Douluo: Legend of the Ancestral Dragon

Chapter 23

Chapter 23: Title Douluo Xian

Ao Tian suddenly became interested, and hooked his finger towards Xiao Wu, and said, “Come on, let me see what you can do.”

“My ability is great, don’t cry if you lose later.” Xiao Wu walked over with a smile, a sly flash in her eyes.

Ao Tian stood there, motionless, letting Xiao Wu approach.

No matter what tricks Xiao Wu plays, he is not afraid.

“I’m here.” Xiao Wu blinked at Ao Tian, two dimples appeared on her face, smiled and raised her hands, pushing towards Ao Tian’s shoulders.

From today’s battle between Ao Tian and Tang San, Xiao Wu understood that Ao Tian’s power and speed were very abnormal, much stronger than Tang San.

Therefore, she understands that she can only be surprised if she wants to defeat Ao Tian.

She pushed her hands toward Ao Tian’s shoulders. As long as Ao Tian raised her hands to block, her hands could take the opportunity to wrap Ao Tian’s hands.

If Ao Tian doesn’t block, her hands can also take the opportunity to grab Ao Tian’s shoulders.

At the same time, she flicked her head, and the long scorpion braid drew an arc, wrapped around Ao Tian’s neck, blocking Ao Tian’s retreat.

Ao Tian remained motionless, Ren Xiaowu’s attack fell on him, and the moment his braids were wrapped around his neck, he felt a little itchy.

Xiao Wu looked excited, she grabbed Ao Tian’s shoulders with both hands, jumped up, her feet retracted, and then she slammed into Ao Tian’s stomach.

“Haha, the rabbit kicked the eagle, you lost.” Xiao Wu laughed triumphantly, her feet exploded with violent power, kicking on Ao Tian’s stomach.

Ao Tian’s upper body was pulled by Xiao Wu’s hands and braids, and his lower body was kicked by Xiao Wu’s feet. In Xiao Wu’s imagination, Ao Tian’s lower body would be kicked up by her, and then he would fall into a dog and eat shit.

However, after stepping on Ao Tian’s body, her triumphant laughter stopped abruptly, and her body stopped there.

It’s not that she doesn’t want to move, but that she can’t move.

Her feet seemed to be pedaling on a big mountain, she couldn’t move at all.

Her complexion changed and her reaction was extremely quick. After letting go of her hands and pushing her feet hard, Ao Tian still didn’t move, but her body flew back.

The long braid was still wrapped around Ao Tian’s neck, and Xiao Wu was like a swing.

“The rabbit kicks the eagle!” With the acceleration of falling, she kicked Ao Tian’s belly again.

However, there was only a muffled sound, and Ao Tian’s body remained motionless.

Xiao Wu used all her strength to breastfeed, and her face flushed red, but she couldn’t move Ao Tian’s body any minute.

“The power of the massage is still a little weaker.” Ao Tian laughed, and put his hands to Xiao Wu’s feet.

Xiao Wu screamed, the legs of both legs were hugged by Ao Tian, and her **** suddenly hit Ao Tian’s body.

Her braids were still on Ao Tian’s neck, and her legs were hugged again. This posture was extremely inelegant.

As a one-hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast, she has been well protected by her mother since she was a child, and she has never had such close contact with other creatures of the opposite sex.

At this time, she was hugged by Ao Tian, and she was immediately embarrassed and unbearable.

“Asshole, you let me go.”

Ao Tian let go of his hand obediently, and Xiao Wu suddenly sat on the ground, being thrown hot.

Regardless of the pain in her butt, she sprang up, her feet wrapped around Ao Tian’s neck.

After her feet wrapped around Ao Tian’s neck smoothly, her body fell backward, her hands resting on the ground, in an inverted state.

Waist Bow skill was activated, and a force of strength was emitted from her hands, passed to her waist, and then to her feet, slamming Ao Tian forward.

In the daytime, she used this trick to defeat Tang San.

However, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t eject Ao Tian with this bow.

“Hehe, are there any other tricks?” Ao Tian asked.

Xiao Wu left Ao Tian’s body, aggrieved, and said: “You bully.”

“Why did I bully you, I didn’t move.”

Xiao Wu stomped her feet with anger, “Ignore you, you are a monster. No wonder Tang San can’t beat you.”

“Can you show me your Martial Spirit?” she asked.

She was very curious about what martial soul it was that gave Ao Tian such a perverted strength.

Although the beast spirit cannot be possessed before the spirit ring becomes a spirit master, some characteristics of the beast spirit can affect the human body.

She felt that Ao Tian’s martial arts soul should be a powerful beast martial arts soul, so that Ao Tian had abnormal physical qualities.

When she was at the Academic Affairs Office, she came a little late, and did not see the scene where Ao Tian released her martial soul.

Ao Tian’s heart moved, and said: “I suddenly want to pull shi, you will wait here for a while, and I will tell you when I get back.”

After finishing talking, Ao Tian ran out of the playground without looking back.

“Okay.” Xiao Wu jumped back on the big rock, lay down, and looked up at the sky full of stars.

At this moment, Xiao Wu moved her ears and heard slight footsteps.

She turned her head, and suddenly saw a tall figure draped in a black robe coming out of a corner not far away.

She was startled, and sat up instinctively, staring at the mysterious person approaching her vigilantly.

For no reason, she actually felt a panic, as if something undesirable was about to happen.

did not ask, Xiao Wu immediately jumped off the boulder, ready to slip away At this moment, a figure of Shengxue in white came from the direction where Xiao Wu was escaping.

Xiao Wu was stopped, stopped, and stared at the handsome and handsome man in white clothes with vigilance.

She was a little surprised. The appearance and temperament of this white man were very similar to Ao Tian.

“Don’t panic, I am Ao Tian’s brother, and the man in black will give it to me.” A voice rang directly in Xiao Wu’s mind.

Xiao Wu inexplicably trusted the white-clothed youth who appeared, and her anxious mood instantly stabilized.

Ao Tian smiled, crossed Xiao Wu, and walked towards Tang Hao hidden in the black robe.

“It is really rare for Title Douluo to appear in this little Notting Academy.” Ao Tian sighed.

Tang Hao stopped, his face hidden in the black cloak changed slightly.

This youth who seems to be in his twenties can actually see through the strength of his Title Douluo!

How can this be?

He did not reveal a trace of Title Douluo’s breath, and only people with similar cultivation bases could discover his hidden cultivation base.

How did this young man discover it?

Xiao Wu heard Ao Tian’s words, and her expression was even more horrified, and her body couldn’t help but retreat trembling.

As a soul beast, the most feared is the titled Douluo of human beings, and the most hated one is also the titled Douluo.

“Who are you?” A hoarse voice came from the black robe.

“I am someone you can’t afford to offend.” Ao Tian smiled.

He has a peerless appearance and a fairy spirit, just like a banished fairy who does not stain the dust of the world.

His voice fell, and an aura that suffocated Tang Hao pressed towards Tang Hao.

This momentum was condensed and not scattered, only aimed at Tang Hao alone.

Tang Hao was shocked and blurted out: “How is it possible!”

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