Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

chapter 14 Bloodthirsty Dawn: Accident

 Section 14: Bloodthirsty Dawn: Accident

After agreeing to Audrey’s invitation, a transparent block diagram popped up:

Complete the side mission: find Edward Dalton, reward points 200, experience 100.

A new side mission appears: protect Audrey back to the human base. Success: Unknown reward; Failure: Kill all.


Xiao Yuxin frowned slightly, and it seemed that the way to return Audrey was not so calm. She called up her own profile again:

Badge number: No. 173

Occupation: God’s Choice

Name: Xiao Yuxin

Life Race: Human (Dark Elf Bloodline)

Life Attributes: Strength 29 (10), Dexterity 29 (10), Constitution 22 (10), Mental Strength 34 (10), Defense 29 (10), Charisma 16 (10)

Points: 1052

Experience: 967/1600

Level: Level 4

Comprehensive evaluation: F7 level

Skill list:

Dark Enchantment Level 3; Basic Body Method Level 3; Basic Sword Method Level 3; Basic Archery Level 2;

Changchun tactics (sixth floor); Xuanyuan needle solution (proficiency 30%).

After killing the underground stalker who attacked Edward, he got another blood crystal. Xiao Yuxin found that she had risen to the fourth level. According to her current attributes, the two weapons hidden in the storage space have been It is ready to use, but now she has modern hot weapons in her hand, and she also knows that the storage space of other newly-increased candidates is empty. The two extra weapons that she suddenly added are easily suspicious.

“After we went out, if we had an accident, we would meet at an old building on Fourth Street. Remember to stay away from the sewers or some dark and damp places. Those underground stalkers are more terrible than vampires.” Audrey marked out the meeting After the location, said softly.

“Is it dangerous outside?” Xiao Yuxin asked.

“Whether it is a vampire or an underground stalker, they have a strange perception of humans. As long as they are within a certain range, they will find out whether the other person is human, and human skin and teeth are too easy to expose.” Audrey said, “Let’s go out now.”

A group of people walked out of Edward’s house cautiously from the back door. San Shao deliberately fell behind by two steps and whispered to Xiao Yuxin who was walking at the end: “Sister Xin, you must protect Audrey’s safety under all circumstances. ”

“Understood.” Xiao Yuxin nodded and followed two steps quickly behind Audrey. In the side mission, Audrey’s safety should be guaranteed. If she dies, everyone who enters the world will have to die. She has now forced Accept this reality yourself.

came to the side of the road, Audrey’s face suddenly hard to look, “The car I drove when I came is gone.”

San Shao had a not-so-good hunch: “Is your car owned or stolen?”

“Of course it was stolen.” Audrey’s face was somewhat dissatisfied. Since human beings have been forced to hide from Tibet, they have lost all the rights of citizens. How can they be equipped with cars?

“We will leave here soon.” San Shao’s face was awe-inspiring, his hand stretched out into his arms.

Everyone thought of a possibility, the look on his face was difficult to look at, and he hurriedly walked the street to another direction.

“Don’t move, the people in front of you stopped!” Suddenly there was English behind him. Looking back, it turned out to be two policemen, and more figures were rushing out of the darkness.

slap, slap two times… The shooting method of the three young men is really not covered. While Xiao Yuxin is still wondering whether to shoot or flash, he has pulled down the gun and knocked down the two policemen.


Three young men shouted and took the lead to run. That Audrey was obviously more familiar with this set, one step earlier than Xiao Yuxin started.

“Be careful not to be hit by their bullets, they use narcotic bombs.” Audrey told Xiao Yuxin while running.

The slamming gunshots in the back continued, and anesthesia bombs flew past them, attracted by the blood, and some vampire citizens began to find ways to block them.

“Go away.”

Sanshao took a few people to rush into another street, and Xiao Yuxin took Mei Mei to follow Audrey and ran to another residential area.

Suddenly, a male vampire rushed out of a corner of the room, one hand pressed against the crossbow in Audrey’s hand, and the other hand crossed her neck, opened her mouth, and exposed Bai Sensen’s teeth.


A bullet accurately penetrated into his head, half of the vampire’s brain was lifted by the bullet, revealing red and white objects, and many of them also splashed on Audrey.

Audrey’s nerves were obviously very strong, and she said thank you, wiped a handful of dirt on her cheeks, and went on, Xiao Yuxin took out the blood crystals in the vampire’s head, and Mei Mei hurriedly followed As soon as he got up, the vampire police behind chased after him in a spirit.

Although they wanted to kill these maggot-like policemen, Xiao Yuxin knew that once entangled, it would be very troublesome, and as time went on, more and more military police would join in the pursuit.

Three people rushed to a street, UU read books www. uukannshu.com A car happened to rush.

“Be careful!”

Xiao Yusheng dragged the Audrey who rushed out, and the car stopped with a sudden brake, a fat head stretched out, screaming with a pair of sharp teeth: “Don’t want to live? Hmm… …”

There was a slight gunshot, and a mass of blood burst out of his head, and a stream of red and white things flowed out along the wound.

Audrey rushed up in one arrow, the detective opened the door, and dragged the body of the driver’s seat down, “Get in the car!”

Xiao Yuxin quickly grabbed the bleeding crystals, pulled Mei Mei to open the back door and drilled in. ‘Bang, bang, bang’, the narcotic bomb hit the car door, but could not penetrate the iron sheet.

Audrey slammed on the accelerator, and the car rushed out. Xiao Yuxin turned her head and saw that a group of police had rushed out of the street and were shooting them with guns, but the narcotic bombs had little penetration and hit the car. All of them bounced out.

The car made a sharp turn and left the police behind. All three were relieved. Mei Mei was glad: “Fortunately, the police here don’t use real guns or live ammunition, otherwise we would be dangerous just now.”

Audrey said coldly: “They don’t use narcotic bombs out of kindness, but to catch us alive and sell them to the company. They will raise humans like blood cows and provide blood for vampires.”

“Sister Xin, will they have anything to do with the three young people?” Mei Mei asked worriedly, but in Chinese.

Xiao Yuxin looked around nervously, while putting bullets on the magazine: “It should be no problem. Although San Shao is not familiar with the way here, he is more resilient than us.”


There was a harsh sound, the wheels rubbed violently on the ground, and the car turned into another street like a jumping wild horse.


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