
Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Sending away the old lady, Mrs. Su went to guard her son, and looked at the rare son who was lying quietly. His face was well-behaved and the ghost was so bad. Mrs. Su picked up her son’s clothes and touched her son’s stomach. I didn’t eat well for a long time, so I am embarrassed.

When a group of people entered the house, they saw this scene. Su Dazhao’s mouth was pumping, and he was busy pulling up Mrs. Su, who was half-squatting. “Mom, do you really believe what the old doctor said?”

Mrs. Su’s nose touched her nose and did not speak.

Su’s unhappy stunned Mrs. Su’s eyes and turned back to the crowd: “Nothing is gone.” Then Su’s father stayed with Mrs. Su to guard Su Qingbai.

Speaking of it, the family was not bad when the Soviet Union had not been an official. There were a lot of fields in the house, and the house was not too small. It was only after the Soviet Union was dismissed that the fields were taken away, because they didn’t want to be cold. Only then did he completely eliminate his back road, so he still kept the old house for him.

After Su Qingyang came back, he brought a few medicines to Su Qingbai, and he gave it to Su Qingbai and fed it. A talented person rested.

The next day, everyone was late, but it was the earliest of Su Qingbai. When he opened his eyes, he saw himself sleeping in his mother’s arms like a child. Su Qingbai’s face was red, he was uncomfortable. Come out from Mrs. Su’s arms.

Su Qingbai’s action awakened Mrs. Su, and Mrs. Su was sleeping with her clothes. She guarded Su Qingbai and slept very late. She sat up and looked surprised. “Green cypress, are you awake?”

Su Qingbai is awkward. If he knows that he is sixteen years old, he still sleeps with his mother, and he must not be laughed at.

At this time, Su’s father woke up. When he looked at the younger son, he didn’t want to be awkward. He remembered the last time Su said that he had told him that Su Qingbai had used his face to smear the women, and suddenly he didn’t fight. “Men’s husband, Don’t be ashamed like it.”

Su Qingbai was afraid of his father from an early age. When he heard this, he quickly got out of bed and found that he had no strength.

“What happened to me?” Su Qingbai was in the middle of his heart.

“The doctor said that you didn’t have a good rest, didn’t eat well, and this broke your body.” Mrs. Su was the most likely to suffer from her son’s suffering. Now when she sees her son wake up, she can’t help but chanting. “Isn’t Sun Hao, you didn’t have a rest, Don’t dare to eat?”

Sun Hao is the Soviet Union.

“In the face of the child, what do you talk about?” Although the Soviet Union did not like Sun Hao, but in the end, he is the head of the family. The family and the unity are what he wants to see, so he promptly stops Mrs. Su from continuing. Going on, it became a bad brother’s love for Su Qingtong and Su Qingbai. For this younger son, Su’s father is very worried. This little son is not a martial artist. Now he is alive and he looks at him. If he is gone, will he be gone? At that time, I can only rely on two older brothers.

Su Qingbo heard the words and said, “I don’t care about other people’s things, I can’t eat myself.”

Su’s father nodded. “It’s always your second brother who still hurts you.”


Su Qingbai had to lie on the bed these days. Every day except eating and drinking medicine, it was sleeping, it was very difficult.

On the day when Su Qingbai finished the medicine, Su Qingyang invited the doctor again.

After the doctor gave Su Qingbai a pulse, he said: “The body is not a big problem, but…” The old man tangled and looked at Su Qingbai. “I still put out a happy pulse for more than a month.”

It is said that the Su family feels ridiculous. Su Qingbai is a male baby. How could she become pregnant?

Only Su Qingbai himself was guilty, he thought of the days of reading with the man;

Then quickly denounced this ridiculous thought, he is a man, it is impossible to get pregnant.

He followed the chaos and breathed, then lay down and forced himself to sleep, don’t scare yourself.

In this way, Su Qingbai gradually got better. When the time passed, no one put the words of the old doctor into the heart. Even Su Qingbai, who had some guilty conscience, gradually forgot about it.

The Su family came to Ning County just in March and April, when it was planting.

Not to mention the concern of Su Qingbai, the Su family who came to Ning County faced a serious problem and a meal problem.

Su’s father brought together the family.

“There are only seven or two silver coins left in our family. Today, I am asking you to come together to see the total, and see what happens in the days to come.”

Su Erzhen complained: “There is no land at home. Now the money is still showing the sick to Xiaoshu. How long does it cost us?”

“Shut up!” Su Qingtong said to her.

The Su family did not suffer too much. After discussing it for a long time, they did not discuss it. So the father listened to a family member who was upset and worried that everyone would be scattered.

Going back to his own house, Su Qingbai, who only knew that he was asking for money, began to care about his livelihood. Unexpectedly, he saw the jade button on his wrist, which was left by the man.

Su Qingbai took it down. This jade buckle is a product. The only thing that makes people look more is the pattern above, which looks exquisite and beautiful. Nowadays, the family can say that there is no way to go. He thinks that this jade buckle should be able to change a few dollars. It is to make the seven or two in his hand into twelve.

With the jade buckle, the **** took advantage of him, which made him lie in bed for so many days, and he did not know who his name was, and who he was.

“Big brother, I have a jade button here. You can take it, maybe you can change it for one or two.”

Su Qingyang did not pick up, he looked at Su.

Su’s father sighed. “Hold it.”

The jade buckle looks small and ordinary, and the Su family estimates that the two silvers will be in the sky.

After a long while, my eldest brother came back, carrying a big bag of things in his arms.

Su’s father asked him, “How much silver is it?”

Su Qingyang’s face is quite complicated. He pulled out a thing from his waist and spread his hand. Everyone saw it clearly. This is the jade buckle to be used.

Mrs. Su was so sad, “Why didn’t you go out?”

Su Eryi also sighed, “What can I do? How can we live in the future?”

Without waiting for Su Erzhen to complain, Su Qing Yang slammed a small pile of silver spindles from his bag.

“This, what is going on here?” Rao is a very good father, and some people don’t understand it. Isn’t jade buckle not going out? What about these silvers?

Su Qingbo stunned his black eyes and cheeks, which is too much.

Su’s father took a breath. “Big, what the **** is going on?”

Su Qingyang removed her gaze from Su Qingbai. “I went to the county today and started to go to a small **** shop. But the little **** shop only promised me two money, so I didn’t change it. I went again. The biggest **** shop in the county, thinking that people can’t see greed and so much money, don’t want to, I handed the jade buckle to the treasurer, the treasurer gave me one hundred two, and the jade buckle.”

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