Fairy Tail Heavenly Feather

Chapter 27 - Amazing words

Liu Daomu’s words just fell, and everyone in the room was sighing for a while. No one thought that the president of the dark guild “Heaven’s Wings” that had been famous for 8 years would be so young. What puzzles everyone is that Liu Daomiao was able to completely control the mages in the guild. The magicians of “Wings of Heaven” are all strong, but before the establishment of the Dark Guild “Wings of Heaven”, they have never heard any news from them. This shocked everyone: where did these powerful mages come from?

Looking at the scene that seemed to have fallen into silence, Liu Daomiao smiled softly and said, “Everyone seems to have considerable opinions about me as the president.”

Mukuro’s eyes were soft but he seemed to glance at everyone with evil spirits. When he saw Urutia, Liu Daomiao couldn’t help but be surprised. Although I have been told that Uru was killed and Tia appeared in “Devil’s Heart” before, but now when I see myself, Mukuro is still excited. As for the life and death of Ulu? For Mukuro, this is just a joke. Ulu, who possesses the treasure “Crystal Coffin”, can never die. Although the treasure “Crystal Coffin” does not have any offensive and defensive capabilities, but the only use of this treasure is to protect the life of the holder under any circumstances.

Therefore, even though Mukuro knew from Mizai that Ulu had sealed the “disaster demon” Dalyola at the cost of his life, he calmed down after a moment of consternation. Because Mukuro knew that Ulu could never be life-threatening. This is not blind self-confidence, because he knows the power of the treasure “Crystal Coffin”.

At the same time, Mukuro also saw the shock and joy in Tia’s eyes. After quietly giving Tia a reassuring look, Mukuro regained his original appearance. And Tia also knows that if he recognizes Mukuro now, it may cause some unnecessary trouble. Although Tia would like to talk to Mukuro at this time, in this case, Tia can only endure temporarily.

“Hahaha! How come, Liudaomiao, you laughed.”

The cloak man first broke this silent situation, and a kind old man stepped forward and shook hands with Mukuro.

“It turned out to be the president of the Gate of Hades.” Mukuro is also an affable look.

“”Gate of the Hades”, “Devil’s Heart”, “Six Demon Generals”, it seems that all of them should come.” Mukuro looked at the three most powerful guilds in the field and smiled softly.

“Brother, do you remember An Jieer?”

In the camp of General Six Demons, a girl with short white hair waved at Mukuro in amazement.

“Of course I remember.”

At this time, Mukuro also found that An Jieer in General Six Demon turned out to be the little girl shivering in the dark corner. Although she was a little surprised in her heart, it was not an unacceptable fact.

“Hee hee!” An Jieer smiled with a smile, a look of joy.

“Hey, what’s the matter, An Jie’er?” Cobra Kebula asked suspiciously, and the big purple snake behind him was also vomiting the snake’s letter at An Jie’er, issuing “Silk” voice.

For Mukuro, An Jieer always has a strange feeling in his heart. Although she is no longer the weak little girl who was bullied by anyone before, An Jie’er’s help for Mukuro at that time has never been forgotten. So, while greeting Mukuro, An Jieer’s tone was surprisingly soft. But it is not necessary for other people, even if this person is currently his companion.

“Kebra, are you questioning me?”

“That’s right, it’s not your turn to control, hee hee…”

“You really hate this person…”

The Gemini Protoss behind An Jieer also coaxed.

“What? An Jie’er, you guys dare to provoke me.” Kebula was also slightly angry at this time, and the purple snake behind him also stared at An Jie’er with unsightly eyes.

“Stop it, now is not the time for infighting.” Brian spoke to stop the quarrel between the two.

“Yes, yeah, stop now. Nothing is more important than money, right.” He Teai said with a book in his hands, his eyes flashing.


Hearing Brian’s words, Kebula groaned with dissatisfaction, and then touched the scalp of the purple snake with his hand, and said, “Be quiet, Sebellius.”

Supelius in Kebula’s mouth is the name of this purple snake with back wings.

“Oh, Liudao, we have just been discussing the three positions of the “Barram League.” According to the current situation, I am afraid that these three positions will be increased by one.”

Hades narrowed his eyes and scanned the skeleton and the people behind it, stroking his long beard and said.

Cut, damn. Behind Hades, Brunote glared at Stella with a look of resentment. Looking at the bland girl, Bruno couldn’t help but get angry. However, he knew he had to hold back. Now is not a good time for revenge.

“Yes, that’s right. President Hades was right.” Some flatterers rushed to please.

“It seems that the members of the “Barram League” will be increased to four.”

“But President Hades also said it well, “The Wings of Heaven” is powerful and fully affordable”

“Barram League Barram League Barram League Barram League Barram League…”

With the words of Hades, all the magicians present were vocalizing together.

Hades smiled confidently, very satisfied with the performance of everyone present. His eyes looked strangely at Liudaokuo, seeming to be very sure that Kuiku will definitely agree to this condition. Form a “Barram League” formed by the alliance of four dark guilds.

But will Mukuru really do what Hades wants? No, before coming to this routine meeting, Mukuro had already made a decision.

Under the watchful eye of Hades, Kuros, General Six Demons, and all the magicians present, Mukuro said something that shocked everyone.

“I’m sorry, I’m not interested in alliance matters, and “Wings of Heaven” doesn’t need to form alliances with others!”

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