Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 1028

Chapter 16 1 look at the final battle

Thor failed to keep his long hair in the end, because the Avengers were crazy about his hairstyle, so he honestly tidied his hair and beard.

However, he did not choose short hair. Now his style is similar to when everyone first met him.

Of course Ethan won’t get the haircut. If Ethan started, he would shave Thor’s beard, then get a short, energetic hair, and then find him a black suit and sunglasses…

The completely renewed Thor is holding his axe, feeling the body full of power, and now he is confident that he can fight against Thanos one-on-one.

“I have regained my strength, so I don’t need to wait for Carol anymore, just go to…resurrect Thanos.”

“Don’t worry, Thanos is dead anyway, he can’t run even if he wants to.”

Tony patted Thor’s arm again, this time with a familiar touch.

“Also, this guy is going to leave it to me, you should watch me perform.”

Tony came to this world, the biggest purpose is to meet another himself, since he came here, he used Jarvis to connect to the world’s network and collect all kinds of information about this world.

He knows that this world does not have Ethan’s “chaotic entry”, so Tony Stark in this world should experience his own future without encountering Ethan.

Through the information collected by Jarvis, he knows a lot of the world’s own situation, and he also noticed that he seems to have found a successor (Jarvis can connect to Tony’s various private databases in this world), and this is called a spider Xia’s boy (still a middle school student) also died under Thanos’s snaps.

No wonder he looks so haggard in this world. It is not just as simple as being defeated, but he is still blaming himself for it in his heart.

In addition, the self in this world has married Little Pepper Pepper and has children.

After the discussion between Ethan and Thor, Tony has been chatting with Tony Stark in this world. He knows a lot of things, and after everyone goes to rest, he finds that he does not need to rest, and he is still chatting with Thor. Ethan.



“You should be able to see the future trajectory of this world, right?” Ethan has mastered the rules of time. Without the gem of time, he can do Strange to spy on various future possibilities like Strange: Just like Gu Yi.”

“Yes, what’s the matter?”

There is no need to deny this. In fact, as long as he borrows the Time Gem, Tony can also do this. After all, he is already a powerful mage and has experience in using infinite gems.

“If the two of us can’t come, will their plan go well?”

Both Ethan and Thor are holding glasses, but Thor’s glass is filled with wine, and Ethan’s glass is filled with ice-cola. Before Tony came over, Thor was still complaining that Ethan did not like to drink. How did they become good buddies?

So Ethan simply talked to Thor about how the two of them met in another world.

Hearing that Loki in another world not only lived well because of Ethan, but also helped himself to govern Asgard wholeheartedly. Thor suddenly understood why Ethan would become another good brother of himself.

At this moment, Tony ran over, and his question aroused Thor’s interest, making him swallow all the words he was about to say.

“Sounds interesting, you should be able to see it?”


Ethan looked at Tony and then at Thor.

“You all want to know?”

Both nodded, Ethan put the cup in his hand aside, and when he signaled Tony to sit down, he emptied everything on the table.

“Can you let us see it together?”

“Of course, don’t be surprised, it’s almost like watching a movie.”

After I emptied the desktop, I turned off the light in this room, and the entire room was left with the light that still radiated from the desktop. After Ethan also sat down, Ethan gently touched the light and shadow that resembled a holographic image. Then the picture starts to play.

After the screen began to play, the first thing that appeared was a figure that both people were familiar with. This figure went from a simple image of coarse cloth clothes, to a shape wearing a hooded gown, to wearing a gold holy garment, and finally wearing a normal but ordinary figure. Ethan is hovering in midair and embracing the world.

After the character image is frozen, a row of big characters flashes above the character: Ethan Pictures!


Thor suddenly wanted to say something, and for a while, he didn’t know where to start. He was about to ask Tony next to him: This guy usually does this too? Familiar scenes have begun to appear on the screen.

The’film’ started directly from the Avengers’ testing. Without Ethan’s intervention, Hawkeye Clint successfully arrived at the preset location and returned to his home when his wife and children had not been beaten into flying ash by the snaps of their fingers. And brought back an item.

This proves the feasibility of the Avengers’ space-time hijacking plan. The next step is to discuss which time point to choose and how to allocate the team.

At this point, what happened on the screen was very different from what they had experienced before, and after the plan was determined, the Avengers set off to their respective target locations.

Captain America, Iron Man, Ant-Man and the Hulk went to the Battle of New York. The goal of this team was three infinite gems. Among them, Hulk went directly to the New York Temple to find the Mage Strange who guarded the Temple-they didn’t know. Strange had not yet become a mage at that time.

Iron Man Tony and Captain America, relying on the convenience of their identities, are ready to “cheat” the two gems obtained by SHIELD.

The operation went smoothly at the beginning, but no matter how sophisticated the plan was, accidents could not be avoided, so this team had a lot of problems, and in the end it failed to collect the three gems in the whole plan.

Banner successfully persuaded Master Gu Yi and borrowed the Time Gem; Captain America also successfully escaped from the other himself and brought back the Soul Gem.

“Wait, why can’t Steve beat him? Has he become weaker in the past few years? He just woke up from the freezing at that time, he shouldn’t be in his best condition, right?”

Ethan spread his hands and could only explain it as: “Probably Steve can’t beat himself cruelly?”

This explanation seems to make sense? However, considering that Captain America can eventually become an old man, the effect of the serum is obviously not as good as the comic version, so it may also be due to a decline in physical fitness.

The specific situation can only be known unless you check it, but the two next to them didn’t bother with this issue, and continued to look at the picture in front of them.

Just when the three of them were watching the’movie’, Steve and Natasha who could not sleep also came to them. They did not speak, and stood by and quietly joined the’movie watching’ team.

Because the space gem was taken away by Loki, their team’s mission was considered a failure. To make up for Tony’s new target time point, he and Steve decided to go to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau of an earlier era to steal it. Cube of the universe.

This time it went well, they also found Pim particles to supplement the loss, so that they could return smoothly after getting the Cosmos Rubik’s Cube.

However, this action also paved the way for the follow-up Steve’s choice.

By the time it was broadcast here, Natasha looked at Steve beside her. Although she hadn’t seen the solution yet, she already had a foreboding of something.

The action process of this team is finished, and the next step is Rocket Raccoon and Thor heading to Asgard. The actions of these two people are relatively smooth. Not only did Thor and Rocket Raccoon get the ether particles, Thor also handed Mauernier. Take it away.

Seeing himself doing this in the video, Thor immediately thought of the reason and turned his head and glanced at Steve behind him.

Then there is the team of War Machine Roddy, Nebula, Hawkeye, and Black Widow. They will be divided into two to get the power gem and soul gem respectively.

There was nothing to say about the power gem; when they arrived at the soul gem, they finally saw the sacrifice scene mentioned by Ethan. The black widow and the eagle eye fought to die. In the end, the black widow won: sacrificed herself and helped the eagle eye obtain the soul. Gems No matter what, the gems are all collected, but they also left hidden dangers, that is, the appearance of the nebula has attracted the attention of the parallel world Thanos. Because of Nebula’s special physique, Thanos in this world knew everything, and then he copied the time and space technology of the Avengers and killed him from the parallel world.

Although all the infinite gems were collected and the Hulk snapped their fingers to resurrect the life that turned gray, the Avengers had to face a more violent Thanos.

There is nothing to say about the final battle. After a messy melee, Tony grabbed the Infinite Gloves, and with a snap of his fingers, he wiped out Thanos and his men, and Iron Man came to an end…

“and many more!”

The picture freezes, and Tony on the side points to the already breathless Iron Man above, and looks at Ethan in disbelief.

“I’m dead?”

Ethan spread his hands. He didn’t make any magic changes. Without him, this would be the last battle of Iron Man.

“Why doesn’t Strange use the gem of time to restore me?”

Ethan continued to spread his hands, how did he know why? Maybe Strange looks unpleasant to you? There can only be one Holmes in the Marvel universe? Take bribes from Little Pepper?

“Maybe the backlash of the Infinite Glove can’t use the power of the time gem to recover?”

This is not Ethan’s answer, but Steve’s guess, because in the previous episode, Banner also wanted to revive Natasha when he snapped his fingers, but he didn’t succeed.

“Do you want to see later?”

“Don’t read it, it doesn’t make any sense.”

Tony curled his mouth. He was very dissatisfied with the ending. Although he died heroically and looked heroic, it did not suit his preferences.

If you don’t like it, you must change all of this. Fortunately, their arrival means that this ending is absolutely impossible to happen again.

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