Find Out About Divorce

Chapter 7

Chapter 7:

After the two toss, it’s still early.

Shen Mu wanted to pull Jiang Wu up and eat two bites of rice.

Facing such a Jiang Wu, what else can Shen Mu do?

No way.

She had to lie beside Jiang Wu and slept with her.

Jiang Wu was probably really tired, but at nine o’clock in the evening, he had already fallen asleep.

Shen Mu didn’t sleep that much, she closed her eyes for a while, and finally had to open them again.

She tapped Jiang Wu’s nose.

No response.

She kissed Jiang Wu’s lips.

Still nothing.

It looked like she was really asleep, she gently lifted the corner of Jiang Wu’s quilt, and by the moonlight that never tugged the curtains, Shen Mu saw the necklace and The ring was quietly hanging around Jiang Wu’s neck.

Jiang Wu would take these off on weekdays, but probably forgot today.

Seeing this scene, Shen Mu suddenly felt at ease and stopped worrying.

In retrospect, being able to lie side by side with Jiang Wu is like a dream.

Shen Mu touched the ring of her ring finger and turned it slightly. If one day, Jiang Wu can take it out with great generosity, and the two of them can dignifiedly call themselves legal partners, it would be great .

But it doesn’t matter, Shen Mu doesn’t mind waiting.

Everyone is hers, let Jiang Wu adapt to married life, when she falls in love with her, will it be so scary

“Speaking of which, I would also like to thank Lu Yuan, if it wasn’t for her, how would I have met you again.” Shen Mu said softly, and lightly touched Jiang Wu’s cheek.


“Lu Yuan is a smart person with a keen intuition. Just as she sensed the crisis and wanted to leave Tianyue and untie Feng Shao, she also sensed my strong interest in you. ”

, will make myself go faster, I can’t let her do so.”

Shen Mu’s voice was very soft, and the movement of rubbing Jiang Wu’s cheek became gentler, “You treat her as a friend, I can’t watch her take advantage of you.”

Shen Mu said a lot, and in the end she was finally tired.

“Awu, look, I don’t hide anything from you.”

As if thinking of something interesting, Shen Mu suddenly half-stands up and taps Jiang Wu’s delicate nose, “I can tell you my account password, you Want to hear it? 981216.”

Shen Mu actually told the sleeping Jiang Wu his password.

“I don’t know if you remember.”

Shen Mu muttered to herself, and then she got out of bed and tightened the curtains with the gaps.

When she lay back next to Jiang Wu, Shen Mu turned to look at her with a smile.

“It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter if I don’t remember, I remember it, I’ll take care of you, good night, dear.”

Jiang Wu slept very early yesterday. He thought it would be a long and comfortable sleep, but he woke up hungry early in the morning and had a strange and long dream at night.

Shen Mu felt that there was movement around her, and also got up. She opened her eyes and saw Jiang Wu sitting on the bed and patting her head.

“What’s the matter, headache?” Shen Mu shook Jiang Wu’s hand distressedly and asked eagerly.

Jiang Wu looked sad and aggrieved, “I had a dream yesterday, I dreamed that there was an old nun, holding a wooden fish and chanting sutras to me, buzzing, but I couldn’t hear it. Know what she said. It’s horrible, I need to wash my face and calm down.”



Shen Mu was so embarrassed that she couldn’t say a word.

The two of them didn’t eat dinner yesterday, and they got up early again today. Anyway, there was plenty of time, so Shen Mu simply cooked some porridge. For those who have an empty stomach and haven’t slept well, most suitable.

In the porridge, Shen Mu put a lot of sweet pumpkins cut into pieces.

When it comes out, not only the heat rises, but also the unique sweet smell of pumpkin.

As soon as Jiang Wu saw it, he couldn’t think of any old nun chanting scriptures, sitting obediently at the dining table, waiting for Shen Mu to hand her the bowl.

Jiang Wu likes sweet things.

Sweet milk, ice cream, chocolate, etc. are all her favorites.

Shen Mu’s pumpkin porridge was also to his liking, and was immediately praised by Jiang Wu.

“It’s delicious!” Jiang Wu scooped a spoonful and put it in his mouth, shaking his shoulders with satisfaction.

“Well, then eat more.” Shen Mu just dragged her chin and looked at her.

“There are still pumpkins at home.” A tone full of sighs and surprises.

Shen Mu smiled, “Yes, not only pumpkins, but also loofahs, winter melons, and small watermelons.”

“You, you can do it?” Jiang Wu opened his eyes and opened his mouth.

She and Shen Mu have been married for more than a month, and whenever they eat at home, Shen Mu cooks, and the dishes are endless, Jiang Wu feels that he should eat what Shen Mu is good at Almost there, as a result, she still has new tricks waiting for her.

“No, but I can learn what you like to eat.”

After speaking, Shen Mu smiled.

Shen Mu…


Jiang Wu sometimes even thinks that she is more beautiful than those female artists under her.

Her dark brown curly hair falls behind her.

Sitting here at the moment looks lazy and noble, but if it is on the bed, it is **** and charming.

Like a cold lake and clear water, it is quiet and deep.

Every time he was stared at by these eyes, Jiang Wu would think about what kind of eyes he should use to respond.

“Why are you so nice to me?” Jiang Wu couldn’t help asking.

Shen Mu smiled, “Fool, because you are my wife.”

Jiang Wu feels that she is a little abnormal recently. According to common sense, she will never be the type who can be easily deceived by sweet words, but after listening to Shen Mu’s words, she is really a little happy, and Eating the pumpkin porridge in your mouth makes people feel a little sweeter.

On the way to work, Jiang Wu has been thinking about Shen Mu’s words.


Shen Mu fell in love with her at first sight?

The gate of Huace is right in front of you.

Jiang Wu thought while walking.

Suddenly, Jiang Wu felt like someone was pulling his arm.


Jiang Wu looked back suspiciously.

I saw a person wearing sunglasses and a hat, covering himself tightly, for fear of being recognized.

“Follow me.”

Jiang Wu forgot to break free and was pulled into the car.

She didn’t even have time to ask.

Lu Yuan, where are you taking me?

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