Fairy, Please Take Care of Yourself

Chapter 47 - Night owl in their eyes

When Li Qinglin led the army to besiege the concept of longevity, Qin Yi was just attacked. The two places are not far away in theory. The view of Changsheng is not far away from the palace, but the so-called not far from a capital city is actually fast enough for a county town from east to west. The two sides attacked and defended at the same time, but they did not know each other.

Qin Yi was on his way from Princess House to Prince House until the fire at Dengxiantai burned through the sky.

Seeing the fire in the distance, Qin Yi paused, and her doubts suddenly opened up, and she understood everything.

“Big brother Brother is really a teammate of God!” He put down his heart, and smiled at Liu Su.

Suddenly Liu Su made a “hum” blandly, and a collaborator like Li Qinglin was very reliable, reliable to the extent that it felt a little indifferent-it didn’t look like a movie.

At this moment, Qin Yi even had an idea … Seeing the fire during the battle, he must run out of the city … Prince Edward ’s theoretically the risk factor should not be large at this time. Do n’t you go back, you should try to hold back the battle after the battle. The legs are right, let him die in the south?

The thoughts passed by in a flash, and the two phases made a choice. After all, I could not follow Li’s worry about Li Qingjun in his heart, and flew back to his home.

Su Ye Ye’s injuries were not healed. Once a metamorphosis demon appears, they are still likely to be in danger.

Tochigi Sword Formation is dead and cannot be moved. If the two sisters have stayed in the security zone, of course, nothing will happen, the problem is that the enemy’s target may not be them. Once raging elsewhere, such as to catch Li Qinglin’s relatives or something, Li Qingjun would definitely be unable to hold back and rescue.

Otherwise, it is not Li Qingjun.

Uh …

The demon who appeared in the transformation period of Prince’s House was not one but two. When Minghe launched the Seven-Star Royal Array, he happened to be out of range, and fortunately escaped this calamity and became Donghuazi’s last main force at hand.

A hawk demon and a wolf demon have formed themselves, and they really look like human men. It’s just that one hawk nose is particularly conspicuous, to the point where it really becomes a hook; the other has tusks and a lot of gray hair on the face.

Hmm … it’s a bit difficult to make them human, because it’s hard to find such an ugly human …

Obviously, both are early metamorphosis, but it is not easy. If it is two early monks who have learned all kinds of high-end techniques, the tacit understanding of the two people can make the entire Nanli upside down, let alone a Prince’s House.

Fortunately, these two are similar to the night owl, and have not learned anything decent. If they want to break through thousands of troops, there will be innate battles like Li Qinglin among the thousands of troops, and they will not be able to play a big role; they can be used to break into a Prince’s Mansion. Li Qinglin’s family members are really unstoppable.

If 能 can force Li Qinglin to withdraw, it is not yet known who the deer died.

Wu Donghuazi’s decision on the spot cannot be said to be wrong.

The two monsters came in the volley, but they haven’t arrived in the inner courtyard yet. I don’t know where there were hundreds of bows and crossbows. The two monsters shot in the air in one round.

The hawk demon sneered, his right hand waved, and the violent wind rose suddenly, blowing hundreds of arrows into pieces.

“If all arrows are still a little troublesome, wouldn’t it just tickle your grandpa hawk with a few hundred drizzles?”

The hawk demon spread his arms, and a huge winged shadow appeared, and he swooped down.

The wolf demon shot suddenly, and reached the gate.

Sisters are monsters famous for their speed … But they didn’t expect that someone was faster than them.

The black awns flashed, and the two black pheasant feathers seemed to be shocked. They shot directly at the two demon’s throats, so fast that the air whistled like a tear.

The two demon statures stopped and they avoided it. Looking around, the little figure of the night owl was chasing after them at a rapid speed, and further away, Li Qingjun was holding the silver gun and rushing here.

Qin Yi guessed right, almost the first time he saw the monster volleying towards the inner courtyard, Li Qingjun grabbed the silver gun and rushed out. Ye Di had to catch up, she was famous for her speed, but rushed in front of Li Qingjun.

“Princess Zhaoyang …” The wolf demon saw Li Qingjun behind the night owl, and he said, “Is it more useful to catch this than to catch Li Qinglin’s wife?”

The hawk demon is in favor: “A person like Li Qinglin, his wife can still marry if he is dead, and what kind of bird is used to catch his family members. Princess Zhaoyang can at least coerce the man named Qin Yi …”

The two monsters had the same opinion, and no longer entered the inner courtyard, and their eyes fell on Ye Di at the same time.

It’s easy to catch Li Qingjun, this little girl is in trouble.

“The snake that ran out of the demon monster array at the beginning …” Both demon’s looks were quite dignified.

They have tasted the taste of refining the monster array.

Donghuazi stayed behind the back door in the demon monster. Whenever the monsters spawned by the demon monster, when the psychic peaks condensed the demon dandelion, they would feel the call of the soul, and entered the demon monster horribly, and then refined. It’s better to die than to die, and the painful words are indescribable.

Because they could not bear the pain, they kneeled down at Donghuazi for mercy, took the blood of the demon tribe, and surrendered to him. Later, he got another chance and broke into shape.

More monsters with the same psychic peaks as they had at the beginning, without the strength to beg for mercy, were smelted alive, they saw too much.

There is only one exception.

A small winged snake actually broke through the metamorphosis period in the extreme pain of the Lian Yao array, and broke out of the formation. Before everyone was shocked and did not respond, it turned into a black electricity and disappeared out of view.

On the day Prince Prince was assassinated, when the Prince’s guard said “black light flashes”, Changsheng’s concept of up and down knew who the killer would be.

That is a horrible demon who is self-breaking, with perseverance and far more than his peers, with extreme pain.

Memories just passed by, Ye Ye has arrived in front of them, cursing with his hips: “Two ugly and weird, a little bit ~”

“???” The two demon look muran.

Horrible … big demon?

Is there something wrong with me?

During the talk, Li Qingjun also came to the front, and ridiculed the relay: “They are all human beings, why are you so beautiful, and you are so ugly? I think you still go back to what kind of refining demon array. Too shameful, no, too shameful. “

The two demons were so angry that they made smoke.

Yehan seemed to be talking to her, and said, “Anyway, they have already lost enough demon, princess, you don’t know. At the beginning, they kneeled down and gave a blood oath to Donghuazi. Ca n’t wait to call grandpa, oh …”

The wolf demon couldn’t help but shouted, “Did you give Li Qinglin a blood oath? Otherwise, how could he trust you?”

“Solution.” Ye Wan smiled and smiled: “His Royal Highness wants to transfer me to Qin Yi, and then solve it, and then Qin Yi did not ask me to swear, I am a free demon. Envy?”

To be honest, they are really envious. Who wants to bear a blood oath and make a cow or a horse? If the owner dies, they will have to die with it. Who can bear it!

There is a way out now. Donghuazi is now in deep trouble. If they catch Li Qingjun and go back, then there is a great opportunity for Donghuazi to release his blood oath.

妖 Both pairs of demon eyes were staring at Li Qingjun, showing fierce light.

青 Li Qingjun’s expression was calm, Hao’s wrist faltered, and the silver gun lightly pointed.

知道 She knows that her speed is better than this kind of monster, and it is impossible to draw them back. Qin Yi ’s painstaking sword formation has completely lost its meaning.

But she doesn’t regret it.

If you can hide in the field selfishly and sit back and watch your brother’s family members have an accident, then it is not Li Qingjun.

Xiao Yexian sighed like an adult, but also gave up the idea of ​​continuing to use nonsense to delay time.

长 The eternal life view over there is so hot that the two monsters are no longer stupid enough to be dragged here by a few nonsense.

I always hit.

Su Ye’s eyes suddenly became a bit fierce, a small hand turned, and a black flame rose up in a strange way.

Viper, Vulcan, family at home, the Lord was terrified and fierce.

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