Divine Beasts And I Are Fated

Chapter 3

Chapter 2 Bounty

Surround the town.

It got its name from being surrounded by a high wall built around the entire town.

It was built in the tenth year of the new era.

It has only been seven short years.

The besieged towns were originally created by seven powerful beastmasters and the survivors who followed them.

Beastmasters banish the hordes of terrific creatures that gather around them, while their followers build towns.

Slowly, more and more survivors began to settle in the besieged towns, forming the scale of settlement of nearly 100,000 people today.

After the formation of the scale of the surrounding towns.

The seven beastmasters set up a committee of seven to manage the affairs of the entire besieged town.

Today, the former seven-member committee has developed into a surrounding town management committee.

And the former seven beast masters are still the highest level of the management association.

Ji’an’s parents were residents who settled in the surrounding towns earlier.

And Ji’an lived in the besieged town for ten years in his previous life.

It was not until four years later, in the twenty-first year of the new era, that the surrounding town was destroyed by an extremely powerful beast.

Ji An just wandered to another gathering place.

However, even if the two lifetimes add up, this is the first time Ji An has stepped into the door of the management council.

As an agency for the management of besieged towns with a population of nearly 100,000.

In the seven-story building of the Management Council, there are hundreds of people working in it.

Before entering the management meeting, Ji An was stopped by the security staff at the door.

“Stop! What are you doing!” A young security guard with live ammunition said gruffly to Ji An who was approaching the gate of the management meeting.

This man should be just an ordinary armed guard.

Obviously, the management committee is not rich enough to be able to guard the gate with a beastmaster.

Even the most junior disciple-level beastmasters have a high status in the besieged towns.

However, the dark muzzle of the K37 drone assault rifle in the hands of the security personnel can still give people enough deterrence.

As a “wanderer” who has wandered through dozens of gathering places.

Ji An could see the model of the weapon in the opponent’s hand at a glance.

Even, I have owned this inexpensive and durable weapon more than once.

Ordinary people want to wander in the wilderness, without one or two automatic firearms in hand, it is absolutely impossible to go far.

“Sir, I’m here to complete the reward mission.” Even if the other party’s voice was rough and close to scolding, Ji An was still polite and authentic.

In this age of life-threatening.

People who don’t know how to adapt to the laws of survival have already become a dead bone in the wilderness.

And one of the laws of survival is to remain humble in front of the strong.

“What reward?” Beside the young security guard who just spoke up, a middle-aged guard with a beard asked suspiciously.

He could tell at a glance that the ragged boy in front of him was definitely the poorest poor in the surrounding town.

What kind of bounty can such a person accomplish?

Recently, the management committee has not offered any bounty for wanted criminals, and there is no need for the residents to provide clues.

In addition to this kind of reward, many of the other rewards are easily fatal.

Even a big man like a beastmaster is difficult to complete.

He is very suspicious of this kid, just trying to sneak into the management will cause trouble.

If they disturb the big people inside, they will put people in without authorization, and they will inevitably be eaten and hung.

Ji An saw the suspicious expression on the man’s face, and knew that if he didn’t explain his intention, the other party would definitely not let him in.

He looked at the gate of the management meeting where people came in and out from time to time.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he immediately took out fist-sized, blue-red worm eggs from his shirt.

“Sir, it’s a reward for the eggs of the Red Sabre Mantis. These are the eggs I found by chance.” At the gate of the management meeting where people come and go, it is very unlikely that the two guards will dare to **** their belongings.

As for whether the other party recognizes that this is the egg of the red knife mantis.

Ji An is not worried.

After all, there is a reward on the notice board not far away, and the appearance of the red knife mantis eggs has been attached.

It’s almost the same as what’s in your hand.

Ji An’s voice just fell, and the faces of the two people who saw what Ji An was holding, whether it was the young guard or the beard, changed slightly.

The two people who guard the gate of the Management Council every day are naturally aware of the reward notice that has been posted for several months.

If no one completes it again, this bounty may be cancelled in two days.

Things have to start from nearly three months ago.

A red-knife mantis that somehow sneaked into the town from the wild was slaughtered by the beastmaster of the city guard.

The beastmaster of the guard team discovered that this powerful, high-ranking extraordinary creature had just been produced.

The eggs that the Red Saber Mantis just gave birth to have undoubtedly attracted the interest of many beastmasters.

Even many beastmasters deduced that the reason why the Red Sabre Mantis entered the town was probably to avoid natural enemies and find a safe place to produce.

That is to say, the eggs that the red knife mantis just gave birth to are likely to be in the besieged town.

Therefore, there are big people who have entrusted the management committee to issue a high reward.

But three months later, no one has completed the reward, and there is still no trace of the eggs of the Red Saber Mantis.

The big man in the management club’s reward department even overturned the initial guess, suspecting that the eggs of the red knife mantis were not in the city at all.

The appearance of the Red Sabre Mantis in the besieged town was just a coincidence.

But now…

The bearded middle-aged guard rolled his eyes and glanced at the worm eggs in Ji An’s hand, and a vague greed flashed past, and said to his companion: “I’ll take him to Mr. Pei Ling in the reward department, here you are. Look first.”

The young guard nodded and gave Ji An a complicated look.

The bounty offered for the eggs of the Red Knife Mantis Egg, even if he was a security guard who served in the management club, he couldn’t help but feel heartbroken when he saw it.

The things that are used to reward the Red Sabre Mantis are even more difficult to buy with money.

At this time, it was cheaper for a poor boy who surrounded the town.

“follow me.”

Ji An followed the middle-aged guards into the management council building without hindrance.

Soon he came to the reward department on the first floor of the building, and also saw Pei Ling who was mentioned by the other party.

This is an unassuming office on the innermost first floor of the building.

If it weren’t for the signboard of the Bounty Department hanging at the door, it would be hard to imagine that there is an independent department of the Management Council here.

The middle-aged guards said Pei Ling was a young woman who was not even a few years older than Ji An.

“Lord Pei Ling.” The middle-aged guard was surprisingly respectful in front of this woman.

“Liu Tong, what’s the matter?” Pei Ling obviously knew him. Looking at the two people in front of her, Pei Ling said in a lazy and authentic tone.

“Lord Peiling, someone has completed the reward for the Red Sabre Mantis, and I will bring him here.” Liu Tong quickly explained his purpose.

“Oh? Is that him?” Pei Ling looked at Ji An with interest.

Liu Tong nodded, and pulled Ji An, motioning him to come forward.

“What about the eggs?”

“Sir, here.” Ji An honestly took out the blue-red worm egg.

The middle-aged guard took the eggs from Ji An’s hand and respectfully handed them to Pei Ling.

Pei Ling opened her sleepy eyes, and a discerning person knew that she had just woken up.

However, Pei Ling’s eyes flashed with a different look when she saw that she took the eggs.

“Is this the egg of the Red Knife Mantis? It’s the first time I’ve seen it!”

Pei Ling pointed the eggs at the window on the side, and through the sunlight, the eggs appeared crystal clear, showing a halo of blue and red: “It’s really beautiful.”

Pei Ling watched for a while before realizing that there were two people waiting beside her. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

After some embarrassed coughing.

Pei Ling snapped her fingers.

Suddenly, a light wind blew across the room.

At this moment, the invisible and ignorant wind seems to have substance.

In the middle of the crowd, a portal composed of light cyan mysterious patterns was formed.

A figure as light as a breeze appeared in the portal, like an elf in mythology, slowly walking into the world through the dark passage of time and space.

This is a wonderful creature whose upper body is like a human female, and the lower body is composed of a small white tornado.

“Feng Lingji, go to the logistics department and take out Lao Dengtou’s vitality detector.” Pei Ling instructed her imperial beast.

“Ring bell!” The wind chimes chime-like cry rang out.

The door of the office was blown open by a gust of wind, Feng Ling Ji floated in mid-air and flew outside.


The wind chimes came back with an instrument the size of a chair.

The iron lump that looked extremely heavy was as light as a floating feather in Feng Ling Ji’s hands.


The instrument was slammed to the ground by Feng Chi Ji.

“Feng Chi Ji, can you be gentle, it’s time for those old men who broke me to talk about me again!” Pei Ling said dissatisfied, while turning on the instrument, opened the cover of the instrument, and put the eggs in her hands.

Press a switch on the instrument, and as the machine starts, soon, a row of values appears on the instrument screen.

At the same time, a smile appeared on Pei Ling’s mouth: “Very good, full of vitality, who, you have completed this reward.”

Ji An heard the words, and finally let go of half of the hanging heart.

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