, and a white shadow swayed gently behind her.

She turned around and threw herself into the arms of White Shadow without confirming. His body was smelling of grass. When she embraced him, he also unconsciously spread his arms.

His black hair hung over her shoulders.

Qiao Sha raised her head to look at him, his male and female face still has no expression, but her eyes are reflected in her, she knows that once an exception is made, it will make an exception again and again.

Her fairy godfather appeared in the bathroom and saw her secretly.

“You shouldn’t call me again.” Yves looked at her helplessly, “I won’t help you anymore…”

Qiao Sha suddenly stood on tiptoe and kissed his lips.

It was light and fast, but Yves was stunned.

This was the first time Qiao Sha saw a look of astonishment on his face.

Qiao Sha hugged him tightly: “I didn’t call you to ask you to help me. I just wanted to see you. You don’t know what happened just now, how scared I am.”

She looked into his eyes, “Please don’t be angry about this kiss. God won’t blame believers for their love, will they?”

Yves stared at her in a daze, she was like a reckless deer, rushing into his arms enthusiastically and hitting his lips.

Perhaps, this kiss has no lust, just her joy and passion.

101 bursts of speechlessness, what is the host doing?

Qiao Sha blinked, pressed her chest against him, and said coquettishly: “Do you know how scared I am tonight?”

He looked down at her, she was full and sweet, pitiful and lovely.

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