Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

chapter 33 Castlevania

 seemed to appear in the crowd suddenly. Xiao Yuxin looked at the pedestrians passing by with a little emotion, finally getting rid of the feeling of sucking blood around him. However, she soon noticed that it does not seem to be kind-hearted-pedestrians, including people of all skin colors, some of them exude a dangerous breath on their bodies, and some are at a loss, despite the high-rise buildings on both sides, but There are no modern mobility tools or communication tools.

However, the breath radiated from the sky still made her very comfortable… the sky? She raised her head in surprise, and there was a clear blue sky above, but she couldn’t see the light source like the sun. The most strange thing was that there were endless dark clouds around this blue sky. Is that what the demon spirit said Wilderness? Where is that?

Shaking her head, Xiao Yuxin looked at the buildings around her. The obvious sign was the bar. The high-rise was the hotel and there were shops specializing in various items. She hesitated and thought of the dollars she was carrying, she walked to the bank. go with.

Banks are a bit deserted, with only a small number of customers, it seems that they are negotiating such things as exchanges. After observing Xiao Yuxin for a moment, he walked towards an idle window.

“Miss, what service do I need for you?” A creature similar to the image of the demon spirit appeared in the window, but the voice was crisp, like a female-the reason why it is said is because she can’t distinguish.

“What services can the Castlevania Bank provide?” Xiao Yuxin asked.

“Are you new here?”

The demon spirit showed a very human smile, “Devil City Bank provides loans, exchanges, and deposits. The current currency is the basic currency Demon currency, universal currency points, and various real-world currencies.

The lending business only has the currency of devil currency, but after the business is completed, it can be exchanged for other currencies, and the demon currency or points must be paid when the loan is repaid. If it is not repaid, the borrower will be deprived of the treasure or life;

Exchange is quite simple, only need to pay a 10% handling fee, you can pay for any currency exchange, but the points can be exchanged without paying the handling fee;

Custody service is that customers can deposit any items in the bank’s safe and pay a certain handling fee regularly. The bank does not provide savings services. What service do you need? ”

“I want to exchange RMB.” Xiao Yuxin groaned slightly, and took out the box containing dollars.

Everyone is short of money, and the Xiao family is no exception, but somehow took out such a large sum of dollars to exchange in the real world. She is worried about the trouble. Since there is a business to exchange ordinary coins here, she can use it if she wants to. After 400,000 US dollars, everything else was converted into RMB.

“Miss, a total of 2 million US dollars. According to the current exchange rate, the amount of RMB exchanged is 12 million yuan, a handling fee of 1.2 million yuan is required, and the actual amount of withdrawal is 10.8 million yuan. Please count it!” The demon spirit swiftly handed out the two lockboxes, and the work efficiency is much faster than those of real-world bank employees.

“Thank you!”

Xiao Yuxin only took a glance and sent the box into the storage space, then turned and walked out the door.

“You walk slowly, welcome again!” The voice of the demon spirit rang from behind… If it wasn’t for the face, who knew that this crisp and sweet voice came from a humanoid?

came back to the street again. Xiao Yuxin walked along the street blankly. She wanted to leave here, but she wanted to learn more about it and came to a square without knowing it.

There are some farmers’ markets here, many people are setting up stalls here, and many people are trading goods for barter or using coins-she noticed that some people are trading with a kind of shiny coins like jade, There seems to be a little devil on it, probably the devil coin said by the demon spirit of the bank. She suddenly thought, Mei Mei and San Shao, will they be here?

gazes back and forth on the square several times, Xiao Yuxin can’t help but feel funny for her childishness, there are so many people in this demon city, even if they are in this city, how could they be so encountered by themselves?

Unknowingly, she also stepped into the square and wandered between the stalls.

“Don’t miss when you pass by, especially for the newcomers who have just entered the demon trial. Luckily after the first pass does not mean that they will be lucky in the future. I must not treat myself with equipment and skills. I have some skill books here. Prepared for the newcomer…” A stallholder beside him was chattering and selling his goods to an apparently newcomer, Xiao Yuxin listened, but stopped in his heart.

The stall was filled with some cheats and some small pieces of equipment. Some of them were old in color, some were shimmering, and they looked like treasures.

“What do you want to buy?” The stall owner sent away a customer~www.mtlnovel.com~ Seeing Xiao Yuxin stop, his eyes lit up.

“Do you have any light skills?” Xiao Yuxin asked.

The embarrassed look appeared on the face of the stall owner: “No, but I have internal skills, C-level martial arts here…”

Xiao Yuxin nodded and walked away directly. She has her own internal cultivation methods, as well as martial arts and weapons. If there is another set of dodge body methods that can be attacked and retreated, it is complete.

Just walked a few steps, and someone around me suddenly said: “Miss, I have a D-class martial art “Wearing Flowers and Winding Trees” do you want?”

Xiao Yuxin turned his head, and saw that it was a middle-aged man with a somewhat handsome face, who was holding a secret book with a pink cover in his hand.

“Wear flowers around the tree?” Xiao Yuxin felt familiar.

“Yeah. This is what I got in the “Ping Zong Xia Ying” mission. Although this is just a D-level martial arts, but the proficiency has reached a certain level, the power is also good, I take the hard work route, this set Qinggong is not suitable for me, otherwise I will use it by myself, as long as you pay the right price, I will sell it to you.” The middle-aged man said.

“The price is not right, you have the final say, uncle, how much are you going to sell?” Xiao Yuxin asked.

“3000 points.” Middle-aged man gritted his teeth.

“I don’t have that much, 1500 points.” Xiao Yuxin cut his waist.

“No way…” The middle-aged man’s face was pale.

After some bargaining, the final agreement was 2000 points. The method of trading was simple. As long as the demon badge was summoned to allocate the points to the middle-aged man, just seeing his own points shrink quickly, only 905 points remained. Xiao Yuxin suffered a flesh pain… These points were exchanged for life, but the flowers looked like running water.


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