Entertainment: No Money to Surf the Internet, Forced to be a Top Dtreamer!

Chapter 46

Chapter 46: Experience Rural Life, The Almighty Qin Feng? [Kneeling And Begging For A Flower Reward

Chapter 46: Experience rural life, the almighty Qin Feng? [Kneeling and begging for a flower reward evaluation ticket! 】

Xu Zhen is also an old man in the entertainment industry, and his representative works include “The God of Medicine”, “囧 Series”, etc…

The reputation in the circle should not be underestimated!

If Qin Feng did not participate in this episode, he would be a proper heavyweight guest.


Because of Qin Feng’s presence in this issue, Xu Zhen seemed a little unremarkable.

No way, there are too many excellent works by Qin Feng!

It is simply a star that can move at any time, shining brightly!

So the eyes basically converged on Qin Feng.

“Brother Xu is here.”

He Jiong came to Xu Zhen and said hello.

After all, all the guests are here, so they can’t be left alone.

“Brother Xu.”

“Uncle Xu!”

Huang Lei, Pengpeng, Zhang Zihan and others all said hello.

But from some small details, they are not as enthusiastic as when they received Qin Feng.

Just when Qin Feng was about to say hello.

At this moment, Xu Zhen took the initiative to stretch out his hand and said with a smile, “Are you Qin Feng?”

“I didn’t expect to be so young, so young and promising!”

Qin Feng was stunned for a moment, then returned a smile.

Very humbly replied.

“Brother Xu has won the award, I’m just an ordinary person.”

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

Seeing this, He Jiong immediately suggested: “Let’s go to the mushroom house now! Let’s take a look at our home!”


Several people walked into the mushroom house together.

A seemingly dilapidated one-story attic, introduced into the eye.

It seems that this is the mushroom house this time!

“Wow! It’s quite a feeling!” Xu Zhen couldn’t help but said.

Because of this environment, there is a retro feeling everywhere, as if I have returned to the era of my childhood.

Hear this.

He Jiong and Huang Lei laughed.

At this moment, the director team of Origin of All Evil is online!

The director said: “Reminder, there is not much time left today. If you don’t do the task again, you may starve for dinner.”


Hearing this, everyone came back to their senses.

According to previous programs, everyone’s living materials need to be exchanged for labor.

And housing rent, etc…

“Director, what about our funding for this period?” Huang Lei suddenly asked.

The previous funds should have been paid at this time.

But it hasn’t been released yet.

Could it be that the director team forgot?

“Fund… no.”

The director gave a bad laugh, “This show has no landlord, so you don’t need any funds.”

“No landlord?”

Everyone looked at each other and blinked at each other.

I don’t quite understand what the director group meant.

“In the past, we rented from farmers’ homes, so we needed to communicate with local villagers and exchange materials with them.”

“But this time, we’ve chosen a place that hasn’t been lived in for a long time.”

“The nearest village is on the other side of the river.”

“There is no bridge, but our director team has a boat.”

“If you want to borrow our ships, you need to complete the corresponding tasks.”

The director finally announced the highlights of this issue.

Completing the task can be exchanged for the corresponding material.


The nearest village is on the other side of the river?

Then, isn’t this the same room where they are?

“Director, what is the mission?” Qin Feng asked with interest.

It’s like a survival game.

Originally, Qin Feng participated in this show just to keep everyone from guessing that he was Pikachu.

As for the show itself, Qin Feng has no interest, and wants to directly start the life of ‘salted fish lying flat’.

However, now there are tasks and materials in exchange.

Sounds like a survival game!

If you say this, I won’t be sleepy!

“The task in the morning is to tidy up your room, and you can get a lunch when the task is completed.”

“As for the task in the afternoon… I’ll announce it in the afternoon!”

The director laughed.

Tidy up the room?

Everyone has also seen the situation in the mushroom house. It is not dirty, but it is a bit empty. It is not difficult to organize it.

They only need to clean the task, make the bed, and the task is basically completed.

“Then everyone should pack their luggage. After half an hour, we will make the bed together.” He Jiong said with a smile.

After half an hour.

Luggage is basically packed.

Now the problem of making the bed remains.

no bed…

6 people, not even a bed!

“Director, I have a question, what if I don’t have a bed?” He Jiong raised his hand and asked curiously.

“Just hit the floor!” Huang Lei said with a smile.

Now I don’t even see the shadow of the bed, so laying the floor is the most convenient way.


Everyone looked at the floor, and there was a damp feeling.

There is definitely no way to lay the floor.

The question is, what about the bed?

“We have prepared wood and utensils here. This is your ‘bed’, you need to build it yourself…”

After the director finished speaking, he turned into a tool man.

Everyone looked in the direction pointed by the director.


There is wood in one place, and there are cutters, hammers, nails, etc. next to it…

Do they really have to build it themselves? !

Thinking of this, Zhang Zihan, Pengpeng, and Xu Zhen’s expressions changed slightly, and they looked helpless.

“Then let’s build it ourselves.”

He Jiong responded quickly and came to the board to look at it, “Mr. Huang, come and help me.”

“Got it!”

Soon, with the cooperation of He Jiong and Huang Lei, the wood was sawed into thick sticks of different lengths.

“Mr. He, what’s the use of sawing it like this?” Seeing this, Pengpeng couldn’t help but ask curiously.

“Make a bed.”

After He Jiong replied, he fell into the hard work.


With a hammer and a hammer, the frame of a bed finally appeared!

There were expressions of admiration and excitement on everyone’s faces.

“As expected of Teacher He, nothing is a problem!” Pengpeng applauded vigorously.

“And Teacher Huang!”

Huang Lei imitated Pengpeng’s tone and boasted.

Everyone laughed when they heard this.

Yet at this moment.


The frame of the bed fell apart in an instant.

At the same time, a figure fell to the ground.

“Mr. He, your bed is a little weak…” Xu Zhen got up from the ground with a wry smile on his face.

“This… this this this…”

He Jiong didn’t know what was going on. He scratched his head and joked, “Is there a possibility that your tonnage is too heavy?”

“That also proves that your quality is not up to standard!” Xu Zhen also laughed and joked back.

“The most important thing now is to check where the problem is.”

Huang Lei came to the place where Xu Zhen fell, recalling the bed frame just now.

There seems to be no problem.

no way.

He Jiong and Huang Lei created the same framework.

Want to see what exactly is going wrong.

“It doesn’t seem to be a problem!” He Jiong said, “Mr. Huang, sit on it and try.”

Huang Lei heard the words and came over.

Sit on the frame.

There was an immediate tendency to fall apart.

“Get up quickly!” He Jiong said quickly.

If it falls apart now, it’s time to build another framework to find the problem.

Fortunately, Huang Lei got up in time.

This bed was saved.

“Could it be… Is it because my tonnage is too heavy?” Huang Lei pretended to be suspicious of life.

“It’s a structural issue.”

Qin Feng came over and said slowly.

Structural issues?

People are puzzled.

Qin Feng explained: “Now this framework is important, but it is not used.”

“If it’s like this, adding a few more logs will be fine.”

After a tinkling beating.

The bed was added with a few pieces of wood.

“Mr. Huang, you can go up and try again.” Qin Feng said with a smile.


Huang Lei looked shocked, tilted his head and said, “What if it falls apart again? You have to be responsible for me!”

“Responsible? Is it the kind of responsibility I think?” He Jiong said this.

Everyone around laughed.

Full of relaxed and happy atmosphere.

“Just try and die!” Huang Lei closed his eyes and sat down nervously.

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