Female Mad Tyrant Cool

Chapter 8

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In the following days, as Aurora said, she started to get busy early in the morning and returned late at night, but she would still support her tired body and insist on coming back to see Su Yanxi.

Su Yanxi is puzzled and curious about this, but now that Aurora’s strength has increased, she can’t easily follow it as before without being noticed by her, so she has to wait for Aurora to come home at home.

But is there something wrong? Su Yanxi threw down the antelope drinking by the creek, the action seemed to bite his prey skillfully, but he was still in the sky.

Recently, not only Aurora has been busy, but also the snow leopards. During this time, she discovered that when she went to visit the clan, except for the small cubs and some mother beasts, other snow leopards with mobility No, it seems to be busy at the same time.

Su Yanxi biting the antelope meat that was supposed to be tender and pliable but felt bland and tasteless at this time, couldn’t help but fall into some distress.

Oh, I miss Aurora ’s roasted meat qaq

Fortunately, this period of pain [not] did not last long. This morning Aurora rarely left without making a good breakfast, but waited for Su Yanxi to be satisfied and enjoyed it. Then she pulled her out of the cave mysteriously.

“Where are we going?” Su Yanxi looked up slightly curiously at Aurora, who was slightly taller than herself, and then frowned subconsciously for this movement, which was slightly uncomfortable. This unfair height difference.

“You’ll know when you get there, don’t worry, Alice ~” Aurora’s tail-ups still have a coquettish tone.

I always feel a little uncomfortable, what is it because I have to hide her from this time?

Su Yanxi raised her white and tender bun face and stared at her happily.

However, this time it was Su Yanxi’s soft grinding and hard foam, even rare to be spoiled for Aurora, and did not let her speak, and couldn’t help being a bit frustrated.

Aurora looked at the bitter hatred of the little girl next to her, “The baby is unhappy, the baby has a little emotion.jpg”, and he could not help reaching out and squeezing the lovely bun face.

The soft and smooth touch made her feel indifferent, the inertia of her face showed a smile of the idiot honey juice, the little guy feels really good, hehehe ~

↑ It ’s really bright and clean without any conscience.

Frightened, 007 kneeling (?) Shouting silently in the air, did no one / beast find that the style of the heroine was suddenly wrong? Hello (╯ ‵ □ ′) ╯︵┻━┻ !!

Su Yanxi gave Aurora a slanted look, revealing her two pointed tiger teeth, and biting mercilessly at the salty pig’s hand.

Okay, it hurts! Aurora almost burst into tears and twisted her face to tear away the carnivorous girl who was biting her own mouth, but because she was fruitless and didn’t dare to force her to hurt her, she would continue to bite …

007: o (* ≧ ▽ ≦) ツ This is called self-inflicted, not alive. The perverted heroine is in a trance!

You have to know that even the usual bully rabbit [sorry not referring to you] can jump and bite when he ’s in a hurry, not to mention this brutal girl from the large carnivorous department 2333333

Finally, Su Yanxi hummed arrogantly under Aurora’s careful smile, and then she let go of her mouth, and she turned around and turned away, “Boo” twice.

Aurora’s face was instantly bitter.

However, before she could pretend to be in distress, she burst into tears [what the hell] telling something, and the existence of tribal villages suddenly appeared within the horizon of the two.

Like passing the hands of skilled craftsmen, the beautiful and chic houses are located in the village one by one, full of personal characteristics.

Su Yanxi was stunned.

Not only because there was no such modern building at this time, but also because … she had already seen her own people.

If it weren’t for her to see her father squat in front of the animal and smile and look at herself, Su Yanxi would never think that the human beings who were working in the sky would be the snow leopards who insisted on being humanoid in the original text.

It turns out that the snow leopards also have a day to become humanoid.

This was the first idea that Su Yanxi came up with in his mind after stopping.

How did Aurora do it?

This is the second question that emerged in Su Yanxi’s mind.

She did not believe that this matter was not planned by Aurora. Without saying why Snow Leopard suddenly changed her mind, she said that these houses full of modern and modern architectural features could not have been devised by Snow Leopards themselves.

“Hey, did you feel a surprise, my dear Alice?” Hilton turned into a humanoid—the kind with clothes, and stepped forward to greet his dear daughter, asking proudly.

“Um … I want to make me more surprised than this. I am afraid that–” Su Yanxi’s eyes gave him a meaningful meal, and he replied with surprise in his eyes, “For example, father, you are willing to give up and attack more The beast of strength, and the weak human form in your mouth stands in front of me. “

Hilton laughed indifferently, “or Aurora persuaded us, we decided to give it a try. I did not expect to be more flexible and convenient to do things than the animal type. Although the hunting aspect is weak, the Austrian The ones that Lola created-called weapons, right? Very lethal! Haha! “

Su Yanxi turned her head in surprise and looked at Aurora who was smiling with her hands behind her back and looked at the conversation between her father and daughter. “Weapon?”

“It’s those bows, arrows, axes, daggers and the like that I showed you before, isn’t it useful?” Aurora blinked at her. “Don’t you still hold the bow and arrow excitedly at that time–!”

Su Yanxi immediately rushed to cover her mouth and stared at her fiercely, “Shut up! Don’t talk nonsense, I’m not excited! Huh!”

Aurora blinked innocently, her long lashes tickling the back of her hand.

Hilton laughed again, “I have heard Aurora say, I heard that Alice will miss your bow and arrow every time? Hahaha, this is not okay, you know!”

Su Yanxi: “…” traitor!

Seeing those ice-blue beautiful eyes staring hard at herself again, Aurora couldn’t help but smiled and then …

The tip of the tongue licked the hand that was still covering his mouth.

Su Yanxi instantly withdrew his hands behind his back like an electric shock, widening his blue eyes incredulously. And when Aurora looked at herself affectionately, and rubbed her tongue with her tongue ambiguously as if to suggest something, she stepped back subconsciously in fright, rubbing her palm like desperation, but the blood Yudi’s ears have fully exposed her mind.

007: orz

Hey, it ’s a good mistress to leave the Snow Leopard as Queen! This trend of the leader Queen ’s route to lead Snow Leopard on the road to conquer the beast territory-is there something wrong?

Hilton proudly took his daughter to the tribe, pointing to these houses and talking about who made it and who designed it, and then added a sentence that was all Aurora credit, and talked about this time again. Aurora took them out to teach how to hunt and lay traps, identify edible fruits and various uses of plants, and so on, constantly praise Aurora.

During the period, Su Yanxi kept blushing her lips and didn’t speak. Hilton was a little strange but didn’t think about it. She just thought she was shy.

In the place where Hilton can’t see, Su Yanxi’s hand behind him has been gently teased by a secretly stretched hand.

Aurora smiled politely and shamefully, and seemed to listen to the patriarch’s speech with respect and seriousness, but her fingers were not honestly flicking in her palm, sometimes playing teasing, sometimes interlocking her fingers. When she felt the slender and tender fingers trembling lightly, a smile flashed in her eyes, and her long fingers began to slide slowly inwards along the girl’s hand, but she was unexpectedly backhanded. Buckled.

Aurora turned her gaze slightly and watched the girl biting her lips as if her cat eyes were soaking wet, she could n’t help but smile deeper in her red eyes, but she did n’t let go of her as Su Yanxi thought. Slip deeper.

Su Yanxi quickly flicked away the annoying hand, and immediately took a step forward to grab the arm of his father who was completely unaware of the error.

The 007, who was greatly stimulated, grouped himself together, tearfully unable to watch the scene where his partner was being fooled by the perverted mistress of the dog’s courage, and only two lines of bitter tears shed froze.

Why is the style of the hostess’s paintings biased into such a humming master system which is unscientific …

“As for this building … would you guess who designed it, Alice?” Hilton suddenly stopped in front of a house and asked with a hearty smile.

Su Yanxi pretended to be curious and watched carefully in order to escape the scorching and glaring sight behind him.

This is a rosy brick-built house, and there are other interesting pebbles on it, and the roof windows are filled with red roses, just like entering the fairy tale of The Little Prince The world is dreamy and delicate.

“Is this … designed by Aurora?” Su Yanxi paused for a long time before asking hesitantly.

“I didn’t expect this guy to be quite reliable. Your house was designed and built by herself. We want to help her not to let it go.” Hilton nodded her affirmation and said with a frown.

Now the patriarch and the elders are not satisfied with Aurora. Although she abducted her baby daughter, but now the house is built close, and she has the strength to feed and care for Alice. , Alice can also control her.

The only pity is probably that both of them are females and can’t raise offspring, but it is enough to have a cub from the clan. In addition to this, any male in the Aurora tribe is reliable (Allen: qaq!), Which is generally good.

Looking at the patriarch’s appearance of being old and disrespectful, Aurora shook her head with a smile, and then pulled some stunned Su Yanxi to the front, deep in the eyes with an imperceptible anxiety and tension, and asked softly with a smile- —

“Alice, would you like to stay with me … living here?”

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