Even If You Become An Animal, You Have To Serve An Iron Rice Bowl

Chapter 12

Chapter 11:

Shen Qiu slapped her ears a few times before she was sure she heard it right.

With a “meow”, she turned around in a circle, and then a cat sticker came to the director’s calf.

Qin Yan reacted, and it was also an accident, “Just take the ball and a cat?”

“You can handle this, as long as there is no mistake this time, I will report it to the top immediately.”

Qin Yan stood at attention and saluted the director.


The team gathered and set off, in addition to the ball, they also brought a hunting dog.

It’s a border shepherd girl named Guoguo.

I was brought over by the dog handler, so I approached Shen Qiu enthusiastically to smell his ass.

Shen Qiujing Xie Bumin quickly dragged her big tail to the ground to stop Guoguo from going further.

The team was ready to go, Qin Yan personally took Shen Qiu’s leash to the police car.

In the car, Qin Yan kept telling Shen Qiu what to do and what not to do, like an old father who sent his child to school for the first time.

Final sentence summary.

“If you don’t know what to do, just follow Guoguo, do you hear me?”

Guoguo sat opposite him wagging her tail, humming, “Little cat, if you have anything you don’t understand, you can ask my sister~”

The car whizzed and whistled towards the city center.

Arrived at the destination, the heavily armed policemen got off one after another, Qin Yan led Shen Qiu and Guoguo soldiers to separate, one of them went to the back door, and the other was taken directly into the elevator .

This ktv is on the third floor of this building. It’s still daytime, and it stands to reason that there should be no talent right now.

But the elevator door opened, and the hall of KTV was lit with colorful lights. Several people were walking back and forth, and they heard the elevator sound and someone stepped forward to welcome the guests.

When I saw the police, my face changed instantly.

The third and the others rushed out from behind, and Takikura aimed at them.

“Don’t move, squat down!”

As soon as Shen Qiu came in, he began to wiggle his nose to smell the smell in the air.

Qin Yan lifted the leash and issued an order: “Ball, sniff!”

Ball pacing gracefully, sniffing along the wall, tail slaps the ground constantly, looking very anxious.

The police quickly controlled the entire ktv, although it was daytime, there were still many people singing and sleeping inside.

Several scantily clad girls squatted in the crowd in panic.

The taste is stronger.

Shen Qiu took the initiative to walk over and sniffed the squatting crowd carefully.

Suddenly a cat came over. The shoulder straps with the words “Police Meow” were also tied, which immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

Shen Qiuyou noticed that the expressions of the men and women who were still nervous just now became a lot easier.

He squinted, leaned over and circled around a few people, then lay down, facing Qin Yan. “Meow!”

This is a hint to find the dude, he has trained no less than a hundred times in the game.

Qin Yan’s expression changed immediately.

“Big Zhuang! Take the man back for a urine test!”

As soon as those people heard it, their expressions changed greatly. One of them tried to escape, but Da Zhuang pounced on him and held them down, giving them a set of rose gold bracelets.

This group of people was taken away, and the others were afraid to move.

Shen Qiu continued to smell it again and was taken into the private room after confirming that there was no smell of dummy.

Several rooms in a row are fine, except for a pile of used byt that smells of tobacco and alcohol, mixed with disgusting.

Qin Yan was a little worried that these smells would be too stimulating and affect Shen Qiu’s sense of smell.

“Is the ball ok?”

Shen Qiu patted his calf comfortably with his tail, and walked towards the last private room.

Guoguo was also brought back, and he smelled the room that Shen Qiu had sniffed again, to be foolproof.

Entering the last room, the strange smell pouring into the nose made Shen Qiu immediately determine that this is where those people were taking drugs.

I sniffed along the cracks of the sofa, and found the tools used for smoking drugs under the sofa, as well as some powder left on the ground.

Qin Yan praised Shen Qiu with a smile, “Good cat.”

Shen Qiu shook his head, lying on the ground and meowing.

There are a lot of things in this room, you let me go and I will find it myself!

Qin Yan seemed to understand the meow, untied the leash, and let him search everywhere by himself.

As mentioned earlier, cats have a much more sensitive sense of smell than dogs.

In the curtain fabrics that were dismantled, and the sliding rails of the windows, I found several packages of dismantled white fen.

Finally turn to the bathroom, trash can, in the crevice of the tiles, including the packed hand sanitizer.

No, but the smell still lingers in the bathroom.

He cocked the tip of his nose and set his eyes on the sink.

She jumped on the sink lightly, opened the tap with her claws, stared at the sewer for a while, then turned off the tap, jumped under the sink, pulled the sewer pipe, and meowed at Qin Yan .

Here, here! I’m sure there’s something in this hose!

Qin Yan raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, and pulled out the water pipe to take a look. Sure enough, a transparent bag was tied with a rubber band at the top of the water pipe, and it was filled with white fen.

However, because the packaging is not tight, it has been soaked in water a lot.

The third came in with Guoguo.

“How is the boss, have you found it?”

Qin Yan rushed to him and shook the bag in his hand, “Our little cat is really a good seedling who is born to be a police meow.”

“You take Guoguo and search around, and let the bureau send someone to bring those people back.”

“Also, let Yang Yue check who owns this ktv, and call someone to the bureau to make a record.”

Just as he finished speaking, there was a sudden noise outside.

I heard someone shouting, “There’s someone under the cash register! Running to the back door!”


Qin Yan did not stop shouting.

He was fast, and when he turned, he drifted.

There were footsteps behind her, and when she looked back, Guoguo dashed over behind her.

The four-legged man ran faster than the two-legged man, leaving the police far behind, then jumped up and kicked the man who ran away in a hurry.

The man staggered down, “crack”, and fell a dog to eat shit. After a while, he struggled to get up.

Shen Qiu rushed over and sat firmly on his back.

The weight of a Maine Coon cat of 20 pounds is not just talk.

The man groaned and rolled his eyes.

Guoguo also rushed over, stared at Shen Qiu for a while, and sat down on the man’s buttocks following his movements.

Seeing Qin Yan burst into tears.

“Officer, please let them all get off me, I’m about to be crushed to death.”

Qin Yan:…

“Pfft.” Someone laughed.

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