Eighth Crown

Chapter 17 - Selling Tactics and Building Characters

As long as he can obtain tangible benefits, Liu Xia doesn’t mind using any method.

In the face of Miyamoto Musashi, who can bring him huge benefits, not to mention selling badly, even his color and body can be sacrificed.

Ryuxia’s brutal tactics against Miyamoto Musashi mainly relied on his parents who had died at the hands of Shiro Junrio.

From an ordinary person’s point of view, Liu Xia’s family situation can indeed be described as shocking.

Discordant parents, poor upbringing, debt-ridden family, on the verge of falling apart… There may be more in the world than his family, but there are definitely not many.

Liu Xia’s story to Miyamoto Musashi about his own life is basically half-truth, and while revealing part of the truth, he also hides a more critical part.

It is true that the family is miserable, and it is true that the parents are addicted to having fun, but the “basic living expenses from the parents” and “the house is inherited by the deceased grandparents” are false.

He also concealed the fact that he had cut off relations with his parents two years ago, and only said that he had maintained a detached relationship, had been living alone since two years ago, and that he had been a killer for two years. is not a word.

Being able to fight against the magician and bury the magician under the abandoned building, all these abilities were pushed by Liu Xia to the status of [Sub-Servant], which is said to be the ability obtained after becoming a [Sub-Servant].

Anyway, his parents had already died in the hands of Bai Chunli Xu, and there was no proof of death, so Liu Xia made up any explanation.

In the process, the lack of basic furniture in the home made the room seem unusually empty, which also became evidence of his low monthly living expenses.

Liu Xia, who had no sense of shame for lying, didn’t even blink an eye when she lied, and her heart didn’t beat for a second.

In addition, what he said was half-truth and half-false. Although he did a lot of concealment, most of the words he said were true, and the credibility was indeed not low.


“This era is amazing!”

It was the first time that Miyamoto Musashi came to modern society. After Liu Xia deliberately diverted her attention and took her out of the door, she was almost blinded by the prosperity of modern society, and even cared about Liu Xia’s life experience. The rest is gone, let alone doubt him.

“A car that can run so fast, the building is built so high and the road is built so flat, this era is simply amazing!”

Miyamoto Musashi made countless exclamations full of surprise and surprise along the way, his eyes kept looking on both sides of the road, and every time he saw something novel, he would exclaim in admiration.

While she was looking at the roadside scenery, the passers-by around her were also looking at her with a surprised look in their eyes, and even after they were staggered from her, they would turn their heads on purpose, with a very high rate of return.

“Huh? Why are people around me looking at me like that?”

Miyamoto Musashi noticed the gazes of the people around him, and couldn’t help but be puzzled.

“It should be because of your clothes and dress.”

Liu Xia explained: “The clothes of modern people are very different from those of ancient times. Most of the styles were passed down from the West. Everyone should be very strange to your ancient costume.”

“I see!”

Miyamoto Musashi held his fist with his right hand, a look of sudden realization appeared on his face, and then his expression became a little embarrassed.

“Ahaha, I have always been in ancient places before, I have never been to such an era, and I can’t turn my head around for a while!”

When ancient people came to modern times, it was basically no different from modern people who traveled to another world. Before they got used to it, their eyes and ears would be flooded with a lot of information every day, and there was no way to care about others.

This is also the reason why Liu Xia is confident that she can hide from her.

Although his acting skills are not bad, he is not sure that he can deceive the intuition of a warrior who has practiced martial arts for more than ten years. But as long as she is dazzled by new information every day, she will lose the space to think and be immersed in it every day. Times have changed.

In this way, coupled with Liu Xia’s ability to respond and adapt well, his rhetoric will not be exposed, and Miyamoto Musashi will not doubt him.

“It’s okay, let’s go to the mall next, and buy some furniture and clothes for you there, so that you can quickly integrate into this era.”

Liu Xia shook his head indifferently, and walked towards the commercial street with Musashi.

“Eh? Isn’t this a little bad?”

A little hesitation appeared on Musashi’s face, “You don’t have much money, right? Would it be a waste of money to buy me so many things in one go?”

Liu Xia’s foot was inconspicuous, and she only thought of a response in an instant, “It’s okay, my parents just passed away a few days ago, I inherited their inheritance, but some furniture and clothes don’t cost much. “

While making an explanation, he inadvertently sold a wave of misery.

Fortunately, Liu Xia often observes human beings, knows the darkness and filth in many people’s hearts, and has a good understanding of human nature, otherwise, there is no way to deal with the best of both worlds in an instant.

“Also, I didn’t buy it for you in vain. I want to hire you as my bodyguard. If you dress so fancy and conspicuous, wouldn’t it be easier to attract enemies? It’s not good for me.”

After a pause, Liu Xia added, “Anyway, you should just put on the clothes of this era for me.”

If you always pay unilaterally, you cannot gain the trust of strangers.

It is necessary to ask for while giving, so that people think that they have something in mind, in order to make others feel at ease.

This is the bad part of human nature. People usually don’t believe in good intentions for no reason. They believe that other people’s initiative to contact them is definitely a conspiracy. When people who show conspiracy and selfless dedication stand together , people tend to trust more conspiracy people.

This is a very morbid vigilance, one of the common diseases of mankind.

Well, of course, Liu Xia himself is also a human being. Although he has no feelings, he also follows this low-level vigilance. Compared with unreasonable good intentions, he also thinks that those who have plans may be more credible.

Because he believes that most of human beings are despicable, and everyone has an ineradicable inferiority, and there is no one who can contribute selflessly.

“Liuxia-chan is such a good boy!”

The result was unexpected, Musashi no longer refuted, and even for some reason, there was a somewhat idiotic smile on her face.

“I said so much, in fact, to make me accept your kindness, right? What a lovely performance!”

This made Lucia a little concerned.

Could it be that he just performed better than he imagined?

Liu Xia didn’t know that in the culture known as the ‘Second Dimension’, what he just said was actually very frank and suspected of being arrogant.

Although it was just a deliberate statement to win the trust of Miyamoto Musashi, but because of the unexpected effect, Miyamoto Musashi’s favor with him soared.

Of course, it’s all based on his excellent looks.

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