Fairyland, Big Problem

Chapter 18 - Mind Ballet

“It’s too troublesome, how can it be so tricky…”

In the office of the detention center, Wen Jiu walked back and forth twice before he stopped.

After the interrogation was over, the copied cartoon was given to He De.

Wen Jiu learned that the comics were the works of He De when he was a child, and it must have been nearly 20 years since then.

Knowing that it’s useless, this guy’s psychological defense is too strong, he cried while watching the comics, and he didn’t even recognize the magical girl beside him.

The image of Mei Meng is a magical girl, which means that there is still this thought hidden deep in his heart.

It’s just too deep, too deep in self-denial…

Different from Wen Jiu’s tangled attitude, the security guard and the special police officer Qian were happy.

They know that interrogating prisoners, especially those who are particularly stubborn, may not be able to pry something out of the other’s mouth over and over again.

Wen Jiu has only been here twice, which has caused He De’s mood to fluctuate greatly, and he even showed remorse and tears.

According to the past experience in handling cases, this is close to the critical point for the prisoner to confess.

“Everyone, can I come again this afternoon?”

“Coming in the afternoon?”


The so-called strike should be done while the iron is hot. Wen Jiu knows the reasoning. If He De is allowed to read his previous works several times and deepen his stubborn thoughts, he is afraid that the breakthrough that was finally opened will be healed again.

“Who are you bringing here?”

Detention houses have strict rules. Except for case investigators and attorneys, outsiders are generally not allowed to contact prisoners.

Even the family members cannot meet until the case is completely closed.

Wen Jiu was able to contact He De because Qian Axiong helped apply for a temporary status as an “expert assistant”.

It means that experts in fields other than criminal investigation are needed to help.

“Well…” Wen Jiu thought for a while, “The source of the comic booklet is the big brother who sells fish **** in the deli area of ​​the commercial plaza. If I bring him, I can tear open the existing breakthrough.”

“That’s it.” Qian Axiong knew many staff members of the commercial plaza, “I didn’t expect that things came from the big bowl.”

Wen Jiu, the elder brother of Yuwan, has never asked him the name, but now he knows it is called Yu Dawan.

The security guard and Qian Axiong came together and thought it was feasible. Wen Jiu had already made great contributions to the case that had no progress.

“The cartoons provided by Yu Dawan are considered information related to the prisoner, so let’s reluctantly bring him as a witness.”

“Thank you, everyone.”

“What did little brother Wenjiu say? You are helping us solve the case.”

Wen Jiu sincerely thanked him, worked hard for a long time, got in one or two hundred B, and in the end, he didn’t even get enough Dream Points.

The case must be done!

“…That’s it, come with us.”

In the commercial plaza, Yu Dawan dazedly listened to what happened this morning.

Yesterday he asked Wen Jiu why he copied the comics. Wen Jiu only said that he helped the police station complete the secret mission, but did not elaborate.

Today, Qian Axiong came with him, and Yu Dawan realized that there was a strange theft behind him.

When it comes to helping, he is quite willing, not out of a sense of justice to maintain the security of his homeland, but more because he can meet the artist who impressed him.

After a simple lunch, Yu Dawan handed over the stall to his parents for temporary custody, and drove Wen Jiu and Qian Axiong to the detention center in a van that bought goods.

Once again brought to the interrogation room, He De’s mood was still depressed and sentimental.

Wen Jiu is fortunate that our personnel are very fast. If they wait for the sadness to pass, think clearly, and eradicate the dream with the knowledge of the dream, then everything will be over.

“He De, you said that magical girls have no value in existence. This one next to me is your fan. He likes this magical girl comic!”

The meaning of the words was strict, and the others heard it without any problem, but Yu Dawan’s face turned red.

The fact that a big man likes magical girls was made public, and it was a bit like a public execution.

He De shook his head, “A boring person would like such boring characters and stories.”

“What did you say?!”

Yu Dawan, who was originally a little shy, suddenly became emotional, took out the original picture book from the bag, and strode toward the tempered glass.

Wen Jiu turned around immediately, and when he saw that the guards didn’t mean to stop him, he was relieved.

I don’t know why, Yu Dawan seems to have been invaded by fans and has a problem of principle, changing the image of the cheerful big brother fish ball.

“Apologize! Even if it’s your own work, please apologize to the magical girl!”

The angry look made people puzzled, not only He De, but Wen Jiu himself didn’t know why Yu Dawan was so angry.

If it was only someone who denied his ballet enlightenment readings, what was the point? After all, he had never studied ballet himself, and his career had nothing to do with art.

He De was briefly frightened by the strong emotions, and when he heard the other party’s love for ballet, he quickly resigned to a low voice.

“You’re just talking about it, but you didn’t really learn ballet or talk about love.”


Yu Dawan’s voice closed, “Ballet, you don’t have to use your limbs to dance.”

Since elementary school, Yu Dawan has been a violent and restless child. His grades were extremely poor, and he even dared to fight with his parents. He was almost expelled from school several times.

In junior high school, Yu Dawan vaguely realized that his behavior was wrong, but his character had been developed, and a little spark could set off a dynamite bag of temper. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

It happened to be in the tormented period of self-blame and irritability, Yu Dawan picked up He De’s hand-painted magical girl comics on the way from school.

The story of the comic itself is that the magical girl uses love and justice to purify the enemy, which is a bit old-fashioned, but the description of ballet in it is very delicate.

Every simple action contains a corresponding emotion, either sad or bright. With the rough draft storyboards and narration, Yu Dawan’s irritable heart gradually became silent.

Staying up all night and flipping through the comics three times, Yu Dawan, with dark circles under his eyes, began to taste the ballet in reality, and felt the relief and sublimation brought by art, and gradually became a strong and gentle person.

“My family is poor and has no place in ballet, but the magical girl in the comics saved my soul and my entire family.”

The two big men were sobbing through the tempered glass, “Apologize to me, apologize to the magical girl.”

“I am sorry…”

With his shoulders down, He De’s words choked.

“It’s obvious that I created you, but I can’t make you come before more people.”

His heart was touched, and He De, who was crying with his head down, reluctantly turned around. In a trance, the magical girl got close, and the palm with pure white gloves caressed He De’s face and kissed him lightly on his forehead.

Life is still long, let’s go together…

A text prompt box will pop up on the game interface, and get Dream Points: 23.


10 points higher than Masked Rider, it’s not worth my tossing and turning.

His heart was beating violently with excitement, and Wen Jiu tried his best to keep calm in order to show his demeanor.

After all, He De’s cage of self-torture has been broken.

He turned around slowly.

“Everyone, I’m sorry for causing you trouble, I’m willing to say everything…”

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