Eighth Crown

Chapter 24 - Sword bang draw sword! Isena\\\'s Great Celestial Phenomenon!

It’s finally here.

When the magician appeared in front of him again, Liu Xia’s heart was not surprised at all, instead, there was a little happiness.

Because he had an insider in the police station, Liu Xia knew that the magician was probably not dead.

On October 5th, the third day after Ryuxia blew up the abandoned building, he received information from Daisuke Akimi about the excavation of the building’s ruins.

The magician’s body was relatively intact, probably because he used magic to protect himself, but the continuous explosions and collapsed rubble eventually buried him in the rubble. After the body was excavated, the police stopped him. It was found that he had been dead for a long time.

However, what is surprising is that his corpse was relatively intact, but his brain was cut off neatly and disappeared, as if someone had deliberately taken it away. .

At that time, Liu Xia had some guesses.

The magician is very likely still alive, and he probably has the kind of technology that “as long as the head is still alive, the body can recover again”.

Since then, Liu Xia has never left the apartment alone, and every time she goes out, she is with Musashi.

Although his strength was much stronger than before, he still did not break away from the category of the ‘weakest Servant’, and if he confronted him head-on, he would probably not be a match for a magician who could use various kinds of magic.

In the past month, Liu Xia has also expected the magician to appear in front of him several times. It is not because he is swollen and thinks that he can deal with the magician. In fact, he can never swell without sensibility.

He just wanted to use Musashi’s power to completely wipe out the biggest hidden danger of magician while Musashi was still by his side.

Under the darkness of night, Ryuxia, Musashi, and the magician were occupying two ends of the long street, facing each other.

There was no one on the surrounding roads. In theory, it was impossible for there to be no one at this time. It should be that the magician used special means to disperse the idlers.

Unlike the last time he was on high alert when facing the magician, this time, Liu Xia even had the time to be distracted and observe the surroundings.

“Looks like you’re really obsessed with me, magician.”

Liu Xia looked directly at the very tall middle-aged man opposite, and asked, “What is your purpose? What is there in me that attracts you so much?”

It wasn’t that Liu Xia wanted to talk nonsense with the other party.

It’s just that he has to figure out why the other party is staring at him.

If this magician’s staring at him is just an exception, then it is good to say that if there is really something special about him that attracts magicians, there may be the possibility that other magicians will stare at him in the future.

He must find out what attracts magicians in him, and then do a good job of concealment and protection, so as not to be exposed to the eyes of magicians as much as possible.


The magician lowered his gaze and did not say a word, as if he had no intention of answering Liu Xia’s words.

Different from the last time when he was completely superior to Liu Xia and regarded him as a tool that could be obtained with one hand, this time, the magician had become jealous and wary of Liu Xia.

I would like to know that, although he surpassed the opponent in absolute strength, but he was just disgraced by the opponent’s small means, and even died once. Under such circumstances, no matter what, the magician is bound to be vigilant against Liu Xia. I don’t think he’s something you can easily get along with.

Therefore, under the circumstance of being on guard, this time, the magician made up his mind not to answer any words from Liuxia, and also——



In an instant, golden rings radiated out from the magician’s right hand, forming three-dimensional geometric figures on the surrounding ground and walls, and rapidly spreading towards Liu Xia.

The magician made up his mind, he would never give Liu Xia any chance to resist, and he would completely take down Liu Xia as soon as possible!

Lucia frowned slightly.

The moment the golden ring hit him, the powerful neural reaction speed made him react in an instant, and he stepped back without hesitation.

At the same time, the silver-haired girl beside him stepped forward a few steps, untied the sword pouch behind him, and took out two samurai swords with scabbards attached.


In the two consecutive clangs of Kiyoshi, the two swords were unsheathed in Musashi’s hands at the same time.

“Don’t try to be pretentious, sorcerer!”

The usually cynical eyes have become sharp like the tip of a knife at this moment, the original lazy temperament is also gone in an instant, and the whole person exudes a fierce sword.

At the same time as he let out an agitated shout, Musashi also crossed his two swords in front of him. In the blink of an eye, when the human eye couldn’t even react to it, the two crescent moon-like sword lights shone amazingly. Let two incomparably sharp crossed swords slash down against the golden ring!


It was clearly the collision of sword energy and magic, but it produced a metal collision sound that made people’s eardrums hurt.

In the next instant, the magician’s face changed immediately.

Just like the last time he saw the building collapse in front of his eyes, this time he was also shocked by the sight.

The sword energy that seemed to be enough to cut through steel gradually disappeared in mid-air, but the golden ring radiating from his right hand was also blocked from moving forward.

This discovery almost made the magician irrational and almost shocked.

What did he see?

With a mere amount of sword energy, he can actually resist the [Six Paths Barrier] inspired by his relics?

This unimaginable phenomenon made the magician’s brain freeze in an instant.

This is a phenomenon that does not conform to magic theory at all. It can make most magicians who think about problems with magic thinking knot their heads, and they are shocked by the power of Musashi sword qi, and they can’t think of a reason at all.

“Sure enough, as Liuxia-chan said, this barrier has the property of prohibiting objects that enter it!”

Musashi retracted the knives in both hands, and flashed in his mind the explanation Liu Xia made to her at the beginning, if it wasn’t for the weird barrier, then her sword energy just now would have slapped the opponent.

However, in this way, if you want to break through this barrier and defeat the magician in front of you, it becomes much more difficult.

“There’s no way, it looks like this is the only way to do it… Liu Xia-chan, look carefully, this is my move to press the bottom of the box, and it is the limit of what I can do now!”

Lucia’s eyes flickered slightly, and she looked towards Musashi.

During this period of time, he has almost drained everything on Musashi, but there is only one trick, and until now, Musashi has not taught him.

It’s not because of the idea of ​​keeping one hand, but this move is not something that can be used casually.

“—Nanwu, the **** of great freedom in the sky, the King of Kings Kurigaro, the sky is the sign!”

Following Musashi’s low-pitched chant, a huge sword pressure was suddenly released from her body, as if it was enough to subdue everything around her.

Musashi put the two swords in their scabbards, and then pulled them out again.

“Come on! The sword is banging and the sword is drawn! -Isher’s big celestial elephant!!”

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