Divine Beasts And I Are Fated

Chapter 14

Chapter 13 Secret Weapon

The effect of chopping bricks for a day is still good.

After twelve o’clock, the scorching sun was in the sky, and Little Dongxiong, who liked the ice and snow environment, was obviously uncomfortable.

The “Ice” skill released by Little Winter Bear is enough to cover its entire paw.

Of course, only one can be covered.

If the right palm is covered, the left palm cannot be covered, and vice versa.

Ji An looked at the data on Little Dongxiong, who was drinking sweet grass milk quite comfortably, and was quite satisfied.

Although it was a sunny day today and I finished work more than half an hour earlier than yesterday, the training effect was no worse than yesterday.

After a morning of training, Little Dongxiong’s “hard ice” skill mastery increased by a full 7 points.

reached 15.

2 more than yesterday.

This undoubtedly made Ji An more confident in the brick-breaking training method he developed for Little Dongxiong.

In addition, raising 0.1 again to reach the energy level of 21.4 is also a pleasant surprise.

“After drinking, rest early to recover your physical strength.” After Xiao Dongxiong drank the last drop of milk, he didn’t stop for a moment, and went back to sleep in the spiritual realm.

Soon, a slight snoring sound came, which undoubtedly indicated that Little Dongxiong had fallen asleep.

Fall asleep really fast.

Ji An sometimes envies Little Dongxiong’s sleep quality.

After sending the little Dongxiong away, Ji An started the daily summary notes.

Although today’s training effect is not bad.

However, many problems have also been exposed.

Among them, the main problem is that due to his young age, Little Dongxiong is not strong enough to tolerate pain, and his willpower is still slightly weaker.

This also led to the lack of inner driving force of Xiaodongxiong.

Ji An thought about it.

These shortcomings of Little Dongxiong are ultimately attributed to the young Little Dongxiong, who has not yet had the heart of a strong man, or, in other words, has not yet had the heart of becoming a strong man!

Little Dongxiong is indeed talented.

But without the heart of the strong, relying on talent alone to become stronger is undoubtedly relatively slow.

Moreover, even if the strength becomes stronger, it is difficult to compete with opponents of the same level.

The strong have strong willpower.

There is no such thing as a weak and strong person with strength, facing such an opponent with a strong will, even if the strength is equal, there is absolutely no chance of winning.

For the gifted little winter bear.

In terms of willpower, better guidance is needed.

Otherwise, it is a silver pewter tip.

Fortunately, the little winter bear was only a cub.

And from birth to the present, he has been sleeping for most of the short period of less than half a year.

There is not much contact with the outside world, and their own character has not yet been shaped.

Plasticity is very strong.

Combining his knowledge of later generations and his knowledge of beast-controlling, Ji An began to formulate a training plan to give Little Dongxiong the “heart of a strong man”.

However, most plans have been cut.

At this moment, Ji An completely forgot that he hadn’t eaten lunch yet.

Sitting at the desk, I was busy until the evening.

Or meditate, or flip through a book for inspiration.

In the end, after writing, rewriting, and rewriting more than 20 pages of paper, only two or three pages of summary results were left.

Looking at the two or three pages of the final plan, Ji An nodded with satisfaction.

“Little Dongxiong, tomorrow is the starting point of your road to becoming a strong man!”

Ji An, who closed the notebook, felt a strong hunger strike suddenly.

“Gulu, Gululu…” The stomach bag that was finally remembered began to protest.

“I’m so hungry, do you want to go to a restaurant?” Ji An hesitated.

“Poor!” He flipped through his shriveled wallet.

“Forget it, let’s make it yourself.” Dragging his hungry body, Ji An finally returned to the kitchen and ordered himself a bowl of noodles.

However, in order to treat himself this time, Ji An added an egg to himself.

In order to save fuel, only boiled.

Ji An looked at the noodles with clear soup and little water in front of him, but his heart was full of pride: “Wait that I won’t be able to make money when my strength comes up?”

“When the time comes, who still eats boiled eggs and has to eat fried eggs?”

Although his mouth dislikes the boiled egg in front of him, his body is very honest. A piece of egg flower floating on the mouth of the bowl entered Ji An’s stomach in a few moments.

Soon, the last mouthful of noodle soup also entered Ji’an’s mouth.

“Train for seven days first, wait for the loan book to expire, go to the Beastmaster Association to return the book, and see if there is any way to make money.” This is not because Ji An hates his poor food.

But the food problem of Little Dongxiong also needs to be solved.

According to the amount of one can a day, the twenty cans of sweet grass milk here will not last long.

In addition, the food intake of Little Dongxiong will further increase with the improvement of strength.

And with the savings on hand, even if he didn’t eat or drink, he would at most let Little Dongxiong last for another ten days.

If the most basic financial crisis problem is not solved, my heart is still hanging.

While it was still early, Ji An ordered some money in his wallet and went out.

After it was completely dark, he hurried back with a box of things.

This box of things was carefully selected by Ji An for more than two hours.

It was also the secret weapon he planned to use to train Little Dongxiong’s strong heart the next day!

The next morning.

Ji An’s house is an old house with three bedrooms and one living room.

Of course, the old here is also relative.

After all, the entire surrounding town was built in just seven years.

Ji An’s house was built five or six years ago.

However, UU reading www.uukanshu. The new era of com is far less peaceful than the old era, but the exterior walls of houses that are five or six years old have already shown the appearance of war damage.

There are black marks burned by the flames of the flying beasts that were attacked, and there are also traces of repairs after being torn apart by the beasts.

These are traces formed over the years, but most of them appeared in the early years.

In recent years, the odds of beasts entering besieged towns have been much smaller.

The special feature of Ji An’s house is that the balcony in the living room is very large.

The balcony was also used by Ji An.

Many vegetables are grown.

Although it is fall, some fruits and vegetables are suitable for growing in this weather.

Ji An opened the curtain first.

The morning sun shines in, making the living room a little brighter.

The electricity supply in the surrounding towns is insufficient, and the electricity bill is not cheap, so Ji’an generally does not need electric lights if he can.

On the opposite side of the sofa in the living room against the wall, there is a square object placed against the wall, which is covered by a dustproof cloth.

Ji An lifted the dust cloth, revealing the antique TV inside.

Looking at the big-ass antique TV in front of him, Ji An’s eyes were quite sad.

He was only eleven years old when he moved with his parents to the surrounding town.

My parents were employees of the Siege Construction Company at the time, and they went out early and returned late all day.

In order to relieve my boredom, I specially bought this old-time product, a TV.

This TV also spent several happy spring, summer, autumn and winter with me.

Until his parents passed away, he went to an orphanage by himself.

Since then, he has never opened it again.

Because the memories of happy times sealed on this TV always make people feel sad.

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