Eighth Crown

Chapter 1351 - cause and effect of everything

Everything starts with the high-dimensional creature falling into the two-dimensional world.

Before the high-dimensional creature fell in, all the two-dimensional worlds did not interfere with each other, let alone formed connections, and did not even know the existence of other worlds.

At that time, although all the worlds were walking according to the established plot trajectory, everything was safe and sound. Even if there was a powerful disaster, it would only wreak havoc in one world, and in the end, most of it would be settled by the protagonist.

But after that high-dimensional creature fell in, the trajectory of fate became elusive, and everything changed.

He carries a very incredible thing on his body, that is, the system he dubbed the golden finger, which can make him stronger in a completely unreasonable and illogical way, and can travel through the heavens and the world at will.

Exactly why there is such a thing as a system, no one can know, I am afraid it can only be attributed to the special crossing of the three-dimensional to the two-dimensional.

He himself is just an ordinary dead house, not a vicious person.

After coming to the two-dimensional world, although there may have been a mistake, which caused him to be out of tune with the two-dimensional world, and everything fell into his eyes as pieces of paper, but out of the excitement of traveling and the love for the two-dimensional world, he was like Sa Huan. Like Erha, he constantly travels through various worlds.

As a result, the world began to connect.

The origins of the various worlds have been connected, and the mutual exchange and convergence have led to the birth of an incredible will.

That is the root of union.

His birth was full of unpredictability, and no one knew of his existence, so he just hid behind everything and began to make secret arrangements.

He is not God, and His character is full of humanity, with strong desires and despicableness that will do anything to achieve it.

He would not pursue anything if he knew nothing at first, because he himself is the pinnacle of everything.

But since he knew the existence of a three-dimensional world above two-dimensional, the idea of ​​​​ascension sprouted in his heart, and quickly took root and grew wildly.

He wants to ascend to the third dimension no matter what, no matter what means, this is the desire that He generates.

For this, He made precise calculations.

What is needed and how much energy is needed.

In fact, there are not many things needed. One is the “edge” of the three-dimensional world, which refers to the creatures belonging to the three-dimensional world, and the second is the incomparably huge energy.

As long as it is supported by a huge energy and is connected with a creature in a three-dimensional world, he can ascend to the three-dimensional world.

So, he began to count.

He first secretly affected the mentality of the three-dimensional creature. Because of the long-term loneliness that was out of tune with the world, the mentality of that three-dimensional creature was already approaching its limit.

Under his provocation, he easily exploded, fell into the devil’s way, and destroyed one world after another.

He appeared logically and sealed it to the deepest part of chaos.

The external statement is that He can’t kill this three-dimensional creature, and can only seal it, but in fact, the strength of the three-dimensional creature is only SS+++ at most, and it is absolutely impossible to fight against the SSS-level Him.

The reason for this is that he wants to bring the three-dimensional creatures into control and become the “predestination” that he needs to ascend.

That’s why he sealed the three-dimensional creatures into the depths of chaos, that is, by his side, which can be manipulated and studied at any time.

But he couldn’t think of it no matter what, he couldn’t control the other party at all.


Probably because the other party is already in the 2.5 dimension, stuck between the third dimension and the second dimension, not in the second dimension, so he sees everything as a piece of paper, so the joint root cannot control the other party, at most It can only affect, defeat, and seal it, and it can’t even kill it.

It’s ridiculous, the statement He used to fool the outside world actually came true.

Not being able to control him means that this “destiny” is useless at all, and he has to find other “destiny”.

However, after searching the entire two-dimensional world, he couldn’t find a second traverser, and there was no other “predestined” for him to study and control.

In desperation, He thought of an even bolder plan.

If you can’t find a “fate”, then create one yourself.

Using the soul fragments of this three-dimensional creature as the core, add some soul fragments of two-dimensional creatures to create a brand new “soul”.

In this way, this creature is both two-dimensional and three-dimensional.

It can not only become the “premise” of his ascension, but also can be controlled by him as the ruler of the second dimension, and will not break away from his control, the best of both worlds.

After finalizing the plan of “Fate”, He began to collect energy in full swing.

He found that no matter how much energy he collected, even if he collected all the energy of the two-dimensional world, it was not enough at all, and it was not enough for him to ascend.

So, He thought again, if it doesn’t work once, then it will come countless times.

As long as the “energy of all the two-dimensional world” is collected countless times, it will reach that threshold sooner or later.

It just so happens that, as the ruler, he has the unique and most invincible privilege——[Reset]!

Collect once, store it, reset it, collect it again, and store it again… Reciprocating cycle, after a certain number of times, the threshold will be reached sooner or later.

But then, there is another problem.

Reset is indeed strong and true, but it is also the will that was born after the connection between the worlds was formed.

Once reset, he himself will return to the state before birth, and he can be born gradually until the world is connected again.

So he can’t collect energy himself, he must find an agent who can help him handle all the trivial matters.

At this time, the [two rituals] that can be connected to the root came into his sight.

This is where all the tragedies begin.

He stripped the system from the body of the three-dimensional creature and handed it over to the [Two Ritual], making it the host of the system, a “singularity” that would not be reset and affecting memory, and let her choose a suitable person to collect. energy.

In order to make [Two Ritual] not suspicious, and to make her more motivated, or to inherit the hypocrisy of human nature, he tried to justify his behavior.

So, He cut the seal on the three-dimensional creature step by step, letting him get out of the seal again and again, creating the illusion that the opponent was too strong to break the seal, creating a false “world crisis”, and the reset was a last resort. .

Under this crisis sweeping all the two-dimensional worlds, as a personality flowing from the root, the absolute subordinate of the united root, [two rituals] of course did not dare to neglect, and honestly implemented the plan of uniting the root.

As a result, one by one, the two-dimensional creatures were selected and became the selected ones to fight against the three-dimensional creatures. One by one, they became stronger with impassioned and passionate blood, and walked in various worlds, trying to save the world from fire and water.

Then, as the chosen ones begin to travel the world, the connection between the worlds is reconnected, and the root of the union is reborn, and the chosen ones start to wake up with the power raised to the SS rank.

When the time is almost, the selected people have collected almost all the power of the two-dimensional world, and when they are gearing up to solve the three-dimensional creatures, he directly initiates the reset, and stores the power in the system of the [two rituals], so that Everything rolls back to before it started.

Again, again, again…and again and again, and again and again, toying with everything.

Until this time, Ryuguin Seiya finally collected enough energy.

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