Eighth Crown

Chapter 21 - The talent to be admired by the most powerful swordsman in the future

According to Musashi, the time she stagnated between worlds was inconsistent, ranging from a day or two to more than a month.

Therefore, in order not to waste time, after returning to the apartment at night, after installing all the electrical appliances, Ryuxia and Musashi went to the park next to the apartment building and began to practice swordsmanship.

However, the way the two of them practiced made Liuxia feel very strange.

In the park, Musashi held two wooden knives, the tips of the knives aimed at Liu Xia, who was opposite her, and swung both knives together, showing Liu Xia the terrifyingness of the “two-day first-class” for the first time.

There are almost no fixed routines in her swordsmanship, she just throws out the double knives and kills the enemy as quickly and effectively as she can.

The sword stance seemed to be open and close, very fierce, as if he would not stop until he cut off the opponent’s head.

The most terrifying thing is that she was clearly using two knives by herself, but as soon as the knives were thrown out, they completely turned into two people wielding knives. With their own wills and masters, it is like two different swordsmen who have a mutual understanding of each other, and one plus one exerts a power far greater than two.

Liu Xia couldn’t even hold out a single move, and the wooden sword in his hand was slashed by Musashi.

Following the flying knife, his eyes drew a rotating arc in mid-air, and then fell to the ground and inserted it into the soil. After retracting, Liu Xia cast a slightly silent gaze to the opposite side with a high-spirited face, the whole person was a pair of The silver-haired girl with the expression “I’m amazing”.

“Musashi, don’t you know the truth of ‘everything starts with the basics’?”

How can you learn swordsmanship at the beginning, when you don’t know anything about ‘holding the sword’, ‘step forward and backward’, ‘breathing rate’, ‘swordsmanship basics’, etc., you will definitely become the most powerful swordsman in the future. Are people training?

“Cough hum!”

The complacent look on Musashi’s face immediately froze, and a somewhat awkward smile appeared on his face, “Of course I understand this kind of truth, but my [two days first class] is different from the general genre!”

Even though she said so, Liu Xia always felt that she was excusing herself for not being able to teach others.

No one can know what kind of swordsmanship the most powerful swordsman Miyamoto Musashi’s [Nitten First Class] is.

However, according to the explanation of the girl in front of her, Musashi, her [two-day first-class] is indeed different from the general swordsmanship style.

Summarizing her swordsmanship, it can be summed up in the eight words of “moving with the sword and changing with the trend”.

In other words, there is no fixed swordsmanship routine, and all the swords are changed according to the changes of the opponent’s swordsmanship and swordsmanship.

This is the swordsmanship style of the girl Musashi.

Such a style of swordsmanship, of course, needs to be understood in battle, and through non-stop fighting to explore the changes in the sword and the potential of different opponents, so as to get used to and adapt to it, so as to truly move with the sword and change with the trend. In this way, the learning effect will be maximized.

If you think about it like this, Musashi’s teaching ideas are indeed fine.

“Even so, then you should at least teach me how to hold the knife first, and what rhythm should I keep breathing?”

Liu Xia no longer had expectations for Musashi’s teaching ability, and began to ask questions.

For example, when holding a knife, which part of the hilt should be held with both hands, how to keep footsteps and swordsmanship consistent when swinging the knife, so as not to disturb the bottom plate, and how to let the breath match when swinging the knife. The movement of the knife is coordinated, and the physical strength is maintained to the greatest extent…and so on.

As Liu Xia threw out the questions one by one, Musashi, who had a little bit of his own teaching ability, had no choice but to start answering honestly, and no longer used the method of pair training to teach.

According to Liu Xia, training is definitely needed, but it must be done after all his foundations are laid.

Lucia learns quickly.

It was only about one night that he basically coordinated the movement of the knife, the advance and retreat of his footsteps, and the frequency of his breathing, and he initially stepped into the threshold of using a knife.

This learning rate can be called an anomaly.

Musashi couldn’t help but be amazed and admired.

“It’s amazing, Liu Xia-chan! Your aptitude is completely beyond my imagination, I might have hired a super powerful disciple!”

Being able to make someone who is destined to become the most powerful swordsman in the future express this kind of admiration shows how strong Liuxia’s learning ability is.

However, the family knows their own affairs.

Although his own learning ability is not weak, he can’t say how strong it is. The reason why he has such a strong learning ability, in the final analysis, is because of [Servant Transformation].

In Liuxia’s spiritual base template, his agility has completely reached E, and he has ten times the flexibility and neural response ability of ordinary people.

As I have said before, the so-called improvement of flexibility is relatively speaking, the ability to improve the subtle control of the body.

Under such circumstances, he has a very keen sense of how to achieve the coordination of body movements through the subtle manipulation ability of the body. He can detect and correct mistakes at the fastest speed, and seldom takes detours.

This is not the privilege of Liu Xia alone, because everyone is a Servant, and everyone has the ability to learn beyond ordinary people. Even the weakest Servant, if you plan to learn something new, it will be enough to open your eyes.

It’s just that the strength of the Servant has long been solidified, and even if he learns new abilities, he will not remember it at all when he is summoned from other worlds, so even learning is meaningless, so everyone doesn’t learn it. .

Liu Xia is different. Although he is a Servant, he is still alive. His spiritual foundation will grow with his growth. In this way, the powerful learning ability that he has after [Servant Transformation] will become him. Part of a powerful talent.

Moreover, in this process, the recording function of [Anonymous Lingji] also played an indispensable role.

The spirit base itself has the function of recording all the experiences of the follower. As long as you check the spirit base, you can know what kind of experience the follower has had during the period of being summoned.

For Servants, as long as they know and understand the knowledge, they will be engraved into their spiritual foundation. Unless the spiritual foundation is damaged, or their own spirit is abnormal, the Servant will never forget what they have obtained. knowledgeable.

There is only the development of “can’t remember”, there is no possibility of “forgetting”.

However, as mentioned above, Servants seldom actively learn any knowledge because they are not brought by life and not brought by death, so this function is also rarely used.

This function can only exert its greatest effect on a [Sub-Servant] like Ryuxia, and a [Sub-Servant] who has the function of [Anonymous Spirit Base] that can grow with the growth of the host.

His great agility endows him with good physical coordination.

The recording function of the anonymous spirit base also gave him the memory ability that would never forget knowledge.

With the combination of the two, Liu Xia’s talent can be strengthened to the point where even Musashi is amazed.

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