Fairy, Please Take Care of Yourself

Chapter 41 - Maka

Night is quiet.

Qin Yi finally drew a stroke, and Huaguang appeared on the rune paper, it seemed that a little bit of stars fell on cinnabar, and gradually disappeared.

After sixteen paintings were scrapped, the first magical charm was finally made.

符 This symbol is used for the person, can take the wind and walk, such as electricity, across the mountains and across the river, crossing the river for thousands of miles without fatigue. It has involved a very mysterious principle. In Minghe’s appraisal system, this is already eight grades.

This falcon is not as ingenious as Minghe imagined. In fact, it was only made by tassel casually. It just reflects its understanding of the extraordinary practice of spiritual practice. It is very amazing about Minghe, but it is just casual to tassel. Do it.

Ye Ke looked at Qin Yi Fucheng, but tassel was very silent.

Qin Yizheng rejoiced, but found that the tassel was silent, and was surprised to ask, “What’s wrong? Is it my sign or not?”

“No, you are doing very well, this symbol has reached the lower grade of eight grades.” Liu Su answered with a dull feeling: “But I think Minghe’s words may have her truth, so I wonder if you should continue to learn. “

“You haven’t seen Fu Yu now, how do you know what she said makes sense?”

“You don’t need to see it, this is even the truth.” Liu Suyi sighed, “Any technique and even the core skills are always summarized and improved on the basis of their predecessors, that is, I have also improved a lot of predecessors in that year. There will also be geniuses who will innovate and innovate and create a new system of ancient times … If tens of thousands of years are not as good as the ancient ones, then it will be too underestimated. “

“Uh …” Qin Yi comforted: “What if some advanced Taoism is lost? It may also cause a fault in that system, making it worse than it is today.”

Tassel feels better: “It should be there, especially according to Minghe, there have been demon robberies. This kind of catastrophe may cause many important inheritances to be cut off. They can only be deduced based on some remnants, even fur. I think more than anything, not necessarily. “

Qin Yi laughed: “That is their own strengths. Your practice is far beyond them. Even if you want to re-absorb new knowledge, it is faster than anyone else. What fear?”

“There is no fear,” Tassel slowly said, “It’s just me … I hate being compared.”

Qin Yi 怔 怔 这, this is why this product is easily stimulated? Can it be repaired to such a level, will there still be such a winner?

As if knowing what he was thinking, tassel said: “No matter how much you cultivate, everyone has their own unique soul and has a different brand. Maybe someone thinks that my victory is ridiculous, it is a flaw, it is a weakness. , But that’s me, I’m happy. Maybe you think that when you practice the path, all people do n’t care about it, then you do n’t care, one thousand people? This path is also a group of corpses. ”

I think for a while, Qin Yi was very touched. Tassel’s view has always been evil, but it has always been very interesting. The most important thing is that when I can talk to myself, I am very provocative. “I’m willing” This kind of remark that can be regarded as the second in modern times is not contradictory in the cultivation of the immortal world. Seeking truth, finding me, asking, asking, isn’t that the case?

But from the comparison of Minghe’s performance, this estimate of tassel is also a bit apostate, not like something that can be mainstream orthodoxy …

“You can just listen to these things, it’s too early to understand the essence of the ego.” Liu Su finally said: “It’s late at night, let’s start practicing Nedan … no matter how many replacements are practiced today, this is most There is no difference in basic foundation, just as martial arts need to be stabilized first, no matter how it changes. “

Listening to this remark, it seems that some of them worry about teaching Qin Yi to be outdated. They are cheering on it. Qin Yi could not help crying or sitting, sitting cross-legged, but remembered something.

The tassel frowned and laughed absurdly. After hearing this, the outsider was absolutely confused, perhaps it was the meaning that only belonged to Qin Yi.

I don’t know why this feeling makes him very happy, such as willing to make Qin Yi’s practice more worthwhile.

Qin Yi adjusted her correct posture and asked, “You all say that I am suitable for spiritual practice, but you do n’t bother to find out if I have a spiritual root. If I have no spiritual root, I ca n’t cultivate at all. What should I do?”

Liu Suqi said: “Spiritual root? If one is suitable for spiritual practice, which direction is suitable, that is the spiritual root. If you do n’t know the details, you may need to test one or two. What do you need to do to get along with you? What? A root grows on me? “

Qin Yi: “… I’m sure I have one.”

The tassel froze angrily.

Qin Yi has closed her eyes and slowly entered the clear.

Tassel was a little surprised. He looked at him seriously for a while, and then suddenly smiled softly, and said to himself: “I’m still worried that there is no spiritual root … Everything you see in ancient times is more consistent with Xiandao, you can’t count a palm.”

Because it just recited a tactic before, it didn’t explain it at all. Originally I was going to explain a few words, but Qin Yi had already practiced it by himself. Amazingly, instead of practicing mistakes, there is really a hint of heaven and earth aura that begins to gather around him.

Maybe it is because he has learned a lot of foreign Dan, formation methods, common sense of Taoism, and recently learned amulets. In addition, he got along with it and received all the relevant knowledge of practice. The foundation is sufficient. There are no barriers to understanding the work method.

But this can’t explain why Reiki gathers so fast as if it’s coming.

The avenue is hard. Not to mention his three-month foundation, most people can’t learn a fart for thirty years, and most of them have been trained to death. Just look at the king … he can’t possibly have no basic practice, but what has he cultivated over the years?

In the sayings of other industries, Qin Yi probably presumed to be born with this bowl of rice.

The martial arts term is called gifted talent.

The term Xiuxianxian may be called Tianlinggen.

Uh …

Qin Yi felt strange at this time.

If you look at the most basic level you have cultivated so far, Xiuxian’s so-called practice qi and martial arts qi are not much different. At the source, they all start from the same concept, reconcile yin and yang, penetrate through the pulse, and breed Dantian. In one breath, accomplish the little world with oneself.

Then it can also achieve the effects of strengthening the body, washing the marrow and cutting the marrow, and eliminating diseases and prolonging the disease.

In the future, we must also open the second pulse of the Governor, communicate the bridge between heaven and earth, draw the yin and yang of heaven and earth, and achieve the great cycle between ourselves and heaven and earth. In the martial arts, this is called the congenital realm. Reached, Qin Yi Li Qingjun has not yet.

But now Qin Yi, who has both Qi and Reiki at the same time, can find that there is a difference between the two.

For example, the true energy of martial arts can increase his strength, can also be released, and has a direct destructive power. And the aura or saying power that Xiandao practiced seems to have no such effect for the time being, and it may have to be developed afterwards. The current feeling is rather cool.

That ’s right, it ’s so cool. Now that I ’ve just repaired a flickering aura, I feel like Shutai, and my limbs are covered by Ganquan inside and out. It ’s cool and beautiful. stop.

No wonder some people practice so much that women do n’t even want it … presumably, when it ’s so spiritual, it ’s better?

Before coming into contact with the higher realm of contrast, Qin Yi now feels like this. This martial art is really Yang, such as fire attacking the enemy; this immortal spirit is Yin, like water to wash itself.

In fact, the Qi and Reiki he cultivated are both neutral, and each of them is the result of the reconciliation of yin and yang. There should not be such an obvious difference.

之后 After reconciling yin and yang, they will become yin and yang again?

She Qin Yi can almost see her own dandan field, the original Qi and the new Reiki started to slowly rotate, and finally turned into a yin and yang fish. Even the reiki is still very small. It has been practiced for many years. It feels like the strong man is playing six or nine with young girls, which is against harmony.

I do n’t know what it ’s like to practice again. In theory, the spirit of fairy spirit is much higher than martial arts.

Qin Yi’s heart suddenly moved.

The unnamed blue-skinned cymbal on my body, maybe there is a special doorway … the quality of the true qi trained is different?

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