Entertaining Children

Chapter 1294

Chapter 1294 Another “scandal”?

Chapter 1294 Another “scandal”?

After the birthday party for dinner, Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting did not leave and went to the two-person world. Instead, they sat on the sofa in the living room of Xiao’s house very well, and watched TV with Xiao Siqi and Ye Jiaying.

Coincidentally on the night of Xiao Yao’s birthday, China’s Donghai TV and Haiyan video will be broadcast simultaneously and online at this year’s Billboard Music Awards ceremony.

Xiao Yao is the guest performer at the Billboard Music Awards ceremony this year and will perform at the award ceremony. Xiao Siqi and Ye Jiaying definitely wanted to watch. Sun Tingting wanted to see what Xiao Yao performed at the awards ceremony for the first time, so she decided to watch them with Xiao Siqi and Ye Jiaying. Sun Tingting wanted to watch TV with Xiao Siqi and Ye Jiaying, and Xiao Yao naturally sat with him.

The   Billboard Music Awards ceremony was broadcast on ABC in the United States. Huaxia’s viewers could not watch American TV programs in real time, but this does not mean that Huaxia’s audiences could not see American TV programs.

In the past, Chinese audiences wanted to watch foreign TV programs in two ways. One is that China’s TV stations or videos buy copyrights, which is a more formal and official approach. The other is that China has various subtitle groups. They will translate foreign TV programs and make their own subtitles in the name of communication and study, and put the program videos and self-made subtitles on the Internet for free download by netizens. This is a more folk way.

However, no matter which way it is, it is a bit lagging behind the TV stations in the United States. This is because whether it is the TV station buying the copyright or the private subtitle group providing resources, it is necessary to translate the program and produce the subtitles. Even if some subtitle groups will release some “raw meat” resources without subtitles in advance, it is necessary to transcribe the TV program, suppress the video, and then upload it. These steps also take time, so even the raw meat will lag for a while. , At least it will be released several hours after the TV station in the United States finishes broadcasting.

As early as half a month ago, Xiao Yao participated in this year’s Billboard Music Awards ceremony. After the news came out as a guest performer, China’s TV station and video website contacted the American ABC TV station and proposed the intention to buy the copyright.

Since Xiao Yao’s popularity in China is very high, it seems that China’s celebrities participating in foreign awards ceremonies is a “long-faced” thing. It can be foreseen that China’s audiences are very much looking forward to this year’s Billboard Music Awards ceremony, so see Among the business opportunities, there is more than one China TV station and video website that proposed to buy copyright from ABC TV station.

Finally, the TV broadcasting copyright and Internet broadcasting copyright of this program were respectively won by the strong, and at the same time, they had cooperated more with Xiao Yao and the relatively close relationship between Donghai TV and Haiyan Video.

Although the two who took the copyright have a better relationship with Xiao Yao, they did not get any help from Xiao Yao in the process of taking the copyright of the program. They defeated their opponents entirely by price and won the copyright.

Since they have spent a lot of money to obtain the copyright, the two naturally want to maximize their own interests.

Due to the continuous strengthening of copyright awareness in recent years, the living space of China’s folk subtitle groups is getting smaller and smaller.

If it is a general foreign program, it is enough. One is that they are too far apart and it is troublesome to defend their rights. The other is that the programs broadcast by their TV station could not cover Huaxia. The resources provided by the subtitle team here did not harm their interests. Instead, it helped them to make publicity, so the copyright owners of foreign TV stations would not bother with the China Civil Subtitle Group.

But if it’s a particularly popular program, especially a program where a TV station or video website in China has purchased the copyright, the situation is different. China’s TV stations or video sites need ratings and views, and some video sites also rely on those programs to attract online viewers to buy members. Your subtitle group has released free resources. Some netizens have seen the program through this way, which will affect the ratings and broadcast volume of the program when the TV station and video website broadcast the program, that is, it will harm their interests.

China has a lot of private subtitle groups. It is a very complicated and cumbersome process to communicate and protect rights from one family to another. It is a relatively stupid way, so TV stations and video websites put their ideas on downloading software. The videos released by the subtitle group generally need to be downloaded and watched, while the downloaded videos are generally downloaded using downloading software. With the development of the Internet and technology, download software also has a new limited download function. TV stations and video websites use copyright infringement as an excuse for downloading software to list all the videos of these programs as files that are forbidden to download. In this way, it is possible to effectively restrict the distribution of private subtitle group resources to viewers.

Although such a move will inevitably cause some uncomfortable netizens who are accustomed to enjoying free resources, the copyright is protected by law, and although the subtitle group puts a sentence on the video when releasing resources “Delete within hours” is not considered illegal. In fact, it has exploited some legal loopholes and cannot be so confident. Therefore, the subtitle group and netizens can only feel uncomfortable with this kind of thing, and there is no solution.

This method was available a few years ago. This time, Donghai TV and Haiyan Video paid a lot of money to buy the copyright. They didn’t want the ratings and broadcast volume to be affected, so they naturally contacted the software downloading company to take such measures. Therefore, unless they are abroad, viewers in China will not be able to see this year’s Billboard Music Awards ceremony before Donghai TV and Haiyan video broadcast.

Because of the translation and production of subtitles, Donghai TV and Haiyan video broadcast and went online later than the broadcast time of the ABC TV station in the United States. This program was broadcast on ABC TV station in the United States last night, local time. Due to the time difference, it was this morning in China.

Foreign programs broadcast in the morning, “cooked meat” with subtitles and translations can be broadcast in the evening. There is no interval for a day, which can be regarded as very fast. In China, not many people would watch entertainment programs such as the awards ceremony in the morning. Donghai TV and Haiyan Video broadcasted and translated the programs online that evening. In fact, they try their best to satisfy those Chinese audiences who want to see the program as soon as possible. The desire to minimize the dissatisfaction of netizens due to the blocking of the subtitle group download channel.

Although the show was broadcast tonight, the trailer was played almost a week ago. Because the broadcast time in the United States is the evening of the 31st local time, which is the morning of August 1st in China. Donghai TV and Haiyan video are expected to be broadcast and online that night. When making the preview, I mentioned that this day is still Xiao Yao’s birthday, and it is said to be a birthday for Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao himself doesn’t feel much about the statement made by Donghai TV and Haiyan video, but the sentence in the trailer of Donghai TV and Haiyan video is not mainly for Xiao Yao, but for Xiao Yao’s fans. . The audience and netizens looking forward to this awards ceremony, Xiao Yao’s fans must be a large proportion, even if they are not Xiao Yao’s fans, most of them are mainly for watching Xiao Yao’s performance. Therefore, such words in the trailer can definitely win the favor of those viewers and netizens, and further stimulate the ratings and broadcast volume.

The four members of the Xiao family watched the awards ceremony in front of the TV, mainly to watch Xiao Yao’s performance, but three of the four were professional musicians. Ye Jiaying also released music albums in his early years and was very interested in music. interest. Even if there is no part of Xiao Yao, everyone is watching it with gusto, and discussing it while watching it.

Of course, everyone, or the three people except Xiao Yao, are most concerned about Xiao Yao’s performance.

“August 1st, your playing on this stage is getting more and more slippery!” After seeing Xiao Yao’s performance, Xiao Siqi smiled and commented, “Let’s not talk about how this song is, just how relaxed you are on stage. The state of randomness is no worse than me.”

“Not worse than you?” Xiao Yao looked at Xiao Siqi and said, “I thought I would have surpassed you a long time ago!”

“Hey ” Xiao Siqi exclaimed dissatisfied.

“I also think that August 1 would have surpassed you!” Ye Jiaying, who was sitting at the side, also smiled and said, “Just talk about the song he sang. Anyway, I don’t think you can write it.”

“I’m talking about stage performance, not about creation.” Xiao Siqi said, “How did I live when I was young, how did he live when he was young? I never wrote an English song, and it is normal that I can’t write that song. He can also write songs in Spanish, and I can’t write them even more.”

“The same reason,” Xiao Yao said, “How old am I on the stage, how old are you on the stage? It is normal for my mental quality and mentality to be stronger than you, right? I performed on the Oscar stage when I was seventeen. Now, this bulletin board is not as influential as Oscar.”

“Okay,” Xiao Siqi turned to the next topic, “This song sounds very good, and it is no worse than other people’s performances at the awards ceremony. After this show is broadcast, this song should be popular, right? What are you prepared for? Is it time to record the official version? Anyway, if you are free these two days, why not record it at home or in Qi Jia’s studio. I haven’t recorded a song with you for a long time.”

“Okay,” Xiao Yao nodded, “It’s okay to record the song, and I want to record more than this one.”

Although the focus of the next period of time is to prepare for the wedding, it is not necessary for Xiao Yao to go to Germany to do the work of contacting the venue. The wedding planning process can be communicated with the people in his own studio through the Internet, and there is no need to be 24 hours a day. Discuss that with them, and you still have time to do your own things.

Xiao Yao has not used the recording studios at home and Qijia’s studio for a long time, and he also misses the days of recording in these two places in his heart.

“Not only this one? How many more are there?” Xiao Siqi said with joy, “Are you planning to release a serious album?”

“No!” Xiao Yao shook his head and said, “There are only two songs in total.”

“I was the guest performer for the Billboard Music Awards this year because one of the scheduled performers had an accident. I performed on his behalf and saved the organizer.” Xiao Yao continued, “Even if it is a rescue, At that time, the bulletin board didn’t just choose me, but asked me to perform live PK with a Korean group.”

“There is such a thing?” Xiao Siqi asked in surprise.

Maybe it was to take care of the face of the South Korean group. The organizers did not disclose this to the media, and Xiao Yao did not bother to explode such information to the media reporters. So although Xiao Siqi knew that Xiao Yao was a performer and replaced others, but he didn’t know that he had experienced competition.

“Yes!” Xiao Yao nodded and continued, “In order to make sure I could win, I sang two songs for the organizer and performed two shows. The organizer chose this song “The Remedy”. I only have one song. For the chance to perform, that song was not selected, but after all, it has already been made, so I want to record it together.”

“Okay,” Xiao Siqi said happily, “Then record the two together.”

Although    is not an expected album, the two songs are still more than the one Xiao Siqi originally thought. Xiao Siqi is still very happy.

“What’s the other song? You hum something to me first!” Xiao Siqi said again.

The performance of Xiao Yao on TV has ended, and now several awards are awarded. Xiao Yao was not nominated. Xiao Siqi didn’t care about who won the award, nor was he interested in the speeches of the award-giving guests and winners, so he asked about another song by Xiao Yao.

“The name of that song is “Lucky”, which is also a popular song with a bit of a folk ballad, but it is a love song of male and female duet.” Xiao Yao laughed, “I sang both male and female voices by myself, which really scared the group of people. A jump. At that time, they said that the reason for choosing “The Remedy” but not “Lucky” was because “The Remedy” was more cheerful and more in line with the atmosphere of the award ceremony. I think they were afraid that I would sing “Lucky” with two voices alone. It’s too shocking to steal the limelight from the winners and other performers.”

“Ha, that’s because they haven’t heard of “New Drunken Concubine” and “Dream of Dreams”!” Xiao Siqi smiled.

With these two songs, Chinese audiences have known for a long time that Xiao Yao’s ability to sing both male and female voices in one song must be more acceptable than American audiences.

“You just love to show up,” Sun Tingting interrupted with a smile, “If you find a female singer to sing, maybe you can perform twice at the awards ceremony.”

“You have so much confidence in me?” Xiao Yao looked at Sun Tingting and said, “But I am going to sing with you for that song. I don’t want to sing with other female singers.”

“Me?” Sun Tingting said.

“Yes,” Xiao Yao said with a smile, “A love song sung by a man and a woman, of course it is a collaboration with a wife!”

“Cut ” Sun Tingting curled her lips, “As if you haven’t sang love songs with other female singers!”

“This ” Xiao Yao thought for a while, and found that there was really no way to refute, he could only smile and said, “Aren’t you here at that time? I promise that in the future, the love songs of men and women will only sing with you!”

“Don’t!” Sun Tingting said, “I won’t restrict you in this respect! If you really want to do this, then what do you do when you act in the future, and can’t you be a couple with other actresses? What’s the meaning of your future work? ”

Compared to singing, acting has a greater impact on couples and couples. The media has reported quite a few news that an actor in the China entertainment industry did not kiss because of his partner. There are indeed such actors, but Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting are not.

In fact, Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting have also discussed this aspect. Both of them feel that as actors, you don’t need to be so hypocritical. The bottom line is just not to accept those art movies with real swords and guns. As for the kiss scenes, or even the boat scenes that are not too exposed, both sides don’t need to worry too much about this. .

has been finished. In the ongoing post-production “Pretty Sister”, Xiao Yao and Yin Xi have kiss scenes, and there are also intimate scenes of wearing clothes on the bed. Xiao Yao submitted the script to Sun Tingting for review in advance, and Sun Tingting had nothing to say about those places.

“Heh ” Xiao Yao smiled, “Well, when I recorded this song, would I find another female singer to sing with me? By the way, I haven’t worked with Gong Chen and Fan Linxuan in a long time.”

“That won’t work!” Sun Tingting said, “Since you are going to sing this song with me, I can sing it with my ability. I have been by your side for this period of time, and it is not without time, of course you Can’t find someone else.”

Just like “Pretty Sister” is a character tailored by Xiao Yao specifically for Yin Xi. Of course, Sun Tingting will not fight, but if she originally created a role for Sun Tingting to act as a couple with Xiao Yao, she has a schedule to play. Sun Tingting will never give up this opportunity to other actresses.

Xiao Siqi and Ye Jiaying, of course, would not participate in this kind of little spat of the young couple, they just watched with a smile and didn’t disturb them.

“Hate it!” Sun Tingting saw the expressions of Xiao Siqi and Ye Jiaying, and embarrassed Xiao Yao, “Stop talking, watch TV.”

“Don’t watch it,” Xiao Yao said with a smile, “My performance has been broadcast, what else is good to watch. Or let’s go to the recording studio now, I will let you see what that song is like first.” With that, Xiao Yao pulled Sun Tingting to her feet.

“Uncle Xiao, are you going?” Sun Tingting asked Xiao Siqi. She knows that Xiao Siqi has always been the most positive about listening to Xiao Yao’s new songs.

“I’m only in charge of recording, you should get familiar with it first, and you Aunt Ye and I will go later.” Xiao Siqi smiled wittily and waved his hand.

After the broadcast of this year’s Billboard Music Awards ceremony, China’s media and audience gave Xiao Yao’s performance very good, almost praiseworthy. Xiao Yao has naturally become a hot topic figure on China’s Internet again. However, only one day later, another “scandal” about Xiao Yao suddenly broke out on China’s Internet.

The sudden appearance of Xiao Yao’s “scandal” is also related to this year’s Billboard Music Awards ceremony. The main point is that Xiao Yao became a guest performer at this year’s Billboard Music Awards ceremony. Too glorious or even improper means.

When China’s netizens and fans were happy for Xiao Yao’s performance at the foreign awards ceremony, the sudden appearance of such a news was naturally very shocking and eye-catching. A single title and a few unclear sentences could not satisfy the curiosity of the media and netizens. It didn’t take long for more and more detailed content to be exposed.

Xiao Yao’s guest performer at the Billboard Music Awards ceremony this time was a temporary rescue and replaced an accidental American performer. This is the official statement of the organizer reported by the US media half a month ago. Many Everyone knows it, but what everyone doesn’t know is that Xiao Yao became the guest performer, in fact, after competing with another group of candidate alternate performers.

According to the content of the revelation, Xiao Yao did not compete fairly with another group of performers, but secretly played some tricks, so that he was not originally considered by the organizer to be considered as substitute performers. The recommendation of American superstars won the competition inexplicably.

In the news, what is even more exciting and even more irritating and unacceptable is that the accident of the original American guest performer is actually related to Xiao Yao. It was Xiao Yao’s secret manipulation that made the American star who was nominated this year as a guest performer temporarily out of order.

(End of this chapter)

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