Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

chapter 27 Bloodthirsty Daybreak: Victory Escape (Part 1)

Xiao Yuxin’s physique was strengthened by blood crystals. She thought that the anesthesia shot by the vampires was not enough to use her anesthesia. She was wrong. When the amount of change accumulated to a certain level, it would also cause qualitative changes. Many anesthetic bombs, I am afraid that only the dragon’s physique can resist the past.

I don’t know how long it took, Xiao Yuxin woke up slowly, she tried to open her eyes… There was a trance in front of her, a big face turned from twisted to real, but it was Jarvis.

“Are you… Jarvis?” Her nerves seemed to be much slower.

“It’s me. Isn’t the base not transferred in time?” Jarvis asked anxiously, with a little effort in his hand.

“Be gentle with ladies, Jarvis,”

Xiao Yuxin sat up, reached out and lifted Jarvis’s hand, looked around and asked, “Where are we now?”

It was a completely enclosed room with a ventilator on the wall, the lights were dim, there was nothing in the room, a dozen people were either sitting or lying down, listless, the girl who became the target with her was lying on her body Beside, it seems that the efficacy of the narcotic bomb has not disappeared.

“It’s a prison right now.” Jarvis sighed: “We thought the base could be transferred in time. I didn’t expect… By the way, Elvis, how are they doing.” His eyes showed a hopeful look.

“You can rest assured that they have evacuated safely.”

Xiao Yuxin sighed, “I’m here to listen to your news and wait for the rescue. I didn’t expect to be caught.” Her eyes turned to the corner of the house where a camera kept turning.

Jarvis followed her gaze and nodded clearly, now that their every move was under surveillance, and they couldn’t really say much.

After about half an hour, Alison groaned on the ground and opened his eyes, showing blank eyes.


Jarvis whispered.

“You… You are Jarvis.” Alison’s eyes rolled slowly: “You are… we just…”

“That’s right, we were both put down by anesthesia gun just now.”

Xiao Yuxin smiled at her: “My name is Axin, Chinese.”

“Oh, a magical kingdom.”

Alison smiled reluctantly: “Alison.”

“Miss Axin, will they come to rescue us?” Jarvis asked softly.

Xiao Yuxin did not answer immediately, she whispered: “It would be nice if I could get rid of the surveillance of that camera.”

Alison blinked and suddenly stood up and walked straight to the camera, extended her right **** to make a gesture that everyone understood, then she took off her shoes quickly, and according to the camera, it was a smash. It didn’t stop until it sparked.

“There is no monitoring in this room, only surveillance.” Alison put the shoes on her feet again.

“But this room has an electronic combination lock, we still can’t leave.” Jarvis said.

“This is not a problem.”

Xiao Yuxin took out a decoder like a trick–When discussing this rescue plan, Edward once said about the company’s situation. Most rooms are equipped with electronic code locks. If you don’t know the code, you can’t even go in and out. So I prepared this decoder, and also gave her surprise training, but the use environment considered at that time was outside the room, and now it has become inside.

“That… where are you putting this?” Jarvis was surprised. Before they were locked in, but even the key chain was searched, such a large decoder… He looked left and right and didn’t see where he was hiding.

“This is the magic of the East.”

Xiao Yuxin vaguely carried it, and then asked: “How are you in physical condition?”

“Fortunately, the body has recovered. But I am afraid that I can’t run away if I rush out like this. We have no weapons.” Jarvis frowned.

“Magic oriental magician, what can you do besides the decoder?” Alison asked with a wink.

“I have some guns here, and the inadequate part robs the guards.” Xiao Yuxin shook his hand, and three or four police pistols and two assault rifles fell to the ground.

“…” Everyone was speechless.

What kind of magic is this?

Looking at the look of Jarvis, he wished to reach out and search her.

“Miss Axin, it would be nice if he could make a heavy weapon.” Alison’s eyes lit up, and she seemed to think of her as a magician.

Xiao Yuxin’s head suddenly appeared a black line, but it gave her a wake-up call, and the probe took out two grenades.

“Everyone is familiar with firearms, I will open the door now.” Xiao Yuxin made a grenade himself, threw another one to Alison, and then installed the decoder-


The number on the decoder flashes quickly, and finally fixed on a group of numbers.

Xiao Yuxin glanced, then quickly equipped the micro microphone and headphones: “San Shao, Mei Mei, are you there?”

“Yes, Xin sister, are you okay?” Mei Mei’s tone was somewhat anxious.

“Have you found the arrested man?” San Shao’s tone remained calm.

“The rescue target has been found. How is your situation? Can you act according to the original plan?” Xiao Yuxin asked. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

“The company is searching outside. We are safer now and can act according to the original plan.” San Shao replied.

“You can act now, I have obtained the door opening password.” Xiao Yuxin finished, and entered the door opening password into the keyboard.

The door opened silently, Xiao Yuxin’s probe glanced outwards and cast a ‘dark enchantment’. When the corridor was completely enveloped by darkness, a group of people walked out of the room hand in hand and fell into the darkness

‘Oh~’ sharp alarm sounded suddenly throughout the company…

At the elevator in the parking lot, San Shao whispered to Mei Mei to pay attention to hiding and guarding the elevator, and then boarded the elevator himself… As soon as he came out of the elevator, he heard a fierce gunshot from the building, and he listened to the gunshot with his ear. The position came, strode toward the stairs.

“I’m sorry, please show me your ID!” Several soldiers stopped the three young men, and one of them said directly… presumably, he saw his bare hands, and the soldiers’ muzzles were all pointed down to the ground.

San Shao smiled slightly, reaching for his pocket… before he touched his pocket, an assault rifle appeared like a trick in his hand, da da… the clear yellow shell went up and down in front of him, making a pleasant collision with the ground Sound, the soldiers were caught off guard, and their bodies were beaten like sieve holes and fell to the ground.

At this time, the sound of the guns above was getting closer and closer. The three young men dropped the assault rifles that had empty magazines in their hands, picked up two assault rifles from the ground, and rushed into the stairwell to shoot fiercely towards the top.

“Keep me up!”

There was a roar around the corner of the stairs. Several vampire soldiers were knocked down by the three men as soon as they came out. The rest would not rush out, but just extended their barrels and shot indiscriminately.


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