Find Out About Divorce

Chapter 18

Chapter 18:

“How is she doing recently?” Jiang Wu said.

Zhang Xi watched the student quickly walk into the teaching building, and the figure disappeared from their sight.

“Full of anger, full of enthusiasm, hard work, every day with a look of bitterness and hatred, burying her head in her studies, and never interacting with anyone, but Lao Liangte likes her.”

Speaking of the teacher, Jiang Wu smiled, “Lao Liang likes hard-working people.”

“No, now Tang Fei is another proud student of Lao Liang, and even he said that this child is like you.” Zhang Xi smiled, supporting his arms and chin to look at her, “Wait later If this kid really entered the industry, he might be your strong competitor. I’m still curious whether you will have a greater sense of crisis or a greater sense of achievement.”

Jiang Wu didn’t care, “If her original intention is just to hate me and want to win me in court, then I will let her know that this society is not that simple, I hope she will not Frustrated to cry.”

Zhang Xi shrugged, “You’re a tough guy, just right, you deserve to be a lawyer.”

The time was almost up, Jiang Wu should leave, she finally glanced at the solemn and solemn black and white teaching building of the A University Law School behind her, and then said goodbye to Zhang Xi and walked out of the school gate.

Back to Huace, the receptionist sister greeted Jiang Wu with a smile.

“Lawyer Jiang, good afternoon.”

The eyes full of admiration made Jiang Wu tremble.

She won another lawsuit. According to media reports and word of mouth, the mistress and the scumbag got the end they deserved. The onlookers were advocating that Shen Jinghui had found a powerful lawyer. But Jiang Wu really didn’t know what this had to do with Kuhaha, who was calculated by others.

The video evidence shows that the online campaign was all prepared by the client, but looking at the reception of her sister at the front desk, you can tell that this is a lot of money deducted on Jiang Wu’s head.

Jiang Wu, who knows the actual situation, is suffocating.

“Good afternoon.” After a quick greeting, Jiang Wu slipped away.

Back to the office, Jiang Wu opened the drawer at the bottom of his desk, and there was a file box containing not case materials, but a few transcripts and letters.

It all belongs to Tang Fei.

Tang Fei’s family was poor, and she experienced another lawsuit that year, which led to her being able to continue her studies thanks to the help of a kind-hearted student.

It’s just that Tang Fei didn’t know from beginning to end that the person who helped her was not the kind-hearted grandfather in the south, but the plaintiff’s lawyer who made her despair and was in deep pain. She hated that one people for many years.

Tang Fei’s words are very good, very elegant, and the content of the letter is very brief, but she can see her gratitude to the sponsors between the lines.

She will send such a transcript at the end of each semester to a small town in the south, and then the recipient will forward it back to Jiang Wu.

As Zhang Xi said, Tang Fei is very good, maybe she can start a career as soon as she graduated and become a promising young lawyer in Jingyuan Law Firm.

If one day, when two people meet in court on behalf of their client, Jiang Wu thinks, she will definitely feel more fulfillment than crisis.

Because this child has grown up with integrity after going through such a thing.

Jiang Wu let out a long breath and put the things back in the drawer.

In this way, the guilt in her heart can also be alleviated a little.

After finishing everything, Jiang Wu turned on the computer.

The first thing pushed to the screen is an entertainment message.

—Tian Yue announced the termination of the contract with Feng Shao.

—Tian Yue has zero tolerance for cheating artists.

—Purge the atmosphere and say no to cheating.

Jiang Wu was a little stunned.

It didn’t seem like she was thinking.

She remembered what Shen Muyou explained to her, she said she was a businessman. In fact, Jiang Wu can understand that the intention of what she said to Shen Mu that night was not to change anything, she was not that simple.

That night, she just felt bored and wanted to talk to someone.

Is it because of her?

Jiang Wu dare not think about it.

She hurriedly closed the web page and closed the computer, probably only a new job could cover up the throbbing in her heart because of her deep admiration.


At night, go home.

Shen Mu posted it directly.

“Lawyer Jiang.” Shen Mu’s voice was a little sticky, and his whole body seemed to be wrapped around Jiang Wu as if he had no bones.

She wants Jiang Wu to kiss.

Since she got married, she has tried this trick many times, but she has never succeeded, and in the end, she forcibly asked for it.

However, today, Shen Mu’s shameless kung fu hasn’t been shaken off yet.

The lips are already as sweet as a dragonfly.

Huh? !

Shen Mu’s eyes widened.

She held Jiang Wu’s face and rubbed it twice.

“Are you still my lawyer Jiang?” Shen Mu chuckled.

Jiang Wu’s face was hot and embarrassed, and he denied it, “No, I’m not lawyer Jiang, and I don’t know you, I’m going the wrong way.”


Now, because of the commission of Shen Jinghui and his wife, Jiang Wu has become popular all over the Internet, and an endless stream of commissions are pouring in.

She was busy with her computer all night, and occasionally answered two phone calls.

Shen Mu didn’t bother her, just picked up her clothes and prepared to put them in the laundry basket.

Jiang Wu’s clean voice came from the living room, Shen Mu smiled and sorted Jiang Wu’s clothes.

Suddenly a book fell out of Jiang Wu’s handbag.

Shen Mu picked it up.

“One hundred questions about married life?”

Shen Mu almost didn’t laugh.

Jiang Wu is so cute, so cute.

Maximum 100 points, minimum -100 points.

After Shen Mu hurriedly browsed, she just skipped these to see Jiang Wu’s score.


Jiang Wu failed, she only got twenty points.

Shen Mu went back and read these questions that Jiang Wu answered.

“Whether you take the initiative to kiss your partner every morning…never. When you come back from going out every day, will you take the initiative to have intimate actions with your partner…never. Hahahaha, it’s so pitiful, I’m so pitiful. ”

Shen Mu leaned back and forth while holding this one hundred questions and laughs.

She found corresponding suggestions according to Jiang Wu’s score.

“It is recommended that friends with scores in the range of 0-30 should actively reflect on their married life, think more from the perspective of the other party, take the initiative to get close to your partner, and give each other a gift when they wake up in the morning Kissing or hugging, this will also be the beginning of a beautiful day.” Shen Mu whispered, and finally gave an evaluation, “Look, it really makes sense.”

Jiang Wu was looking at the e-mail attentively, but Shen Mu was so noisy, he laughed for a while, and recited for a while.

What the **** is this guy doing?

Jiang Wu was a little curious, put the laptop aside, put on slippers and walked towards the bedroom.

“Wow, I’m very serious, but I still mark the key points.” Shen Mu turned over a hundred questions and began to read the text.

If Shen Mu was allowed to evaluate, she felt that the person who wrote this book 80% had never been married, it was a mess.

Jiang Wu, who happened to walk to the door of the bedroom, heard Shen Mu’s words clearly.

Her face turned red, she knew what Shen Mu was looking at.

“Give it to me.” Jiang Wu rushed into the bedroom and was about to grab the book.

Shen Mu was taken aback by the sudden voice, but she reacted faster than Jiang Wu, and was far more alert than her, so she hid behind her, making the other party flinch.

“Give it to me quickly.” Jiang Wu’s face was flushed, and there was a hint of anger in his voice unconsciously.

“I’ll take a look too, let’s study together.” Shen Mu teased.

“Shen Mu! I’m going to be angry.” Jiang Wu stomped his feet.

Jiang Wu said she was going to be angry, that is, she was really going to be angry.

Shen Mu accepted it when she saw it, and handed the hundred questions back.

Jiang Wu took it and shoved it under the bed in a hurry, as if what happened just now didn’t exist as long as she couldn’t see it.

Shen Mu leaned over and smiled ambiguous, “When did you buy it?”

Jiang Wu looked away, “It’s not mine, my colleague’s, I think it’s a pity, it’s a book anyway, and it’s not easy for the author to write it, so… ”


Can’t edit anymore.

Shen Mu smiled and leaned back on the bed, supporting her chin with her left hand.

“Go ahead, I’m listening.”

Jiang Wu stopped talking.

This person is clearly waiting to make fun of himself.

Jiang Wu admits that she is not good at telling lies with her eyes open, but the revenge person is still at hand.

Speaking of which, a hand reached into Shen Mu’s shirt and squeezed hard.

Shen Mu didn’t feel pain, she looked flushed and dyed her cheeks very much.

Hooked her fingers, Shen Mu said to Jiang Wu, “You don’t need to study with books, I’m your best teacher.”

Jiang Wu snorted, obviously disbelieving.

“If you let me do it, I can get 100%.” Shen Mu reached under the bed and gestured to take out the 100 questions just now.

Jiang Wu quickly held her down, she didn’t want that **** book to appear in front of her eyes again.

Seeing that someone was hooked, Shen Mu directly held him down and pulled him onto the bed.

“You don’t have to learn to take the initiative, because you have me.” With that, Shen Mu lightly pecked Jiang Wu’s lips.

Jiang Wu thinks she likes Shen Mu’s kiss.

Sometimes she is light and itchy, and sometimes she is heavy, like she wants to bite off a piece of her own flesh, but Jiang Wu likes it very much.


Whenever Jiang Wu enters the role, she will make a nice voice.

Shen Mudang is an invitation to go deeper.

When the love was strong, Jiang Wu’s eyes were wet, and his voice seemed to drip.

“Shen Mu, why are you being nice to me.”

In the book, people who take the initiative in life will give much more enthusiasm and effort than the other party. Shen Mu does and says a little more than her, Jiang Wu thought.

“Because I love you, Wu.”

“Then why do you love me?”

“I’ll tell you later.”

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