Eighth Crown

Chapter 30 - unique desire

“For example, Miyamoto Musashi.”

[Two ceremonies] Raised a finger and explained like a teacher standing on the podium, “She has the ability to travel between worlds, but her kind of ability is not so much an ability as it is an ability. This phenomenon, her shuttle is not under her control at all.”

“You even know about Miyamoto Musashi?”

Liu Xia’s eyes flashed slightly, and she asked such a question.

“Of course.”

[Two ceremonies] smiled and replied: “You must know that Miyamoto Musashi was actually summoned by me to help you.”

“Originally, I planned to let her save you, who was stared at by Huang Ye Zonglian, but I didn’t expect that you actually defeated him by yourself. Later, I saw that you wanted to learn swordsmanship from her, so let me She was in this world for another month.”

Lucia fell into silence.

The fact that he would ask this kind of question was just a test of the omnipotent and omnipotent power of the [two rituals], and he did not expect to get an unexpected answer.

Miyamoto Musashi was summoned by the [two rituals]… That’s right, her ability to travel between worlds is not under her control, so she will appear on her side so directly, even directly on the In front of me, it is indeed too coincidental, and it is indeed reasonable to say that it was manipulated by others.

“Wait, you said you didn’t expect it?”

Liu Xia keenly caught the loophole in the words of the [Two Ceremony], her eyes narrowed slightly, and she asked again, “Aren’t you omniscient and omnipotent? Why didn’t you expect that I could kill that magician named Araya Zonglian alone? “

“I never said I was absolutely omnipotent.”

[Two rituals] I didn’t care about Liu Xia’s statement that she obviously doubted her ability, and still answered his question with kindness, “There is a future in this world that you don’t even know the root of, and the cause and effect of such a future have never been known. Not in the records of the roots.”

“And, you know, the root is not the only one.”

As if talking about the main point, the expression on the face of the [two rituals] became serious, “The root is indeed the cause and effect of everything, the supreme and absolute existence in all parallel worlds, I can also be in all parallel worlds. In the world, be omniscient and omnipotent about most things.”

“But in fact, in addition to all the parallel worlds on our side, there are other worlds, which are [different worlds] in the true sense.”

[Two ceremonies] narrated: “Those [other worlds] have their own roots, our roots can’t be controlled over there, and I can’t be omniscient over there, and even want to know the situation over there. , I must be like an ordinary person, and I must go and understand in person.”

The world is not unique.

The roots are not unique either.

This was the first time Liu Xia heard this kind of news. This was knowledge that was not even recorded in the [Anonymous Spirit Foundation].

“Generally speaking, there is no communication between worlds, let alone the establishment of channels, even the exchange of information is impossible. Every world is in an absolutely closed state.”

“However, that was also in the past. Now, there is already the possibility of establishing a channel to go to other [different worlds].”

[Two ceremonies] After saying that, he raised his head and looked at Liu Xia, or at something in his body.

“That is the [Anonymous Spirit Base] in your body, and it has the possibility of being able to communicate with each other between [different worlds].”

This is a more advanced shuttle than Miyamoto Musashi’s shuttle.

Miyamoto Musashi’s “God Hidden” can only travel between parallel worlds, and the time and place of coming and going can’t be controlled at all.

But Liu Xia’s [Anonymous Spirit Base] has a different [shuttle] function. According to the [Two Ceremony], it will actively help Liu Xia to open the [World Passage] that connects to the [different world], and actively help him determine the time opposite. and spatial position, let him land on the relatively accurate time and space axis.

What is the rationale for this is currently unknown.

Only one thing is clear.

“In this modern society, it is very difficult for you to have the possibility to become stronger.”

[Two Ceremony] said to him: “Even if [Anonymous Lingji] continuously issues tasks to you, but in the era of highly developed civilization, no matter what you want to do, you will be tied up, making it difficult for you to complete the task.”

“But [different worlds] are different, there are too many [different worlds], and among so many [other worlds], there are worlds whose civilization far surpasses our side, and there are worlds that are still in ancient times, and even some have complete historical trajectories. There are worlds different from ours, even worlds where the gods still walk on the earth.”

“In those worlds, you can get better opportunities to become stronger, do deeds that will be remembered in history, gain more supernormal abilities, and get powerful Noble Phantasms… Even if you get these in [different worlds] Things, [Anonymous Lingji] can also classify them and turn them into your own things.”

This is indeed a unique way to make him stronger quickly.

It is true that in terms of Liu Xia’s quality, he wants to become stronger in this world and eventually become a heroic spirit on the throne of heroic spirits. It is not difficult in itself. As long as it takes more than ten years or decades of effort, he is confident. can do it.

But if he goes to [another world] to find opportunities, the time for him to become stronger will be greatly shortened, and it may only take a few years to achieve the same effect.

I have to say, this is indeed very tempting.

Even for Liu Xia, it was an unprecedented huge benefit.

“what is your purpose?”

After confirming that [Two Ceremony] would not care about the disrespect and doubts in his heart, Liu Xia stopped covering it up and directly put his own problems on the table.


[Two ceremonies] said very calmly: “You become stronger, that is the result I want. You are special, and only when you become stronger can I do the next thing.”

Liu Xia nodded, believing the statement given by the [Two Ceremony]—although even if she didn’t say anything, given the absolute difference in strength, he would have no objection.

“last question.”

Liu Xia paused again, the expression in his eyes became inexplicable, “In addition to becoming stronger, what else can I gain?”

“I got you.”

Seeing through Liu Xia’s thoughts completely, a motherly gentle smile appeared on the face of [Two Ceremony], “Even if you are born without feelings, your emotional system is withered like a tree in the desert, but you are not without desires and desires. , Rather, in this case, you have a unique [desire] that is different from everyone else.”

“I’m not really omniscient and omnipotent, so I can’t give you the answer. Whether your [wish] can be realized or not depends on you.”

[Two ceremonies] Show your face and smile, and the smile is like a flower, which is very beautiful, “However, now, you do have the opportunity to realize your [wish].”

“…The commission to travel the world, I accepted.”

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