Don’t Pretend to be Poor with Me

Chapter 81

Chapter 81: College Entrance Examination

Under normal circumstances, Song Yan is a strong-willed person who basically does what he says and never breaks his promise.

But this usually does not include Xia Zhiye.

So Xia Zhiye reluctantly sent Song Yan on the plane after another day and night of unscrupulous dogging. Kissed several times.

And Song Yan didn’t realize this at all. When Qin Qing picked him up at the airport and asked him how his birthday was, he just said lightly: “It’s okay.”

relaxation and pleasure.

Looks like I made the right decision.

Whether it was to support Song Yan and Xia Zhiye’s decision to get together, or to make up her mind to tear up her face with Song Minghai and go to court, she felt that she had made the right choice.

In the past, her gentle and cowardly temperament would have chosen to live with Song Minghai, but now I see that I finally don’t have to be forced to learn piano and fencing, and I can happily have my own childhood Song Lele and Song Yan who finally came out of the haze, she felt that she could be stronger, fiercer and stronger.

So she told Song Yan a piece of news that might be good news: “I have decided to showdown with your father tonight to file for divorce, so don’t go home for the next few months, Just study hard in school, prepare for the college entrance examination, don’t think about anything else, just trust Aunt Tan, okay?”

Song Yan felt that these things were nothing to think about, he just wanted to study hard, take the college entrance exam well, and have a good future with Xia Zhiye, so he promised without any psychological obstacles.

“But… there is one more thing, aunt wants to ask your opinion?” Qin Qing asked with a gentle smile, “After divorce from your father, aunt will buy a new one The house, probably near Lele’s school, is very big and has a lot of rooms, so would you like your aunt to move your things there?”

Song Yan was stunned for a moment.

Aunt Qin smiled and said, “I know you don’t like a big family living together, and I also know that you should live with Xiaoxia, but girls still pay attention to marriage. As for your mother’s family, if you encounter any unhappy things, or when it’s a New Year’s holiday, there’s always a home you can go back to.”

Speaking, as if she felt too serious, her smile deepened: “Besides, you know Lele, this kid, I always can’t be too **** him every time. Strictly, he is only afraid of you and listens to your words, if you are gone, he is afraid that the sky will blow up, so I will save you a room and scare him, so you should help auntie.”

Lele is a little naughty, and her grades are too bad, but she is definitely a sensible child. Qin Qing said this because he wanted Song Yan to feel that he was needed and that he was rejected by this family. required.

Song Yan understands everything and everything.

If it was in the past, he may feel that his best choice is to reject this suggestion and keep the most alienated

But now he is not as sensible as he used to be, and he feels that sometimes it is not impossible to be greedy and cheeky to grasp those things that he really wants in his heart.

So he hooked the schoolbag on his shoulder with his right hand, clenched it slightly, and replied, “Well, good.”

“Come on for the college entrance examination.”

“Well, thank you Aunt Tan.”


The next three months were almost the hardest three months in Song Yan’s entire student life, until Xia Zhiye realized that if the college entrance examination was not over, he would only be Second room, study is the main palace that he will never be defeated.

Every night I study until 2 am, then get up at 6:20, wash and eat in the morning, and then show up in the classroom at 6:50 to start a new day of study.

Give up any recreational activities, put aside all distracting thoughts, fall asleep when exhausted, have no strength to even insomnia, eat whatever you have to eat, fill your stomach in a hurry, and have no time to be picky eaters.

Even the phone call with Xia Zhiye every weekend is always filled with the last big question of mathematics and physics and the figure of English cloze.

Trying to study for exams.

And Song Yan is indeed not short of money, and now this school does not have as high a scholarship as Huiying, even if he gets the top spot in the college entrance examination, he is only 30, and he is not as good as his current bank account for a year interest rate.

But it’s different.

The money was his mother’s money, it was given to him by others, not really his own.


This high-pressure life continued until June 7th.

When he arrived at the examination room on the school bus uniformly arranged by the school, he saw Qin Qing wearing a red cheongsam standing in the crowd holding sunflowers, smiling gently at him.

It was a scene he never expected.

Qin Qing, like all other parents, arranges his clothes for him, speaks words of encouragement and comfort in a warm voice, cheers for him, and wishes him a successful victory.

Before entering the examination room, he received a call from Xia Zhiye, and only smiled lazily: “Song Yan, do you think our champion banquet will be held in Beijing or Nanwu? Do? Or do each of them, directly with the wedding?”

“Stupid.” Song Yan scolded with a smile, “I’ll take the test first, anyway, Aunt Tan said, it’s not the top student in the college entrance examination who doesn’t deserve to enter our house, you can decide for yourself.”

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone and walked into the examination room with enough confidence, hope and a smile.

After walking into the exam room, he realized that this exam, which has always been regarded as the ultimate enemy of life by students, is nothing more than that.

Ordinary papers, ordinary questions, ordinary students, ordinary sunrise and sunset, ordinary bells ringing, and then they drew a picture with different values for their twelve years of hard work figurative period.

The numerical values are divided into three, six and nine grades, which are clear and strict. Only a difference of one point may be heaven and earth, but these numerical values divided into three, six and nine grades will not divide these teenagers in this way. life.

At least that’s how Shen Jiayan comforted herself.

After the college entrance examination, Xia Zhiye came to Beijing to find Song Yan.

The large room of the room with private bathroom and balcony was reserved for Song Yan.

The layout and decoration of the room are exactly the same as the original one, and nothing is missing, even adding a table and gaming chair of the same style beside Song Yan’s original computer desk, I don’t know Who is it for spare.

Anyway, when Xia Zhiye came over with his alien notebook, he felt very satisfied.

The old couple of the Qin family don’t come often. Song Lele usually lives in the school. Qin Qing is busy with re-establishing the company and has a lawsuit with Song Minghai.

So there are basically only Song Yan and Xia Zhiye in the whole big villa, nesting in the air-conditioned room, eating watermelon, ordering takeout, playing games, enjoying that they have no study, no exams and shameless A world of two people who have no skin, no shame, no shame, no discipline, no restraint.

I also went to Shen Jiayan’s house next door in the middle of the way, but I accidentally bumped into Zhou Ziqiu walking out of Shen Jiayan’s bathroom with only a bath towel and a corner of the maid’s clothes that was faintly exposed at the corner of the bed After that, he quietly quit, returned home, and never went there again.

Until the day of the college entrance examination, Shen Jiayan was so nervous that the whole brain system was already in disorder, and Zhou Ziqiu couldn’t control it at all.

He could only let him wear a dinosaur pajamas and hold a big doll, slip on his slippers, and ran to the door of Song Yan’s house, bang bang bang, “Song Yan Open the door! I know you are at home!! You have the ability to set a flag and you have the ability to open the door!!”

Song Yan was playing chicken with Xia Zhiye at home, but she was suddenly yelled at like this, her hands trembled, and they both died in the finals. Tired of taking a deep breath, the knuckles holding the mouse turned white with force. If this was Shen Jiayan’s neck, he would probably be dead.

Xia Zhiye rubbed his head in a soothing manner: “It’s okay, I’ll assassinate, I promise not to leave any traces.”

“Forget it, keep it.”

Song Yan’s face was paralyzed, he released the mouse, stood up, walked downstairs slowly, opened the door, looked down at the strange clothes outside the door and looked at Shen Jiayan, who was not very normal, and asked: “What’s up?”

“What are you talking about?! The college entrance examination results will be released soon! Are you not nervous at all!!” Shen Jiayan was so nervous that his throat was shaking, as if the end was coming.

And Song Yan just looked back lazily, looked at Xia Zhiye behind him, and said casually, “A score today?”

Xia Zhiye glanced at the phone: “Well, there is still half an hour.”

“Oh, I see.”

Song Yan replied casually, as if it was not a big deal.

However, after listening to the conversation between the two, Shen Jiayan only had question marks in his head: “???”


So these two people are playing in the dark day and night, forgetting even the important thing of the college entrance examination score?

Are they still human? !

“Are you really not nervous at all?” Shen Jiayan was incompetent and furious, “I know you have good grades, but what if you don’t do well in the exam! Song Yan, you are not determined Do you have the flag of the champion of the college entrance examination! Xia Zhiye, didn’t you set up the flag that you must be admitted to Peking University! Aren’t you afraid of being slapped in the face! What if you can’t be admitted to Peking University and Tsinghua University! Continue to another place!”

Shen Jiayan was dying.

The moment when he thinks that his college entrance examination results are coming out soon, how much pocket money he has in college every month and whether he can end a long-distance relationship with Zhou Ziqiu is coming, his calf is so nervous My stomach started to tremble.

Song Yan just leaned against the door frame and slowly threw out a sentence: “I can’t get into Peking University, what else can I study?”

The voice fell, and the audience fell silent.

Shen Jiayan slowly typed a question mark: “…?”

Is this what someone said?

Is this person really not beaten for so many years?

Is it true that he will not be attacked by the Internet?


Outright contempt!


A living provocation!

Show off.

Show off!

At that moment, Shen Jiayan couldn’t help clenching her fists, her face blushed, and she shouted fiercely: “Song Xiaoyan! I tell you! The score hasn’t come out yet, don’t be arrogant! You have the ability! Let’s check the score together! In case I score higher than you, remember to call my dad…”

“Clang clang clang clang…”

Song Yan’s cell phone rang before Shen Jiayan finished her harsh words with a cute look that she thought was fierce.

He glanced at the caller ID and made a ‘shush” gesture to Shen Jiayan, Shen Jiayan immediately calmed down and shut up.

Then I saw Song Yan press the speakerphone, and then a very magnetic male voice came from the receiver: “Hello, may I be Song Yan, I’m the admissions team of Peking University. Mr. Zhang. Yes, you left my contact information when the Qiangji Project was promoted. I was very impressed with you at that time. I just learned that your score this time is 721 points, which is a naked person in Beijing Science. The first score, congratulations on this, and then I want to ask if you are interested in our school’s major…”

The rest of the conversation, Shen Jiayan, gradually began to be incomprehensible.

What molecular, what engineering, what plan, are all fields that he has never understood.

He just remembered a cruel fact that he had forgotten – the real scholar never has to check the score by himself, so he is the only one who needs to be humble and nervous for half an hour to wait for the score check.


“Zhou Ziqiu! I will never play with Song Yan again!”

Shen Jiayan turned around and crashed into Zhou Ziqiu’s arms, shedding humble and sad tears belonging to the scumbag.

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