
Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Early in the morning, the Su family woke up, and only Su Qingbai who was tossing into the middle of the night last night was still asleep. The family members were very considerate and did not call him up.

This time is probably the same as in February. The land is still not alive. The family is very busy. When the woman finishes her housework, she takes the clothes and sits in the courtyard.

Su Erge and Su Shi have nothing to play in the courtyard. Chess and chessboards are all made by Su Shi’s leisure time. They are all made of wood. The pieces are polished and smooth, and they are small and cute in their hands.

Su Da Ge sat behind Su Ge, his son is a little clever, and his own over-extended second brother is incomparable in any case.

Su Qingyang looked around and saw Su Qingtong being turned by his son. He was anxious to see. When he wanted to give a voice, he was blocked by his son’s “watching chess and not being a gentleman.”

Su Lingchuan was sitting in front of the stone table in the yard and composing a chicken cage.

Not far away, Su’s wife couldn’t help but say that he “had no chicken at home, what do you do with these cages?”

At this border, few people raise livestock, and they will not raise too much if they raise it. If you raise too much, it is very likely that the enemy team that often invades the border will rob the readers;

One or two words are better, and it is enough to hide them in time. If there are too many, then the bandits will suddenly come, and they will be busy for a while, then they will be given to those bandits in vain.

The price of meat here is therefore more expensive than elsewhere, and it is calculated carefully. Sujia has not eaten meat for a long time.

Su Shi and Su Qingbai did not stare at the milk goat at home, only looking forward to when this sheep did not produce milk, so that it would be eaten.

Su Lingchuan was really idle, and he didn’t know what to do if he let go of his life.

Suddenly, a tender voice came from the house, “ah ”

Su Lingchuan immediately knew that the little thing in the house must have woke up.

Yes, Su Qingbai gave birth to the child more than three months ago.

Speaking of this child, Su Lingchuan was extremely complicated. When he knew that Su Qingbai was pregnant, he would not want to kill the rabbit.

I want him to be a Su family. In the capital, it is a famous door style. With Su Qingbai, this little bastard, I didn’t learn to spend the whole day in the casino, and even married the doorsteps of Su’s family. Now I dare to fool around with men.

He was really discouraged at the time. For a long time, he did not give Su Qingbai a good face. After watching Su Qingbai’s stomach grow up, he was in the heart. Did he raise a son or a daughter?

The younger son and the man were fooling around, and they still harbored the child as a man.

Originally, he was grateful that although this kid was mixed outside, unlike the children and grandchildren of his peers, he was playing a woman outside. Today, he would rather have Su Qingbai like those people.

In particular, he asked the little bastard, who is the father of the child. When Su Qingbai answered it, he thought of the life of the rich children who were listening to the yin, and suddenly there was Su Qingbai and several men fooling around, even the father of the child. It is a guess that no one knows… If the lady stopped, he had to kill the shameful thing.

For this grandson, Su Lingchuan made up his mind not to recognize him. Su Qingbai does not seem to like this child very much.

When I thought of Su Qingbai, Su Lingchuan couldn’t help but frown. The lady had already got up and cooked at this moment. The boy was still asleep, and he didn’t look like that.

Thinking, Su Lingchuan couldn’t help but open the curtain and walked in.

Entering the bedroom, a milky smell came, and Su Lingchuan moved his eyes to the bed. As it happened, Su Qingbai turned over and pressed a small group of quilts under him.

At this time, the quilt under the quilt moved a little, and from the perspective of Suningchuan, it can be seen that it is a foot, very small. Immediately, a very small hand stretched out from the quilt and waved wildly outside, apparently anxious.

Su Lingchuan, who had reacted, took a shot of Su Qingbai and rescued the little life under him.

Su Qingbai was slap in the palm of his hand and suddenly woke up. He opened his eyes, touched his face, looked at his son, and looked awkward. “Why are you hitting me?”

Su Lingchuan was too lazy to care for him. The child who had already woken up in his hand looked at him with his beautiful eyes. Su Lingchuan frowned and looked at him.

Although he has never liked this child, he can’t watch him being crushed by Su Qingbai.

This is the first time that Su Lingchuan has touched this soft thing for more than three months, and it is simply soft and unspeakable. Su Lingchuan was still angry with Su Qingbai, ignored him, took the child to the outside, and then threw it to Mrs. Su who was burning.

Mrs. Su was shocked. “Scared! On such a cold day, why don’t you give him some thick clothes and take it out?”

After all, I also refused to take care of the burning fire. I held the child in my hand and ran to the house.

On the one hand, Su Qingbai watched his father go out with his child and couldn’t help but open his eyes. He said that there is no one in this family who is more than expecting the arrival of this little nephew. That person must have been licking his reads.

But… Su Qingbai blinked his eyes, and he even went out with the little nephew, and Su Qingbai’s eyes were full of incredulity.

After being surprised, he licked his face, which was so painful, and Su Qingbai pulled it over.

It’s incredible to think about some messy life now. He was still drunk in the casino a year ago. Who can think that he will live in this place and have a baby.

The child was a premature baby and was born in seven months. In this city, the environment is no better than the capital, the conditions of the family are no better than the capital, but the child is still alive and strong, and even the most eager to survive is not sick.

Dressed up, Su Qingbai folded the bed, today is the hundred days of this little nephew, compared with the Su family, this little nephew seems a little pitiful. Because she was not expected, Xiaoxier has been neglected. She did not do anything, and no one prepared anything for a hundred days. Even now she has no name.

Originally, Su Qingbai, who felt that he would be **** this child, could not bear it.

He thought, give him a name today.

After Su Qingbai washed, Xiaoxiaoer had already moved to Mrs. Su’s hand. Mrs. Su is the most kind person in the whole family to Xiaoer, and then is Su Dazhao.

Because Xiaoyan had no name, Su Qingbai even listened to his mother secretly called the baby, and in front of everyone, Mrs. Su generally only called him “children.”

Sitting at the dinner table, the family was drinking the porridge silently with the rice bowl. Su Qingbai looked at his son and said: “I want to give him a name.”

The family suddenly shifted their attention.

Su Qingbai said the name he had thought for a long time. “It’s called Su Dazhuang.” The child is weak and hopes that he will grow stronger in the future. Secondly, he does not like Xiaoer, the name sounds. There is no sense of existence, three, and the most important point, cough, there is not much ink in his stomach, this name is simple, but quite connotative.

Su Lingchuan listened to the broken name and couldn’t resist it. He frowned and took the chopsticks to the table. “What is the name?”

You must know that Su Lingchuan was a flower explorer in the past. This is his nominal grandson who took this name. Isn’t this a face?

Su Qingbai was stunned by his old man. He shook his shoulders and cautiously asked, “What is the name?”

Everyone knows that Su Lingchuan originally did not intend to take care of this little nephew, but now he has to name this little nephew, and finally he can’t pull his face, with a nasal sound, the voice is very low. “It’s called Su Can.”

Su Lingchuan with a little nasal sound, I heard Su Qingbai’s ear became a taste, “Su cuisine?” Su Qingbai haha ​​laughed, “how is it like vegetables!”

Su Shi also nodded with no eyes.

Originally, Wulingchuan was willing to name Xiaoxiaoer, and his heart was already struggling. Su Qingbai was so “disgusted” that he was angry at the time. “So, you started yourself.” After that, he left the table.

Su Qingbai saw that his old man was angry. When he was in a hurry, he would please: “I didn’t dismiss it. I didn’t disappoint it. I listened to you. It was called Su Cai Cai. This nickname is quite good.”

Su Lingchuan only annoyed him when he deliberately angered himself.

Finally, the name of Xiao Yuer was set, called Su Chengyu.

In order to please his father, Su Qingbai said that he did not disregard himself. He kept the name of Su Caicai and held his little nephew. When he was his son, the vegetables and vegetables were very happy. .

I didn’t know that I couldn’t make a photo, but I shot it on the horse’s leg.

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