Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 1032

Chapter 20 Reborn Captain America

A celebration party was held in the Avengers’ base. Not only the Avengers and the resurrected Guardians of the Galaxy, but also Kama Taj’s Doctor Strange, Wang and Wakanda’s people were all invited to this banquet. .

Before the banquet was held, Ethan also resurrected Vision by the way—never borrowed the time gem from Doctor Strange, and the soul gem returned to Vision’s head. He used it very well, so there is no need to find another one. The new custodian.

“This is really a happy reunion!”

Everyone is chatting: The people who have disappeared for five years are chatting with familiar people, wanting to figure out what has happened in the past few years, and will give special thanks to the Avengers and Ethan.

Of course, people who want to see two magical sights like Tony are indispensable. By the way, Tony in this world is so much older than himself in the parallel world. They already know that Tony in the parallel world is not younger than Tony in this world. a lot of.

“No way, this guy has learned a lot of things I don’t understand.”

Tony spread his hands and did not deny what the other himself said, nor did he say, “In fact, as long as this Tony is willing, he can make almost the same potion to restore his youth.”

Although they are the same person, they are not the same person. They have different pursuits, and there is no need to impose their own ideas on the ‘other self’.

Everyone was chatting and drinking, and Ethan and Steve were sitting in the corner.

Steve now looked at Ethan with an unbelievable expression.

“What are you talking about? Open a world line for me alone?”

“A rare opportunity, don’t miss it when you pass by!”

Steve took a deep breath, and Ethan’s general sales made him think that the other party was joking.

“Sounds beautiful.”

“The experience will not be too bad, if you really want to make up for that regret from the heart.”


Steve was silent. He really wanted to make up for his regrets. Even if more than ten years have passed, he still has a feeling that he does not belong to this era, although he has adapted to everything in this era.

In the final analysis, he still has no way to forget the promises he missed back then.

“What you said about opening a world line alone?”

Steve was still in his heart. He wanted to know what that meant? Is it like sending yourself to a parallel world like in the ‘movie’?

“No, that’s just sending you to a parallel universe. Even if I don’t do anything, you can use the equipment made by Tony Stark to travel to other parallel universes smoothly. As long as you choose the right time, you can indeed see Pei. Kat Carter.”

“Do you mean opening a timeline alone, is it different from this?”

“If you go to a parallel universe, there is another you in that universe.”

Steve suddenly understood, but it made him a little unbelievable.

“You mean, send me to a world where I don’t exist?”

“I mean, a brand new world line, in that world’you’ is’Steve’.”

Ethan briefly explained his thoughts to Steve. This time Steve completely understood what Ethan meant: He can use special methods to soulize him and send it to a time before he was born. Click on it, and then let him’throw in’ on himself.

Then this timeline becomes a new parallel universe, and Steve will retain all his memories, but will become the self he was when he was a child.

“In this case, you may have to give up this muscle.”

“These things are just like the shield, they weren’t mine.”

After Steve understood Ethan’s arrangement, he nodded and agreed with almost no hesitation. As for this body’s power beyond ordinary people? He really doesn’t really value it.

But if there is no problem, Steve, who has grown up again, is expected to accept a super soldier transformation plan, and then he will change back to what he is now.

“And…you don’t have to worry about abandoning your responsibility.”


“Tony Stark has built a parallel space-time shuttle device. If there are really difficult problems here, you can go to the parallel world to ask you for help.”

Just don’t find the skinny Captain America who hasn’t undergone transformation!

“I haven’t really thought about this problem…”

Steve has considered completely letting go of his duties and announced his retirement, but it is a good thing to have a retreat, because when a huge disaster really happens, he really can’t just ignore it.

Ethan’s plan has been considered in all aspects, and Steve thinks it is very good, but will it be troublesome to operate?

“No, you are the one who suffers anyway.”


Ethan is nothing more than casting a few spells, and Steve is going to be a child again, and he is still thinking of an adult, it is estimated that he will be uncomfortable for more than 20 years when he grows up.

“Just do it, but I need to arrange it first.”


Steve still has a lot of issues to deal with here, especially the Avengers’ companions, he needs to say hello one by one-he doesn’t care about the official side, their relationship has long been broken.

And this time saving the world is different from the original plot. Steve and Tony did not “sacrifice”, so the official still wouldn’t say anything good about him, let alone those guys.

“But you’d better hurry up, I’m not going to stay here too long.”

“As soon as possible.”

It was indeed very fast. On the third day after the **** party ended, Steve had already handled his personal affairs.

Everyone who knew Steve’s decision gathered at the Avengers base to see him off.

In fact, this is also a collective farewell. In addition to Steve going to “a new world to start a new life”, Tony Stark also officially announced his retirement.

Fighting as Iron Man for so many years, and studying space-time technology secretly in recent years, Tony Stark has burned all his energy, and his current physical condition can no longer support him to continue.

It’s just that he won’t withdraw as thoroughly as Steve, and Tony Stark will also support the new generation of Avengers financially and technically.

The other is Hawkeye, who had announced his retirement a long time ago and was forced to come back because of his family. He will go back to enjoy the family happiness with his family. Maybe he can meet with Tony often to discuss how to spend his free time after retirement.

“Actually I want to retire too.”

Natasha is also tired, but her situation is too special to retire casually. In addition, the Avengers are in the renewal stage and need to be taken by the elderly.

But she won’t be on the front line anymore. Natasha will gradually turn to logistics and clerical work, which is not bad.

Everyone hugged Steve, and the last person standing in front of Steve was Sharon Carter, who he had been with for a while.


“It doesn’t matter.”

Every time I see these two people, Ethan feels like ‘Steve, you are such a beast’. This is really ‘weird’.

Ethan and Tony also went farewell to everyone. They will not return after leaving this time. After helping Steve open the “new copy”, Ethan will return to the world line he is more familiar with.

However, Tony will bring a small equipment back so that the Avengers of this world can locate their world line. If necessary, they can use the equipment made by Tony Stark to go to the parallel universe for help.

Steve also has such a device, so he can find him if necessary.

But compared to Tony and Ethan who can come here on their own initiative, Steve has no way to come back by himself unless Tony Stark in that world also makes this kind of equipment.

“In short, I am honored to be able to work with you.”

After speaking the last sentence, Steve nodded to Ethan, and then Ethan waved goodbye to the Avengers of this world, and then opened a space door beside him.

Tony walked in first, followed by Steve, and Ethan stepped in at the end.

After Ethan’s figure entered the space gate, the space gate disappeared. At this moment, they left the world , but the three people who entered the space gate did not come to any world, but were themselves In the void.

This magical environment made Steve a little panicked. Steve, who was wondering if he could survive in this environment, immediately noticed that there was a layer of transparent film around it, wrapping them in it, floating in this void.

“Where is this?”

Seeing Ethan coming in, he asked curiously.

Ethan pointed to the surrounding light clusters and explained to Steve: “This is the void between the multiverses. Each of the surrounding light clusters symbolizes a universe.”

This is just the multiverse void of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but this is not the point.

“so much?”

Steve looked at the dense clusters of light like stars in the sky, and he was a little worried whether he could find a suitable world.

“Don’t worry, I only need a template, and this template is readily available.”

Ethan pointed his thumb behind him, and Steve immediately understood: Ethan was going to use the world they had just been in as the basis for the new world line.

“Look at me.”

Tony watched quietly. Although Steve wanted to ask some questions, he also knew that it was not suitable for him to speak at this time, so he stood aside quietly.

Ethan left the film and went into the void outside, and then stretched out his hand to extract a ball of light from the large cloud of light.

Steve could only see a ball of light, and Tony looked into the light for a few more times, and suddenly felt dizzy, nauseous, and extremely tired. After realizing that this was not something he could understand now, he immediately took it back. Own sight.

At the moment when he was in a trance, Ethan rubbed the light ball in his hand a few times, and then flicked it into the void, and a new huge light ball was born.

“All right!”

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