Doraemon: My Nobita! Join Chat Group

Chapter 413

Chapter 413:

Chapter 1280 Cultivation and promotion

Doraemon and Nobita sat cross-legged for a long time, and then refined the magic crystal into a majestic energy.

Filled with two people’s bodies, and then absorbed by the two people’s dantian.

This process is very long, the two of them are calm, and their thoughts have entered a state of meditation.

These energies are very pure, and they are also energies that they have never absorbed. For them, these energies are of great benefit to the body.

“Four Three Three”

They also transformed their bodies, and their physiques became stronger.

Every inch of skin and every muscle in the body has the bonus of this attribute, becoming tough and developed, and the whole body is full of strength.

Their body training skills are also running silently, absorbing the energy of these magic crystals.

The body training method formed a small vortex one by one in their dantian, quickly absorbing the energy of the magic crystal to strengthen themselves.

And spread every trace of energy everywhere in the body, making their bones tough, from the original white bones to silver bones.

The bone toughness of the body is even higher.

Their muscles and skin were also shimmering with a little silver gray, and their skin looked more delicate and their muscles stronger.

If they were fighting now, the combat power of the two would rise sharply, and their melee combat abilities would be even more terrifying.

Their mana is also constantly rising, and the energy of their bodies is continuously compressed and solidified in their dantian, so that their combat power will be more durable and their mana will be stronger.

Their bodies are still undergoing transformation, including their own blood, as well as their internal organs, all glowing with a little silver gray.

And their Primordial Spirit has also become stronger than before, and the Primordial Spirit shows a silver brilliance.

The two slowly woke up and glanced at each other, with surprised looks in their eyes.

“I didn’t expect that when we absorbed the energy of the magic crystals, we would transform our bodies so well. We will need to absorb more magic crystals to enrich our strength in the future.”

“Doraemon, I see that you are making great progress.”

“That’s right, that’s because I upgraded my treasure bag since I absorbed the magic crystal. This function has more.”

“Really? It turns out that the magic crystal still has this kind of effect. We will collect more in the future.”

“Nobita, you are not bad, your body is getting stronger and stronger, and I also feel that your primordial spirit is stronger than before…”

“Nobita, you said that we are still like the monster we met before, can I knock him down with one punch?”

“Doraemon sees your powerful strength now, just that little monster shadow beast, that’s not easy.”

“It feels so good to be strong!”

“I think we should vent this powerful force now!”

Doraemon and Nobita vented the powerful strength of their bodies.

Two people, you punched me and destroyed the trees and flowers here.

The previous and next jumps were using their own skills, and I felt that there was endless energy in my body.

The two 0.8s also learned from each other, and the fight was very enjoyable and enjoyable.

The two of them fought for a long time, and they were able to learn from each other.

The two of them were a little tired until it was dark. The two also prepared a bonfire dinner and various delicacies in the wild.

There is also the unique food in the demon world, the thigh of the monster shadow beast, which is roasted and eaten. It is very satisfying and devoured.

Chapter 1281 Meet the Demon Lord

Nobita and Doraemon continued to drive in the direction of the demon king.

The two of them didn’t know how long they had walked. They encountered a small town in front of them. The town was also very lively, and there were many bustling people on the road.

In order not to expose their identities, Doraemon and Nobita used the disguise technique to make themselves the same person as them.

In this way, it will be more convenient to move in the crowd, and there is no need to cause a lot of trouble.

The two of them were walking on the road, looking here and there, because there were many stalls on the road, selling all kinds of jade and magic weapons, as well as daily necessities, and various restaurant snacks. .

Nobita and Doraemon came to the demon world for the first time. They were very new to the things here. Just looking at the many delicious things made them drool.

And these things are very strange, and they are very different from the real objects they have seen.

“Nobita, I’m thirsty when I see these delicacies. This is the first time we have come to the demon world. I must taste the delicacies that I understand.”

“No problem, Doraemon, let’s find a place to eat in a while, you can see what you want and we can order it. Don’t be polite to me.”

Doraemon and Nobita were walking on the street to see if there were any restaurants or the like on the street. It was good for them to go in and have something to eat. By the way, they could taste the difference between the food in this demon world and the one on earth.

The two were walking on the street when they saw a person standing in front of them.

“Where did you come from? Why did you come to our demon world? Don’t think that others can’t see it, but you can’t escape my eyes.”

Nobita and Doraemon were shocked when they heard the words.

This person is really strange. At first glance, he is a capable person. The disguise of the two of them did not escape his eyes.

“It’s really Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger! I didn’t expect that there are such powerful people in the demon world. We can see through it at a glance. We are both disguised.”

“Nobita is a very powerful man. We have to be careful when we contact him, lest we be teased by him.”

Nobita and Doraemon didn’t plan to stop and move on, just like strangers, pretending they didn’t hear him. The man in black continued to grow in front of them, not wanting them to leave.

Nobita and Doraemon felt that something was wrong, so they walked out of the city. The black man followed closely behind the two of them and followed them without any intention of leaving.

Nobita and Doraemon walked forward, using their peripheral vision, and looked back, the man was still chasing after him.

The two of them quickened their pace and walked out of the city. Once outside the city, the two of them could use their fists and kicks. It was more convenient to hit or walk 433.

The two quickly walked out of the city, and the man in black followed him for a long distance.

Nobita and Doraemon stopped.

“Tell me, what do you want to do? Why have you been following us?”

“Why do you follow you, don’t you know? You are from another world, not from our demon world. You must have some purpose in coming here, right?”

“Brother, did you read it wrong? We are from the demon world. We walked on the street, and you followed us for no reason.”

“I really believe that my eyes can’t see the wrong person. The reason why I follow you is to see what you want to do.”.

Chapter 1282 Start the fight if you disagree

“We are both ordinary people, what else can we do? Are you following us like this to rob?”

“To rob you, can I rob you of my identity?”

“What’s your identity? Are you still trying to bully others?”

“”Who am I to tell you to scare you to death! ”

“Did you think we were scared when we were young? You even said it scared me to death. I’m not afraid of you no matter what your identity is.”

“Sure enough, people from other worlds have courage. It seems that the purpose of your trip is very difficult. Can you tell me about it?”

“I really don’t know what you’re talking about, it’s like talking nonsense there.”

“Whether it’s nonsense or not, you’ll know at first sight after the fight.”

The black man was also rude, clenched his fists with both hands, and took advantage of the situation to hit Doraemon and Nobita to their chests with their fists.

Doraemon and Nobita dodged quickly, and the two circled behind them, planning to hit him hard in the back.

Mozun’s skills are also very sensitive. When he saw Nobita and Doraemon about to hit him in the back, he quickly dodged and flew high into the sky.

Not to be outdone, Doraemon and Nobita also flew to the sky.

Mozun flew to the highest point in the sky, and down was two punches, hitting Doraemon and Nobita.

Doraemon and Nobita used their fists to carry it hard, and the two were immediately beaten back.

“You’re pretty good at fighting, aren’t you?” ”

“Of course, why can’t my dignified Demon Lord be not good? You two are plotting bad things here, wait for me to take you back and interrogate them in detail.”

“Dream! Doraemon and Nobita ran towards the demon in the sky again, intending to give us a close fight.

After the two advanced, the close combat was also very powerful, and the body became very strong.

The two attacked with their fists at close range, the upper and lower plates of Yaozun.

Beating Yaozun in a hurry, he was punched by Nobita for a while.

“You two are amazing, you deserve to be people from another world.”

“Of course, how dare you come to the demon world if you are not powerful.”

Demon Zun gritted his teeth fiercely, and took advantage of the situation to counterattack, punching and kicking together towards the bodies of Nobita and Doraemon.

Doraemon and Nobita are also constantly blocking.

Yaozun’s body is also very strong, and he is not to be outdone in close combat.

Nobita and Doraemon blocked his fists and made banging noises.

“Good job! This guy is amazing.”

“No, after playing with us for so long without losing the wind, the strength of this black monster is really not to be underestimated.”

“¨ˇ The two of us still have to figure out a way. It’s not a solution to fight like this. It’s too much to kill the two of us.”

The two of them were thinking of a plan to defeat him and finish the fight sooner.

Just when the two people communicated with each other, Yaozun was not idle, and swept Nobita and Doraemon with his fists and feet.

Doraemon and Nobita have also been fighting back, and at the same time, they are also pondering the weakness of this person and want to defeat him.

Doraemon and Nobita, seeing that Yaozun is so powerful, they try to show their weakness, making Yaozun feel that he is very powerful and can defeat Doraemon and Nobita.

Just when Yaozun was proud, Doraemon and Nobita quickly counterattacked.

Doraemon punched Yaozun’s chest, and Nobita moved very quickly, slamming a punch on Yaozun’s head.

The Demon Venerable cried out in pain.

“You two are so despicable, you actually used a plan to plot against me.”.

Chapter 1283 Go to Yaozun’s house as a guest

“Counting on you? It’s your own lack of strength. Do you blame others for scheming against you?”

“It’s just that you are fooling yourself. You two scumbags are too insidious.”

“You people from other worlds are not as real as those from our demon world.”

“Stop talking nonsense! If you lose, you lose.”

“What do you two want to do to me?”

“What do I want to do to you? Hey!”

Doraemon and Nobita looked at Yaozun with wicked smiles.

“You should tell us your name now. After playing for so long, you didn’t even report your name.”

“Well, then I’ll tell you what my name is, you two can call me Yunxi Yaozun.”

“Oh, Yunxi Yaozun, the name doesn’t sound bad.”

Yunxi Yaozun lowered his head and was contemplating, and he didn’t know what 433’s eyes were thinking about in his heart.

Nobita and Doraemon stared at him for a long time, and they were also thinking about what this guy was thinking, whether he wanted to play some tricks to make fun of us, or to arrest us, we have to take good precautions he.

“You two came to our demon world, haven’t you tasted our demon world’s food?”

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