Emergency Doctor Mercenary Road

Chapter 17

Chapter 17: The Copper Ring Hides Disaster

Chapter 17 The Bronze Ring is Hidden to Cause Disaster

“Wow, Jack is amazing”, “Since I came to Jack, I’m not afraid of getting sick”, “What’s wrong with Sister Mary, I heard that she is always sick and I haven’t seen her much”, everyone talked in a few words on.

“Kelly, Bowen, you held hands together, lifted the nun into my car, and took her to the clinic. She has severe laryngeal edema, and she has a serious allergy. Grant keys to you, you go to the car, what? Shoulder Are you okay? Do you want to remove the stitches, go!”

Grant pouted and didn’t dare to say more. He hurriedly went out to find Lu Fei’s car. Everyone carried the nun out of the church. Grant also arrived in his car, loaded the nun into the car and set off to the clinic. Lu Fei called on the road and asked Mandy to come to the clinic. Today is off, there are no nurses in the clinic.

A few minutes later, Lu Fei and Mandy’s car arrived. Everyone carried Sister Mary to the emergency table. Lu Fei asked everyone to step back and asked Mandy to quickly connect to the ECG monitoring and blood pressure measurement. Lu Fei immediately performed mechanical ventilation from the throat. Sister Mary is still in shock. At this time, Lu Fei saw that there were obvious erythema patches on Sister Mary’s hands, which were very dense.

“Jack, the patient’s blood pressure is almost undetectable.”

“Mandy, immediately subcutaneously inject 0.1% epinephrine 1.0ml, I judge it to be anaphylactic shock.”

“Kelly, help ask the church people, Sister Mary’s medical history, simply ask her if she has a history of severe allergies, and then send someone who knows the specific situation. It is best to have medical records.”

Kelly agreed loudly, and immediately went out to call Mammy Helen of the church.

Mandy just finished the injection, and Lu Fei continued the doctor’s order: “Open the intravenous channel first, and wait for what medicine to give.”

Kelly came in again and said loudly, “She has a history of severe allergies, you’re right.”

“Glucose 500ml intravenously, plus dexamethasone 10mg.”

“Okay, the intravenous access has been opened, ready to administer.”

Lu Fei pays attention to ECG monitoring at this time, his heart rate is above 100 per minute. After giving the medicine, Sister Mary’s condition seems to have improved slightly, but she is still unable to breathe on her own.

“After the administration, the intravenous drip started.” Mandy replied.

“Benheiming 40mg, intramuscular injection.”

“Epinephrine 2ml.”

With the anti-allergic and anti-shock measures carried out, the nun still did not improve immediately. Suddenly, there was a long beep from the ECG monitor, and Sister Mary’s heart stopped!

“I’m going, it’s so dangerous”, Lu Fei rushed up and immediately started chest compressions. I thought to myself: This will definitely not work. We must use more extreme methods. The most effective method is to inject epinephrine directly into the heart cavity, but direct blind stabs are prone to accidents. How to do! Waiting online, I’m in a hurry, ah, bah, yes, I have a newly acquired scanning function, try it out.

“System, turn on the scanning function.” Lu Fei was staring at Sister Mary’s heart just after he finished speaking. His eyes suddenly passed through the clothes, skin, ribs, and saw the heart. At this time, the heart was like a compressed air bag, motionless.

“Bring a needle and prepare 1 ml of 0.1% hydrochloric acid adrenal gland.” Lu Fei gave the doctor’s order while pressing on the chest urgently.

“Bring it”, Mandy handed the needle to Lu Fei.

Lu Fei took it and looked at Sister Maria, a three-dimensional picture of the nun’s body clearly appeared in his eyes. Lu Fei resolutely took off the nun’s clothes and stabbed the nun decisively. Intracardiac injection was performed outside the body!

Kelly, Grant, and Bowen looked at each other. Everyone looked at each other and took a step back at the same time. Hiss, don’t offend the doctor in the future. Especially Dr. Jack, who doesn’t talk much, he really dares to pierce.

When Lu Fei was about to perform chest compressions, the sound of drip, drip, drip sounded, and his heartbeat slowly recovered.

Lu Fei shouted: “Measure your blood pressure and see if it is stable.” After Mandy heard it, he quickly measured it.

“It has stabilized and is no longer severe hypotension.”

“The heart is also stabilized.”

“Laryngeal edema has slowly subsided.”

“Huh”, Lu Fei and Mandy let out a sigh of relief at the same time, and finally came to the rescue.

Everyone in the audience breathed a sigh of relief, but Lu Fei started to drive people away at this moment.

“Everyone has worked hard, but Sister Mary is still suffering from severe allergies. Please leave the clinic first to avoid aggravation of allergies. Sheriff Kelly, is there anyone here at the church to inform you of the situation?”

“Mother Helen is already on her way. A while ago, she accompanied Maria to see a doctor in Carson City. I asked her to bring her medical records.”

“Thank you very much, please go and greet her. I can’t leave here for the time being, and I have to observe Sister Mary’s vital signs.”

“No, I’m here. Hello Dr. Jack, I’m Aunt Helen. I haven’t seen you for many years. I haven’t seen you since you went to college.” An old nun and Aunt walked in from the door. .

“Hello, Mother Helen, I’m sorry, I don’t usually go to church, please forgive me. I invite you to come today, mainly to understand the symptoms of Sister Mary. She is out of danger, but I don’t know what the allergy is. If If you can’t find the allergen as soon as possible, it is extremely dangerous to continue to expose Sister Mary to the allergen.” Lu Fei said politely to his mother.

“My poor child, when I was young, I was far away from God, and when I finally returned to God’s arms, I became ill again.” Mother Helen made a cross on her chest.

Mother Helen introduced the situation of Sister Mary. Since Mary came to town to become a nun 15 years ago, her health has been not good. She has long-term red rash and swelling. Itching like ants crawling. For this reason, Mother Helen often accompanied her to see the doctor. Especially in the past two years, the situation has become more serious. Once helping in the kitchen, he suddenly fainted and was sent to Carson City for first aid. It was not as serious as it is today, so I was rescued.

“She went to see a doctor many times, what is the doctor’s judgment?”

“Most doctors believe that Maria is a serious allergic symptom, and first aid is also treated according to allergies. However, many allergens have been checked, and they are basically negative. Foods or drugs with mild allergies are not enough to cause such serious symptoms. allergy.”

“Show me the medical records, and I’ll check which allergen tests have been done.” Lu Fei turned over the medical records and carefully read the allergen report: there are almost no inhaled allergens that cause allergies through breathing; Allergic antigenic substances – ingested allergens are basically absent; antigenic substances that cause allergies through touch – contact allergens have a slight metal reaction; other allergens (such as drugs) do not.

Lu Fei pondered for a long time, “I also think it is an allergy, but the contents of the report show that there is no allergy. If it is still judged as an allergy, there is only one case, which is a very special allergy. This allergy has not been found, and Maria has also Not tested. By the way, what’s wrong with the nun’s body?”

“Anemia, we did blood tests.”

“Have you done other inspections, such as CT, B-ultrasound, MIR, etc.”

“No, the church is not rich. Usually, the nuns eat and drink food and drinks are funded by the parishioners. They don’t have much money for examinations. For routine examinations, the church hospital does not charge us money, and the expensive examinations require money. of.”

“Then it’s hard to say. I haven’t done too many tests, but I also think that allergies are most likely. What did she eat today? What is her usual diet?”

“It’s just some cakes made of grains, vegetables grown in the field, and some milk. Recently, Maria said she had flatulence and didn’t even eat milk.”

After listening to the introduction, Lu Fei also felt that there was nothing left. There is no allergy to the food, and there is no possibility of contact allergy. The most contact with Sister Mary is the common tables and chairs, candlesticks, and some utensils in the church. These things are very common and not the slightest allergenic.

Lu Fei asked again tentatively, “If it is Maria’s own disease, and it was caused by her before she came to the church, the possibility is even higher. You said just now that her health will not be good after she comes?”

“What illness did she have before? I really don’t know. After Sister Mary came, she was very religious. God should have forgiven her for the absurd things she did when she was young.”

At this time, Mandy patted Lu Fei, signaling that Sister Mary was awake.

“Dr. Jack, thank you for saving me, don’t save me anymore. God is calling me to see him, I should have gone earlier, I have committed too many sins, and I don’t deserve to be forgiven.” Sister Mary said hoarsely. , with a guilty smile on his face. ”

“You are the kindest and most pious person I have ever met. You admire God very much and cannot exaggerate your fault.” Lu Fei said.

“I committed too many sins when I was young. I was going to die anyway. It is also a blessing to confess my past before dying. I was very rebellious when I was 15 years old. I ran away from home and wandered around. I used drugs, I stole things, hung out with those so-called rock and roll youths, and had **** at will. In order to enjoy male and female love at will, I took safety measures, but I was still pregnant. I went to have an abortion and killed my own child, I’ll never forgive myself, woo woo woo woo.” Sister Mary cried piercingly.

“It’s not all your fault, it’s the fault of the times. A relatively embarrassing question, but since I’m a doctor and you’re older than my mother, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with asking, as a doctor I’m a little curious , just now you said that you have taken safety measures, whether it is taking medicine or a built-in contraceptive device.” Lu Fei suddenly had a flash of inspiration, thinking of the most common contraceptive method in the 1980s and 1990s, and the pain it brought to women. . These old cases have been seen in the system data. ”

“The built-in IUD fell off later, and I don’t know when it fell off, so I was pregnant.” Maria said.

“What material is it, do you know”.

“It’s copper, because the price is more expensive than other materials, so I remember.”

“What was the last thing you touched before you passed out?”

“It’s a copper basin.”

Lu Fei smiled at this time and said to Mandy, “Push the ultrasound machine over here, I’ll do a check.” Mandy saw Lu Fei’s expression and knew that he should have figured out the clue, so he quickly put the machine pushed over.

Although Lu Fei can directly scan Maria’s body to find the root cause of the disease, he still needs to convince everyone.

A few minutes later, Lu Fei saw the round object in Maria’s endometrium through the film, and smiled with relief. To Sister Mary, “I think I’m qualified to say that I can keep you from seeing God now.”

Sister Mary looked at Lu Fei in surprise.

Lu Fei asked Mandy to invite Mammy Helen over and said to Mamma Helen and Sister Mary: “Because of privacy, I can only tell you two about my illness, and Mandy please keep it a secret.”

More than 20 years ago, Sister Mary thought that the built-in birth control copper ring had fallen off, so she became pregnant, but in fact the copper ring did not fall out of the body at all, the copper ring ran into your body and was wrapped in the endometrium. , so it does not play a role in contraception. And the longer the copper ring stays in your body, the easier it is to rust, and it starts to release more copper ions, so your long-term illness is actually a severe copper allergy .As long as you come into contact with copper in your life, your body will respond internally and externally, and a very serious anaphylactic shock will occur. To cure it is actually very simple, just take out the copper ring, the allergic symptoms will gradually disappear, take it out After that, drinking a lot of milk can completely excrete the copper accumulated in the body.”

Sister Mary’s eyes showed a very happy look. Although the nun believed in God, it was not a very pleasant thing to go to see his old man right away.

Lu Fei immediately got in touch with the director of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of St. Cassie Hospital. Because this is a very special case, the hospital finally decided to do the operation to remove the copper ring for free.

In the afternoon, when Sister Mary stabilized, the mayor arranged a vehicle to send Sister Mary to Carson. The copper ring was removed that afternoon.

The believers of God finally got rid of their long illness, and Sister Mary became more devout. Maybe she thought that Lu Fei was sent by God to save her.

In a sense, this statement is also true.

(end of this chapter)

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