
Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Su Qingbai still had some uncomfortable feelings. He couldn’t do it. He had to rush to the medical hall. After he had a thick face and needed an ointment, he looked at the doctor’s eyes and ran back.

In the evening, Su Qingbai stayed in his own room, took off his pants, and applied medicine to himself. Suddenly, the door slammed and rang, and he opened.

Scared Su Qingbai’s hand.

I saw that Mrs. Su smiled and came in. “So I slept so early?”

Su Qingbai indented his head in the quilt, “Well!”

Mrs. Su smiled softly and then sat on the bed of Su Qingbai. “Mother is coming to tell you, your father and your brothers have discussed it, and will return to Ning County tomorrow morning.”

Seeing his son bitter face, Mrs. Su smiled and touched his face. “Mother knows that you have suffered this time, and you don’t blame your father, the officialdom, no one can say.”

Su Qingbai shook his head hard. How could he blame his father?

I remembered that on weekdays, I always wrinkled my face and loved the father of the teacher. However, after a few days, my back was bent down, my head was white hair, and my forehead was wrinkled, completely without the spirit of the past.

Mrs. Su nodded. “I want to open it. You have to remember that your father was dismissed because he did something wrong. He is actually in the officialdom and he is involuntarily.”

Su Qingbai nodded neatly.

Mrs. Su couldn’t help but touch her son’s head and pity: “In the future, you will have to work hard with everyone.”

Su Qingbai plunged into her mother’s arms. “I am not afraid.”

Mrs. Su’s shook her head, she couldn’t help, the youngest son grew up in a honey jar, how can he adapt to the hardships at once? Now that Qingbai doesn’t know what kind of days he will have in the future, she is not afraid to say it, but she knows it. She has been pampered for many years. She can’t say that she can adapt to that day.

When Mrs. Su saw her son’s attitude and did not resist so much, she let go of her heart and patted his head. “Well, you sleep, my mother will go first.”

Su Qingbai came out of Mrs. Su’s arms and nodded gracefully.

Madame Su went down the clothes that had been smashed by Su Qingbai and stood up and prepared to leave.

Suddenly, he snorted and something fell.

Mrs. Su followed her voice, and Su Qingbai also saw it. When she was on the scene, she was red-faced. Isn’t this the ointment he applied?

Mrs. Su first took Su Qingbai one step and picked up things. Su Qingbai saw it and grabbed it.

Mrs. Su did not blame him, softly asked: “What is this?”

Su Qingbai Zhiwuwu, half a day said: “Smell the face.”

It was said that Mrs. Su laughed and then reached out and snorted on her little son’s face. “No wonder this little face is white and tender;.”

Su Qingbai is pretending to be shy, “Niang ”

Putting his hand, Mrs. Su stopped laughing. “Well, I won’t laugh at you, go to sleep.”

Maybe because the dust settled, this night, everyone rarely sleeps a little real.

Before Mrs. Su went to bed, she told the younger son that she had smothered the little son and sneaked something on her face at night. The father looked at it with a smile, but wrote it down in his heart.

He thought about it, the younger son had no interest, and when did he learn the attitude of the little daughter?

Early in the morning, Su Qingbai had not slept enough, and he was woken up by his mother. Originally, he still wanted to stay in bed for a while, but he could not go to bed again when he saw him poke in front of him. The cockroach climbed up from the bed.

Everything was packed up, Su Qingbai silently glanced at the baggage to bring, I really don’t know how to carry the baggage, the father actually packed up for so long.

I glanced at the father and they moved to the outside carriage. Su Qingbai didn’t know what other people’s family had to do with their homes, but they also knew that they would not be like their own home. He wondered how to play like a mountain!

” ” For the family who has lived for more than ten years, Su Qingbai is still very sad, so he could not help but sigh.


Su’s father said: “Small age, sigh what? Did not see everyone are busy? Not coming to help.”

Su Qingbai touched his head and helped me.

However, I hope that from childhood to Dalian, there are few teas that are poured out by myself, and Su Qingbai, who is not very comfortable at this time, is helping to work.


Sure enough, it was not long before Su Qingbai was dismissed.

Every time I heard the clang of the bottle and can, Su’s heart was a sigh and sighed. “Forget it, you can stand by and watch it, you don’t have to help.” Originally copied home, home stuff It is not much. Su’s father really wants his little son to suffer and suffer, but Su Qingbai fell so badly that his heart is really bleeding.

Su Qingbai looked unselfish, “but I want to help you do something.”

After thinking about it, Su said: “You go to help your second brother prepare the fodder.”

Su Qingbo Mo… He won’t.

“I will listen to you, I will stand still.”

Worried and shaking his head, Su’s father moved his hand while he was planning, and he must teach this little son well in the future to change the temperament of the child.

“go away!”

With the answer of Su’s father, Su Qingbai was busy and ran to the bottom of the tree.

Just busy for a long time, accidentally pulled the wound that had already been seen.

After the busy work, the family began to hurry only after drinking a cup of tea.

When I was out of town, many people came to give it. Su Qingbai squatted down, many of whom were students of his father.

Su Qingbai and they were unfamiliar. I thought that there was nothing wrong with him. Suddenly, someone shouted: “Miss Lou Yu Rain House is coming.”

Su Qingbai suddenly turned black, only feeling that his head was green.

Lou Jingyu is his fiancee, but now it is not.

He and Lou Jingyu have never seen a few faces, and a marriage contract is just a parent’s life.

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