Fairy, Please Take Care of Yourself

Chapter 45 - This warrior society law 术

Seventy-eight people followed closely into the alley, and then looked at each other.

The alley was straight, every house was closed, and there were no forks. You could see the opposite street at a glance, but Qin Yi was gone.

He just came in, how can he get out of the lane so fast?

I can see the whole alley at a glance, leaning against the wall is the dustpans and brooms that some residents piled up outside. No matter how you look at it, you can’t hide it. Where can Qin Yi hide it?

“Don’t be fooled, he must haven’t left the lane, and he searched, most of whom he hid in.”

Everyone slowly separated and went to different people.

秦 Behind Qin Yi’s killing enemies, a mace slowly grew on the edge of several dustpans.


There was a blast of earth-shattering explosions, and everyone even made eardrums. Turning around to see, I saw my companion’s entire head was smashed, and I don’t know how hard this stick was used.

I then saw another Qin Yi growing on the side of the dustpan, and Fei also ran away from the alley.

“…” A group of people couldn’t react as if they were falling asleep.

Basic Taoism, hiding.

He is not even invisible, nor is it hallucinogenic, but is similar to adding a protective color to himself to deceive others. Of course, it is a bit higher than the protective color. Anyway, it is a spell …

Anyway, there are a few dustpans at a glance. Of course, no one cares. Who knows that Qin Yi is hidden next to it?

The martial arts can spell, it is really unstoppable …

Qin Yi Fei ran out of the lane over there, heartily, soaring.

反 What this anti-ambush is expecting is revenge. Fortunately, the killing enemy is near his hiding place, and it is easy to knock it out. Even if he wasn’t nearby, he planned to show up suddenly and rush to death.

The two killing masters killed one with their own hands, and the lingering grievances suddenly spread, as if they could feel a little brisk from body to heart, and they were extremely happy.

怀疑 He suspects that if this vengeful event is completed and then physically and mentally accessible, the spirit that has been stuck for a long time may break through and reach innate. Maybe even the new mana can benefit.

I was thinking so, and saw the Doudou screaming at himself among a group of people.

Qin Yi smiled, showing neat white teeth.

He didn’t run away anymore, but turned his head towards the enemy array.

The large number of people and horses that Lu Yuan originally chased down were stunned by his actions, and then overjoyed, spread out in a very organized manner, and formed a siege net.

Qin Yizhen rushed into the net if he didn’t realize it.

The network port is tightened.

Suddenly, everyone felt that the light in front of them flashed, and they were stabbed with tears, and saw nothing.

Basic Taoism, shining.

In just a short moment, the light quickly dissipated. What was seen in the confusion was Qin Yi struck a fiercely on the head of the companion who pretended to be selling Douhua. While everyone’s eyes did not fully recover, he broke out and laughed away .

The feeling of refreshing enemies between two killing enemies was not known to outsiders.

The tassel tassel didn’t say a word from beginning to end, nor did he give any instructions, as if watching the performance of Qin Yi. It wasn’t until Qin Yi’s laughter came to rest, he said leisurely: “No wonder … you like Li Qingjun.”

I can use my brain to use seemingly useless low-level skills in the battle. This is what Qin Yi can do, as expected.

However, the heroism of the enemy who laughed away without regressing and advancing at the first level is not like Qin Yi at all.

I had always thought that Qin Yi, who was quietly avoiding the world like a salted fish, had a chivalrous spirit in his bones, as if he was seeing the rainy night view in the tassel, and he was clearly afraid, but stabbed firmly at the silver light of the spider demon.

Perhaps Qin Yi was always hidden in his bones, and was slowly hooked out after he knew Li Qingjun … so he admired Li Qingjun so much that he thought he was licking a dog. In fact, it was Qin Yi himself. I want to do it, but in the ease and peace of another world, slowly disappeared.

In the battle between the repression and ambush of Jingshi, Xun then, at first glance at his enemies, finally stirred up the wild nature of Qin Yi.

“Yes.” Qin Yi didn’t know it thought so much, but just smiled and answered, “I like Qingjun.”

Tassel smiled softly, the laughter was quite meaningful.

Qin Yi breathed a few breaths, turned his head to look, the chase had been lost. As a matter of fact, the pursuit of the soldiers was even scattered by him. It didn’t take long for him to run slower and slower, watching him leave.

Qin Yi finally relaxed a little. In fact, his mana was exhausted, and even his qi was a little sluggish, and at this moment he was able to recover a little or two.

He felt a Huiqi pill and put it into his mouth, while adjusting his breath, he continued to run to Princess Mansion. After another street, Princess Mansion is in front.

Qin Yi flew over and asked the guard directly: “Are the princesses available?”

Puppet guard laughed: “It was Qin Gongzi. Where is the princess, please come in.”

“Thank you.” Qin Yi was about to advance to the next level, and suddenly he suddenly said, “Wait, how do you know that I am Qin Yi?”

Shouwei laughed: “The incident between the son Qin and the princess was at the state banquet. How could we not know it? We have never seen and described it. The iconic mace is too easy to recognize.”

“Oh.” Qin Yi clenched his mace, and asked, “I’m quarreling with people outside a street. Why didn’t you react at all?”

Guard guard stunned 怔: “Funny outside, what to do with Princess Mansion, we don’t know that Qin Gongzi was attacked …”

The words did not fall, Qin Yi was a stick from the start: “I only say that it is noisy, you all know it was attacked!”

Qin Yi is afraid of misunderstanding the good guys. This stick is actually preparing for strength, just a threat. But after all, the fake was not able to be loaded, a spear was found inside the door, hit him in the middle, and rescued him.

A sigh came from the door: “Brother Qin’s alertness is really different from the image of a mace.”

The central gate was wide open, and the subordinates stood in the atrium with their subordinates. Two fake guards also withdrew to the left and right of the battle, seemingly his close friends.

Qin Yi retreated under the stone steps and narrowed his eyes: “Where is Qingjun?”

Yan Zhan pretended to be profound: “What does Brother Qin think?”

Qin Yi looked up at the cabinet in the house, and suddenly turned around and walked away, muttering: “Stupid, it’s me, if I succeed, I will return to my place and be happy, I have to act to catch me and make my men responsible. Where is the drama addiction performed in person? Of course, Qingjun is still in Prince’s House. “

He walked fast, and after finishing the whole sentence, everyone was almost half a street away.

Fighting his nose was crooked, while chasing out the crowd, he sternly said: “Two lords, when you won’t do it again!”

The demon wind suddenly rose ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ A black owl whistled from the left, like a human face. At the same time, the street slabs arched, and a huge urn appeared in front of them.

The snoring was extremely appalling.

But Qin Yi laughed dumbfoundedly, holding a mace and slamming his head into the head was a jump cut: “Under the Seven Star Royal Array, even Ye Yan has only one breath left, and the undeformed little demon is a blessing to die. Dare to pretend to force me! “

“Bang”, but poor 蜈蚣 has not completely shown the whole body, he was knocked on his brain to crack, and died on the spot. The owl was in a sudden moment in the air, fluttering away, and a feather fell, and it was extremely barn owl.

The battle furiously chased after him, and Qin Yiyi had already run out of sight.

His words pretend to be lightly despised, but in fact he is extremely dignified.

Although Donghuazi has no army at hand, there must be a lot of monks who have certain practices. In addition, in terms of monsters, they shouldn’t all be in this kind of city. They can only scare people if they eat the Minghe array and take a breath. It is reasonable that there will be a stronger monster hiding in it. But he fought all the way, but only saw ordinary martial arts.

Of course, it is because he is not the core of this game. Although the other party wants to kill him, but running through it has no effect on the overall situation. Of course, the other party knows the importance and will not arrange the main force on him. And they came to the Princess Mansion to capture Li Qingjun, but it was just such a bit of effort, and it was also emptied … So it is conceivable what kind of pressure the Prince’s Mansion should face at this moment.

But this is so strange …

I came to Princess Mansion for a sneak attack, which is justified. Can they openly besiege the Prince’s Mansion to kill Li Qinglin? The king did not die, and Donghuazi had to be convinced again. This is also unlikely to happen. Is there any logic in his own right?

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