Entertaining Children

Chapter 1315

Chapter 1315 Wedding (Part 2)

Chapter 1315 Wedding (Part 2)

Dinner time, all guests arrived at the banquet hall on time and took their seats.

Before the wedding banquet officially begins, the best man will give a speech.

In terms of age, Zhao Rui was the eldest of the five children who participated in the show that year, and the task of giving the best man’s speech was naturally given to Zhao Rui.

After the best man gave a speech, the wedding banquet officially began.

Since it is a Western-style wedding, the wedding banquet takes the form of a buffet. In addition to all kinds of food and drinks, in the middle of the banquet hall is a huge wedding cake with six floors, a pair of newlywed dolls on the top, and a big cup tower made of empty wine glasses.

The first step for the wedding banquet is to cut the cake together by Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting, then pour wine together, and fill the tower with champagne.

After Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting completed these two items to the applause and cheers of the guests, everyone was ready to start. However, most of the guests were not in a hurry to eat, and still stared at the two people in the center of the banquet hall.

Western-style wedding banquets, banquets and dances are combined, which is why many Western-style wedding banquets adopt buffet style.

The beginning of the banquet also means the beginning of the dance party. According to tradition, the first dance at the wedding banquet is performed by the bride and groom separately.

Sure enough, after the staff carefully pushed aside the cake and champagne tower placed on the cart, the host announced loudly that the bride and groom were invited to dance the first dance tonight.

Xiao Yao’s wedding banquet is naturally arranged with a live band. The live band was prepared long ago. When the guests arrived one after another before the wedding banquet, the live band played some music.

After the host announced the invitation for the bride and groom to perform the first dance, a young woman in a blue evening dress among the guests stood up and walked to a standing microphone in the band area. Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting both play music. During their wedding, not only the music is played live, but the songs are also sung live.

Now someone is standing in front of Li Mai in the band, indicating that the background music of Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting’s first dance is not a piece of music, but a song.

The person standing in front of the microphone is Fan Linxuan. As the first female singer besides Xiao Yao’s family to cooperate with Xiao Yao in the true sense, she sang the song of the first dance of Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting’s wedding banquet.

Seeing Fan Linxuan standing in front of the microphone, Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting stood relatively apart a little apart. Seeing the two standing still, Fan Linxuan turned her head and gestured to the guitarist beside her, and Fan Linxuan’s singing sounded together with the sound of the guitar.

Fan Linxuan sang not her own song, but an English song. Fan Linxuan only sang the first line, and many guests heard that she sang “ThinkingOutLoud” by Xiao Yao.

This song has been popular in China and Europe and the United States. In addition to the song itself, the MV of this song is also very impressive. Hearing this song, many people think of the MV of this song. Suddenly, there was a huge burst of cheers and screams at the scene, and some people even whistled in excitement.

This is at the wedding banquet. Sun Tingting is still wearing a wedding dress. It is impossible for the two of them to sit on the ground and lie on the ground. Naturally, it is impossible to completely reproduce the dance in the MV. However, even if the movements of two people sitting and lying on the ground in the MV, Sun Tingting’s difficult modern dance movements and inconvenient lifting movements were removed, it was changed to a ballroom dance mixed with some simple modern dances. The dance was still very sweet, arousing continuous applause and cheers from the guests and audience.

After the first dance of the two was finished, after thanking the guests, they finally left the center of the banquet hall and took their place.

Next is the relatively free and casual time. The banquet and the dance are held at the same time. You want to eat, want to dance and find a partner to dance. Another special point is that there are people who go up to sing.

However, there are a lot of people dancing on and off the banquet, but not many singing. Many of the guests are professional singers, but because they are performing live, they also need to cooperate with the band. Those who have not prepared are not good to go up there.

Except for Fan Linxuan in the opening ceremony, the “Daydream” band, which is the entire band who came to the wedding, went up and sang “sugar”. Liang Xueying, who had been prepared and had practiced with the band yesterday, went up and sang a song of her own. English love song.

It is worth mentioning that the Immortals band, which is currently on the tour, also took advantage of the gap between the tour and all members to attend. It’s just that they are a rock band, their songs are all rock songs, there is no song like “sugar” suitable for singing at a wedding banquet, so they did not perform on stage.

Not many people sang, and some of the guests made Xiao Yao go up and sing, but Xiao Yao did not agree. Today, Xiao Yao is the bridegroom. He is not on stage to sing, and everyone is not pushing him up.

The banquet lasted for more than an hour, and when no one stopped to dance or sing at the band, the host again stood up with the microphone and announced the wedding banquet, which was also the last part of the wedding.

The last part is the part where the bride toss the bouquet that was not held during the wedding ceremony in the afternoon.

According to the tradition of Western weddings, the brides are usually single young ladies on the spot. However, in the Western weddings held in China, there are also some single men who rushed to join in the fun and grab the flowers with the girls. Listening to the host talking about the next part of throwing the bouquet, several men including Zhao Rui and Lin Qisan’s best man also joked and stood among the group of girls preparing to receive the flower ball.

Although the girls expressed their contempt for a few boys, no one started to drive them away. However, the host didn’t rub the sand in his eyes, and he unceremoniously invited a few boys out.

Zhao Rui and others knew that Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting’s wedding was strictly in accordance with the traditional Western wedding, and they just came out to make a fuss. The host opened his mouth to rush people, and they obediently returned to their positions.

After the boys left, Sun Tingting threw out the bouquet with her back to the girls, but Cheng Xi was lucky enough to receive it.

After Cheng Xi returned to her seat surrounded by the girls, the host continued: “Okay, the lucky ones among the girls have been born, and then the boys! See which boy will be lucky enough to receive the groom The happiness passed with the bride will become the next groom!”

“What do you mean?” Zhao Rui and others yelled and asked.

“In traditional Western weddings, the bride not only passes happiness to girls, but also to boys.” The host explained, “The bride’s bouquet is for girls, as for boys…”

The host pointed to Sun Tingting and said: “The bride wears two sock loops on her right leg. Those are the boy’s “blooms”. Whoever grabs them will get them!

“Is there anything else?” Zhao Rui asked in surprise.

Different from the bride throwing the bouquet, the boy’s version of the “bouquet” of the bride’s stocking ring is basically absent in Western-style weddings in China, and very few Chinese people know about it. Although Xiao Yao knew, but he did not improve to tell Zhao Rui and others.

“Yes!” the host smiled and nodded.

“Hoops? Are you going to grab them?” Lin Qisan reacted the fastest and exclaimed, “So what are you waiting for?”

A few boys yelled and rushed towards Sun Tingting.

Looking at the men rushing forward aggressively, Sun Tingting screamed in fright, and immediately pulled Xiao Yao in front of her.

“Stop!” Xiao Yao shook his fists and made a preparatory action in a boxing, shouting loudly against the people who came, “Don’t come here!”

“What are you doing? Still want to hit someone?” Lin Qisan exclaimed, “The host said it was the wedding process!”

“The host’s words haven’t been finished yet, what are you anxious about?” Xiao Yao said, “The sock ring on Duo’er’s leg is indeed for you, but the host said that the grab is not for you to go to Duo’er’s leg. Instead, I, the bridegroom, took it from her leg, and then I threw it to you like she did just now. Whoever receives it is whoever receives it. At that time, it was the so-called robbing.”

“Really?” Several people turned to look at the host.

“Yes!” The host nodded regretfully.

In fact, in the traditional Western weddings in the past, it was indeed a wild grab by the male guests who took off the stockings directly from the bride’s legs. However, because this behavior was a bit rude and easily scared the bride, it was changed to the bridegroom removing the stocking ring from the bride’s leg and throwing it to the male guests. The host said that deliberately before, just to bring up the atmosphere. The real execution tonight has already been agreed to follow the tradition behind.

“Okay!” Zhao Rui and others saw the host say so, so they stopped and said to Xiao Yao, “Then you take it quickly, we wait for you to throw it away!”

“However,” the host continued, “this groom took the sock ring from the bride’s leg, he didn’t take it casually. The groom must use his mouth to remove the sock ring from the bride’s leg, and he can only use his mouth, not Help with your hands.”

“Wow ” The host said so, everyone became excited, and several guys made a strange cry.

Xiao Yao smiled bitterly and shook his head, and walked to the table next to him. Xiao Yao knew this rule. In order not to let those guys get started directly, he could only follow the method the host said.

“What are you doing?” Zhao Rui cried, “Didn’t you use your mouth to hold the sock ring? How did you go? You are leaving, we will **** it from Doer!”

“Take a chair and let Duo’er sit down!” Xiao Yao turned around and said, “You can’t use your hands. Where can you take it down while standing like this?”

Sun Tingting is wearing a wedding dress, underneath is a long skirt, and her legs with stockings are in the skirt. When she was standing, Xiao Yao couldn’t take down the sock ring with his mouth and no hands. After thinking about it, Zhao Rui and others did not stop it.

“Come on!” Xiao Yao moved a chair and put it beside Sun Tingting, let Sun Tingting sit down, and then knelt down on one knee in front of Sun Tingting.

“Oh oh ” When Xiao Yao was about to use his mouth to hold the sock ring, the guests yelled.

Sun Tingting also knows that there is such a thing in Western weddings. But even if he knew it, Sun Tingting lowered her head in embarrassment when the host said it. When Xiao Yao moved to the chair and sat down on the chair, she shyly covered her face with her hands.

“Cooperate!” Xiao Yao whispered to Sun Tingting.

After hearing this, Sun Tingting moved the hand covering her face down, covering her mouth, exposing her eyes, while the other hand was put down and held the skirt on her left thigh, and at the same time raised her right foot. stand up.

Seeing that Sun Tingting was holding down half of her skirt to prevent it from going out, Xiao Yao bent down and lowered her head to bite the skirt on Sun Tingting’s right leg and pull it up. Sun Tingting immediately stretched out his fingers to hold down the skirt that was pulled up, and quietly and forcefully helped Xiao Yao pull it up.

With the secret cooperation and help of Sun Tingting, Xiao Yao quickly pulled the hem of the right side of the skirt to the top of Sun Tingting’s right knee. The two socks worn by Sun Tingting were just above the right knee and not far from the knee, and they were also exposed at this time.

Amid the continuous roar of the crowd, Xiao Yao bit a sock ring and pulled down along Sun Tingting’s leg. Sitting on the chair, Sun Tingting lifted her right calf to a straight line with her thigh. Xiao Yao didn’t take the sock off too hard.

As soon as Xiao Yao let go, the sock ring he was biting in his mouth fell off. Xiao Yao stretched out a hand and held it in his hand, then knelt beside Sun Tingting and took off another sock loop in the same way.

“Okay, line up!” Xiao Yao pinched the two socks in his hands and said to the boys who were making fun of them.

Zhao Rui, Lin Qisan and others quickly stood in a row. Xiao Yao turned his back, quietly tied the two sock loops in his hand, and then threw it out behind him.

Several boys all stretched out their hands to **** the flying sock ring, and finally the sock ring fell into Lin Qisan’s hands.

“Mine!” Lin Qisan shouted excitedly.

“If you dare to smell it under your nose, I will kill you!” Xiao Yao threatened Lin Qisan.

“Huh?” Lin Qisan was taken aback for a while, and then showed a hint of playful expression.

“San’er, what are you afraid of? Just smell it!” Zhou Zhihao immediately urged, “This is the original flavor!”

“Nina, San’er grabbed the sock ring, when shall we drink your wedding wine?” Sun Tingting found that Lin Qisan’s expression seemed to be about to move, and asked Nina Ayiguli aloud.

“Nina?” Lin Qisan woke up in an instant, and immediately ran to Nina, stuffed the sock ring in her hand into Nina’s hand, and said with a pleased smile, “Look, I snatched the sock ring that Bayi threw out. The next pair of people who will cultivate the right fruit is definitely us.”

The sock ring was in Nina’s hands, and it was naturally impossible for Lin Qisan to smell it anymore. Zhou Zhihao said to Lin Qisan with a look of contempt: “Lin Qisan, you are a fool!”

“Get out!” Lin Qisan counterattacked without showing any weakness, “You are a single dog among us! We don’t even have a girlfriend. What qualifications do you have to speak?”

Zhao Rui noticed that Zhu Zitong next to Nina looked at the sock ring on Nina’s hand with an enviable expression, and took a picture of Zhou Zhihao and said, “Stop it! There is one more!”

“Hurry up, and throw another one!” Zhao Rui moved his shoulders and said to Xiao Yao.

“What other one?” Xiao Yao said with a puzzled face.

“Hoops!” Zhao Rui said, “Didn’t you take two socks off Doer’s legs?”

“Oh, I tied the two loops together, they are both in San’er, no, Nina is holding it!” Xiao Yao pointed at Lin Qisan and Nina Aiguli.

“Why do you want to tie together?” Zhao Rui dissatisfied, “It is also stipulated by the tradition of Western weddings?”

“It seems that there is no such saying,” Xiao Yao said, “I just think there is only one bouquet for the bride, which can only be given to one person, so the hosiery for men should only be given to one person, fair!”

“You…” Zhao Rui pointed to Xiao Yao, not knowing what to say.

The bride throwing the bouquet and the groom throwing the stocking ring are the last process of the dinner and the last process of the entire wedding today. After completing this step, tonight’s dinner and today’s wedding are completely over.

Neuschwanstein does not provide accommodation. After the dinner, all the guests returned to the hotel in Fussen by car to rest.

The wedding was over. Most of the guests left the next morning, but there were also a few more leisurely people who felt that Fussen’s environment was good and planned to stay here for another two days, but did not leave immediately.

Because it is a Western-style wedding, it is still held outside. There are no traditional Chinese ceremonies such as the bride offering tea to the in-laws in the morning of the wedding and the return of the bride and groom to their natal home three days later. This point was agreed in advance by both parents, so Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting did not have to return home immediately.

Of course, the two of them don’t want to stay in Fussen. According to the original plan, Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting were going directly from Fussen for their honeymoon.

When Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting formally confirmed their relationship on the East Zhejiang TV station, Xiao Yao promised to take Sun Tingting to Africa to watch a lion and to be an Eskimo in the North Pole. It’s okay to go to Africa to see lions, but it doesn’t matter if you go to the North Pole to be an Eskimo. It’s a good choice if you don’t go to see the Aurora, so their original plan was to go to Africa and Northern Europe. But for some reason, the two changed, or it could be said that the honeymoon plan was cancelled.

The day after the wedding, the two gathered all their close people for a meeting in the hotel in Fussen. After announcing a decision, they flew to the United States with everyone’s shocked eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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