
Chapter 27

Chapter 27

Zhang Suzhen helped Xu Qian into the house of Su Qingbai. Looking around, Su Qingbai’s house was still very clean.

Xu Qiang was not all right, Zhang Su directly supported him on the shackle, let him lie down and rest.

Being put on the board by Zhang Su, the heart that has been uneasy for many days has finally come down.

He was lying on the bed with his head on his arm and looking at the house. When he came to a strange place, he couldn’t help but think of his family, but… his family is gone.

At this moment, there is a man with money. He is not afraid of being seen by people. He can’t hold back. He is lying in bed and crying silently.

“Call call ”

Hearing this screaming, the money suddenly froze, and then quickly wiped away the tears and sat up.

Anyone else here?

Xu Qian looked around and finally set his gaze next to him, a little bit difficult to notice.

It happened that at this time, a little **** had turned over and got up.

Xu Qian stared at him.

When Su foods woke up, they found that they were not there, Grandpa was not there, and a stranger sat on his site and stared at him. He suddenly licked his mouth and his eyes burst into tears.

Xu Qian was anxious, and quickly shouted Zhang Su.

Zhang Sugang drank his mouth and rushed over, and Su Qingbai followed.

The two looked at the child who was crying and not crying, as if he was a big enemy.

Su Qingbai set aside two of them, then took the Su Cai dish into his arms and patted his **** whisper.

Finally, I saw my loved ones. Su Caicai plunged into the arms of Su Qingbai, only revealing an **** to see two people in Zhang Su.

Su Qingbai appeased his ass.

Looking up and seeing Zhang Su staring at their father and son, Su Qingbai pointed to the **** of Su Caicai. “My son! I am four months old.”

Then bow your head and simmer the dishes. “Hey, hurry up, your **** is being looked at.”

Su Caicai himself was uncomfortable, and he lifted his head. He squatted on the shoulders of Su Qingbai, and peeked at Zhang Su and Xu Qian from time to time.

Regarding this child, Zhang Su wanted to ask yesterday. “What about his mother? Why didn’t he see it?”

“The child is not a mother.” Su Qingbai lowered his head and turned his gaze from both of them to the non-stop Su Cai.

I heard that the child did not have a mother, Zhang Su suddenly thought of Su Qingbai’s marriage contract with the girl in the building. I guessed that it was a sad thing, so I didn’t ask any more.

Su Qingbai didn’t know what he thought in his heart. He saw that he didn’t ask for it and he let out a sigh of relief. He excused himself to give the urine out of the Su Cai dish.

That’s it, Xu Qian lived in the Su family, and Zhang Su has not left yet.

In the first few days, Su Qingbai and Su Caicai stayed with the guests as their host for a few days until they became familiar with the living environment.

Su Qingbai was a county where people went to that day.

In the past few days, he has been accompanying Zhang Su, looking after the Su Cai dish, and he was worried about the county town, but he never had time to meet him.

Thinking of this, Su Qingbai speeded up his pace. Today he is an empty man. If he doesn’t bring anything, he will see Jiang Wei.

When he walked into the alley where Jiang Wei was temporarily staying, he could see the door of Jiang Yi’s house open.

At this time, it was during the cooking, there was no smoke in the chimney of Jiang’s house. Jiang Yan is always like this. As long as he does not come, he will not cook and cook, and he will always eat outside.

Soon, Su Qingbai went to the door of Jiang’s home.

He found that Jiang Yi’s family was a little different today. He didn’t know anyone in the yard.

The door only opened half a fan, Su Qingbai pushed the other half, and went straight in. He is not good at dealing with people. If you don’t know these people, you will not talk to them and go straight into the house.

“Stand up!” A tall, handsome man with a knife in front of him, he frowned and looked at Su Qingbai. “Who are you? What are you doing here?”

Su Qingbai looked at the man in front of him, much higher than him. At this time, he looked at him with a bad look. When he was flat, Su Qingbai had already been paralyzed, but today is not a normal reading.

Who is Jiang Wei? Is he a man, see Jiang Wei still need other people to allow?

Su Qingbai was so rare that he snorted and said: “I am a friend of Jiang Yan, looking for him to have something, trouble you to let it.”

“Bold, dare to call the king … the name of the son.” Said, the man put the knife to the neck of Su Qingbai.

He frowned and looked at Su Qingbai. Obviously he didn’t believe his words. He was not very beautiful. His short figure, his words and demeanor, the clothes he was wearing were ragged, and the son would make such a friend?

The knife holder was on the neck, Su Qingbai was anxious, shouting, “Jiang Hao, come and save me.”

When I heard Su Qingbai shouting, the man frowned and raised his foot and stumbled Su Qingbai.

“Stop! Lin Feng.” Jiang Yan appeared very timely.

“The son, this man has to break in and be stopped by the genus.”

“Well, I know.” Jiang Yan glared at him and took Su Qingbai’s hand and walked to the room. “This is Su Gongzi, my friend. He will let him in directly after he comes. You Go back.”

“What happened?” Su Qingbai looked out of the house.

“My men.” He said, Jiang Xiaochong smiled. “They didn’t know you when they met for the first time. When they knew your identity, they wouldn’t dare to be unreasonable to you.”

Su Qingbai touched his head, and some were embarrassed. “What identity do I have? I am a small citizen.”

Jiang Yan gave him a meaningful look. “How is my wife’s identity?”

Su Qingbai came from an empty stomach. He hadn’t eaten Jiang’s meal for several days, and he thought very much.

Jiang Wei listened. “I just want the dishes I made, I don’t want me?”

“Think about it, I want to die.” Su Qingbo couldn’t help him. He looked at him helplessly. Jiang said that he wanted him to be his wife. This is a move to kiss and hug, forcing him to think about him, how to see him feel that Jiang Wei is more like a lady.

Jiang Wei kissed him and he was satisfied.

“Come.” Jiang Wei immediately found a big man and told him to buy food.

When the man came back to buy food, Su Qingbai and Jiang Yan chatted about the sky.

“You… are you going back?” Su Qingbai looked at Jiang Wei nervously.

Before Jiang Wei said that he was forced to flee here after being chased by people. Now, Jiang Yan’s person is coming. Should he go back?

Jiang Wei glanced at him. It happened that this time the dish was bought back. The man who came in for food was not the man who just bought the food, but the man who had stopped him at the door. Jiang Yan said with a smile: “Don’t go back. I will be here with you later.”

When the voice fell, the man suddenly changed his face, “the son…”

Jiang Yan looked in his eyes, but pretended not to see, raised his hand to signal him to shut up, and then took the basket of vegetables in his hand.

When Lin Feng went out, Jiang Yan said: “But the time for renting this house is coming soon. What if I don’t have a place to live?”

Su Qingbai also seriously thought about the next problem. He compared the environment and price of the house around him in his heart, and gave Jiang Hao a home that he thought was the best.

But Jiang Wei wants to listen to this. He squeezes Su Qingbai’s chin and squats on his mouth. “I want to live here. I can’t always rent a house. It’s better… you take me.”

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