Eighth Crown

Chapter 20 - [Sword Skill] and [Kendo] (repair)

The idea of ​​learning the sword from Miyamoto Musashi was not just a whim, but after careful consideration.

Since becoming a killer, Liu Xia’s methods are not unique, but they are not rich enough. In most cases, they can only use bombs to blast the target, but when they cannot kill the opponent, they use pistols, stun guns, and sedative bombs. and other props.

But after Liu Xia became a [Sub-Servant], and the people around him changed from normal people in the outer world to magicians and monsters in the inner world, his means seemed a bit stretched.

The comparison and the two rituals and the battle of Shirai Junrio will be known.

When facing these two people, Liu Xia used bombs to cover her face first. However, under the reaction speed and physical ability of the other party, the bombs were often avoided by the other party, resulting in useless efforts.

In the end, it is often necessary to use a pistol to close.

He has clearly become a [Sub-Servant] that surpasses ordinary people. He has physical strength and ability far beyond ordinary people. However, he only relies on pistols to fight, and his efficiency is low.

You must know that in the field of [Servants], pistols can no longer be regarded as terrifying things.

Even Liu Xia, the weakest Servant, has the confidence to easily dodge bullets with his E-rank neural response speed and future vision. As long as it’s not a firearm such as a sniper rifle, it’s hard to tell him. How much damage does he do now.

If you want to fight against powerful Servants and powerful enemies, relying on pistols is completely unworkable.

Other powerful means must be learned.

Most of the Servants fight with cold weapons. Of course, the cold weapons in the Servant world are completely different from the cold weapons in the eyes of ordinary people. The swords and guns in the hands of the Servants have the speed and power beyond the limit at the same time, Most of the time, it is also their Noble Phantasm, which is powerful enough to match or even surpass missiles, and a killer weapon that is enough to win the game with one move.

If possible, of course Liu Xia would like to get such a powerful armor as his own Noble Phantasm, but unfortunately, he has no such way at all. Even if he can get those armors, he may not be able to use them, and he cannot become himself. ‘s treasure.

And now, Musashi’s swordsmanship is the only means that Liuxia can obtain, which is enough to develop his new fighting style and improve his fighting power.

“Now that I have become a [Sub-Servant], I will definitely encounter all kinds of unimaginable enemies in the future. Whether it is active or passive, it is impossible for me to escape from this vortex.”

Liu Xia had no intention of concealing something from Musashi. If he concealed something like this, it would easily arouse Musashi’s disgust. Although he concealed a lot of things from her, the only aspect of teaching skills is that he must not cheat.

“I have to learn a new way of fighting… It’s not such a big idea, it should make you a little disappointed, right?”

The inner world, like the outer world, is a huge aggregate of human beings, and is indistinguishable from the ‘society’.

For such a group, once it gets stuck, there is no way to get out of it.

“That’s it, I understand.”

Musashi nodded thoughtfully, and said casually: “It’s nothing to worry about. Although your reasons are ordinary, sometimes ordinary represents the truth, because most people in this world have been protecting themselves from the very beginning. Choose to be stronger by yourself.”

“Also, don’t get me wrong, Liu Xia-chan, I have no intention of not teaching you, I’m just thinking, what should I teach you.”

While saying that, Musashi couldn’t help showing a somewhat embarrassed look on his face, touched the back of his head, and spoke in a straightforward tone.

“To be honest, because I was also teaching someone for the first time, I was actually a little confused…”

At the age of 20, Musashi has not yet reached the peak of her life, and now she is only similar to the stage in history that she is still traveling around and sparring with famous swordsmen, let alone the most famous [Five Rings Book] Now, even the “Two Days First Class” has not been fully established.

“Well… Liuxia-chan, although this world is also very exciting, I shouldn’t be able to stay in this world for long. During the time I’m still in this world, I will try my best to teach you my sword skills. , but I won’t teach you my [kendo].”

After thinking for a while, Miyamoto Musashi made a very solemn statement to Liu Xia.

[Sword Skill] and [Kendo], these are two concepts, and also two choices and paths.

Ninety-nine percent of the swordsmen in history only study [sword skills], so that their skills can reach a peak that no one can match, and they have become famous swordsmen in history.

However, there are still some born outliers, they pay more attention to their [kendo] than [sword skills], and they have been working hard to achieve their [kendo] all their lives.

The so-called “kendo” is a kind of pursuit, something that one has to achieve even if all the effort in life is exhausted.

Take Miyamoto Musashi in history as an example, his [kendo] is the way of the sky.

Empty is zero.

Also known as [No Space], it is the supreme realm of kendo.

Means ‘invincible’, but also ‘infinite’.

In the fifth volume of the book of kendo written by Miyamoto Musashi before his death, [The Book of Five Rings], there was a description of the realm of [No Space], and he left his own opinions on the way of the sky… However, it is written on it. It’s mysterious and mysterious, and basically few people can really understand it.

All in all, a swordsman who only studies [sword skills] is completely different from a swordsman who loves [kendo].

And Liu Xia has no pursuit of his own, nor a goal that will take a lifetime to achieve. In other words, he is not a swordsman who loves [kendo], but chooses to use the sword as his own tool Yes, a swordsman who only studies [Sword Skill].

“So I will teach you my sword skills, but I don’t plan to teach you my kendo – although I haven’t completed my kendo, I can’t teach it if I want, ahaha!”

A hearty smile appeared on Musashi’s face, and he let out a loud laugh that was only pleasant to the ears.

“That’s enough, thanks.”

Ryuxia nodded and thanked Musashi.

Under Musashi’s description, he has a half-armed understanding of [kendo].

The so-called [kendo], in his opinion, is the road that needs to be poured with his own feelings.

But Liu Xia has no feelings, no obsession, and it is impossible to fall in love with [kendo]. In his heart, let alone a sword, even if it is Musashi who taught him swordsmanship, it is only for him. A tool to achieve an end.

He is not naturally suited to understand [kendo], and it is enough to be able to learn the sword skills of Musashi and turn them into his own combat power.

Anyway, in most cases, the battle between Servants is a showdown of absolute power and concept, and the strength of [Kendo] is not important at all.

“Furthermore, the [Spiritual Enhancement Ability] in my [Anonymous Spiritual Base] is not a vegetarian…”

Ascension of the spiritual foundation refers to the unconditional improvement of the spiritual foundation level.

That means, maybe even [Kendo] can be possessed and surpassed.

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