Eighth Crown

Chapter 7 - bottomless growth

Generally speaking, the rank and strength of Servants are fixed.

What rank is obtained, and it can only be this rank after that, unless it returns to the Seat of Heroes after death, and is summoned again in other timelines. If it has the compatibility of other ranks, it may be possible to use other ranks. class was summoned.

There is no way for a Servant to become stronger. After using the spiritual base as a container, obtaining a class, and being summoned, this spiritual foundation and class will also become a limit for the Servant, making the Servant’s strength fixed and unable to improve. .

But Lucia is different.

According to the common sense passed to him by the [Anonymous Spirit Base], the spirit base sent to him by the hands of the [Two Ritual] has the ability to extract the legends and deeds of Liuxia’s past and future and turn them into his ability points. ‘ function.

This spiritual base is not like the [annotated spiritual base], which is put on him in the form of a limiter. On the contrary, the function of the [anonymous spiritual base] is like a key, which combines Liu Xia’s ability with The legends are all guided and excavated to the greatest extent in the form of data, so that the spirit base itself can grow with the growth of Liu Xia.

His [Class], [Basic Ability Value], and even [Skill] and [Noble Phantasm] have bottomless growth potential.

for example-

If he can obtain the suitability of other classes in the future, he can get other class templates, switch the current [Assassin class template] to the template of other classes, and get the class skills of other classes.

If he can acquire new supernormal abilities like [Future Vision] in the future, his [Inherent Skills] will also increase.

If in the future, he can obtain weapons from myths and legends, he has the possibility of turning these weapons into his [Noble Phantasm].

No matter how weak and unsightly the current panel is, it can be enhanced in the future by acquiring new and powerful power.

This was given to him by the [two rituals], and all other servants could not obtain it, and only belonged to Liu Xia’s patent.

And speaking of ways to become stronger—

Lucia turned her gaze to the lower right of the angle of view.

The [Anonymous Lingji] projected onto the retina is not only the template of the [Lingji Template] that can show his current strength status. There is also a template at the lower right of his perspective.

That is a [task template]—

[Lingji update task]: No.

[Spiritual upgrade task – limited ability to improve basic ability]: Find out the true body of the “Serial Killer” in urban legends and kill it.

[Spiritual base update] refers to updating Liu Xia’s spiritual base state, which can quantify the results of his self-training, newly acquired abilities, and legendary deeds that he has done over a period of time, skills, and treasures.

This is a strengthening way for the spiritual foundation to grow autonomously.

And [Spiritual Base Enhancement] is to limit a certain item of the spiritual base template, which can directly increase the value of this data.

For example, if the basic ability value is limited, it can increase the value of any one of [Strength], [Durability], [Agility], [Magic Power], and [Luck], you can upgrade E to D, and you can also Upgrade E to E+, E+ to E++… Of course, it’s also possible to upgrade E- to real E.

In other words, as long as Liu Xia completes the current [Basic Ability Value Enhancement Limited Quest], he can remove the [-] symbol that is insufficient in any of his basic four-dimensional items, and become a real E.

The same is true for other [Skill Upgrading Limits] and [Noble Phantasm Upgrading Limitations]. As long as the corresponding task can be completed, the corresponding skill or Noble Phantasm can be upgraded by a level for no reason, or it can be removed. side effects, or to enhance its instant explosiveness.

This is a way to make the Spiritual Base gain automatic upgrades.

The [Spiritual Renewal Mission] that makes the Spiritual Base become stronger autonomously and the [Spiritual Enhancement Quest] that allows the Spiritual Base to automatically level up, when combined together, form a [Quest Template] that can make Liuxia stronger in two ways. .

[Lingji Template] and [Task Template].

The combination of these two is the complete effect of [Anonymous Spirit Foundation].

“As long as you complete the task, you can make the spiritual base stronger.”

Liu Xia looked at the two templates in the lower left and lower right of her own perspective, her thoughts fluctuated.

“In any case, as long as it is beneficial to me, no matter what goals and intentions it contains, it is fine to accept it… Moreover, now I have no way to take out this [anonymous spiritual foundation]. look.”

This is how Liu Xia, who broke with her parents at the age of nine, became a professional killer.

He’s a realist through and through, and if conditions allow, he’ll try to get more out of himself, but if reality doesn’t allow him to resist, he won’t be useless.

Moreover, at this stage, this [Anonymous Spirit Foundation] is indeed an undeniable good thing.

Liu Xia, who was lying on the bed, was quickly troubled by mental exhaustion, and fell asleep when the sky was about to brighten.

He will go out tomorrow to continue the investigation. Although there is a clear investigation direction and helper about the serial killer, behind this incident, Liu Xia believes that there are still several doubts hidden, which need to be investigated clearly.

The Liangyi family’s actions were very fast, especially after Liu Xia provided specific directions for the investigation, in less than two days, on the night of October 3, there was already news.

On the night of the 3rd, the moon is bright and the stars are rare.

Through the mobile phone number left by Liu Xia, the two ceremonies successfully contacted Liu Xia, told him that the suspect had been found, and told him the address of the gathering.

“I see, I’ll be there in half an hour.”

After giving such an answer, Liu Xia hung up the mobile phone the size of a brick in his hand, and turned his eyes to a document in his hand at random.

What was recorded above was neither the two ceremonies, nor the information of Kuroto Kanya or Daisuke Akimi and others, but the employment and economic status of his parents and only relative, Kyouhei Iakura.

This is a very simple document. It only takes a little time to investigate it clearly. Liu Xia entrusted a private detective to conduct selection and investigation.

From this simple investigation report, he did see doubts that could not be ignored.

After being silent for a while, Liu Xia put down the documents in her hand, changed into clothes, and put the pistol with the bullets on her waist. By the way, she took several portable bombs and left the room.

There is a sparsely populated old town in the east of Guanbuzi City.

It was originally designated as a factory building, but because the company’s capital chain could not keep up with filing for bankruptcy, the development here was stagnant, and it has not been handled by developers for two years.

When the residents here have moved out long ago, there are only a dozen abandoned buildings left in this old city. Because basically no one wants to come here, it has also become a gathering place for three religions and nine streams.

Those who chose to run away from school because of a discordant relationship with their family, and black practitioners who look very difficult to mess with in black clothes, even dressed in fancy dress, looked at passers-by and looked up and down, as if they were judging The other person’s worth is a prostitute.

Liu Xia walked into this old city, and it didn’t take long to find two ceremonies that were very striking in such a place.

She seemed to have come to the appointment alone, wearing the same soapy kimono as before, with a red leather jacket over it, exactly the same as the night she was attacked by Liu Xia.

At this moment, she was standing alone at the foot of an abandoned building, ignoring the various eyes of the delinquents around her, with her hands in her pockets, and her feet were boringly kicking a stone on the side of the road.

After seeing Liu Xia’s figure approaching from far to near, she immediately looked up, raised her right hand and waved towards Liu Xia.

“Hey! Kid, I’m here!”

Her eyes are bright, and her behavior is also subtly masculine, completely different from the elf-like and sharp temperament in the Liangyi House two days ago.

It’s like, another person.

Her unusual performance once again attracted Liu Xia’s attention. Thinking about it carefully, in just a few days, the girl named Two Ritual has already shown three different personalities and behaviors.

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