Even If You Become An Animal, You Have To Serve An Iron Rice Bowl

Chapter 52

Chapter 50: (Second More)

Shen Qiu’s eyes darkened, if possible, he wanted to rush over to fight Father Xiong.

But he can’t, first of all, he is in the cage now, and secondly, the bear mother is probably really angry, after beating Shen Qiu, she will hold her in her arms and not let go.

Eat all with one hand.

Shen Qiu felt ashamed and embarrassed at first, but seeing Mama Bear worrying like that, she soon felt a little distressed.

Mother Bear is just a panda, she doesn’t understand the big truths of human beings, nor why Shen Qiu stubbornly wants to get close to human beings to save human beings.

She’s just a mother bear with a baby.

The mother’s instinct makes her worry about her child and gives Shen Qiu a strong maternal love.

Whether it’s scolding or beating him, it’s all because of worry and love for him.

As soon as Shen Qiu thought of this, all the embarrassment and shame were left behind, and she let Mother Bear hold her without making any noise.

The staff were relieved that the mother and son were quickly reconciled.

But there is one person who is different, no, a bear to be exact.

When Dad Xiong came to the bottom of the mountain, he found that the life surrounded by girls was completely different from the phenomenon.

When I saw Shen Qiu being beaten, I felt a little fun. I watched the show next to me, and I hoped that the bear mother would be beaten harder.

But mother bear really cares about her child, and it will be fine after a little lesson.

Daddy Bear is quitting.

If it wasn’t for Shen Qiu’s flickering down to heal his injuries, he would still be eating bamboo freely in the mountains and forests.

The black bean eyes spun straight and began to play tricks.

“Bang bang bang bang!”

The sound of shaking the cage rang again, Shen Qiu rolled his eyes, thinking that the next door started again.

Daddy Xiong has been very manic recently, and every day he speaks that Sichuan dialect and yells to go out. Those who don’t know it think he is in prison.

“The nest is going to be released! It is going to be released! The two jio beasts over there that look like a bag, quickly release me!”

Shen Qiu kicked the cage.

“Daddy Bear, can you be quiet for a while?”

Daddy Bear glared at him with those eyes that were almost out of room, squeezed by the big round face.

“You melon boy, let’s talk to your father!”

He stopped shaking the cage, rushed over and pointed at Shen Qiu with his hands on his hips.

Shen Qiu was not afraid at all, to be honest, Daddy Xiong was too fat, even if he put on his hips and pretended to be angry, he would only find him cute.

Any animal that is too fat has no dignity.

He sighed and asked Mother Bear in a very confused tone.

“Mother Bear, how did you fall in love with Father Bear in the first place? He obviously doesn’t look…not very smart.”

Daddy Xiong started shaking the cage again, and started calling his son unfilial in Sichuan dialect.

Mother Bear glanced at Father Bear indifferently, hugged Shen Qiu and nibbled at the bamboo, and slowly said, “Because he was the only one of the four who could see, If you knew that he could get fat like he is now in just one year…”

Mother Bear shook her head in disgust, “I would rather choose another place to find a male bear.”

Shen Qiu couldn’t hold back and snorted twice.

Daddy Bear went to the corner of the cage with no love, only to think that it was difficult for the bear to live.

Anyway, they are also a dewy couple, how can they dislike him so much!

Daddy Bear finally quieted down after that day.

After ten days, Shen Qiu and the others were sent to the panda house of the zoo in the reserve.

The damage caused by the earthquake is far from dissipating, and there are no guests in the panda house. Shen Qiu and the others sleep every day in addition to eating.

Daddy Xiong was immediately attracted to the younger sister panda in the next room after he came to the panda house, and he did not clamor to go out.

The other party just ignores him.

In the blink of an eye, a month has passed, and Shen Qiu can clearly see from the expressions of the staff that the damage caused by the earthquake has been slowly repaired.

He knew that they would be sent away in at most half a month.

Shen Qiu waited peacefully for the day she left the panda house.

However, he waited for Li Cheng first.

The attentive fire chief still remembered Shen Qiu’s help during the earthquake, and chose to visit him on a sunny day.

When she smelled the familiar smell, Shen Qiu was drinking a basin of milk.

The mother bear is also drinking, and the two pandas, one big and one small, are drinking milk very fast.

Because the bear mother has absolutely no resistance to food, except for the first ten days, because of the influence of the child’s almost disappearance, she briefly regarded the child as more important than the food.

Every day when she was eating, the bear mother would grab the tenderest piece of bamboo to eat.

Shen Qiu knew at that time that her position in Mother Bear’s heart had slipped.

So every time he eats, he will finish it as fast as possible.

Especially the pot of milk, except for the first time when she had no experience and let the bear take it away, every time he finished it first, let the bear take away an empty pot.

This time it was the same, just halfway through the drink, he smelled a familiar smell in the air, and when he looked up, he saw a man standing in front of the cage.

The other party was wearing casual clothes. Seeing Shen Qiuwang staring blankly at him, he laughed.

“Long time no see, it seems you still remember me.”

At the same time, he said, “I think you can’t finish drinking, I’ll leave it to Mama to help you solve it.”

Shen Qiu:…

The end of the bear claw moved his mouth to the front of the cage.

“Boom?” Li Cheng, why are you here?

Li Cheng wanted to cuddle a panda, but when he reached out, he was stared at by the bear mother, and immediately retracted his hand.

Chong Shen Qiu smiled, “I came to see you on purpose, I want to tell you something.”

He took out his mobile phone and turned to a video for Shen Qiu to see.

“The disaster relief outside has ended, and Chen Fang’s ashes have also been sent to the martyr’s garden. He was named a martyr and left with honor.”

Shen Qiu was stunned, watching the video dumbfounded.

In fact, he didn’t see it very clearly, but he could hear the sad cry inside.

“These are Chen Fang’s parents. Although they were saddened by Chen Fang’s departure, they quickly cheered up. Only yesterday they went to adopt a child who lost his parents in the earthquake.”

Grandparents and grandparents, also…”

He took a deep breath and skipped the topic.

“I handed the recording of the mobile phone to Chen Fang’s parents. When the child grows up, she will know that she has a mother who loves her very much and a heroic brother.”

Li Cheng talked a lot to Shen Qiu, about the results of the rescue, and about the death toll.

Shen Qiu didn’t say anything, just listened to him quietly.

Li Cheng stayed here with Shen Qiu for a long time, he came at noon, and when he left, it was already dark outside.

Tell Shen Qiu before leaving to see him again when you have time.

Shen Qiu waved his bear claw at him, not sad.

Li Cheng is a firefighter, he is determined to be a rescue bear, maybe there will be more opportunities to meet in the future.

What Shen Qiu didn’t know was that Li Cheng hesitated before leaving and asked the staff.

“Are you still sending the **** back into the wild?”

The staff gave a very positive answer, “Of course, Yuanyuan is a pure wild panda. Although Qiuqiu is still small, he has grown up in the wild since he was a child. Their home is a small stream. , high mountains and dense forests, not this narrow panda house.”

Li Cheng’s expression paused, then nodded after a while.

“Yeah, he belongs to nature, not man.”

The words ended, he smiled and shook his head and left.

If Shen Qiu knew that he was only one step away from the iron rice bowl at the age of eight months, he would definitely pull Li Cheng and say nothing to let him leave.

Unfortunately, he didn’t know, which also made the road of Panda Cub’s iron job extremely difficult.

After another week, the uncle veterinarian came to check on Shen Qiu’s family.

Seeing the reluctance on their faces, Shen Qiu knew that he was going back to the forest.

He saw the GPS positioning collar held by the staff member and a chip.

The uncle veterinarian prepared the anesthesia needle, glanced at the mother and son, and decided to start with Chubby.

Daddy Xiong had a very leisurely life these days, and next to him was the girl he was thinking of.

If it weren’t for the fact that he was too fat from the back and reduced the amount of food he fed every day, he might have gotten a little fatter.

Therefore, Daddy Bear doesn’t want to leave at all, he just wants to spend his old age in the zoo.

Chubby is also a bear who has seen the world. He knows that there is a thing in human beings that can make him faint by sticking it on his body. When he wakes up, he will return to his former home.

If he used to be Chubby, he would definitely be willing to go home, but now it is different, he is an old panda, and after finally finding a place to retire, how can he easily leave!

Grab the railing and do not want to move.

“The nest will not be beaten! I won’t give back! You two jio beasts! Let me put down the things in your claws!”

“I haven’t played enough with my sister! I don’t want to get back!”

Mother Bear closed her eyes with a headache, and by the way covered the eyes of Shen Qiu who was watching the play, “Don’t look, lose the bear.”

How can Chubby be able to beat the anesthesia needle? He was quickly sent away by the anesthesia, followed by Shen Qiu and Mama Xiong.

The three bears were all unconscious and carried back to their respective territories by the staff like pigs.

They didn’t get close, they put the mother and son on the edge of the territory and backed away.

Shen Qiu opened his eyes in a daze and saw the blue sky above his head, sat up swayingly, and saw the red-lighting infrared camera staring at them next to him.

Grab it and take a look, smash it.

“Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeinginginging.” Too ugly! You pretend to have a snack anyway!

I have never seen such an ugly insect!

“Hmmmm!” Mother Bear hummed twice, Shen Qiu quickly put down the camera and looked at her.

Not waiting for Shen Qiu to greet her, she suddenly looked at the cave.

“Cubs are coming behind me! There are other bears!”

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