Editing the Marriage Scene of the Fan Game Was Taken Seriously

Chapter 9

Chapter 9:

The implication is, kid, don’t think too much, hurry up and guard your young field!

Qingyun: “…”

was about to say something.

At this time, in mid-air, the light and shadow suddenly changed.

“Could it be that…?!”

Similar situations have happened twice in the morning. At this time, everyone quickly sensed what might happen, and then involuntarily looked into the sky.

“Qingyun, I heard that you actually rejected the appointment of the fifth Hokage to let you succeed the sixth Hokage?”

At the same time, the voice of a young woman came over.

Hokage? !

Hearing the young woman’s words, everyone couldn’t help but quickly and carefully turned towards the opposite named [Qingyun]—huh? Why is this name so familiar? — looking at the man.

I saw that man, who was just confessed by a certain girl from the Hyuga clan in the morning—Jun Qingyun!

Opposite him, this time it was no longer the white-eyed girl from the Hyuga clan that morning.

It was another beautiful woman with beautiful long purple hair who was slightly older than the white-eyed girl, but still relatively young!

Listening to the meaning in the words of the purple-haired woman, that [Qingyun Jun] was actually appointed as the “Sixth Hokage” by what “Five Hokage”?

So that means, that guy, – actually already has the strength of the shadow level? !

He obviously looks fifteen or sixteen, or sixteen or seventeen!

Besides, isn’t Konoha the third generation of Hokage now, there were only four generations of Hokage before, and who is the fifth Hokage, this is going to be the sixth generation?

Three Hokage: “???”

“Well…” In the confusion, I saw [Qingyunjun] calmly spread his hands, “Hokage or something, it’s boring to have to deal with a lot of things every day!”

“Rather than being a Hokage, I would rather be with the people I like and live a happy everyday life.”

“Does this ‘favorite person’ you say refer to Xiyan me, or someone else?” Hearing his words, the purple-haired beauty smiled comfortably in front of him, “If it was you, I would It’s not impossible to promise!”


Qingyun-kun has yet to answer.

The picture fades away, leaving endless reverie…




The video ends here.

However, the whole world, countless people, were collectively silent for a few seconds.


The next moment, countless people exclaimed in surprise.


Chapter 14 Hinata: Oh yeah! Sandai: Then I die?

Different from the direct confession in the morning, this time, the guy named Qingyun was indirectly confessed by another purple-haired beauty named Xiyan!

In front of the world!

Moreover, in the words of the purple-haired beauty, it was mentioned that he turned down the position of Hokage, and wanted to be with the beauty he likes and have a happy daily life!

There are still people who refuse the position of Hokage!

And still so young, with movie-level strength? !


The amount of information was so great that for a while, everyone didn’t even know where to start paying attention.

“Qing, Qingyun-kun…”

Konoha Village, a certain glade.

Hinata, who was starting to practice boxing again in the woods after having “acquainted” with her long-acquainted guide Kamito Yuhika, looked at the disappearing image in mid-air, her face embarrassed again.se , At the same time, it is a slight joy.


Really excellent…

There are other women who seem to like him too!

The future Qingyun Jun, it seems that not only has he helped himself, protected himself, and made himself fall in love with him many times, but his excellence has even made many other women around him fall in love with him!

Is this the Qingyun-kun that I will like in the future?

Thinking of her confession to Qingyun in the future, Hinata couldn’t help but feel a little ashamed and lowered her head.

His previous guesses were indeed correct. The future Qingyun-kun worked hard, and finally blossomed. He showed a talent that was not revealed in the ninja school. In the end, he was even appointed as a junior at the age of sixteen. A Hokage.


All of this is the result of his hard work and the greatest proof!

It’s just that he himself refused the position of Hokage.

In his heart, being with the people he loves is even more important than the position of Hokage!

Seeing the position of Hokage as nothing, and caring more about the important person in his heart, he…he was as gentle and gentle as he imagined!

Even softer than I imagined!

It’s just that he doesn’t know the person he likes in the future, and the future he faces the confession of himself and the future Mr. Xiyan, in the end, who will he choose…

Hinata thought subconsciously…

The next moment, I realized what I was thinking, and I couldn’t help but blushed.

I… I was imagining just now… I was imagining him accepting his confession and then being with me…! !

Too embarrassing! !

Hinata’s face couldn’t help but turn redder, and the whole person seemed to be a steam engine.

“That kid…!”

Not far away, Yuhi Hong secretly cursed in her heart.

It’s not enough to have a beautiful woman like Hinata in the future, but it’s even better with his guidance, Uzuki Uzuki Yuyan?

Damn it, Xiyan, you acted like you wanted to match him and Hinata in the morning, why did you rush up in the afternoon!

In terms of morals, among the people I know, I, Yuri Hong, would like to call you the strongest!

And Hinata, seeing this scene, must be jealous, even angry, right?

Look, her face is red with anger!


In another open space, Shiranui Yejian and Mizucun Chibi, at this time, looked at the guide in front of Kamunin Uzuki Yuyan, and for a while, he didn’t even know what to say or how to make an expression.

It’s too embarrassing. I just finished saying, “Find a way to become the Five Shadows first, then let’s talk about it.” Become the Five Shadows first and then chase me! -result…

In the next second, the opponent really became the five shadow level.

As for himself, in front of the whole world, he openly took the initiative to show affection to the other party, implying that he would marry him!



Uyue Xiyan’s mouth twitched for a while.

Who the **** is playing the video, is he going to be executed in public and deliberately let himself die socially?

“Ah this…” Qingyun was speechless for a while.

He didn’t expect that at this time, the confession of Yuyue Xiyan was suddenly played.

After all, according to the video I made, the second paragraph is obviously the same as Hinata’s confession to herself, first let Xiao Sakura make a fake confession to Naruto!

First play the confession scene, then turn on the “recall” and “flashback” modes in the middle, and finally return to the current timeline to officially get married.

This is also a romantic art technique, just like after a girl confesses to a boy, the boy also recalls the scenes between himself and the girl in the past, and finds that the two have long been in love with each other, and finally agree with them. Let’s go to the hall of marriage together…

So this technique is very common throughout the video.

But the problem is that Uzuki Xiyan’s video was not originally in the second paragraph!

Could it be because of his official contact with Yuyue Xiyan, or because of something that Yuyue Xiyan said “triggered a confession”?

It’s like playing games and players triggering the plot, but this time it’s the other way around. NPC Yuyue Xiyan automatically triggers [Special Event. Video Play]?

She said “five kage level”, and then triggered a story video of herself rejecting the position of Hokage—or in other words, reaching the five kage level.


It’s really not that I deliberately operated to slap my face on the spot…

“Fifth Hokage?”

At the same time, Konoha Village, Hokage Tower, and the third Hokage took a deep breath.

Looking at the image of Haruyun Kamidai, he looked like he was about sixteen years old.

That is, it happened three or four years later.

After three or four years, the “Five Hokage” is already in power? And want to appoint him as the sixth Hokage?

So here comes the question-

where am i?


Chapter 15 Orochimaru: Got it, let’s destroy Konoha!

The thing that makes people sweat the most in the world is probably the situation that the three generations of Hokage are now encountering—

[There is no myself in the list of survivors]

What this means is self-evident.

Although it is only the image that indirectly revealed what Chu came from, but after thinking about it three or four years later, not only has the seat of Hokage been replaced by the “fifth Hokage”, but even the sixth Hokage has begun to appoint…

And since the Fifth Hokage appointed Kamidai Haruyun as the sixth Hokage, and Kamidai Haruyun still had the time to refuse, it also means that the situation in the village at that time was definitely not urgent, and the fifth Hokage did not die because of his death in battle. Formerly named him the sixth generation.

In other words, the fifth generation was still alive and well at that time, and it is very likely that they have been sitting in the seat of Hokage for two or three years, and have had an addiction.

Otherwise, [he] would not have been so proactive and simply wanted to give up the seat to Haru Yun, who obviously did not want to grab the seat. The fifth generation might not give way because of a power struggle.

Two things can be deduced from this –

First, the fifth-generation Hokage will be on the top in the last year or two, or even this year!

Second, the fifth-generation Hokage will not be the old yin friend Danzo who has always coveted the position of Hokage and is also an enemy and a friend.

Because, if it was Danzo, he would take the initiative to abdicate in such a good-natured way, unless the sun came out from the west!

And if the fifth generation of Hokage will be in the position in the last year or two, or even this year…

So who would that person be?

And yourself, where were you then? !

The former question is puzzling, the latter is terrifying.

After all, if there are no special circumstances, as long as he is still alive, he will basically not give up the position of Hokage, unless the other party is really too good like the fourth Hokage wave Feng Minato, and the people in the village also hope that he can be in the position. .

After all, the fourth generation was excellent and young at that time, and had an advantage in energy. There was no reason for him to stay in his seat at an age and keep stopping such a young man with strength and energy.

However, are there any wizards like Minato Namikaze in the village now?

The three generations of Hokage thought about it quickly, and then came to the answer—


And there is no one like Minato Namifeng, and he actually gave up the position of Hokage, so…

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