Entertaining Children

Chapter 1318

Chapter 1318 arrangement

Chapter 1318 Arrangement

“I think about it!” Xiao Yao turned to Chen Yang.

Xiao Yao’s heart moved, but he didn’t plan to express his opinion on the spot.

“This is a big matter, and you should really think about it.” Chen Yang nodded, “If you consider it well and decide to switch to professional basketball, contact me. I can help you arrange training and contact professional teams for trial training.”

Chen Yang was also a whim, and he came to Xiao Yao with the mentality of giving it a try. With Xiao Yao’s growth experience, current status and career status, it is logically impossible to switch careers to play. That is to say, Chen Yangzhen thinks Xiao Yao has potential, and he often does things unexpectedly, so he will give it a try. Before coming, he actually didn’t have much expectation. Now that Xiao Yao can be said to be moved, he has agreed to consider that Chen Yang has already exceeded the goal of this trip.

The goal was achieved, Chen Yang and Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting chatted a few more words at random, and then they got up and left.

On this matter, Xiao Yao only considered Sun Tingting’s opinions and did not plan to discuss it with his parents. Sun Tingting has already expressed support, and Xiao Yao basically decided on this matter. The reason why he told Chen Yang to consider is to discuss the future arrangements with Sun Tingting.

China NBA teams sign new players, the most famous of course is the annual China NBA Draft. Although Xiao Yao has not trained in a professional team or played in a professional game, there was a grassroots player in the NBA Draft that Xiao Yao, a star, can sign up for the draft as a grassroots player. However, the draft was held at the end of July, and the results were announced long ago. Xiao Yao wants to participate in the draft, and can only wait for next year as a grassroots player to sign up for next year’s NBA draft training camp.

Of course, the Chinese basketball team does not necessarily have to pass the draft to sign the new players of the non-league. They can also conduct trial training on the players and sign contracts.

Since Xiao Yao has decided to become a professional player, of course the sooner the better. The draft will have to wait for next year. Xiao Yao doesn’t want to wait so long, so he can only go directly to the club for trial training.

The club’s own trial training and signing of players are controlled by the club itself. There are not too many restrictions on the time. Any time is possible, but this freedom is limited to trial training and signing, excluding playing games.

Before the start of the season, the team must submit a list of first-team players to the league in advance, and only players on the list can play. In view of possible injuries and illnesses during the season, the league also allows clubs to modify and replace the roster of first-team players during the season, but this modification can only be applied for during certain prescribed time periods, and cannot be changed at any time. So after the season starts, the team can sign new players at any time, but new players are not ready to play right away.

Generally speaking, unless a player has a major injury or a player performs very poorly, the team will rarely change the roster of the first team midway through the season. For Xiao Yao, if he joins in the middle of the season, he will have much less hope of playing. Of course, he wants to get a professional contract before the start of the season.

China professional basketball team usually starts the new season at the end of October and early November. It is now September. In terms of time, it is possible for Xiao Yao to get a contract through a professional club trial before the start of the season. But the professional club’s trial training is not a joke, and it is not something that you can pass casually. Xiao Yao is not a professional player and has not undergone professional training. In order to ensure that the trial training passes, some training, adjustments and preparations are needed before the trial training, so this time seems a bit tight.

There are certain things that Xiao Yao will not change, nor can he change it. For example, for the wedding in early October, the invitations have been sent out and are already being prepared. It is impossible for Xiao Yao to cancel or postpone for the trial. Xiao Yao will not end the wedding photo shoot now in progress. As for the honeymoon trip to Northern Europe and Africa that was originally planned to be carried out after the wedding, there is still no substantial investment and it will not affect others, so it can be cancelled.

Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting’s wedding photo shoot this time was a bit honeymoon-like. Northern Europe and Africa can still find time to go in the future, so they cancelled their honeymoon travel plan after the wedding and changed it to a trial training. ready.

The two discussed properly, and Xiao Yao began to make plans and contact the people who needed to be contacted. Before the wedding, Xiao Yao basically made plans and arranged the rest.

The day after the wedding, Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting gathered their important relatives, friends and partners to announce to everyone that Xiao Yao intends to change careers as a professional player.

Xiao Yao is announcing rather than discussing with everyone, which means that he has already made up his mind. Although Xiao Yao made the decision without discussing with them, the people in front of him were people who were more important to him. Those who should explain and appease had to explain and appease.

Family, the most important thing is Xiao Yao’s parents Xiao Siqi Ye Jiaying and Sun Tingting’s parents Sun Zhihao and his wife.

The four elders were of course very surprised when Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting announced the news, but their reaction was not particularly strong.

Xiao Siqi Ye Jiaying had a stocking attitude towards Xiao Yao when she was a child. As long as it was not doing bad things, the two would basically not stop it. They believed that Xiao Yao would consider the consequences more clearly. Playing basketball is of course not a bad thing. What they care about is Xiao Yao’s current acting career in full swing.

“I will come back to work in the performing arts industry, I promise!” Xiao Yao said to his parents, “My goal is the professional contract of the China National Basketball Association. More than years. If I can’t get a professional contract before the start of the 23-24 season in October or November next year, I will give up being a professional player and come back to continue singing and filming.”

“What if you get a professional contract?” Xiao Siqi asked, “Till you retire? When will you retire? After retiring, will you return to the performing arts industry or continue to develop in basketball, be a coach, be a basketball commentator, and enter the team management ?”

“If I get a professional contract, I have a series of goals.” Xiao Yao said, “The first is to enter the national team. Then at the club level, the championship, the regular season MVP, the finals MVP, the single-season scoring champion, the best of the season. The lineup is one, the best defensive lineup is one, and the All-Star starts at least once. At the national team level, at least once in the top four of the World Series. According to the cycle of the World Series, I set myself a time of twelve years, starting from this year. In the World Cup plus the Olympics, I have a total of seven World Series opportunities. If I can achieve those goals ahead of schedule, I may retire early. If I can’t achieve them all the time, I will retire at the age of 36.

I don’t like teaching people, so I won’t be a coach after retiring. The management won’t, I have a company now, and basically don’t care about it. But if someone invites me to explain the basketball game as an expert, I will try, but it will not be my main business. After retiring, I will continue my acting career, and my main business will return to the acting career. ”

“If you can really achieve these goals, you can be regarded as a legendary player in China’s basketball, right?” Xiao Siqi laughed. “A acting star who changed his career and became a generation of basketball legend halfway through is exciting to think about. I want to be like this. A son…tsk, let’s wait and see if you can achieve those goals.”

Sun Zhihao and his wife are Xiao Yao’s father-in-law. They care not about Xiao Yao but their daughter Sun Tingting. They could see that Sun Tingting really supported Xiao Yao to play basketball instead of accepting psychological dissatisfaction on the surface, so they didn’t say anything. Anyway, with their current net worth and abilities, no matter what they will do in the future, it is not a problem to want to live. In that case, you should do what you want.

The parents and elders don’t say anything here, but there are still people who have something to say on the friend’s side.

“The championships and MVPs you mentioned are about our China NBA professional basketball team, right?” Lin Qisan said to Xiao Yao, “Why don’t you say you want to play the NBA professional basketball team and win the NBA championship, MVP.” , Do you want to lead the Huaxia team to win the world championship? That is the proper basketball legend, world-class! He will be even better than Chen Yang!”

“Shut up!” Zhao Rui covered Lin Qisan’s mouth and said, “If you say so, he might really change those goals to the US NBA, the world champion. There was originally a goal he achieved in less than twelve years. , The hope of retiring early, such a change, he will have to play for twelve years.”

“Go, you say that, it’s not the same as stimulating him!” Lin Qisan broke Zhao Rui’s hand and looked at him.

“Want to see my joke?” Xiao Yao smiled, “If you are not agitated, you will be in the top four of China’s NBA. The goal will not change.”

“Okay, let’s not talk about your goals, but about the company,” Zhao Rui said, “You went to play, what about our company?”

“Just do what you should do.” Xiao Yao said, “If you leave me, the company will not transfer? After the establishment of the company, I always participate in specific projects, and regardless of the daily operations, those who do not have the ones we invite Are professional managers like Yu and the others in charge?”

“Then what if we want to start a project?” Zhao Rui asked.

“Except for the projects I want to carry out before, I didn’t have a veto against you, right?” Xiao Yao said, “We started this company to make it easier for us to invest in the projects we like. I went to play. Naturally, you won’t start a project. If you have a project you want the company to do, just follow the previous rules and submit the plan. You have a meeting and discuss it. If you think it is feasible, then do it.”

“Where are the projects you are still working on?” Lin Qisan asked Xiao Yao, “No matter what, let someone else?”

“That’s not true, I will have a beginning and an end.” Xiao Yao said, “There should be three projects I’m already working on. One is the documentary “China on the Bite of the Tongue” planned by me. This has been filmed and is in progress. Post-production. I just plan this project. The post-production, broadcasting rights sales, distribution, and publicity are the responsibility of the relevant departments of the company. At most, I help publicize on social media. It doesn’t cost much, even when playing football. get on.”

“The more important thing is the TV series “Pretty Sister”.” Xiao Yao said to Yin Xi, “This is also in the later stage. When this project is broadcast, I will have a lot of publicity tasks. But playing basketball is also off season. , Generally, the season ends in May. If you don’t play the playoffs, it will end sooner. Next year is not a major year. Even if I start to join the national team next year, the national team has no competition tasks during the offseason, so As long as the broadcast rights of this play are sold and the broadcast schedule must be set in June next year, I should have no problem.”

“There is also the second animated feature film “Kung Fu Panda” of Teacher Tong Company.” Xiao Yao looked at Tong Luo again, “I am a screenwriter and character designer for this project. If it is released, I will also have a publicity task. This project is expected. It will be all produced at the beginning of next year. As for the animated film, of course it is a summer vacation. The league ends in May and starts at the end of October or November, so I have time to participate in the promotion in July and August. Teacher Tong will follow The distribution company negotiates for the summer file to be released.”

“Listening to you, you don’t seem to have to make it as if you are leaving the showbiz for a while.” Xiao Siqi said, “The league is from November to May, and the offseason is from May to October, each with half a year. You can play basketball for half a year, and continue to sing and act as a project for half a year!”

“Of course not!” Ye Jiaying said, “Don’t you need to rest on Bayi? How tired is playing, otherwise why is there so long a gap between the season and the season? Other players are going to take a vacation on vacation, and Bayi still has to sing. Acting as a project, when the Bayi Iron strikes?”

“Don’t listen to your dad.” Ye Jiaying said to Xiao Yao, “If you really want to play basketball, you should just let it go in performing arts. Teacher Tong and Yin Xi’s projects are already being done. There is no way, but except In addition, don’t do acting work during the game, let alone start any new projects. Whether you are a singer or an actor in your thirties, it is still a golden age, not to mention the director, who is still called a young director at that age. New director, it’s not too late to come back to do this after you retire.”

“Actually, the offseason is so long, and I don’t need to rest for that long every year.” Xiao Yao said, “mainly after becoming a professional player, if there is no game in the offseason, I must continue to train to improve my skills and maintain my state. In the national team, there will be competition tasks for the national team. I will definitely not open new film and television projects, but if time permits, record songs and perform some that don’t require too much time and effort. The role is still okay, it’s just a change of mind. Of course, in the coming years, my focus and main energy will definitely be on basketball.”

“Okay, you can grasp it yourself. Don’t be too tired.” Ye Jiaying said.

“You don’t have to worry about snacks.” Xiao Siqi smiled, “August 1st got married. In the future, Duo’er will take care of his affairs, and Duo’er will worry about it. You didn’t see what he was going to do this time, just Discussed with Doer, are we all here to listen to his notice?”

“Dad, Mom, we didn’t discuss this matter with you in advance, it was our fault.” Sun Tingting said embarrassedly.

“No, no,” Xiao Siqi quickly waved his hand, “I didn’t mean to blame you. Needless to say, you know, it must be the boy Bayi’s idea, and he didn’t discuss it with us.”

“Yeah,” Ye Jiaying also said, “this kid has big ideas since he was young, and he made many decisions without discussing with us. Back then, he didn’t take the Yandian Chinese Opera, but only Shen Opera and he didn’t discuss it with us. He told us I ran away. Now that we are willing to discuss something with you, we are happy in our hearts.”

“Boss, what should I do with the studio?” Fang still asked, “The workload in the studio used to be less. Now you switch to playing basketball. After a few jobs, everyone will be more relaxed. Or simply close the studio and reopen when you return to the showbiz after you retire?”

“It’s OK if you don’t have it,” Xiao Yao said, “After I switched careers, the people in the studio really have nothing to do. But don’t you have artists under your hands now? You can ask the people in the studio to give you hands. The artists underneath work, or if you don’t want to, let them go to the film and television company to do things, you can discuss it with Stone San’er and Mr. Yu.”

“Still don’t shut it down!” Zhou Zhihao, who had been silent for a while, suddenly said, “I heard what you said, how come it seems that Bayi will definitely be able to enter the professional club? Professional athletes are not that good, and Bayi is not. It is said that he will only fight for more than a year. Will he give up if he fails to get a professional contract before the start of the new season next year? Maybe he will not get a professional contract in November next year, and he will continue to take singing and acting as his main business. Don’t close the studio.”

“I’m going, there’s another one who deliberately irritates me!” Xiao Yao smiled bitterly and shook his head, “Shall we make a bet?”

“Go, who will bet with you?” Zhou Zhihao refused.

(End of this chapter)

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