Eighth Crown

Chapter 4 - The twists and turns of the mood

The air in the room froze again.

If the previous two ceremonies were a little caught off guard because of Liu Xia’s sudden arrival, then now her heart is really only thinking about how to dismember him in the most effective way.

Even if she didn’t care about her own life, she couldn’t just sit back and watch everyone in Liangyi’s house die in the explosion. Among them were her parents and elder brothers, as well as servants who had served her since childhood, adding up to dozens of lives.

After all, she is only a 16-year-old girl, no matter how indifferent she is, she is not a monster with no emotions like Liu Xia, and she cannot ignore the safety of her family.

“Don’t doubt the feasibility of my words. The bomb reserves I have stored are enough to blow up the Liangyi mansion three times.”

Liu Xia’s last words dispelled the last doubt in the hearts of the two ceremonies.

Due to the fact that he was defeated once by the opponent and showed his superb stealth skills in the process of appearing in his own room this time, the two rituals were really unable to determine whether his words were false or not.

But she can’t bet.

Once there is a slight possibility, her family may really be bombed to the sky.


Silently, the two rituals raised their hands.

The sleeves of the white yukata slipped down naturally, revealing white, tender, flawless arms.

It is extremely smooth and clean, looks very slender, and does not show a trace of muscle, it is hard to imagine that she has the physical fitness that even an athlete will be defeated.

While Liu Xia observed her arm, the two rituals were also moving their footsteps quietly.

There is a short knife that she usually plays with under the bed sheet. In fact, she is used to placing it close to her body, because it was placed in the room before she went to bathe.

She is not the kind of cowardly character who chooses to let go and wait for death in the face of a crisis. She will never swallow a loss. As long as there is a chance, she will immediately seize it, and then launch a resolute counterattack.

The last time was because [Shiki] was hesitant to see the appearance of the opponent’s child, which led to his defeat.

This time, as long as she made up her mind from the beginning to cut his throat with a knife blade and stab the tip of the knife into his heart, she still has the possibility of turning the situation around.

“Enough is enough, let it go.”

However, before the two ceremonies moved to the bedside to get the short knife, Liu Xia on the other side shook his head as if he had finally got the answer.

“You really aren’t a [serial killer].”

Just such a sentence made the original idea of ​​the two ceremonies stagnate, and the moving steps also became stagnant.

“…What did you say?”

The two rituals turned around and looked directly at Liu Xia with incomprehensible emotions in their eyes, “Why do you know about this… No, why are you able to confirm that I am not a serial killer? Explain to me in detail! “

It seems to have hit a point that the girl is very concerned about.

She unexpectedly cares about the [Serial Murderer].

“Even if you don’t tell me, I’m going to explain it to you.”

Liu Xia didn’t care about the slightly aggressive tone of the two ceremonies, but looked up and down at the other party’s obviously strange reaction, her eyes narrowed slightly.

Then he turned away from his previous attitude of not intending to talk nonsense at all, and even took the initiative to explain to the two ceremonies.

“The policeman in charge of investigating the serial murderer’s crime is called Daisuke Akimi. I used some means to get key evidence from him.”

As for what kind of means, there is no need to explain in words. What he is doing to the two ceremonies now is what he once did to Daisuke Akimi.

“During the autopsy of the fourth and fifth criminal incidents, that is, the couple who died three days ago, the surveillance department found a third party’s skin and flesh tissue residues in the nails of the deceased. , it was determined that the deceased had an argument with the murderer, and a piece of meat was pinched from the murderer’s arm.”

“It hasn’t been more than three days. The injury on the murderer’s arm should not have recovered. Your arm is very smooth, so I judged that you are not the murderer.”

Therefore, when Liu Xia sneaked into Kanbuzi Academy this morning, he made a somewhat rude request to Kuro Tong Kan also to ‘check his arm’.

He actually had some suspicions that the murderer was Hei Tong Qianye, but after seeing that there was no injury on his arm, he lifted that suspicion.

“The murderer has a wound on his arm…”

The two rituals looked down at their arms that were so smooth that they could not see the slightest wound, and there was a strong inconceivable in their eyes, “Could it be that the murderer is really not [I]…?”

Liu Xia frowned slightly, seeing all of her reactions in his eyes.

Say “Is the murderer not me”, are you the murderer or not, you don’t know?

“It’s not really you who is the murderer.”

Taking her strange reaction as a suspicion in her heart, Liu Xia nodded. Because there was no injury on her arm, the possibility of the two rituals being the murderer was not high… But even so, Liu Xia still did not fully trust her.

—It wasn’t her now, but the other [two rituals] that appeared in the five minutes that disappeared last night.

“However, even if the murderer is not you, he is bound to be inextricably linked with you.”

Liu Xia hid the doubts and distrust in her heart well, and still maintained his iconic expression without the slightest ups and downs.

“Leave a ‘Tai Chi’ pattern with blood at the crime scene, dismember the body and place it in a ‘Swastika’ shape. According to my private intelligence network, I have also obtained clues that the murderer is a gangster-related figure, and every time you are very coincidental of showing up at the crime scene…it’s hard not to suspect you.”

It was because of so much information that Liu Xia before thought that the two ceremonies were the real body of a serial killer, and that she was a murderer, so he secretly killed her last night.

Originally, he had 100% certainty to kill her, but it was stopped by the [two rituals] that appeared later, which allowed her to survive.

Then, after getting the key evidence of ‘a wound on the arm’ from Daisuke Akimi this morning, Liu Xia conducted a second investigation into the real body of the serial killer, and finally came to this result.

“If the real serial killer is not you, then it must be someone around you, and someone who knows your behavior habits and style, otherwise it is impossible to make so many ‘coincidences’ with ulterior motives , to frame you.”

Lucia made a judgment.

“So I need to understand all the interpersonal relationships around you, and I also need to borrow the power of Liangyi’s family in the underworld, so that I can find the murderer.”

If it wasn’t for this reason, with Liu Xia’s creed of ‘practical first, don’t do the slightest unnecessary things’, it would be impossible to say such a large amount of unnecessary nonsense.

In fact, even without the help of the power of the Liangyi family, Liu Xia is sure to find the real serial killer, but from the point of view of efficiency, it is more efficient to use the power of the Liangyi family when it is determined that the real prisoner is involved in the underworld. , and once it takes too much time, the wound on the murderer’s arm may be cured, and it will take more effort to find it again.

As long as the task can be effectively completed, Liu Xia won’t care no matter what means he uses or uses.

In his mind, interests are the first and efficiency is the second.

“That’s it, I understand what you’re thinking.”

The two ceremonies recovered from their ups and downs, as if they had solved a problem that had plagued them for a long time. It was rare to feel in a good mood, and their hostility towards Liu Xia was slightly relaxed.

“So, planting bombs around my house is your way of seeking cooperation?”

It is true that thanks to Liu Xia’s gift, the haze floating in her heart was finally dispelled, but the two ceremonies still did not intend to cooperate with Liu Xia. What he did was really difficult to give people a good impression.

“That’s lying to you.”

Liu Xia’s face did not change his face and made the answer that surprised the two ceremonies, “If you think about it carefully, you will know, how can I carry a bomb that can blow up a mansion into the sky? Besides, you see where I am on my body. It looks like it’s hiding an explosive device?”

The two ceremonies were lit up.

But before she had a seizure, Liu Xia made another declaration that made her even more angry.

“However, this is not the reason why you don’t agree. If you don’t agree, I will now spread the news of ‘you are the real serial killer’. Now that this matter is full of troubles, even if it is a two-way ceremony It’s hard for the family to keep you, right? Even if you can keep you, you will have to pay a huge price…”

Liu Xia made a second threat without changing her face.

The two ceremonies rose and fell in their chests.

She felt that what she really experienced today is called a mood of twists and turns.

The next moment, the girl rushed like an agile cheetah, took the short knife hidden under the sheets in her hand, and stabbed straight towards Liu Xia’s chest with lightning speed.

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