Divine Beasts And I Are Fated

Chapter 20

Chapter 19 Unexpected Joy

The Beastmaster Association has a total of six floors.

The first floor is the area where the beastmasters evaluate and send rewards.

The second floor is the library of the Beastmaster Association.

The sixth floor and the rooftop are the venues for the duel of the beasts.

Lin Xue took Ji An and the others all the way to a dueling arena on the sixth floor.

This is a venue covering an area of 400 to 500 square meters.

It must be a little too small to accommodate the battle of the supernatural beasts.

But a transformation-level battle is more than enough.

“Master Ling, Mr. Ji, do you need to find a referee?” Lin Xue asked the two of them.

“This duel, let me and Mushroom Cat be the referee!” Ling Shuangyue was also interested at this time, and took the initiative to enter the field.

“Okay, then I’ll leave it to you, Shuangyue.”

“Don’t worry!” Ling Shuangyue patted her chest confidently.

Accompanied by a burst of colorful light flickering.

A round mushroom that could be more than half a meter high appeared at Ling Shuangyue’s feet.

The round cat face on the mushroom rod undoubtedly makes people recognize that this is a mushroom cat at a glance.

“The two sides began to summon the imperial beasts.” Ling Shuangyue took the mushroom cat to the center of the venue’s dividing line, looking authentic.

The light of summoning the imperial beast from the spiritual realm flickered at the feet of Ji An and the boy in white.

Xiaodongxiong and Heiluxiong, who had just been brought into the mind domain by the two, slowly appeared in the venue.

“Are you all ready?” Ling Shuangyue asked when she saw the figures of the two imperial beasts appear.

“Okay.” Ji An replied.

The boy in white frowned and said, “Wait first.”

“What’s the matter, Ling Haoyang, it’s just you!” Ling Shuangyue was a little unhappy when she heard the words, and she called out the boy’s name.

Ling Haoyang didn’t answer Ling Shuangyue, but asked Ji An, “Your little Dongxiong doesn’t seem to be in the best condition?”

Ji An was slightly taken aback by his question.

Little Dongxiong had just undergone high-intensity intense training in the morning, and his physical energy was a bit too much. Even after a few hours of hibernation, he still did not return to its heyday so quickly.

“Yes, the high-intensity training in the morning consumed some physical strength.” Ji An replied.

Ling Haoyang had such an expression as expected.

He didn’t take a closer look before, but at this time, he did see that the winter bear in front of him seemed to be a little tired and in poor condition.

Ling Haoyang groped for a while in his arms, took out something, and walked towards Ji An.

come closer.

Only then did Ji An see clearly what the other party was holding.

It’s a black ball.

On the black ball the size of a baby’s fist, some golden dots like fine starlight can be seen faintly, and it emits a fragrant aroma.

“This is Ujin Pill!”

“Since you are going to duel, it is only fair that your winter bear must be restored to its prime state. I will not take advantage of you, and will use it to restore your imperial beast to its state.”

Wujinwan, Ji An has never seen or used it, but he has heard of it!

This is a tonic pill developed for the beast, which can not only supplement the physical strength of the beast, but also provide a lot of nutrients, and the effect is far superior to sweet grass milk.

Of course, the price is naturally far more than that.

Even if it was purchased from the Beastmaster Association, the unit price of Wujin Pills was 10,000, and they were given away. Ji An was a little surprised by such a heroic approach.

“If that’s the case, then I’ll be disrespectful.”

Ji An didn’t mean to be polite either. He would not refuse anything that could improve the strength of Little Dongxiong.

He took Wujin Maru from the other party and handed it to Xiao Dongxiong.

“Little Dongxiong, eat it.”

Little Dongxiong took the Wujin Pill handed over by Ji An, put it in his mouth, crunched it, and swallowed it.

Secretly, Ji An explained to Little Dongxiong with a spiritual connection: “When entering hibernation, digest Wujin Pill first.”

Under Ji An’s orders, Little Dongxiong immediately sat on the ground in front of everyone’s eyes and entered a state of “hibernation”.

Soon he fell asleep.

Ling Haoyang looked thoughtfully at Little Dongxiong who was already asleep.

“Wait a minute, my little Dongxiong has mastered the “hibernation” skill, so that he can quickly digest the medicinal power and restore his physical strength.” Ji An explained to everyone, mainly the wealthy gold owner Ling Haoyang.

“Amazing, you have mastered intermediate skills.” Ling Haoyang admired his expression and looked forward to the next battle even more.

His Hei Lu Xiong has transformed three times, and he is an upper-level extraordinary race, and he has not yet mastered intermediate skills.

“It’s just a coincidence.” Ji An said in a low-key manner, but he kept staring at Xiaodongxiong, keeping an eye on Xiaodongxiong’s body data changes after taking Wujin Pills.

In fact, according to Ji’an’s opinion, it is best to keep this Wujin Pill after the battle, and then take it at home.

With Little Dongxiong’s “hibernation” skill, Meimei’s sleep will definitely be amazing.

However, the rich and powerful Ling Haoyang in front of him would definitely not allow him to take Wujinwan away.

According to the other party’s intention, this Wujin Pill is to be used to restore Little Dongxiong’s stamina and fight in a fuller state.

If you don’t use it now, the other party will probably take it back.

Time passed little by little, and Little Dongxiong was still sleeping soundly.

There was even a faint snoring sound.

Although a little impatient.

But everyone present could only wait.

Ten minutes later, the onlookers began to urge.

“Alright?” Ling Shuangyue asked.

“It’s coming soon.” Ji An delayed with a smile.

Based on his knowledge of Little Dongxiong’s “hibernation” skills, the longer it takes, the better UU reading www.uukanshu.com will digest supplements.

At this time, it is natural to delay.

Otherwise, wouldn’t it be a waste of 10,000 worth of supplements?

That was the equivalent of ten days of sweet grass milk.

Just like that, the wait is almost half an hour.

Until the gold master Ling Haoyang asked.

Ji An then nodded reluctantly: “Xiao Dongxiong, wake up!”

Following Ji’an’s call, the little Dongxiong, who was already lying on the ground and sleeping soundly, opened his eyes and slowly got up.

When Ji An saw Xiao Dongxiong’s information at this time, his heart was slightly happy.

Energy level: 32.5.

A Wujin Pill, before it was completely digested, made Xiaodongxiong a full energy level.

The effect is amazing.

At the current daily growth rate of Little Winter Bear.

At the end of the day, if there is no evolution level increase, it can only increase by about one energy level.

This time, the Hei Lu Xiong of the gold lord Ling Haoyang is also one energy level higher than Xiao Dong Xiong.

Ji An is confident in the next battle.

Ling Haoyang also swept Little Dongxiong with a fighter.

However, the combat instrument’s detection of energy levels, especially the energy levels of low-level imperial beasts.

It can only detect the general range, and it is not accurate to the decimal point, and there are errors from time to time.

Ling Haoyang could only see that Little Dongxiong’s energy level was around 30.

And like Ji An, he can’t see the specific value at a glance.

Therefore, the energy level change of Little Dongxiong was obviously not noticed by the other party.

Ps: Brothers, I was going to prepare for two shifts this morning. Unfortunately, my little guy at home always came to the study to find me, which delayed a lot of time.

There is one more time before three o’clock.

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