Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Have A Surprise

Oaks said that.

These magical green plants do not have the ability to reproduce themselves, and the ultra-high-efficiency photosynthesis only maintains normal growth while satisfying their ultra-high purification efficiency.

Therefore, every potted plant is cultivated by Oaks using natural magic. If it is to supply the needs of two Stark industrial plants…

Even if it’s just the office, it can get him down.

What’s more, industrial demand of this scale is not his current goal at this stage – these are only early works, used to make a name.

When energy produces seeds, it is time to start making money.

At that time… hum, Stark Industries, etc., can you compare with yourself who grows beautiful knives in the soil?

Obviously not possible!

Who said that druids can only sell silver scale breastplates?

With beautiful dreams, Oaks put the newspaper aside and packed the remaining four potted plants with Zhang.

“I’ll help you move to the car!”

After the blonde beauty swiped the card smartly, Zhang’s movements were obviously 10% faster, and Oaks nodded in satisfaction, which showed that the boy already had a sense of belonging to this store.

“Ah, but I came here on a motorcycle.”

The blonde beauty blinked, a little embarrassed:

“Aren’t you going to deliver?”

“Uh, of course, you can go back first, it shouldn’t take much time… right?”

Zhang Qing coughed twice and turned to Oaks:

“Then what, boss, can we deliver?”

“Do you have a driver’s license?”

Oaks took out a bunch of car keys:

“I do have the car, but I have to prepare for replenishment, so I don’t have time to deliver it.”

“Yes, I have changed my New York driver’s license.”

Zhang patted his chest with confidence:

“I’m an old driver with a one-year driving experience!”

“…You just passed the internship period! But please, please.”

“But I haven’t seen a car these days? Mr. Oakes, where is your car parked?”

Two minutes later, the three stood in front of a small car.

“what car is this?!”

Zhang took a deep breath and pushed his glasses, his face full of incredulity:

“I’ve never seen it!”

“I do know this.”

The blonde beauty covered her mouth and chuckled:

“Smart, Mercedes-Benz’s new model launched in January this year, but it has been on sale in Europe for many years, it’s a two-seater.

Although it looks like a toy, it is really a car, and it is not cheaper than an ordinary model.

the most important is…”

She pointed to the parking place. It was an empty space between two flower beds. The car was blocked by flowers and plants. No wonder Zhang didn’t pay attention:

“Its parking spaces are particularly random.”

“That’s right, this house doesn’t have a garage.”

Oaks didn’t look unnatural at all, he stepped forward and opened the trunk:

“Ah… It seems that the trunk can only hold two pots, and these pots are relatively large.”

“I’d better take a taxi for delivery.”

Zhang pushed on his glasses, and after bragging about his brilliance, he felt a little vacuous:

“I think I need special time to get used to… this little guy.”

The smallest car he has ever seen is the Chery QQ, which is 3.5 meters long, but this car is only 2.5 meters long!

“There is no reimbursement for taxis.”

“…A person is not a sage, who can be blameless, sir, you are just stingy.”

“Dear Zhang, shall we discuss the issue of salary advance?”

“Ha, ha, Mr. Haaux, you’re too outlandish, isn’t it just a taxi? I’ll deliver the goods right away to ensure that the guests are satisfied!”

Brooklyn, a very old two-story building.

Unlike many noisy trendy neighborhoods, it is very quiet, probably because most of the people living here are elderly people.

The government seems to have paid a little attention to this old neighborhood. It can be seen that this place is relatively clean and tidy, and the cost of public health is about as much as the sum of ten other neighborhoods.

After all, this is the largest Captain America memorial in New York.


With the rapid braking sound, a cool Harley-Davidson motorcycle stopped beside the small building.

The female knight in the car took off her helmet, shook her beautiful blonde hair, looked at the latest Audi R8 convertible next to her and pouted.

It was because the traffic conditions in New York were so bad that I rode a motorcycle myself.

After turning off the fire, she took out the key, and as soon as she walked to the door, she couldn’t help but raise her eyebrows again—

Before opening the door, she heard a chattering voice coming from the room.

“A narcissist.”

She complained helplessly, she opened the door and walked into the house, her voice became clearer:

“Aunt Peggy, I have said long ago that this old house can add some of the latest technology under the name of our business.

Like this hologram, and those kinds of smart displays, immersive home theaters, even robotic arms that help you with medicine bottles—certainly more advanced than Bumbo. ”

“Although our newly developed air purification system is for industrial use, the efficiency of the upcoming civilian version is not bad at all.

Although you don’t have much formaldehyde here, you are aware of the air quality in New York. ”

“Hehe… Little Tony, thank you for your concern, but I prefer to keep it as it is.”

The white-haired Peggy Carter was leaning on the sofa, holding a cane in her hand, smiling at the chattering white man sitting on the sofa opposite her.

This guy has curly hair, a mustache in an aggressive shape, and a flying expression on his face:

“Well, what a pity, Aunt Peggy, you and I have opposite hobbies. One of my greatest strengths is liking the new and disliking the old.”

“Oh? Sharon, are you back?”

Seeing the blonde beauty walking into the room, Peggy Carter quickly changed the subject:

“Little Tony has helped me arrange the salute.”

“Oh, look who’s back, our beauty.”

Tony touched his chin, stood up and tilted his head to look at Sharon Carter who had just entered the door:

“So anxious to go out, is there any surprise for UU reading www.uukanshu.com?”

“Of course, no small surprise.”

Sharon Carter spread her hands:

“But I still want to thank you first for helping me take care of my aunt for the time being… To be honest, it’s hard for me to imagine that you would drive your aunt from Washington to me.”

“After all, the great Tony Stark is a very busy man, the kind that can only be seen on the news all day.”

“I prefer you to say that you can only see me on the lace news.”

Tony shrugged his shoulders, put on a charming look, squinted his eyes slightly, and there seemed to be a slight electric current in the air:

“Don’t you see that I only drove the car when you came back from graduation this year?”

“Oh little Tony, I’m so sad when you say that.”

Peggy Carter let out a laugh, making Tony agitated:

“Howard at least didn’t dare to molest female subordinates in front of me back then. Sharon is my niece.”

“Ah, I mean, I came here to chat with you and remember how you beat up my **** dad back then.”

Tony pulled his neckline seriously, sat back on the sofa, and raised his eyebrows:

“By the way, beauty, what’s the surprise?”

“You’ll find out later.”

Sharon came over and poured a cup of tea for Aunt Peggy, ignoring Tony:

“Aunt, Mrs. Brown next door is right, the green plants in that store are really amazing, you will be satisfied.”

Glancing at Tony who was indifferent, Sharon showed a provocative smile:

“It is much more reliable than the air purification system developed by our great genius.”

Tony: “Huh?”

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