Even If You Become An Animal, You Have To Serve An Iron Rice Bowl

Chapter 13

Chapter 12:

Qin Yan greeted Shen Qiu and asked him to come down quickly.

Shen Qiu raised his head, and jumped on the man before jumping down.

The man let out a grunt and his face turned even paler.

Shen Qiu let out a snort, very proud, but just as soon as he walked to Qin Yan’s side, he was buckled on the leash.

With a stern face, “Qiu Qiu, unauthorized actions are not allowed during the mission, did the trainer forget what you told you?”

Shen Qiu froze.

Yes, he is just a police meow now, and he cannot act without an order.

The tail drooped down immediately, and the ears were turned into airplane ears, carefully glanced at Qin Yan’s face.

Seeing him like this, Qin Yan was also very angry and funny, and nodded his head, “Fortunately, nothing went wrong this time, otherwise you would not want to join the team!”

“You’re making a fool of yourself with Guoguo, you’re so capable!”

Knowing that she was wrong, Shen Qiu listened to the training honestly, and raised her eyebrows until she returned to the bureau.

The people who were brought back were sent to the interrogation room one by one, all drug addicts were sent for urine test, and the du products found were sent to be tested.

Shen Qiu and Guoguo were sent back to the dormitory.

He has been waiting for news from Qin Yan since he returned to the dormitory.

Not only the director promised to file the application report with the above, but also the inspection results of this dude.

He has a guess… The type of dummy this time should be the same as the former owner of Qiuqiu and Zhang Jibo.

If this guess holds true, it’s not easy.

Any new product entering the market must have a big conspiracy behind it.

These three times, whether they were testing the police or trying to muddy the water in the sea market, their intentions were absolutely sinister.

Today’s criminal investigation team is very busy, many people brought back from ktv, these individuals are not clear, and they all have some criminal records.

After finishing the transcript, the confinement room in the bureau was completely filled.

Everyone in the bureau was busy all night.

At five o’clock in the morning, the rising sun dispelled the darkness and shone on Shen Qiu through the window, causing him to wake up.

Jumped out of the cathouse and looked out, there was no movement outside, the kennel next door was sleeping soundly, and the purring was loud.

Forgot to mention, Bawang is a biting dog, German Shepherd.

The body is large, eats a lot, pulls a lot, and snores.

He twitched his ears, and was a little annoyed by the snoring, plus the fact that he was filled with drugs, he couldn’t sit still.

Looking at the door bar leading to the top, then glanced at the locked door, jumped directly, claws grasped the railing, clawed in the middle of the door bar, and claws stretched out to pull the lock.


The lock was successfully opened, he swayed along the door rail to the outside, jumped into the corridor and ran.

“Hatch!” The overlord next to him slapped Hache, and when he opened his eyes, he saw the scene of the escape and groaned.

“Qiu Qiu, you escaped! I’m going to sue the trainer!”

Shen Qiu flicked her tail and left without looking back.

I rushed to the hall like lightning. Several interrogation rooms looked at them, but they didn’t see Qin Yan and others, and immediately rushed to the second floor.

The sound is heard far away.

“Boss, the results of the product test are out!”

Yang Yue trotted over with the test report

Shen Qiu accelerated, rushed to Yang Yue’s feet, and entered the office with her.

His steps are light, everyone is doing their own thing, and no one really notices him.

“Boss, as you guessed, this time the duo is exactly the same as the previous two.”

Qin Yan took the test report, his face sinking like water.

“Everyone, we have something to do, the emergence of new drugs is definitely not accidental.”

“I just contacted people from other police forces. For the time being, only our bureau has been exposed to new products.”

“Three times in a row… Looks like someone is trying to test us on purpose.”

He handed the report to Da Zhuang for them all to see.

“Has the boss of ktv interrogated and what did you say?”

The third is embarrassed.

“The kid said that someone else took the initiative to find him to sell the powder, and it was the first time for him to smoke. Who knows that the first time he hit the muzzle.”

“How did others contact him, should he make it clear?”

The third one’s face is even more ugly.

“The seller didn’t come forward, he just threw things into the back door of their ktv, and he didn’t even pay.”

Qin Yan sneered.

“Have you identified the person who called the police?”

“I found it, but the other party doesn’t know who called the police. We checked the monitoring, but there was no result.”

The office was quiet, Qin Yan stood up.

“It really is to test our reaction, there should be a lot of new products in the hands of the people behind, the three we caught are just drizzle, we must catch the people behind as soon as possible, can’t Let this new product flow into the sea market completely.”

“This new product is more addictive and more harmful than the conventional one. You all sort out your records and give them to me. I’ll go to the director. This matter must be taken seriously!”


As soon as Qin Yan was about to leave, he found Shen Qiu squatting under the desk and listening intently.

Bend over and pick it up, “Ballball, you escaped from prison again, right?”

Shen Qiu recovered, licked her paws and pretended not to understand.

I’m still thinking about new drugs.

No matter what the intention of the other party’s three consecutive attempts, the domestic supervision of drug products is so strict, it is difficult to send a new type of drug into the country, even in the sea market, it is impossible to make a splash nothing.

So… how did the du product come in?

Shen Qiu was slapped on the head by Qin Yan before she could understand.

“How come you, a kitty, look so bitter every day.”

“You came just in time, let’s go, I’ll take you to find the director and see if your proof of joining the team is down.”

The mouth was raised to reveal a cat smile, the round eyes blinked, and the tail turned into a windmill.

His joy can be seen at a glance.

The whole room was originally in a heavy mood, but when he did this, they all laughed out loud.

“You are a peerless little smart, you really understand our words clearly, if you don’t have a zipper on your body, I suspect that you are a person pretending to be.”

Shen Qiu’s guilty conscience “meow” twice.

Don’t tell me, I’m really pretending to be.

Such a big cat is so cute.

Yang Yue picked him up, buried her face in Shen Qiu’s stomach and inhaled.

When she raised her head, her hair and cat hair rubbed to generate static electricity. Yang Yue, who had been busy all night, became the modern version of Mei Chaofeng.

Shen Qiu squinted his eyes with joy.

Yang Yue rubbed him and returned the big cat to Qin Yan.

“This little clever, don’t think I can’t see you laughing at me.”

“Let’s hurry up and see the director, I’ll go back and get some sleep.”

One person and one cat entered the director’s office together again.

Seeing the two of them, the director smiled and took out a document.

“By coincidence, this is the fax I just received, see?”

Shen Qiu has sharp eyes and has seen the bold red font above.

“About Qiuqiu’s application for joining the team.” A few large characters.

I immediately jumped out of Qin Yan’s arms and looked at the piece of paper carefully on the director’s desk.

The red official seal signifies approval of his application for joining the team.

Shen Qiu happily circled in place, all the hair fluffy, as if every cat hair was dancing in the sun.

The director and Qin Yan couldn’t help laughing.

“You cat, you can’t read.”

Shen Qiu waving her tail happily, took the initiative to rub the director’s calf, and let the director lick the cat enough.

“Since the application has been approved, Qin Yan, please find a time to discuss with Qiuqiu’s owner. After Qiuqiu retires, if his owner is willing to raise him, Qiuqiu can still return to her. .”

Qin Yan nodded, “I talked to Miss Xing about this, and she supports Qiuqiu’s desire to be a policeman.”

It’s funny to mention this.

I have seen an animal with a right mind, but I have never seen such a right mind. It is the first time that I want to eat public food and be a business cat.

After saying this, the two of them got down to business.

After some discussion, I decided to set up a task force, just for this new product.

It is said to be a task force, but in fact they are still those of the criminal investigation team.

After confirming the establishment of the task force, the director suddenly mentioned Zhang Jibo.

“The verdict on Zhang Jibo came down yesterday.”

“Drug trafficking and drug use, intentional homicide, the Supreme Court sentenced the death penalty to be executed immediately.”

“Go back and ask Miss Xing if you want to see him. It will be executed this afternoon.”

Suddenly hearing this news, Shen Qiu was stunned.

Zhang Jibo, it was clearly a few months ago, but it seems like a long time ago to hear this name.

Shaking the cat’s head, Shen Qiu sighed a little.

Zhang Jibo deserves it.

On the day when the task force was established, Shen Qiu officially became the only police meow in the city’s public security bureau and the first police meow in domestic history.

The trainer was so happy like a child who got a lollipop, he jumped and posted the photo of Shen Qiu wearing a police shoulder **** the police dog column.

I thought about it and thought it would not work, and adjusted the position of the bulletin board, making a special space for Shen Qiu, and writing on it with a marker pen.

“City Public Security Bureau Police Meow Bar.”

Looking at it, Shen Qiu gave the trainer several rubs.

In the afternoon, Xing Lu was invited to send something to Shen Qiu.

She has been discharged home to recuperate.

About Shen Qiu’s idea of becoming a police meow, Yang Yue mentioned it to her once before, and she strongly agreed.

I was taken to the bulletin board by Yang Yue as soon as I arrived.

Looking at Shen Qiu, who was wearing a majestic police shoulder strap, Xing Lu sighed and admired.

“Sure enough, a cat as smart and mighty as Qiuqiu should be an official cat.”

She hugged Shen Qiu and took a deep breath.

“After the incident last time, I knew that a big cat like him is destined to not be mediocre. It would be a grievance for him to follow me as a pet cat.”

Xing Lu was not at all sad when she said this, but Yang Yue was still frightened.

“You’re really not sad, you shouldn’t go back and cry.”

Xing Lu rolled her eyes at her.

“Can I cry about this?”

“Besides, Qiuqiu will retire sooner or later, and he will still be my cat after retirement. As for these few years, I will make more money and try to provide him with a better retirement environment.”

Xing Lu was relieved that Yang Yue and Shen Qiu could think so.

When she finished introducing all the eating utensils for Qiuqiu like the old mother, Yang Yue talked about Zhang Jibo.

Looking at her watch, “There are still two hours of execution time, and it’s too late for you to rush over now.”

Xing Lu was startled, but shook her head quickly.

“Since the day Sister Zhao Di died, I have nothing to do with him.”

Xing Lu didn’t go in the end, waiting for Yang Yue to get off work in the bureau, went out for a meal with the people from the criminal investigation team, and was sent home by Yang Yue himself.

But these Shen Qiu don’t know.

After Xing Lu left, he devoted himself to more intense and formal training.

Several trainers in the bureau met and held a meeting to develop a training plan for the only police cat.

Finally, a plan was reached to increase Shen Qiu’s search training. Obstacle training was not difficult for Shen Qiu. The trainers revised it and decided to add this section to endurance and biting.

This training is half a month.

At the end of the training this morning, Shen Qiu lay on Bawang and panted.

I rolled my eyes.

“Woooo!” Ball! Get up, you’re going to crush me!

Shen Qiu was indifferent, thinking about the biting training he did in the morning.

Training for half a month, jumping up and down every day, my body is full of tendons, and my weight has increased a lot.

Twenty pounds was just right when I first came, and now I have gained three or four pounds of muscle.

The original age of this cat should be just two or three years old. According to the genes of Maine Coon cats, it has to grow longer.

So in half a month, Shen Qiu not only jumped up in weight, but also grew from one meter to one meter two, looking like a puppy from a distance.

However, it is still not as good as a large dog like the Overlord in terms of biting.

The last time I was on ktv, I was lucky, I didn’t meet some wicked people, otherwise Shen Qiu would definitely not be able to please.

He began to think about whether he should give up the plan to bite.

He is a cat, he is naturally stronger than a police dog in terms of balance and search, should he develop this way?

Not only him, but the trainers are also doing this thinking.


There was the sound of knocking the bowl over there, and the overlord who was just shouting that he couldn’t get up jumped up. If Shen Qiu didn’t respond in time, he would definitely be thrown to the ground.

All the police dogs rushed towards the source of the sound.

Shen Qiu paced slowly behind her, looking elegant and dignified.

Go to the end of the bowl and sit down.

The trainer holds the freshly warmed raw flesh in his hand.

Shen Qiu has a police meow system, and all kinds of food and toys are deducted from the system.

The police dog’s food cost is 50 per day. Shen Qiu and the police dog have the same food cost, three meals a day, a total of 1 pound of raw meat, and all use the highest quality meat source.

Every time I eat, Shen Qiu has to sigh with emotion, the iron rice bowl is really fragrant!

Training is required before eating, and the trainer can only eat after whistling.

“Overlord! Sit tight, what’s the hurry!”

The overlord next to him made a bang, trying to confuse the trainer with cuteness.

The instructor was stern, just about to speak, suddenly received an order.

Another mission!

Because it was too late to eat, Shen Qiu and Guoguo were taken into the police car.

In the car, Qin Yan was talking about this mission.

The informant was a waiter at a bar, saying that a colleague had been missing for seven days.

The police immediately investigated the surveillance after receiving the report. This time, Shen Qiu and Guoguo were going to the small alley where the missing person last appeared on the surveillance screen.

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