Entertaining Children

Chapter 1295

Chapter 1295 Don’t need you to come forward

Chapter 1295 I don’t need you to come forward

The   Billboard Music Awards ceremony will be broadcast on August 1, which is Friday night. On the second day, Huaxia Internet basically praised Xiao Yao’s performance at the award ceremony. This day is Saturday, so the popularity of this topic is also very fast. Another day later, the black material about Xiao Yao’s “taking improper means to obtain performance opportunities” appeared on the Internet. It was Sunday, and it was still a weekend, so the news was uploaded very quickly on the Internet, and it quickly became a hot topic on the Internet.

Xiao Yao has already returned to China, so when this “scandal” about him broke out on the Internet, Xiao Yao quickly learned. Two days after his birthday, Xiao Yao had nothing on hand, mainly taking the time to record the song “Lucky” with Sun Tingting and Xiao Siqi. In the past two days, Xiao Yao hadn’t been completely deaf to the outside world except for recording. This time he didn’t even wait for Fang from the studio to call to inform him, and he found out when he went online.

Of course, Fang, who didn’t use the studio for Xiao Yao, still told this, it doesn’t mean that the people at the studio don’t have to do anything. After this “scandal” came out, Xiao Yao’s studio naturally acted and reacted. Although Xiao Yao, who has returned to China, will be the last one to decide, but how did this matter come out, how it spreads, what media were involved, where is the source, what is the purpose, how big the current impact is, and what is the trend of subsequent public opinion? The people in the studio all need to understand investigation and analysis.

This news is very lively on Huaxia’s network and spread widely, but the source is not Huaxia. Similar to the previous news of Xiao Yao’s “walking about casinos and indulging in gambling”, this news was also seen by some of China’s media reporters in foreign media and reposted to China’s domestic media. However, unlike the previous news, the news reprinted by China Media this time was not transferred from American media, but from some non-mainstream media in South Korea.

The news mentioned that Xiao Yao temporarily replaced someone as a guest performer at the Billboard Music Awards. He competed. The competitor was a Korean group that developed in Europe and the United States. So the news broke from the Korean media and it didn’t make people feel that Unexpected, but something surprising is that it was not the South Korean media that broke the news first, but the revelation on the social media account of an anonymous netizen on the South Korean network.

As far as the influence and the trend of public opinion are concerned, the situation is not particularly severe for Xiao Yao.

The news report did not put forward any substantive evidence, but reversed the conclusion that Xiao Yao benefited from the final result. It seems logically reasonable, but it is not rigorous and rigorous. Most of the media just reprinted it, and most of the latter ended with a questioning attitude, and did not confirm the authenticity of the news, nor did they easily express their subjective views and comments on the matter.

Regarding ordinary netizens and the public, with the exception of some conspiracy theories, most ordinary netizens did not easily accept things that the media did not express their conviction, and basically expressed the same cautious skepticism as the media. . Since Xiao Yao’s image has always been relatively good, most netizens are more inclined to believe that they are not that kind of person until there is no new “real hammer” evidence.

“Those people have problems? Just use this to make me rumors?” After the studio notified Xiao Yao of the specific public opinion, Xiao Yao was quite speechless.

“Maybe people just want to use this to disgust you?” Xiao Siqi smiled narrowly, “Who let you take the opportunity to perform!”

Xiao Yao’s incident, Xiao Siqi and Ye Jiaying are naturally very concerned. During this period of time, when Xiao Yao was in Yanjing’s home and contacted his studio, Xiao Siqi, Ye Jiaying, and Sun Tingting were all nearby. Knowing that the situation is not bad, Xiao Siqi’s mood is relatively relaxed, and he also has the thoughts of ridiculing Xiao Yao.

Not to mention, this kind of thing is really disgusting. You have to say that the media are spreading rumors. Now those media are very savvy. They specifically stated that the news was reprinted, and at the end they also expressed doubts about the authenticity of the news. what? Can’t send unconfirmed news? Does the media need to send people abroad to verify every foreign news? Not to mention that those entertainment gossip media that are originally spreading gossip are not mainstream social media that pay attention to the people’s livelihood.

You have to chase the source. The source is an anonymous account that sends messages on foreign social media, not even the official account. Even if you have the ability to dig out the other party at no cost, it is likely that the one who digs out is an ordinary person. Are you a big star going to a lawsuit with an ordinary person regardless of the cost? It’s not that you can’t fight, but that the pay and the reward are too far apart.

But you have to let it go, right? This event is indeed a very eye-catching event that can arouse enthusiasm for discussion. As long as there are similar media reports and comments on the Internet, those addicts and “conspiracy theories” who are indispensable in every country will still have the material, confidence, and reason to continue to describe Xiao Yao as that kind of person.

Although most of the public and netizens may not believe it, they can always see those remarks, which is extremely unpleasant.

“This kind of thing is really disgusting.” Ye Jiaying nodded and asked Xiao Yao, “What are you going to do? What do people at your studio say? Is it recommended that you accept the same interview as last time or Just open a press conference to clarify the same?”

“How to clarify?” Xiao Yao smiled, “Some people say that I secretly made small actions, and I said I didn’t. There is no evidence in news reports, and I can’t prove it myself. Internet public opinion is not a criminal case, and it’s not a suspected crime. , I can’t prove that if both sides insist on their own words, it’s probably not effective.”

“Then you let those people at the time come forward to prove it for you?” Sun Tingting said, “The live director of the Billboard Awards Ceremony, you seem to be called David Green? There is also Nicky who recommended you to replace you as a guest performer. Thompson and Cordy Scott, you should be able to reach them, and they should also be willing to come forward for you, right?”

“It should be all right!” Xiao Yao smiled, “but didn’t the report say that I played tricks to get the two American stars to recommend me and win the opportunity to be a guest performer? I asked them to come forward, and others can say the same They had a deal with me a long time ago, they were bought by me a long time ago, and of course they would speak to me.”

“What should I do?” Ye Jiaying said.

“When you can’t prove that you didn’t do bad things, the best way is to tell everyone who really did bad things!” Xiao Yao took out his mobile phone and said, “I don’t need to come out for this kind of thing. There should be someone else. It can help me solve it. And this kind of thing, the effect of others coming out is also better.”

“What do you mean?” The three people next to him looked at Xiao Yao suspiciously.

Xiao Yao didn’t rush to answer. He checked the time, and after calculating the time difference, he took the phone and made a call.

“Hey, Tim, this is Yang!” Xiao Yao said to the other side after the call was connected.

“Hi, Yang!” Tim Haggis on the other end of the phone greeted happily, and then said, “Is something wrong with me?”

“I want to ask, did you investigate the Hopson food poisoning incident, did you have any results?” Xiao Yao asked.

“Why do you care about this?” Tim Haggis asked a little strangely, “When you were in Vegas, you didn’t care about it.”

“I didn’t care about it at the beginning, because it was your police’s business to investigate why Hopson had food poisoning, and it has nothing to do with me.” Xiao Yao replied.

“Hey, if there were no accidents in Hopson, you would not be a guest performer on the bulletin board.” Tim Haggis said.

“Yes,” Xiao Yao said, “but I didn’t intend to be a guest performer on the bulletin board. I agreed at the time because both Nicky Thompson and Cordy Scott recommended me. I don’t want to disappoint them. , And also, I didn’t really like the agent of the Korean group at the time, so I didn’t want that Korean group to be a guest performer. Frankly speaking, if there were no accidents with Hopson, then none of this would happen, so I wouldn’t be because of this. Thanks to him, so I have no interest in who caused him food poisoning.”

“Then why are you interested now?” Tim Haggis asked, “It has been half a month now, and you have already returned to China!”

“Because some people now say that the food poisoning accident in Hopson was a ghost of mine secretly!” Xiao Yao said.

“Huh? How is it possible?” Tim Haggis was surprised, “Who said that? The agent of the Korean group?”

“I don’t know who it is. The public source I can find is an anonymous South Korean social network account. I can’t determine whether it is related to the agent of the Korean group or that group.” Xiao Yao said, “You know, this kind of It is very eye-catching to associate the matter with the celebrity. Although I don’t know who sent the news first, and it’s impossible to determine the accuracy of the news, both South Korea and China have media reprints and reports, and now the public in China and South Korea I don’t think so well. I’m about to become a very famous villain star!”

“Ha, I really want to see the scene where the hero star in the eyes of the Americans turns into the villain in the eyes of Chinese people, that must be very interesting!” Tim Haggis didn’t believe Xiao Yao’s last sentence, and smiled.

“Hey, is your FBI okay?” Xiao Yao said aggressively, “An ordinary food poisoning case has been investigated for more than half a month, and there has been no result now. Seeing innocent people being wronged, there is nothing to do. Are you embarrassed? You are still a senior agent, the head of the divisional department, how did you get into that position?”

“Don’t buckle your hat!” Tim Haggis said, “First of all, Hopson is a popular star in the United States. His case is not an ordinary case. Second, that case happened in Vegas, not Los Angeles. It was checked by a colleague from Vegas. I just provided some information and help. In the end, the case was not without results, but for some reason, it was suppressed.”

“Do you know the result?” Xiao Yao asked tentatively.

“I know.” Tim Haggis said, “We two guessed right at the beginning. The Hopson food poisoning was not an accident, and it was indeed related to the agent of the Korean group. Going deeper, it was involved. At the top of certain entertainment companies in South Korea and the United States.”

“Your FBI investigation found the results, but you did nothing. Can Hobson have no opinion?” Xiao Yao said, “Hopson’s owner is also an American entertainment giant, and the energy is not small, right?”

“Hobson doesn’t know it!” Tim Haggis smiled, “The person who specifically implemented the poisoning has been arrested. Someone has persuaded the police to avoid affecting the city image of Vegas and to avoid fan groups. The possible conflicts with the entertainment industry giants are hidden from the media and are not intended to be made public. Under normal circumstances, Hopson should never know that he was designed to be poisoned!”

“Then tell me now, are you afraid that I will break the news to the media?” Xiao Yao asked.

“Don’t be afraid!” Tim Haggis smiled, “First of all, I am from the Los Angeles branch, not from Vegas. Second, although this case is hidden from the media, the internal confidentiality level is not particularly high, I know. There are a lot of people in the Vegas branch. I know a lot of people in the Vegas branch, and not only one of them knows about this case. I don’t worry about the boss of the Vegas branch, and I don’t have to worry about hurting my friends.”

“Also,” Tim Haggis continued, “I think if you want revenge or vent your anger, you don’t need to go to the media to break the news in person. Just leave it to me!”

“Give it to you?” Xiao Yao smiled, “You are going to offend the top executives of American entertainment companies in order to help me.”

“First of all, an FBI middle-level manager is not afraid to offend the top of the entertainment company.” Tim Haggis said, “Secondly, I don’t have to come forward and expose myself. Like you said, Hopson The company is also a very influential entertainment company. If Hopson receives some evidence about his food poisoning incident and learns the truth, I think he will not let the Korean group or their agent and them The company behind. At that time, the two sides will pinch each other, the media will be alarmed and come to the door. The police will certainly not fabricate evidence, they can only stand on the side of justice and truth and truthfully explain the details of the case to the media. In this way, you Wouldn’t the disadvantages we face have been resolved?”

“So, without revealing yourself, you will send relevant evidence to Hopson, let Hopson notify the media, and put pressure on the police?” Xiao Yao understood.

“It’s very simple, isn’t it?” Tim Haggis smiled, “I didn’t do that before, because I don’t think you are interested in this case or the Korean combination. Now that you are facing such a public opinion situation, then I Of course I don’t mind doing such a thing to help you!”

“Thank you!” Xiao Yao said sincerely.

“Don’t be polite to me!” Tim Haggis laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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