Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 111 - [End of text][VIP](1)

Jingkong ignited the entire ship with a fire, and the fire ignited the reeds on the riverside, and the fire reflected the river. In the fire, he took Xie Lan Chi to jump into the water and escaped.

Before the arrow on Xie Lanchi’s shoulder was drawn, he was poured a few sips of water from the river and fainted in a burst of cold and heat.

He seemed to have fallen into a dark space, and had many fragmentary dreams in the silent blackness——

In his dream, he and Qiao Sha were in another world.

She lay on his bed with wet hair, crying and said to him: “I will be sad too…but no one cares about my sadness. God is waiting to see my heartbreak.”

In the dream, he fell in love with her again, and he planned in his heart. When this world is over, he swallows another point and takes over all the main **** system, and then brings her into his system world and makes her the main **** system. Stay by his side forever.

God didn’t want to see her heart broken, and God also had a preference.

He didn’t want to use her to hurt her, he planned to end this world soon.

However, she lied to him.

She shot him, shot after shot…

He was stained with blood. He watched her jump off a tall building and was taken away. He rushed out and hugged her. She suddenly pressed the chip in his neck. He heard her say fiercely and decisively in the explosion. “Swallow the white eagle, swallow another clone of you!”

She helps the person she likes, destroys him, and swallows him.

He is not reconciled, he is not reconciled…

At the moment of the explosion, he bound the new system to her, and transported her and his godhead into the new world.

new world……

He must be the one who hates her the most, so that he can kill her without hesitation. As long as he no longer loves her and kills her, he can breed a new clone in this world, as long as his godhead is still there, He can return to the altar…

He copied all her pain, she was fragile, painful, and full of weakness, so that he could attack her, then kill her, and return to the altar again.

He became the stepson who hated her most in the world.

He hated her, hated her…


In the dream, she said to him with red eyes on the boat: “I couldn’t save you before. Now I save you once, and we are both cleared.”

She jumped into the rolling river.

In the dream, she held his face, kissed him lightly, and muttered to him: “I want to be nice to you…”

She hugged him and stroked his trembling back.

She held his wrist, gasped and melted into his arms, calling him absentmindedly: “Xie Lanchi, Xie Lanchi…”

He lowered his head and kissed her hot lips, she was like a piece of honey, like soft cheese, she was covered with crimson, looked at him with wet eyes, holding his neck coquettishly and said: “Kiss it…”

He leaned down and buried him in her arms, his sweet breath intertwined into his most beautiful and soft dream…

All the pain of childhood was comforted at this moment, and he shed tears with sweat in her arms.

She kissed away his tears with the softest kiss.

Never again will such a gentle person, sweet person, take him into beautiful dreams…

He loves her, he loves her.


He had a high fever in those fragmentary dreams, tasting all the sweets and sorrows, as if remembering many banned memories-she lied to him, she hurt him, she ruined him…

But in the end it all ended up in that beautiful dream…

He didn’t know how long he had been dreaming. When he felt vaguely, he felt pain in his back, and it seemed that someone was changing his dressing.

He was groggy and heard Jingkong’s voice.

“Doctor Ye, when will your lord wake up?”

Who is Jingkong asking? Doctor Ye? that is not……

He heard the voice of Doctor Ye again: “His fever has gone away, so he should be awake.”

“Perhaps he doesn’t want to wake up himself.” Another voice came so clearly.

It was Li Rongxiu, he would never forget Li Rongxiu’s voice even if he was a ghost.

Why is Lee Rongxiu here?

Li Rongxiu’s voice came again, and he said, “He won’t know what Qiao Sha is suffering unless he wakes up. If he doesn’t wake up, he can never suffer…”

Qiao Sha, Qiao Sha is suffering?

What is she suffering?

He heard the sound of the wheelchair turning, and Li Rongxiu seemed to be leaving. He struggled hard to open his eyes, but his eyelids were as heavy as gold.

“My lord? My lord seems to be awake?” Jingkong hurriedly called him in surprise, “My lord, my lord?”

He grabbed a sleeve of his shirt, opened his eyelids groggyly, and saw the person in front of him, Li Rongxiu, little by little.

Li Rongxiu was sitting in the wheelchair, beside the bed, holding the sleeves he was holding, watching him quietly, and pulling out the sleeves little by little.

Xie Lanchi’s hand fell weakly on the bed, supporting his still groggy head, and said with difficulty: “She…”

The voice was dumb and weak.

“She is suffering?” His throat hurts like a fire, but he still has to ask: “Is she okay?”

Li Rongxiu looked at him and slowly smiled bitterly, “No, if you didn’t take her away, maybe she could be better now, but if you take her out of the palace, she was taken back by Gu Ze, Gu Ze How can I trust her anymore.”

Xie Lanchi’s mind wasn’t quite clear, but he knew what Li Rongxiu meant. He took Qiao Sha out of the palace and wanted to take her away. Gu Ze caught her back and naturally couldn’t trust her anymore.

“Gu Ze, what did you do to her?” Xie Lanchi just wanted to know how she is now? What’s wrong?

“Feed medicine.” Li Rongxiu didn’t hide it, and told him straightforwardly, “Gu Ze took her back to the palace. She had a fever. Gu Ze put chronic poison in her medicine, although I secretly replaced it. But…”

Li Rongxiu lowered his eyes, frowning his eyebrows, “After she went to bed, Gu Ze forced her to drink the medicine for refuge.”

Xie Lanchi’s head and ears buzzed, and Gu Ze forced her to drink the anti-child medicine…Of course he knew that Gu Ze was afraid that she would be pregnant with Li Rongzhao’s child and give birth to the prince.

But Gu Zeming clearly knew that she had already been injured by the medicine, and it was impossible to have another pregnancy, so why tortured her? The medicine hurts so much, did Gu Ze want her to die?

“Her body can’t be pregnant anymore, but Gu Ze is afraid that it will happen in case.” Li Rongxiu said to him: “When I rushed away, she had been forced to drink the refuge medicine. She had a lot of blood and illness. It took several days to wake up yesterday…”

“Stop talking…” Xie Lanchi grabbed the mattress, supported herself with difficulty, and murmured: “Stop talking…”

Even if he only heard it, he felt like a knife was twisted.

She is so weak, she shed a lot of blood… must be terribly painful, he is not in the palace, who is taking care of her?

Lee Rong Zhao? He couldn’t even protect that trash, so he just allowed Gu Ze to drug her, what else could he expect?

Is Cuicui by her side?

He heard the cry of a woman. He raised his head and saw Cuicui, who was full of tears, kneeling beside Li Rongxiu’s wheelchair, crying and begging him: “Noble man, please take me back to the palace, please let me go back and take care of the lady. Come on! What should she do in the palace alone…who can take care of her?”

His heart was repeatedly crushed. She was alone in the palace. Now, I am afraid that all people in the palace are Gu Ze’s people. Who can take care of her? Who will let her lose her temper and take care of her patiently?

He hates himself, why should he take her out of the palace impulsively? He should be more prepared and take her out of the palace…

“Xie Lanchi.” Li Rongxiu suddenly called him, and Li Rongxiu’s expression was very bad. He said to him: “I saved you here. I didn’t pity you. I wanted to use you to deal with Gu Ze and rescue Qiao Sha.”

Lee Rongxiu saved him?

Xie Lanchi looked at Jingkong, and Jingkong nodded and said: “The subordinates took you to the lower reaches of the river, and met Yu Linwei who was chasing you. His Royal Highness Chu saved you here and invited Doctor Ye to come. “

“Our hatred cannot be resolved in this life, and I still hate you to die.” Li Rongxiu said flatly to him: “But I don’t want to see Qiao Sha suffer. I hope to join hands with you to get rid of Gu Ze and save Qiao. Sa rescues her from the palace and settles our grievances after she leaves the palace.”

Xie Lanchi watched him, and the hatred between him and Li Rongxiu did not end. At the beginning, he assisted the second prince, helped the second prince frame Li Rongxiu’s mother and concubine, and forced Li Rongxiu to kill his mother and concubine himself.

And Li Rongxiu doubled his return.

He never thought that one day he would join forces with Li Rongxiu, but now, besides Li Rongxiu, who can save Qiao Sha?

He couldn’t save Qiao Sha alone.

“How do you get rid of Gu Ze?” Xie Lanchi asked him hoarsely.

Li Rongxiu’s eyes moved, raising his eyes to look at him and said, “The treason you and Gu Ze have done together over the years is enough to make Gu family slash at every turn. I only need you to hand over the evidence to Duan. Old general, don’t care about the others.”

Xie Lanchi looked at him steadily, Li Rongxiu seemed to have deployed it, and he only needs to provide evidence.

“Good.” Xie Lanchi replied: “But I want to see her.”

Li Rongxiu nodded, “You take a rest for a few days, and after five days it will be the grand ceremony. I will secretly send you into the palace to see her.”

“Five days later?” Xie Lanchi asked confusedly: “I… how many days have I been in a coma?” There is still half a month before he fell into a coma.

“My lord, you slept for six days. Today is the seventh day.” Jingkong replied and said: “After Gu Ze brought Miss Qiao back to the palace, he forced the new emperor to advance the ceremony.”

Is Gu Ze afraid of long nights and dreams?

Xie Lanchi sat up with Jingkong and said to Li Rongxiu, “Don’t wait any longer, do it today, start with Gu Ze’s arm and cabinet minister Wang Anyu.”


On the day of Bai Lu, Gu Jiaojiao went into the palace again to see her.

Gu Jiaojiao always came to see her these days when he was back in the palace. At first, he was to find out the whereabouts of Xie Lan Chi. After learning that Xie Lan Chi’s life and death was unknown, Gu Jiaojiao and Gu Ze quarreled for two days, threatening Gu Zefang with death. Xie Lanchi, don’t chase him anymore.

But she was not cruel to Gu Ze. Not only did Gu Ze not agree, she also advanced the ceremony of Lihou. Gu Ze told her that if she died, there would be no queen on the day of the ceremony. They Gu Jiaquan died with her.

Gu Jiaojiao had compromised. She was not so cruel and dragged her family to die with her. Even after the hunger strike, Gu Ze would have no way to give up the hunger strike if he wanted to kill her close maid.

She had no way to coerce her elder brother. She was trapped by her elder brother and the Gu family and had to marry Li Rongzhao, who she didn’t like at all.

She only hopes that Xie Lanchi will survive and not be found by her brother.

She had no one to talk to, only Joe Sheken listened to her and understood her pain.

So she came to see Qiao Sha almost the next day.

After Qiao Sha returned to the palace, the people inside and outside Yongning Palace were replaced by Gu Ze’s people. She did have a fever after jumping into the river.

Gu Ze took care of her all night, and she finally got off her fever.

Gu Jiaojiao was the one who took care of her afterwards.

It was cold day after day after Bai Lu, Gu Jiaojiao stewed the body-reinforcing soup and brought it to Qiao Sha.

Qiao Sha was leaning on the side couch under the window sill, watching the maid feeding the parrot, stroking the rabbit in her arms, and sighed when she saw Gu Jiaojiao who walked in.

In the past few days, Gu Jiaojiao lost weight and became a bone, and his haggard face was also full of sickness.

Why bother, it’s not worth it for a man.

The parrot was learning to speak auspicious words. When Gu Ze gave the parrot to her, the parrot would only say, “Wangan, the concubine.”

Now it has been taught by the maids to speak a lot.

Gu Ze sent her a parrot, after she went to bed, she went to bed in the night when she retired from the high fever. It was also the day that Li Rongzhao advanced the ceremony afterwards.

You don’t need to guess that she knows that it must be Gu Ze’s deal with the new emperor. If Gu Ze allows the new emperor to be with her, the new emperor will stand in advance.

Maybe her acting was too realistic on the day when she was in bed, she would be wronged and willing to be used by Gu Ze, and the acting would be fake.

She was crying and was sent to Li Rongzhao’s bedroom by Gu Ze.

I heard that Gu Ze stood outside the palace all night.

She originally wanted to get up in the middle of the night, open the window to take a look at Gu Ze, and then act out the fragility and grievances after the attendant sleep, but she was too comfortable being served by Li Rongzhao that night, and the young people were always afraid of her pain and discomfort. , Tired, just suffocated to satisfy her first.

He was not willing to toss her too much.

She only vaguely remembered that she was taken by Li Rongzhao to take a bath, and then put in his arms, she slept comfortably until dawn.

After waking up, Gu Ze waited outside the hall to take her back to Yongning Palace.

She looked at him more haggard than her.

She sat in the sedan chair, faintly asleep, still being carried into Yongning Palace by him.

She leaned in his arms, satisfied his self-brain, and said to him: “Can you stay with me to talk?”

Gu Ze’s eyes were red.

On the same day, people were ordered to send parrots and many rare treasures, as if to make up for her.

It wasn’t necessary at all, Li Rongzhao tried his best to accompany her every night, even if he couldn’t come, he would send rabbits and food.

When Li Rongzhao didn’t come, the Changshou would find a way to send Li Rongxiu’s letter.

The letter contains only the names of people. The day before yesterday was Wang Anyu, and the day before yesterday were Jinyiwei Dutong and King Kang. She forgot who it was yesterday…

With the increase in names, the number of times Gu Ze came to the palace decreased. Yeah, it was all messed up outside. How could he come to have a love affair with her?

“Wan An, Empress Empress!” cried the parrot.

Gu Jiaojiao raised her head and glanced at the parrot. Without the slightest joy, she handed Tang Sheng out to Qiao Sha: “How better today? I see that your complexion has improved a lot.”

Her complexion has indeed improved a lot, but she looked after Gu Jiaojiao, and her eyes that hadn’t been affected by the weather before were all sad.

She was so thin that her eyes were deep.

Qiao Sha sighed in her heart, put down the rabbit in her arms, took her soup, stirred the soup without looking at her, and asked: “Tomorrow is your Li Rongzhao ceremony. ?”

Gu Jiaojiao paused when she asked, lowered his head and smiled bitterly: “It’s not my turn to think, my elder brother has already thought about it for me.”

Qiao Sha wanted to persuade her something, but she shut up. She knew that she could not understand the other party’s suffering without being trapped in the other party’s situation.

She can be selfish and happy only for herself. If it were her, she would naturally not be kidnapped by this big brother and sacrifice herself to complete the family, and she would let the family bury her.

But Gu Jiaojiao was different. She was spoiled and grown up. Her half-life pamper was given to her by the Gu family and Gu Ze. In the past ten years, she has not been scolded by her elder brother.

Qiao Sha thought, in her world, why didn’t she try to live for her parents and survived treatments, otherwise she would have committed suicide a long time ago.

She was liberated only after she died, and in these worlds she became who she really was.

Selfish, headstrong, mean, and don’t compromise for anyone.

She drank Gu Jiaojiao’s soup and heard Gu Jiaojiao asking her: “You said, if I didn’t do Gu Jiaojiao, it would be great.”

She raised her eyes to look at Gu Jiaojiao. Gu Jiaojiao was looking at the parrot and the cloud outside the window, smiling clearly, but tears fell.

“I’ll be a bird and a cloud.” Gu Jiaojiao’s voice was full of longing and choked up: “Freedom, it only falls on the shoulders of the people I like…”

She raised her hand to wipe the tears, and smiled and asked Qiao Sha: “What do you want to do in your next life?”

Qiao Sha looked at her, thought about it seriously, and replied, “Being a woman, and still being a woman.”

Gu Jiaojiao was stunned without understanding, “Being a woman… okay? That way you can’t help yourself.”

“Being a bird will also be captured and used as a plaything.” Qiao Sha handed the bowl to the court lady, leaning on the soft couch and said: “Being a cloud is too easy to dissipate. It is better to be a bird catching woman, as long as I don’t care about anyone, No one can make me sad.”

Gu Jiaojiao sat there blankly, looking at her.

There was no trace of sadness between her eyebrows, and she calmly said: “I don’t like falling on the shoulders of the people I like. I like to be loved by many, many people. It’s best to like me all over the world and fall under my feet for the sake of my blood. It’s good to be a woman.”

Gu Jiaojiao looked obsessed with her. She had never heard a woman say such a thing. Even if she heard such a thing, she surprised her, but she was so envious.

Envy her dare to think and say so.

She couldn’t even think about it. If her elder brother heard her say this, she would definitely think she was crazy.


Can women really not be like this?

Isn’t that what Qiao Sha is like? The new emperor likes her, the old prince likes her, and elder brother Lan Chi also loves her, and even her elder brother can’t hide his preference and care for Qiao Sha.

She is admired by so many men, isn’t she still alive? At least much happier than her…

Can’t women be like Qiao Sha?

She sat blankly, thinking.

She didn’t stay in Yongning Palace for long before she was taken out of the palace. From today, she will prepare for tomorrow’s Lihou ceremony.


Qiao Sha sent her away, teased the parrot for a while, and slept for a while on the soft couch under the window.

Today, Bailu, the autumn breeze is cool, and the smell of sweet-scented osmanthus is blowing in.

It’s quiet.

She slept groggy in the autumn wind, and when she woke up, it was already in the middle of the moon.

No one came today.

She sat on the couch with hysteria for a while, and found that the hall was surprisingly quiet, as if there were no guards patrolling outside.

There was no sound of footsteps.

She didn’t even have a maid in this palace.

What about the little palace lady who just covered her with a blanket?

She turned her head and looked outside the hall, the hall door was closed, and the palace lantern under the corridor did not light up.

Strangely, the palace lantern was already lit at this hour in the past.

She didn’t call anyone, and just about to stay barefoot, a gust of wind blew in from the open window behind her.

A black shadow swept in, and she shrank back in surprise.

Someone behind her gently covered her mouth, “Don’t be afraid, it’s me.”

This voice…

She turned her head and saw Xie Lanchi who was covering her mouth behind her back.

That dark shadow is not someone else, it is Jingkong.

She took down Xie Lanchi’s hand and asked him in surprise: “How did you enter the palace? Did no one find you?”

Her surprise was not acting, she was really surprised how Xie Lanchi got into the palace? Isn’t it all Gu Ze’s people in the palace now?

Could it be that Li Rongxiu and Xie Lanchi successfully joined forces?

He held her face and looked at her carefully, “I’ll take you away, take you out of here, you have suffered.”

His eyes were actually red.

Qiao Sha looked at him, secretly guessing where Li Rongxiu was now, and asked: “This is all Gu Ze’s people, you go quickly, don’t be found.”

Xie Lanchi smiled and squeezed her hand, “Don’t be afraid, Gu Ze’s people are already dead outside.”

“They’re all dead?” Qiao Sha hurriedly looked out the door. No one could see, but vaguely saw the blood leaking from the crack in the door. Did Xie Lanchi lead someone to kill all the people in Yongning Palace?

“Yes, my person is outside.” Xie Lanchi squatted down and put on her shoes neatly, “While going out of the palace now.”

“Can we escape?” Qiao Sha asked him worriedly: “Gu Ze will take people to catch us…”

He raised his head, as if guilty, and held her face, “It won’t happen this time. Gu Ze led someone to force the palace to rebel, and he is now being blocked by Li Rongxiu in the new emperor’s palace.”

“Forcing the palace to rebel?” Qiao Sha’s eyes widened in surprise, “Why? Isn’t tomorrow and tomorrow the grand ceremony after Jiaojiao Li?”

Xie Lanchi wrapped her cloak on her behalf, “Because his crimes were revealed, his party members have been arrested. Today, the old General Duan led his troops to copy Gu’s house. If he does not seek rebellion, he will only have a dead end.”

Oh, Qiao Sha remembered that Li Rongxiu didn’t send a letter today, because it was not Gu Ze’s party members who were going to jail today, but Gu Ze himself.

Unexpectedly, Xie Lanchi’s knife was quite fast.

“I’ll take you away.” Xie Lanchi held her hand and pulled her up. Before Li Rongxiu was free, he took Qiao Sha first.

He knew Li Rongxiu too well, once he helped him get rid of Gu Ze, the next thing Li Rongxiu had to deal with was him.

Now is the best time.

He took Qiao Sha’s hand tightly, Jing Sora jumped out the window first, and reached out to take Qiao Sha out.

The door of the hall was knocked open with a “clam”.

Qiao Sha saw the fire and the smell of blood coming through outside, and there was a fire outside.

In the flames, Gu Ze carried a **** sword and walked in bloody, his eyes staring straight at her and Xie Lanchi who were about to jump out of the window.

“Hurry up!” Xie Lanchi was busy holding her up and pushing Jingkong.

Qiao Sha hid, grabbed his arm and said, “It seems that he is the only one.”

Is he alone?

Xie Lanchi looked outside the gate of the palace, there was still silence outside the gate, only the faint sound of fighting came from the firelight in the distance.

Only Gu Ze escaped here? How could Li Rongxiu let Gu Ze escape here?

Xie Lanchi frowned in confusion.

But Qiao Sha knew that Li Rongxiu must have deliberately let Gu Ze come, and it was fun to let him face Xie Lanchi.

Qiao Sha leaned to Xie Lanchi’s ear: “Aren’t you going to kill him for my revenge?”

When his words fell, Gu Ze suddenly rushed over with a sword: “Give her to me!” He knew that he had been defeated, but if he caught Qiao Sha, he might be able to coerce Li Rongxiu to let go of his family.

He slammed his sword towards Xie Lanchi.

Xie Lanchi immediately pushed Qiao Sha to one side of the couch, instantly drew out the saber, and raised his hand.

With a sound of “clang”, the two swords that collided with each other let out a sword chant.

With blood on Gu Ze’s face, he stared at Xie Lanchi word by word: “If you still have a little conscience and don’t want to watch Jiaojiao die, give her to me to change Jiaojiao.”

Xie Lanchi’s eyes were extremely cold, he only whispered: “Jing Kong.”

The Jingkong outside the window and the secret guards in the dark ground all rushed in and drew their swords to face Gu Ze.

Gu Ze dodged in a hurry. He just blocked the rushing guard, and a sword rushed into his back, thrust it through his chest, and stabbed it straight out.

He was so painful that he spit out a mouthful of blood, turned his head to see Xie Lanchi’s merciless face.

Xie Lanchi stared at him and said coldly: “You shouldn’t hurt her.”

Gu Ze opened his mouth to say something, and the sword slammed out of his heart.

Qiao Sha, who was holding on to the couch, smiled lightly. She raised her hand and patted it, and shouted happily: “Peace, Long Shou has come to close the net.”

Two figures flashed down above the beam, one left and one right sword tips all headed towards Xie Lanchi.

“My lord, be careful!” Jing Kong hurriedly blocked him, wanting him to leave first.

But Xie Lanchi reached out to pull Qiaosha.

The moment his fingers reached Qiao Sha, Qiao Sha held her wrist tightly, and a dagger protruded from her sleeve, from his throat, against his chin.

“My lord!” Jingkong was thrown to the ground.

The sound of swords, footsteps, and wheelchair turning came from outside the hall.

Li Rongxiu’s people put the secret guards in the temple on the ground one by one.

He didn’t come in, he stopped at the door of the hall, looking at Gu Ze on the ground and Xie Lanchi under Qiao Sha’s dagger. He deliberately let Gu Ze come over to watch Gu Ze and Xie Lanchi kill each other. He didn’t expect… Joe Yarn will do it herself.

He looked at Xie Lanchi’s pale and stunned face, and for a moment he wanted to sigh, not for Xie Lanchi, but for himself.

He heard Qiao Sha ask Xie Lanchi with a smile, “Why do you still believe me, Xie Lanchi?”

Blood drops came down Xie Lanchi’s neck. He looked at Qiao Sha, not believing, but he had to ask her faithfully: “You are lying to me?”

Before she answered, Xie Lanchi mutely denied: “No, no, you jumped off the boat to save me, was captured and returned to the palace, and you were forced to take refuge in bed…How could you lie to me?”

Qiao Sha looked into his eyes, did not refute, but said: “Yes, I’m so good to you, do you have the heart to see me being tortured by the pain?”

He stared at her blankly.

“You can save me.” Qiao Sha’s dagger moved away slightly, looking at the little blood drop and saying to him: “As long as you die, this world can be reborn, just like your rebirth, Xie Lanchi Are you willing to die again and let me be born again before marrying into your Xie family?”

Xie Lanchi looked at her, looked at her, suddenly smiled, tears in his eyes rolled silently, “Qiao Sha, you are lying to me again, the male protagonist of this world is Li Rongxiu, and only he is dead. Only to bring you back to life, and if I die for you, I will completely lose my godhead…”

Qiao Sha froze for a moment, and then smiled: “Have you recovered your memory? Are you all remembered? Aran.”

Yes, he remembered it all.

He looked at Qiao Sha in front of him, she was still so cruel, after all, she was a stubborn person, and she was still lying to him in the end.

Still laughing at him frankly: “Since I remembered it all, why did you come back to save me? You want to be deceived by me?”

He didn’t know whether he was crying or laughing, but he felt the tears falling down, and the voice in his throat was extremely low and dumb: “I thought maybe, this time you didn’t lie to me…”

“Qiao Sha.” He reached out and held her shoulders and asked her: “Dumping back to the palace for me…Are these also lying to me? You, your words on the boat, tears, are all these fake?”

Qiao Sha looked at him and answered him seriously: “Otherwise?”

if not?

His heart was crushed to ashes.

“Otherwise, how can you think that you are my exception and you are willing to be fooled?” Qiao Sha’s eyes were colder than a knife, “My tears only flow when they are useful, why did you forget?”

He stood there and understood, yes, how could he think he would be her exception? Will she shed tears for him sincerely?

She has always been a heartless person.

Qiao Sha frowned, her fingers pressed against her heart, and her lips were a little white. She held her fingers on the couch beside her, frowning uncomfortably.

She’s sick again, isn’t she?

Xie Lanchi looked at her pale lips, her stomach hurt again, right?

“I’m not in the mood to talk with you anymore.” She suddenly got angry and said to him angrily: “You dragged me into this world and made me miserable. Do you still expect me to fall in love with you?”

She took the dagger and thrust it at his shoulder, and said bitterly: “Why don’t you die for me?”

He stood there, shaken by her, but raised his head and smiled bitterly at her, slowly raised his hand to hold her hand with the dagger, and pulled it out abruptly.

She wanted to struggle, but he was gripped tightly. He held her wrist, moved the dagger to his throat, and looked up at her.

With tears and a smile on his face, he murmured: “I will die for you, will you shed a tear for me?”

Qiao Sha was stunned.

He took her hand and slammed it into his throat, blood gushing on her hand, he held her hand tightly, and stabbed it inch by inch.

He opened his mouth, his mouth was full of blood, and he mumbled something.

She couldn’t hear clearly.

101 said: “He said: He knows you won’t.”

Qiao Sha shook his hand away and watched him fall to her feet.

He looked at her with spitting blood, tears slipping into his black hair.

The voice of the main **** system finally appeared in her ears-[Congratulations, complete this world mission. ]

——[Lord God [Alan] untied, the Lord God changed successfully, welcome Lord Lord Lord. ]

——[This world is over, your system is upgraded to the master dungeon system, is it bound to your contract? ]

——[Send you back to the system space after three seconds. ]


When Qiao Sha was in [1], two options [Bind] and [Untie] popped up in front of her eyes. Before her eyes went dark, she chose-[Untie].

“Host…” 101 called her, but he knew that no one could change what the host decided.

She chose to untie him, and she will definitely untie him.


After the countdown ended, Qiao Sha opened her eyes.

But not in the system space.

It was a room with gray walls and gray carpets. Not far away was a bright sleeping cabin, with the smell of frozen tulips floating everywhere.

This is Rongjia’s bedroom in the world of Pure White Blade.

She sat up from the bed and saw Rong Jia who came by, his beautiful face appeared in front of her again.

She was a little startled, watching him come over, walked to the sleeping cabin, and carried a little girl out of the sleeping cabin.

He looks only three or four years old, with small arms and legs, wearing bear pajamas, and black hair cut into doll heads.

“Hush.” ​​Rongga came over gently and said to her: “Aga is asleep, do you want to see her?”

Qiao Sha nodded as if dreaming.

He took the child over and gently placed it in her arms.

The limp little girl, as if being quarreled, tilted her head and leaned against her.

She looks like Rongga, but a little bit like her when she was a child, not when she was a child in this world, but when she was a child in the real world.

The real her.

It’s amazing.

Will she have children of her own too?

Rong Jia stretched out his hand and gently pushed the black hair on Ajia’s face behind her ears, sat beside her, and asked her gently: “Do you like her?”

She couldn’t say it, she didn’t hate it, but she didn’t have very strong maternal love, she even felt strange.

Rong Jia gently held her hand with her fingers, and asked her: “Do you want to stay in this world, will we be together forever?”

She raised her eyes to look at Rongga, he was already the new main god, the only main god.

“We can grow up with Ajia.” Rong Jia described a beautiful future and said to her: “You are afraid of old age, we will not wait until she is old. When she is eighteen years old, we will return to the system space. If you like to call the shots God, just be the master god, I am willing to be your master **** system.”

“Okay?” He squeezed her fingers, fearing that she would disappear as soon as he let go.

He is even willing to cede the main **** to her as an exclusive system to serve her.

He just wanted to keep her and stay with her all the time.

Qiao Sha raised his hand and touched his face, held his face and kissed him. When he kissed back, she gently said to him: “I like you, maybe I will like Aga in the future, but I I don’t want to stay in this world, and don’t be a god. Rongga…you know I don’t like to stop in one place and experience birth, old age, sickness and death.”

She hates it.

So she don’t want to stay, and she doesn’t want to be the master god, there will be many more things that she can’t do, and she is not suitable.

“You are the most suitable person to be the master god.” Qiao Sha kissed him again, “Go be your god, I’ll leave.”

Rong Jia squeezed her finger tightly. He knew this would happen. When Xie Lanchi was killed by her, he knew that no one could keep her.

She refused to bind the system, and he knew that she did not want to stay in the system space.


“Qiao Sha, it would be very hard to be a human again after reincarnation.” He raised his hand and held her face: “Don’t you want to experience another world? You don’t have to experience birth, old age, sickness and death, just like doing this task, experiencing what you have never experienced In the past world, you don’t need to do quests, I don’t have to give you any quests, just let you experience and play.”

He saw her pause for a while, leaned forward and kissed her, “Don’t you want to see your fairy godfather again? He went to a new world.”

He will give her everything, and he doesn’t even mind that she likes others.

He had just reunited with her, and he just hoped that she could stay a little longer.

He looked into her eyes, and she seemed to think about it.

Reincarnation will also be very painful, and it may not be the world I want to go to. If I really reincarnate as a patient…

“What world is there, I haven’t been to?” Qiao Sha asked him.

He couldn’t restrain his joy. He held her face, kissed her lips, her eyes, her forehead, and said to her: “Many, many worlds, tens of thousands of worlds.”

In every world, he will accompany her.

He can create a new world for her, as long as she wants to go.

Qiao Sha stretched out her hand and hugged him, “Okay, then I’ll check it out again.”

Aga in his arms suddenly moved, opened his eyes, blinking sleepily, looking at Qiao Sha in front of him.

She seems to have seen her somewhere.

[End of text]

The author has something to say:

——No one can ever keep Sha Sha, Sha Sha only stays for himself.

Ouch! My text is finished! I’m so good!

Next, the sweet and sweet Fanwai world will begin. Fanwai is tentatively set to be two worlds, one

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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