Find Out About Divorce

Chapter 11

Chapter 11:

A new day for Tianyue Entertainment.


“Morning…Good morning, Mr. Shen.”

Shen Mu smiled and greeted the girl at the front desk as soon as she entered the gate of Tianyue today.

“Good morning.”

“Morning…morning, Mr. Shen.”


“Shen, Mr. Shen is early.”

Shen Mu went all the way, whether it was the department director, its artists, trainees, or the grass-roots staff, whenever they met, Shen Mu greeted them warmly.

“Good morning, Mingyi.”

Assistant Liu looked at Shen Muming’s beautiful smile like the sun in late autumn, and trembled unconsciously.

“Good morning, Mr. Shen.”

Shen Mu smiled and nodded and entered the president’s office.

Sitting on a chair, she took out the cute cocked-headed kitten from her pocket.

Press the button, and you can vaguely hear a light wife.

In fact, she had given up hope in the morning, so it would be nice to make Jiang Wu call her an idiot, and it sounded very energetic.

However, after asking himself “Is it difficult?”, Jiang Wu first became ecstatic for a moment, and then said a lot to himself, which made her sad and distressed.

Shen Mu held the person tightly in her arms, she didn’t force her, she didn’t force her, she was willing to wait.

But Jiang Wu got up from the bed, took the kitten, and went into the bathroom. When she came out, she looked a little awkward. She pressed the button and could hear a gentle wife from the kitten’s mouth. .

Shen Mu thought, Jiang Wu actually likes her, at least she is willing to try and change for herself.

Touched the kitten’s head, Shen Mu was lying on the table, supporting the minibus, her curly hair spread out on the table with her movements.

They still have a long time to stay together, and they will always love deeper and longer.

Sweet episodes in life don’t slow down business in the slightest.

As soon as the news that Feng Shao and Shen Jinghui were preparing to litigate for divorce was released, Lu Yuan, who once appeared in the video, immediately became the third party that everyone shouted and beaten. The TV series of Lu Yuan have been withdrawn one after another, and Tian Yue has also found the right time to release the news that she has terminated the contract with Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan’s end is very happy, the more she is down, the more vigorous the abuse on the Internet, everyone is on the side of Feng Shao’s wife Shen Jinghui, Lu Yuan, who has been hit hard by her career Finally, unable to bear the influx of online abuse, he cancelled all his social media accounts.

The netizens had no channels to vent, and the limelight began to gradually turn around, and attention was placed on Feng Shao.

The mistress who intervened in other people’s marriage got the retribution, so what about the scumbag who cheated.

For a time, people on the Internet, mainly fans of Shen Jinghui, began to jointly petition Tianyue, asking Tianyue to lift the exclusive economic contract with Feng Shao. opened.

For a while, there was a lot of uproar on the Internet, and everyone even arranged their life after divorce for Feng Shao and his wife.


As for Shen Jinghui, after leaving Feng Shao, she is still young and can start a new life, she can come back to film, and she can choose someone else to start a new marriage life.

Such things have been said and seen a lot, and many people on the Internet seem to believe it, and everyone is waiting for things to develop in the direction they expected.

Unfortunately, just when everyone was thinking about other people’s lives, Feng Shao and Shen Jinghui had already accepted the court’s mediation and stayed together.

Jiang Wu, as Shen Jinghui’s entrusted lawyer, watched the whole family ethics drama.

That’s really shit.

First, Feng Shao cried bitterly and begged Shen Jinghui to forgive him, saying that he was obsessed and doing something wrong. He and Shen Jinghui had a lovely baby. He waited for five years and finally got him. He really didn’t want the child to be born without a father.

Shen Jinghui was expressionless at first and just listened quietly without saying a word. Later, when Feng Shao said about the child, she finally reacted and shed tears silently.

Talking and talking, the two of them were full of tears, and finally Shen Jinghui finally fought Feng Shao frantically, saying how could he be so sorry for himself, how could he fail her like this, and then Feng Shao again and again Apologizing, saying that he was wrong, he changed it, and hoped that Shen Jinghui would give herself another chance.

The court likes this kind of drama the most. The left persuades and the right persuades.

Jiang Wu was really tired from the beginning to the end.

She wondered why Feng Shao cheated on her since she had such deep feelings for his wife, and also wondered whether Shen Jinghui had managed to win back a husband who betrayed her love and betrayed her. For what, is it really for the children?

Jiang Wu sneered, that was a big joke.

At the end of the incident, Feng Shao wrote a letter of commitment in the court, promising that if he had another illegal sexual act with another person, he would divide the property as compensation.

This is a request made by Jiang Wu under the premise of considering the interests of the client. The content of the letter of commitment is very harsh, but Feng Shao also agreed.

When she stepped out of the court gate of Xicheng District, Jingyuan City, Jiang Wu finally breathed a sigh of relief, as if a farce had ended, and she could finally be relieved.

“Lawyer Jiang.”

Jiang Wu turned back, Shen Jinghui was calling her.

Feng Shao followed behind Shen Jinghui, the two of them cried, their eyes were red, maybe the aura that Jiang Wu showed when he asked him to sign the letter of commitment was too strong. She was a little scared.

“I’ll wait for you in the car.” After making an excuse, Feng Shao drove away.

Jiang Wu didn’t like Feng Shao at all, and when he saw him fleeing, he pulled the corner of his mouth slightly, mocking him a little.

“Just now, I would like to thank you.” Shen Jinghui stretched out her hand and showed enough goodwill.

Jiang Wu’s feelings for the client in front of her are a bit complicated, but after the commission is over, she believes that the two will not have any intersection in the future.

Shaking hands generously, Jiang Wu said to Shen Jinghui, “I just did my share.”

Jiang Wu took a deep breath and comforted himself that children are always innocent.

“I believe you and Mr. Feng will walk out of the court together, and the news of reconciliation will spread.” Jiang Wu finally reminded.

“I know.” Shen Jinghui smiled and turned around, saying goodbye to Jiang Wu, gentle and tranquil.

Looking at the back of Shen Jinghui turning away, Jiang Wu knew that he was probably busy again.

As she is confident, how could she not leave a way for herself.

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