Digitize: Rebirth of the Silver Death God

Chapter 199: Nero Vs Mikan

With a rumbling bang, a silvery colored magic power had crashed together with a greenish aura, both coiling around each other as the pavement around them started chipping away.

In seconds, the energies faded by a section, condensing around two figures that stood atop a battle platform, one having bright silver hair and a scythe held in the arm, reaching out behind him as the other was a pale skin youth with green hair and outstretched arms.

"That Wild Silver, to think that he's so strong," Judy said with a look of surprise on her face; she didn't think that the persons she looked down upon had such a presence.

"That's why you should never underestimate anyone, Judy," Kenra said, looking to be in a better state as his wounds have mostly healed.

"Indeed, his magic power is quite impressive..." Screwgelman said as he stood together with Yullia and Ian, observing the scene of the battle platform.

"Hehe, that little handsome never disappoints; it looks like his strength has improved by quite a bit," Yullia said as she noticed that despite the former clash of magic powers, Nero had maintained an indifferent manner. In contrast, for Mikan, sweat began to roll down his forehead.

'The young master surely knows his ways to find talented friends, but... even if suppressed by aura, I doubt that's the limit of that Poison Boy, he is, after all, a child of the Everdales,' Ian thought to himself as he looked at Avollo before fixing his eyes onto Nero then finally Mikan.

'Oh no, I don't know who to route for?' Elly thought with a look of dilemma on her face; Ivy bit her lips with an expression of discomfort, stuck with the same issue.

Unlike those in the vicinity of the Blood Steel Society, those talented figures such as Jillian, Kyle, and even Kailua Mei showed no major changes in expression. Still, as for Ashton, he narrowed his eyes slightly with discontent when looking at Nero, his thoughts unknown to anyone.

Much like Ashton, on the side of the Margrave family, Velmon had a flicker in his eyes, his lips curving into a smile as he saw Nero's scythe, but as for his father, Xellan, his demeanor turned cold, a vague killing intent rising as he stared at the shimmering scythe edge in Nero's arm intently.

'Like father, like son... hmph!'

By this time, Reil had already received a set of information from a close aid. His manner turned stern when he looked in Nero's direction. His eyes were showing traces of suspicion, even more so when he saw the scythe, but after a short time, he put away the details, keeping his thoughts to himself.

Unaware of Reil's and anyone else's thoughts, Nero, who stood before Mikan in his Mowing Twist stance, angled the edge of the scythe to the side. The cutter made a loud clink as it glistened sharply, his torso arched to the lowest point with his knees bent, and arm held straight out before him, his finger locking onto Mikan's form as his head faced that direction.

Mikan noticed Nero's movements; he didn't know what kind of method he was planning on using. Still, being in his position, he certainly wouldn't give him the initiative for the offensive.

Not bothering to wipe the running sweat from his forehead, Mikan's swallowed his spit that settled in his mouth, pushing down his nervous state of emotions. In this instance, his trembling arms hardened like stone, turning a shade of green as his magic power formed a haze that shrouded both hands.

"This for that time! Poison Cloud Fist!" Mikan shouted as his eye shrunk to the size of needles, his mind recalling the scene with Village Chief Pan. He leaped into the air and struck out a punch, causing a poisonous cloud-shaped fist to manifest before soaring towards Nero at great speeds.

"That fist, it's achieved a Combat Power of at least 400!" An onlooker said in surprise from an association.

"Indeed; it is the standard for a Level 10 Quasi Grater Monster; it looks like his Core Physique is also a Stage 9 Foundation. Other than those weapons of his, it's likely that his mastery of the Poison Cloud Fist aided him in barely pushing beyond his Combat Power beyond those limits. Truly talented, no wonder he's from the Everdale, well done!" Another person said with praise.

Avollo looked at this calmly, while Elly was a bit surprised. As for the target in question, Mikan had grown so strong that Nero looked at the incoming poison fist that corroded bits of the battle platform as it swept towards him mercilessly.

'It's not bad, but also lacking..." Nero muttered as his red pupils glowed sharply, his feet pressed against the ground as he invoked his Four Point Unity Steps, causing a force to pull his body forward at a speed no less than 130+ km/h.

With a swoosh, Nero had swept past the range of poison fist that soon after crashed into the stage. It then exploded into a gush of corrosive miasma that made sizzling noises as it eroded that sector of the platform, forming bits of steam.

"Brother, look out!" Ivy shouted from her location, finally picking aside from all her dilemma, noticing that Nero had closed in on Mikan with alarming speed.

Mikan, who had dropped from the air, knew that Nero had left the range of his attack, but rather than showing shock or fear, his eyes showed a sly look as despite launching his former attack, his other arm had remained clenched with a similar amount of power.

"You're fast, but I'm sure you didn't see this; eat my fist!" Mikan shouted as he punched Nero directly, launching another Poison Cloud Fist at full power.

With a devastating force, the point-blank attack seemed almost impossible to avoid as the giant miasma fist swept over Nero, looking as if it was about to swallow him alive.

"Nero!" Elly shouted in alarm; she saw how the portion of the stage hit by Mikan's attack had sizzled into pools of waste; how could she not fear for Nero's current predicament?

With a rush of magic power condensing around her legs, she prepared to jump onto the stage, but Avollo grasped her with his free hand, easily holding her in place despite her effort.

"Let go of me!" Elly yelled in anger as she glared at Avollo, her sweet-like manner nowhere visible as it seemed the tyrant within her was about to awaken.

Avollo chuckled as he remained in his leaned-back manner, his arm still holding on her slender wrist as he spoke while pointing at the battle platform.

"Huhu... you need to have faith in your lover; look, he's more than fine."

"What?" Elly said as she didn't hear the initial parts of Avollo's words; she looked at the battle platform with wide eyes at an unexpected scene, drawing the eyes of all who spectated from the room.

With a loud and sharp cutting sound, a horizon arc of silver energies swept outward, silencing the miasma fist into two parts, Mikan who had now fallen to the ground, looked at the dissipating Poison Cloud Fist in shock. Still, even before he could express it, another attack had followed, together with Nero's indifferent voice.

"Looks like this is your limit; since that's the case, I'll use only the twist..." Nero said as his figure appeared behind Mikan's; his body then revolved at such a high speed his form vanished from all sight.

When his body vanished, he left behind only the scythe edge of this scythe which chopped towards Mikan with alarming speeds, leaving a trailing line of threatening silver beam that inched towards his body ruthlessly. 

The battle seemed already decided, as Ivy looked on seriously while many others showed shock. But as for Mikan, his manner soon changed as if he didn't face an impending defeat, his lips curving into a smile as a change no one expected occurred. 

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