
Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Su Qingbai did not go to the casino in the end.

“In case you don’t win and lose?” Jiang Wei asked him.

Su Qingbai’s mouth was moving, and he did not say anything. If you lose, you will not be able to, and Jiang Yan will definitely not listen.

“It’s hard to let me wait for the next time. After you sell the food, come back here and gamble? If you win, if you lose, what if you lose?” Jiang said that he took the fifteen cents from his hand. “It’s not as good as giving me this first. I can still be a little bit more. I am not in a hurry.”

Originally, Jiang Wei was planning to give him a few copper plates left, but he was afraid that he would enter the casino with the money and he would take it out.

Su Qingbai, who wanted to say something and dared not say it, let Jiang Yan take the few poor copper plates in his hand.

Along the way, Su Qingbai was very silent. Jiang Wei sent him to the gate of the city. When he was separated, he patted his head. “Go to work. I am still waiting for you to pay back tomorrow.”

Mumu walked out of the city, and today he did a day of work, and he did not earn a penny. I thought that for a long time, he had to make money and pay the debts of Jiang Si. Su Qingbai felt that his life was dim and he was not in the mood to go to the casino.


After sending Su Qingbai out of the city, Jiang Yan was not idle, and he was still looking for a subordinate with him.

Su Qingbai, who had already left the city, touched his pocket and found the silver in his purse. He remembered that he had forgotten to buy a sheep for Su Cai, and hurried back to the county to buy a sheep.

Leading the sheep to the village, Lao Yuan Su Qingbai saw that the Su Cai dish was held in the door as he used to wait for him to come back. The difference is that it is not Su Shi but Su Lingchuan who is holding him today.

Su Qingbai took the sheep and approached. I saw that both faces were black. Su Lingchuan was not willing to hold Su dishes. Su dishes were uncomfortable and two people were not happy.

Su Qingbai stunned them, and the mood of depression for a good afternoon was much better.

Su Lingchuan took the Su Cai dish and greeted him. He threw the Su Cai dish to Su Qingbai before entering the door. He took the sheep and left, saying that he would rather take the sheep and refuse to hold him.

Su Caicai is now a spoiled person. He is holding his old man and swearing. If he doesn’t look too much like Jiang’s Jiang Bing, Su Qingbai is really stunned, but unfortunately…

Su Qingbai pinched the fat face he had recently raised, and did not hold his pro-reading as before.

On this day, Su Qingbai returned to the room early, and the food was still not full. She slipped with two hoes, for fear that his father would ask how much he earned today.

Su Qingbai sat in the dimly lit room, looked at some dry hoes and cried.

This family depends on him, but he is really tired and can’t see hope at all.

Su Caicai stretched out his hand and waved his hand to Su Qingbai. The result was not enough. Su Qingbai pinched his hand and said, “I don’t worry, I am fine.”

After crying at night, Su Qingbai went to the town the next day, and this time, he suddenly took thirty pounds of food.

Last night, Jiang Wei got some clues and went to sleep. In the morning, it was already bright, and Jiang Wei didn’t dare to delay. He came to the place where Su Qingbai set up a stall.

When I saw it, I found out that Su Qingbai did not come today.

I thought that Su Qingbai was taken 15 yuan by him yesterday. He couldn’t help but guess, but Jiang couldn’t help but guess, don’t he dare to come?

Waiting around, Jiang Wei bought five big buns on the roadside stall, and planned to eat while waiting.

A buns under the belly, Su Qingbai came.

He carried his back and his waist was bent. Under the early morning sun, he could clearly see the sweat on his forehead.

Jiang Wei quickly took over.

“Today I carried thirty pounds.” Su Qingbai’s eyes brightened, watching these small green vegetables seem to look at thirty money.

As he said, Su Qingbai hammered the hammer with some sore back. “It is too heavy. I am coming all the way, it is late.”

Jiang Wei did not speak. He reached out and gently lifted some of the scattered hair of Su Qingbai to his ear. He thought, 30 pounds, so he still has a long weight?

Su Qingbai’s nose was comparable to the nose. When Jiang Yi came over, he sniffed and swallowed his mouth and asked, “What smells, good fragrance.”

Jiang Wei took out the remaining buns, “Is it eaten?”

“Hey, thank you.” Su Qingbai was not at all polite, gorging up.

Looking at Su Qingbai’s way of eating, Jiang couldn’t help but frown. “Slowly, you haven’t eaten for a few times? So urgent?”

“I didn’t eat it in the morning.”

“Don’t have breakfast?”

Su Qingbai swallowed a steamed buns. “It’s still going to go to the county when it’s still dark. I don’t hate to sleep for a while, and I have time to eat and cook.”

Jiang Wei is even more distressed.

Today, there are more dishes, and the time for lunch is over.

“Don’t worry too much in the future, just 15 pounds is just right.”

Su Qingbai glared at Jiang Wei. “The fifteenth money is returned to you. The rest I have to raise a family.” He said that he would give Jiang Wei 15 yuan.

Jiang Yan took fifteen pennies and suddenly felt that the money was more than a thousand pounds.

“Noon… Have a meal and go back.”

“Ha?” Su Qingbai, who was counting his fifteen cents, looked up.

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