Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 10 - [It takes a few steps to black my father]

Drenching drops of water slid down her back, and her thin white back was drawn with shallow red marks by the girdle. She was beautiful like a white rose with dew, delicate and unbearable, but that one was trembling and wet. Her tail makes her look vivid and pitiful.

She was trembling, and the Lordless Lamb leaned on him, clutching his arm tightly.

Surya heard his heart beating like a drum, and his heart swelled with a strange impulse to protect her and warm her.

“Suria! What are you doing!” Hill’s voice suddenly appeared behind him, awakening him like thunder.

He suddenly grasped the hand that was about to reach her, raised his hand with a wave, and the door behind him was “knocked” shut by a gust of wind.

Shut Hill and the servant who had rushed over to the door.

“Suria!” Hill called his name outside.

He pulled the silk quilt on the bed and wrapped the wet Qiao gauze, like a wet lamb, “Luna go find a loose and clean dress for the lady.”

“Okay…Okay!” Luna hurriedly went to the closet to look for clothes.

Qiao Sha in the silk finally gasped, and turned her head tremblingly under his palm to look at him, with grape-like eyes under his wet eyelashes.

“Suria…” She called his name in a voice like hairspring, her eyes wet as if she was in tears, “You saved me? Why…” He should hate her, hate her, at least shouldn’t be the first Someone who rescued her.

Surya’s throat astringent, he was guilty of being asked by this ordinary question.

“There is no reason.” He let go of her shivering and left the wet bed. “I will save anyone who falls into the water.”

“But you hate me, don’t you?” Qiao Sha lay on the bed weakly, and the quilt slipped off her shoulders, “I bullied you, humiliated you, and wanted to kill you.”

He didn’t seem to dare to look at her. He walked to the window and pulled down the heavy curtains to isolate the wind and light outside the window. He didn’t turn his head back: “Maybe the Holy Spirit of Light heard your prayer. He forgave you and guided me to save. you.”

“Lying.” Qiao Sha lay down on the soft silk and looked at him. She did not pray to God for help, nor did she ask God to forgive her. When she fell into the water, Surya appeared before her system could save her. Saved her.

“Suria, you are lying.” Qiao Sha looked at him straightforwardly, “What god’s guidance, you just want to save me, why don’t you dare to admit it?”

Surya frowned, turned around and did not look at her again, and walked to the door: “You should rest.” Without stopping, she opened the door and left the room.

He shouldn’t stay here, the sore on his hand is getting more and more painful, and this pain reminds him that he has repeatedly violated himself for her, peeping, lying…He hates such a self.

Maybe he should stay away from this woman.

He walked out of the door and closed the door.

Qiao Sha heard the system tone.

“Host, the male lead’s hatred value has risen again.” 101 said in surprise: “[male lead hatred value 10015].”

It does not understand why it suddenly rose at this time.

Qiao Sha was trapped in the soft silk quilt and looked at the closed door. Why? Maybe it was because he lied, the perfect father Surya, lied for the first time? Or is it because of someone like her?

She let herself be buried in the quilt tiredly, and said to 101: “101, you won’t protect me, will you?”

101 was stunned.

She said: “Even if I die accidentally, suffer humiliation or injury, you as a system have no protection mechanism. You will stand by and take it as my mission failed, right?”

101 understood what she meant, and explained: “I thought you fell into the water deliberately for the mission.”

“I won’t hurt myself for anyone else.” Qiao Sha’s voice was soft and dumb, “101 You make me very insecure. I’m working hard to do the task for you, but you are not trying to protect me.”

“Sorry host.” Her voice was so weak that 101 felt guilty unconsciously.

“Will you protect me next time?” she asked it.

She did not blame it, nor did she threaten it not to continue this task, she only asked it.

101 hesitated for a few seconds and then replied to her: “The host of the meeting.”

Even if it is very clear, Qiao Sha’s level is too low and does not have the authority of the system protection mechanism, but as an A-level system, it can open such authority for its host.

Qiao Sha closed her eyes. She knew that her level was not protected by the system, but so what, 101 would give her.


Outside the bedroom door.

Hill didn’t leave, he stopped Surya in the corridor, “Do you know what you did? Surya, you tore your stepmother’s clothes.” His fingers gripped the wheelchair arm and were pale.

“I just save her.” Surya stood in front of him, looking down at him, “If she doesn’t tear her girdle, she will die.”

“Do you think you saved her!” Hill hated his indifferent look. “If today’s things were known to her father, she would be better off than life, and his father would not forgive her.”

Surya frowned a little bit, “Only you and Luna have seen the things in the bedroom, so you don’t have to mention it to anyone.”

“Why should I keep a secret for you and the slave stepmother?” Hill’s legs hurt so much that he shouldn’t let Surya and the little slave go.

“Hill, why can’t you be kinder to her?” Surya’s brows were completely frowned, “Come here and be your stepmother, it’s not her choice.”

“Are you saying good things for her?” Hill couldn’t tell the fire in his heart. He turned the wheelchair and hit Surya’s toes: “Surya, are you sick? That slave seduced his father and became our stepmother. , She is a mean and vicious woman, she bullied you so much, but you still speak for her?”

He wished he could use the most vicious words to warn Surya, don’t be soft-hearted to her, don’t care about her! Hate her, hate her, stay away from her!

Surya didn’t speak any more, and went straight around him.

Hill couldn’t vent his anger. He stared at the maids in the hallway and said coldly, “What you see and hear today, don’t say a word, otherwise I will cut your tongue!”

And Luna, he wants to warn Luna not to say one more word in front of her father.

He was distraught and looked at the bedroom at the end of the corridor. How is that little slave now?

He called the doctor over to take a look for her.

Qiao Sha fell asleep, and when she woke up, the moonlight outside the window filled the mullions.

Luna put on loose pajamas for her, and the doctor came and said that she had a fever and she should take medicine and rest.

Luna fed her some porridge, and whispered to her that Master Hill ordered the servants in the manor not to talk about today’s affairs, and also told her that Master Surya had decided to go to the Royal Academy for class tomorrow morning.

The old dean said that he would personally write to Lord Earl, so that Surya can feel relieved to enroll.

“Go tomorrow?” Qiao Sha wiped his mouth. He suddenly decided to go to school. Did he want to stay away from her and run away?

Want to be beautiful.

Qiao Sha said to Luna: “Go and invite Master Surya over, saying that I have a severe fever.”

Luna didn’t understand her intention, but nodded and invited Surya.

Soon, she came back, alone.

Luna opened the door embarrassedly and said: “Madam, Master Surya said, you should call a doctor…”

He rejected her.

Qiao Sha leaned on the bed and heard the sound of a wheelchair in the corridor outside. Is it Hill?

Outside the open door, Hill was pushed over by the servant. He looked at her gloomy and annoyed eyes, and paused for a while. She was wearing a suspender nightdress, leaning on the bed, looking very fragile, making him feel vulnerable. Can’t bear it.

“I brought the doctor here.” Hill avoided her eyes, just about to say let her put on her dressing gown, there was a sound of footsteps in the corridor.

A servant yelled in panic, “Master Earl…”


Hill turned around in surprise, a slender figure appeared in the corridor, clean army boots stepped across the red floor, and walked in front of him, “Father…you, how come back early?”

The old Earl perverted came back early?

Qiao Sha on the bed was also taken aback. She sat upright and looked out the door. She saw a man in a military uniform and a military cap. He had a face with a deep contour and eyes like the sea. He was tall and thin. Domineering.

This was completely beyond Qiao Sha’s expectation. She thought the old perverted earl was an old gentleman in a suit…

“He is a soldier.” 101 introduced her. “In this world, nobles all want to join the army.”

Fu Ya was at the door, looking down at his son Hill, took off his military cap, touched his head with his white gloved fingers, and said to him in a gentle voice: “I heard that there are many I came back early.”

He turned his head, looked into the room, and looked at Qiao Sha on the bed.

Those eyes seemed to be examining, falling on Qiao Sha’s smooth shoulders.

Fu Ya turned Hill’s face slightly, looked at Qiao Sha, and said to Hill, “Hill, what time is it now?”

The tone was gentle, but it made Hill stiff. He understood what his father meant. It was already night and he shouldn’t have appeared at the door of his stepmother’s bedroom.

He tilted his head and explained: “She… is unwell, I will ask a doctor to treat her, father.”

Fu Ya glanced at the doctor a few steps away from Hill. He was an old doctor who had been using his manor for decades. His hair was gray and he knew the rules.

The old doctor handed the medicine directly to Fu Ya, “Master Earl, this is an anti-fever medicine. If the wife still has a fever, just give her another one. I will come back tomorrow morning.”

Fu Ya took the bottle of medicine, thanked the old doctor with a smile, and looked down at Hill again, “It’s late.”

Hill was pushed away by the servant.

After watching the two people leave, Fu Ya slowly walked into the bedroom.

Luna dared not raise her head and salute.

Fu Ya smiled and said to her: “Thank you.” Let her go to bed, and he will take care of the patient with fever.

Luna lowered her head and left. When she walked to the door of the room, she glanced at Qiao Sha uneasy. For some reason, although Lord Earl was always very gentle, she… was still afraid of Lord Earl and Madam.

The door closed gently.

Fu Ya put the medicine bottle and military cap on the table, smiled and walked to the bed, watching her take off one glove all the time, and he stroked Qiao Sha’s forehead and cheek with his cold fingers.

The fingers were cold like the muzzle of a pistol. He held up Qiao Sha’s face and said in a pitying tone: “Poor little lamb, it’s a little hot.”

Qiao Sha looked at him, a little bit unable to understand his attributes, not afraid of metamorphosis, but afraid of not knowing when he was metamorphosed.

He retracted his hand, walked back to the table, poured a piece of medicine from the medicine bottle in his palm, returned to Qiao Sha with half a cup of warm water, and handed her: “Take the medicine.”

Qiao Sha stretched out his hand to get the medicine in his palm, he avoided her hand, and put his palm under her mouth again.

“Hold your head.” He ordered generally: “Hold the pill.”

Qiao Sha looked up at him, he still smiled softly, waiting for her to lower her head and lick the pill in his palm.

Don’t worry, it’s a pervert.

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