Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

chapter 30 Bloodthirsty Daybreak: Ambush

  Section 30: Bloodthirsty Dawn: Ambush


A grenade hit the rear of the armored car. Xiao Yuxin’s head hit the steel car wall. Fortunately, the strengthened physique was enough to cope with such an impact, but it felt absolutely uncomfortable.

“Damn vampire, we can’t escape this time!” the man who was shot with two shots on his thigh shouted hysterically.


Jarvis shouted: “We can escape even the company, will we still be trapped in this city?”

At this time, the armored vehicle was not far from out of the city, and even as long as it turned a detour, it could drive onto the highway out of the city. Looking around, at least more than a hundred military and police officers hid behind police cars.

“Everyone gets down!! Ah!!!!!!”

Jarvis yelled, and his body also fell down. He pushed the speed of the armored car to the limit. The car rushed to the roadblock composed of police cars like a moving steel fortress.


Xiao Yuxin was also cruel, heavy machine guns poured bullets forward, two police cars were shot and exploded, and dozens of vampire military police were thrown up by the blast wave.


As the armored vehicle moved closer and closer, the vampire army police also shot back. Although the body of the car was okay, the glass of the window finally couldn’t resist and shattered. Xiao Yuxin grunted and poured the bullet with his teeth. Going out, the armored car roared and drove away four police cars, then walked away. The children behind the car seemed to be seeing off.

Xiao Yuxin also left the turret with cold air, looking down at the wound on his body… there were some scrapes on his leg, which did not tighten. The more serious thing was the gunshot wound on the left rib. Fortunately, this bullet was stuck against the rib. It was a penetrating injury, not left in the body, otherwise it was really a troublesome thing.

“Sister Xin, are you injured?” Mei Mei threw herself nervously. If it wasn’t for Xiao Yuxin holding her, maybe she would lift her clothes on the spot and check her.

“There are gauze and medicine in the first-aid box. Wrap up as soon as you are injured.” The third younger pointed to the back. Meimei immediately picked up a first-aid box from there and found the gauze and the cotton wool. She paused and asked: “What about bullets?”

“The bullet went through, just give me the gauze.” Xiao Yuxin felt that the wound was itching, which should be a symptom of healing.

“Is this the effect of body strengthening?”

Xiao Yuxin was a little surprised. When Mei Mei wrapped her wounds, she paid attention to other injured places and found that many small wounds had healed, and there was only a faint red trace on the wound. Will disappear.

“It seems that the more blood crystals merged, the higher the strengthening of the body, but unfortunately those just killed are ordinary vampires, and there are too few experiences and points.” Xiao Yuxin secretly observed her own information, basically Not much has changed.



Sanshao suddenly hit the car with a punch, bursting out an exit.

“What’s wrong?” Alison asked, blurring his nerves.

“Three helicopters.”

Jarvis was a little tired, with high-speed driving and tension, he already felt a little unable to hold on, and his dark face was covered with sweat.

At this time, everyone also heard the sound of helicopters coming from the sky, and their faces were hard to look at. Helicopters are difficult to exert power in a city with high buildings just now, but at this time, the surroundings are empty, and helicopters are very useful.


A blaze of fire fell over a hundred meters in front, the earth and stone splashed, Jarvis shook his hand, and the armored car almost drove out of the road.

Suddenly, the three younger rushed to the driver’s seat: “Jarvis, I’m coming!”

Already tired, his hands and feet were soft, Jarvis hurriedly gave way, and Sanshao didn’t wait for a seat, so he turned the steering wheel, and the armored car bumped away from the road…Boom! There was an explosion behind the car. The air wave almost lifted the car, and everyone’s face was pale.

“Three young men, why did you leave the highway?” Xiao Yuxin asked quickly.

“They contacted the Hadrons, Elvis and they ambushed in front of us, let us lead the chasing soldiers past.” San Shao replied and immediately concentrated on driving the armored vehicle to make a curved movement. The faces of the people in the car are not pretty.

“A Xin, what did he say just now?” Alison asked softly.

Xiao Yuxin remembered that he and San Shao spoke Chinese just now, and quickly told them a few things, and Alison and Jarvis immediately showed relief on their faces.

Boom! boom! boom!

The three helicopters are equipped with cannons, and the armored vehicles are actually showered with guns and bullets. Xiao Yuxin believes that if this fashion armored vehicle is not driven by the somewhat perverted guy of Sanshao, I am afraid that he will have been hit long ago, even if This is also dangerous. The only advantage is that those military and police vehicles are only dared to be adorned from afar, fearing that they might hurt themselves by mistake.

Finally, there was a forest in front of him, and UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com suddenly shouted: “Everyone is standing!”… Xiao Yuxin just had time to shout, “Stand up!” “The armored car stopped suddenly.

Although everyone heard Xiao Yuxin’s reminder, most of them did not respond… In fact, there was no way to react. The armored car was already full, and the driver’s seat was blocked in front, everyone just fell awkward, but did not The man flew out, and the guy who loved the thigh couldn’t help but yelled again-he pressed several people on his body, and someone seemed to touch his wound again.

“This unlucky boy!”

Xiao Yuxin grunted, and quickly pulled people up-she was worried about crushing this guy to death, she would be deducted experience points and points.

Just when they stopped suddenly, the three helicopters in the sky flew over their heads, and the artillery shells were dumped in vain on an empty area in front of the car, hitting the mud and flying.

The three helicopters that flew over their heads immediately began to turn their noses away, but… before they could turn around completely, three flames burst out of the forest… booming, and the three loud noises were just awesome just now. The three armed helicopters turned into three groups of firelights, and it seemed that a tornado was blowing, the dust was flying, and the wreckage of the plane hit the armored car ping-pong, and everyone was stunned.



The fierce gunfire and explosion sound followed, and immediately after Xiao Yuxin and the police officers they chased were destroyed in the first few police cars, they finally began to retreat. When Xiao Yuxin and others looked up from the car, they were seeing Elvis, Edward, Audrey, Hadron, Fang Shao and others ran out of the woods.

At this time, a prompt box appeared in front of Xiao Yuxin: The branch story mission was completed, rescued the captured human beings, and each selected person received 1000 points…


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