Divine Beasts And I Are Fated

Chapter 9

Chapter 8 Financial Crisis

After successfully conquering the future legendary Winter Bear, Ji An did not stay at the base any longer.

After leaving the breeding base with a winter bear breeding manual given by Li Ya, he was worried.

He had just casually flipped through a few pages of this manual, but there were not many pages.

The above mainly records some of the favorite foods of winter bears, the precautions for raising and cultivating winter bears, as well as the habits and basic ethnic information of the winter bear family.

At this time, what is worrying Ji An is nothing but the food for raising winter bears.

Cultivating imperial beasts, the cost of feeding is undoubtedly a large part of the cost.

The food needed by the imperial beasts is often some special ingredients that have mutated under the action of extraordinary power.

For example, among the favorite foods of winter bears recorded in the manual.

Including ice shrimp, ice black eggs, sweet grass milk and so on.

But among these foods, even the cheapest sweet grass milk cannot be afforded by Ji An’s financial resources.

Sweet grass milk is a kind of milk produced by cows of a lower extraordinary race.

Sweetgrass cows have no fighting power on their own.

Because the milk produced is very sweet and tastes like an evolutionary plant sweet grass, hence the name.

However, the milk it produces is rich in nutrients and is the best food for all kinds of beast cubs.

Even if ordinary people drink it for a long time, it can also play a role in strengthening the body and improving immunity.

The best supplement.

Favored by dignitaries.

But the price, naturally, and its efficacy are generally prohibitive for ordinary people.

Ji An carefully calculated his savings.

Even if all of it was used to buy sweet grass milk, it was estimated that it would be enough for Little Dongxiong for a month.

As for the ice shrimp and ice black eggs, Ji’an doesn’t even need to think about it.

Not to mention that these two things are not common in the market.

Ice shrimp, although they are not even low-ranking extraordinary creatures, they are also evolutionary creatures. It is conceivable how high the price of this ingredient is.

Ice mullet eggs are the eggs of another evolutionary creature, the ice mullet.

It is also not affordable for Ji’an.

At this time, his imperial beast, Little Dongxiong, could not help him share his worries at all.

That little guy has fallen asleep carefree in the mind domain.

Ji An took the little guy back home first, then took out most of his savings and went out to buy food for Little Dongxiong.

Sweet grass milk is sold in many large pharmacies in the surrounding towns. This milk is generally sold as a high-end supplement.

However, Ji’an does not plan to buy at these pharmacies.

To buy this kind of material that can be used to cultivate and raise imperial beasts, the beastmaster has another purchase channel.

Moreover, the price is also lower than those pharmacies, supplement stores.

However, Ji An had to go to the Beastmaster Association to register as a Beastmaster first.

To be precise, it is to register the identity of a most junior beastmaster.

Beastmasters are also graded.

The level of the beastmaster is linked to one’s own psychic power.

The strength of the spiritual power often corresponds to the level of the beastmaster that the beastmaster has conquered.

A powerful beastmaster can conquer higher-level beasts, and vice versa.

The level of beast-defense mentioned here is not a racial level that represents the potential of beast-defense.

Instead, it represents the evolutionary level of the specific strength of the beast.

The racial level of the beast, as mentioned earlier, is divided into extraordinary, lord, nirvana, disaster…

The lowest race is the extraordinary race.

The racial level is lower than the extraordinary creatures, and their minds are so weak that they cannot even sign a spiritual contract with humans.

The evolution level is the specific growth and evolution status of the beast, and it is a more accurate standard for measuring the comprehensive strength of the beast.

The evolution level is roughly the same as the racial level, except that there is an extra transformation level before the extraordinary.

Even the most powerful extraordinary creatures have weak childhoods.

Some lord-level imperial beasts are not even the opponents of adult lower-level extraordinary races in their infancy.

In the division of the evolutionary level of extraordinary creatures, the stage of infancy and growth is collectively referred to as the transformation level.

The metamorphosis-level extraordinary creature is going through the growth stage of growth and transformation from the infancy to the mature individual.

After humans awaken their spiritual power and successfully subdue the transformation-level beasts, they are considered the first level of the first level of the beastmaster system.

Disciple-level beastmaster.

Little Dongxiong is currently in the transformation stage.

Therefore, according to the distinction, Ji An is already a disciple-level beastmaster.

And transformation-level young extraordinary creatures will experience a full ten times of growth and transformation.

During the whole process of growth and transformation, the flesh and blood of extraordinary creatures will also be transformed into extraordinary bodies step by step.

Eventually transformed into an extraordinary life with an extraordinary body.

An injury that is fatal to ordinary creatures is no longer fatal to an extraordinary life body with extraordinary body.

This is the second evolution level after the transformation level, the extraordinary level!

Extraordinary beast.

It is not something that a disciple-level beastmaster can control.

It is necessary for the beastmaster to raise his spiritual power to the second level and become an extraordinary beastmaster before he can control it.

Otherwise, the strength of the spiritual realm will not be enough to accommodate the beast, and there may even be a situation where the beast breaks away from the spiritual contract.

As for the extraordinary beastmaster himself, in the process of evolution, he began to have extraordinary characteristics.

Although their bodies are far less powerful than extraordinary creatures, they have some extraordinary characteristics more or less.

For example, far stronger, more energetic, and more agile than ordinary people.

Therefore, the beastmaster at this level is also known as the extraordinary one!

Even with the continuous evolution, the extraordinary characteristics of the extraordinary will continue to improve, and finally, even the lifespan will increase.

Ji An, go to the Beastmaster Association now and register as a disciple-level Beastmaster.

With this status, he was able to buy “parity” materials that were only supplied to the beastmasters.

The Beastmaster Association is not far from the management meeting that he has been to.

It is an imposing building that occupies a larger area than the management will, but only has six floors.

As a branch of a super organization established across regions, the Beastmaster Association of Siege Towns has such confidence.

The registration of disciple-level beastmasters is far simpler than Ji An imagined.

After showing his ID card of the resident of the surrounding town, and summoning the little winter bear, who was still sleeping, from the spiritual realm.

Ji’an obtained the status of a disciple-level beastmaster who was registered in the besieged town.

And those goods that are only supplied to Beastmasters, Ji An can also purchase them through the Beastmasters Association.

After the Beastmaster Association placed the purchase order, Ji An just had to go home and wait for the delivery.

When Ji An left the Beastmaster Association.

Except for bringing back a disciple-level Beastmaster certificate issued by the Beastmaster Association.

He also rented several books related to beastmasters from the library of the Beastmaster Association, ready to make up for his lack of common sense knowledge of beastmasters.

Of course, none of these book rentals are free.

Three books, rented for seven days, cost Ji An more than 1,000 yuan.

This also made his wallet, which was already facing a serious crisis, even worse.

These three thick books cannot be delivered to the door, and Ji An needs to bring them back.

The Beastmaster Association’s delivery speed is surprisingly fast.

As soon as Ji An returned home, the delivery man knocked on his door.

The 20L sweet grass milk worth 30,000 yuan that he just ordered from the Beastmaster Association was tightly sealed in 20 jars.

1500 yuan/L, this is the price of sweet grass milk.

Without the status of a beastmaster, Ji’an could not stand the price of 2,000 yuan/L in the pharmacy.

A quarter of the difference.

Unfortunately, the purchase records of these materials are subject to strict filing and review.

Once an abnormality is found, not only will the purchase right be cancelled, but also huge compensation will be faced.

This also puts an end to Ji An’s way of making a fortune by reselling and making money as a middleman.

Ji’an took out one of the cans of sweet grass milk and unpacked it, ready to feed the little winter bears.

The remaining 19 cans continue to be packaged, which is the ration of Little Dongxiong for the next 20 days.

As for 20 days later, we can only take one step at a time.

These 20 jars of milk have already used up more than half of Ji An’s net worth, and the financial crisis has arrived ahead of schedule.

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